Fusion GPS wants Congress to fully release all of their testimony to Congress


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
it seems GOP politicians are releasing only tidbits of the 21 hours of testimony to three separate committees. The Congressional GOP released these tidbits to only far right media that are tiny and are misleading to the point beings conspiracy material.
The GOP knows how gullible their base is, I guess. :dunno:
Fusion GPS to Congress: Release our testimony
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it seems GOP politicians are releasing only tidbits of the 21 hours of testimony to three separate committees. The Congressional GOP released these tidbits to only far right media that are tiny and are misleading to the point beings conspiracy material.
The GOP knows how gullible their base is, I guess. :dunno:
Fusion GPS to Congress: Release our testimony
The way the GOP swamp has been covering for the orange loon is pretty unbelievable.

I look forward to the release of the transcript.
Let me get this straight, the fake news media releasing the fake Donald "dossier" is good, but Congress releasing portions of the Crooked Hillary financed fake research company's testimony who drafted the fake Donald "dossier" is bad. :p That said, the entire testimony should be released, the parts when the fat douchebags did not plead the 5th that is! :p

The two insane, Crooked Hillary-loving authors of the fake ass Donald "dossier" who have the fake company called GPS whatever are these two fat douchebags: Glenn R. Simpson and Peter Fritsch.
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it seems GOP politicians are releasing only tidbits of the 21 hours of testimony to three separate committees. The Congressional GOP released these tidbits to only far right media that are tiny and are misleading to the point beings conspiracy material.
The GOP knows how gullible their base is, I guess. :dunno:
Fusion GPS to Congress: Release our testimony

I think people just need to accept it, Republicans officially now treat fact and fiction exactly the same and they view all things as something to be spun to fit their batshit narrative on any subject.

They have embraced the lie like Golem embraced the Ring when he got his hands on it.
Thanks for the children's movie analogy to explain the fake "dossier!"
Fusion GPS to Congress: Release our testimony
Have the Fusion GPS witnesses who testified come down with amnesia? Did nobody from Fusion GPS (or their attorneys) take notes during the testimony? If they did, is there something prohibiting them from disclosing remarks their own personnel made? AFAIK, there is no legal proscription on witnesses sharing their own non-classified testimony, even witnesses in grand jury hearings can do that even though the proceedings of the grand jury are not by the government disclosed.

I doubt that anything Fusion GPS stated in their own testimony qualifies for classification on national security grounds because the "Fusion dossier" was produced by them as a tool for political opposition research, not by a government employee, such as a CIA analyst, composing an official intelligence report. Indeed, AFAIK, Fusion GPS have no security clearances.

Obviously, Fusion personnel are highly disincented, to misrepresent the letter or spirit of their testimony because, well, there is a transcript of it. Consequently, were Fusion personnel to publicize additional details about what they said in the hearings, there's little reason to think their attestations untrue for it's be easier 'n shootin' fish in a barrel to demonstrate otherwise.
They are angry of GOP Cherry Picking.

It's another clever Republican form of lying.

Republicans are so good at that.
it seems GOP politicians are releasing only tidbits of the 21 hours of testimony to three separate committees. The Congressional GOP released these tidbits to only far right media that are tiny and are misleading to the point beings conspiracy material.
The GOP knows how gullible their base is, I guess. :dunno:
Fusion GPS to Congress: Release our testimony

I think people just need to accept it, Republicans officially now treat fact and fiction exactly the same and they view all things as something to be spun to fit their batshit narrative on any subject.

They have embraced the lie like Golem embraced the Ring when he got his hands on it.

Most people have accepted for a long time that leftists always project. The fact that you treat fact and fiction as equivalent doesn't mean anyone else does so.
Let me get this straight, the fake news media releasing the fake Donald "dossier" is good, but Congress releasing portions of the Crooked Hillary financed fake research company's testimony who drafted the fake Donald "dossier" is bad. :p That said, the entire testimony should be released, the parts when the fat douchebags did not plead the 5th that is! :p

The two insane, Crooked Hillary-loving authors of the fake ass Donald "dossier" who have the fake company called GPS whatever are these two fat douchebags: Glenn R. Simpson and Peter Fritsch.

You do not understand English.
Your reply to this OP indicates that you don't understand English. Try again.

The OP was written by an illiterate you moron. Again, are you a high school drop out or not, you 'tard?

You should be the last person on USMB, to call anyone, an illiterate.
Your posts emulate, the fact that you are intellectual midget, just like the president, who you worship and thoughtlessy follow through a world of alternative facts and fantasy.

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