Future household income in 64 leading economies


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
The report’s analysis of future household income in 64 leading economies was conducted in collaboration with Oxford Economics.
It suggests that 87 percent of the additional 124 million households that become part of the world economy in the 10 years to 2020 will be in emerging economies, representing at least US $8.5 trillion of additional household income.
Among the examples of the pace and diversity of growth revealed by the analysis:

  • Despite China’s size and growth rate, 21 other emerging economies – including Poland, Colombia, Malaysia, Nigeria and Kazakhstan – had a greater number of households with an annual income above US$50,000 in 2010.

  • China was ranked 28th among countries with household incomes of at least US$30,000 in 2010. However, by 2020, it is expected to overtake all but the US, Japan and Germany.

  • Among emerging markets, Turkey will see the greatest absolute increase in household income from households earning at least US$50,000 by 2020, a rise of almost 150 percent to US$635bn.

  • Other less familiar countries will offer significant opportunities. By 2020, for example, the number of households in Kazakhstan with incomes of at least US $50,000 is expected to more than double to 770,000, more than the combined number of households with incomes of that level in Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Pakistan and Egypt.

Accenture Newsroom: Accenture Study: Majority of Companies Say They Must Rethink Their Capabilities To Secure Growth in Emerging Markets
I seriously have to question that study. More households in Nigeria had $50,000 incomes than in all of China? Given the discrepancy in wealth, and population, I don't think that this would be possible.

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