G a s o l i n e

It's $4.20 for premium here in Phoenix. My car gets 15 mpg city and I don't care. I'm not changing a thing about how I drive. I just put a deposit on a 2013 Ford Mustang GT-500, 650 horses of pure gas guzzling fun.

How ironic. I'm sitting here watching Muscle Car on Spike TV. They are customizing a 74 dodge. Enjoy your new toy!
Gas prices are set by the market, not the President. If you don't like the price of gas, stop buying it and find some other alternative. I fill up for less than $10 and get 60 miles to the gallon.
Will we now? How many interstate bridges have already collapsed? What is the condition of our interstate highways?

You people never cease to amaze me. You are the first to scream when something is not being done, but at the same time, cut off funds for those projects. Remember, it was your parties great example of fiscal sanity that had us engaged in two wars, then cut taxes.

Yes, we will, since The Highway Trust fund, like Social Security, are favorites of law makers to- shall we say- borrow from. Currently only 75% of those taxes are actually being spent on maintaining road ways- So I'll be generous and ask for a moratorium on 25% of the taxes for one year- because unlike you, I understand that the economy is in a very fragile state and regressive taxation like gas tax hurts the working class! This means instead of yammering on we actually need to take action-

That Obama does not do anything of real and immediate relief underscores either his ineptitude or his unwillingness to do so for ideological reasons.

Your stupid "you people" comment is only proof of your head being stuck in its 3rd point of contact for too long~

Nice way not to debate though and just play ad hom games in message board traffic- really, so very clever~
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Gas prices are set by the market, not the President. If you don't like the price of gas, stop buying it and find some other alternative. I fill up for less than $10 and get 60 miles to the gallon.

Is that why he was demanding the other day of Congress to take away 'subsidies' from them [read tax breaks where they keep MORE of thier own money, as every corporation gets by the way]...?

But yet Obama was leading the charge against Bush when prices rose in a part of his term, and Bush dealt with it by issuing more permits...and the prices fell?

Some of you are easily led by the nose by Obama...

Gas prices are set by the market, not the President. If you don't like the price of gas, stop buying it and find some other alternative. I fill up for less than $10 and get 60 miles to the gallon.

I don't like the prices at all but your rubberband toy car can't do my job so stick your elitist attitude in your battery compartment.
You sound so sophisticated- /sarcasm

4 things

drill baby drill ( this adds to future surplus and has the added bonus of domestic jobs~)

regulate repatriated investment from the foreign futures market where speculation has added to the cost

a 1 year moratorium on federal gas tax

build the pipeline. (same as the first)

How's that for free market solutions?... I know I know were going to get more sophisticated dingleberries moments :(

A one year moritorum on gas tax?
How will we pay to maintain our roads?
Increast the debt?

Most of the revenue from the federal gasoline excise tax is paid into the Highway Trust Fund. The Fund uses the money for federal highway and bridge improvements. This is a useful tool for increasing employment in the construction sector, especially during the summer.

Deficit Reduction
A significant amount of federal gas revenue goes into the General Fund, which helps reduce the annual federal budget deficit. For example, in 1990, a new tax of 2.5 cents per gallon was instituted on rail transportation. Proceeds went into the General Fund during the five-year duration of the program.

Public Transportation
About a third of federal gas tax revenue in the Highway Trust Fund also goes toward subsidizing local public transit projects. The argument for a highway fund being used for mass transit is that it reduces the number of drivers on the roads. Jonathan Williams of the Tax Foundation, among others, has argued that this is an inefficient use of highway funds, although more efficient than many earmarks that federal gas tax revenue has been used for.

Read more: What Are Federal Gas Taxes Used For? | eHow.com What Are Federal Gas Taxes Used For? | eHow.com

We have cut social security tax for employees, how do you think that is going to impact that in the future?

Well since SS is set to bankrupt itself- a year or two earlier is hardly going to matter ~ Personally that was a lame move- A better move would have been to just send tax payers the money used for government speculating in companies like Solyndra- yeah.
your rubberband toy car

It's not a car.

can't do my job

So who's fault is that? Nobody is forcing you to do the job you do. If you don't like it, go find another job. You're not entitled to gasoline at whatever price you want it.

so stick your elitist attitude in your battery compartment.

It's not an elitist attitude. It's the conservative attitude that you all love to apply almost anywhere else, except when it no longer suits you.
You sound so sophisticated- /sarcasm

4 things

drill baby drill ( this adds to future surplus and has the added bonus of domestic jobs~)

regulate repatriated investment from the foreign futures market where speculation has added to the cost

a 1 year moratorium on federal gas tax

build the pipeline. (same as the first)

How's that for free market solutions?... I know I know were going to get more sophisticated dingleberries moments :(
'Clever' doesn't mean educated. Read up before spouting off:

U.S. Gas Exports Force Drivers Into Bidding War With Mexico At Pump

Yes, sure, Mr. "It's Wall Street"... Yeah, that's the answer. Just keep repeating it like a good little liberal parrot and you just might get our government to give you the crumbs of another mans cracker~
So, what about the link? Did you get someone to read it to you?
One of the original goals of Mr Carter's Department of Energy Organization Act was to reduce US dependence upon foreign energy (oil).

Yeah, that worked out so well that 35 years later, Solyndra is now a leading energy producer. <sarcasm intended>
Good thing we can count on the existence of government bureaucracy to make everything better, let's put them in charge of medical insurance and see what happens in 35 years.

And then Ronnie Raygun came in and dismantled everything Carter tried to do - even dismantling the solar panels Carter had installed at the White House!
Hey fuckstick: gas was a lot lower when Clinton left office. $1.09 in Florida and $0.99 in Georgia.

So Bush raised it 400%. Obama hasn't come close to that.

You really are a retard. :lol:

January of 2001 the national average for a gallon of gas was$1.54. Not sure what state levels were, but Florida and Georgia seem very low.

Ports. We have ports where some of this comes in. ;)
You mean the U.S. ports that Bush The Lesser tried to sell to the Arabs?
your rubberband toy car

It's not a car.

can't do my job

So who's fault is that? Nobody is forcing you to do the job you do. If you don't like it, go find another job. You're not entitled to gasoline at whatever price you want it.

so stick your elitist attitude in your battery compartment.

It's not an elitist attitude. It's the conservative attitude that you all love to apply almost anywhere else, except when it no longer suits you.

I love my job. And your contraption you drive is not for a working man, its for a grunt. And your attitude on the matter is very much elitist. You could not survive if real working men didn't have the gas guzzling engines they do to deliver your goods to you.

Now go check your flintstone mobile and make sure the wind hasn't blown it away.

And just to clue you in there is NOTHING conservative about telling someone to change jobs if they don't like gas prices or can't do their job out of one of your toy vehicles. In fact its very liberal.
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'Clever' doesn't mean educated. Read up before spouting off:

U.S. Gas Exports Force Drivers Into Bidding War With Mexico At Pump

Yes, sure, Mr. "It's Wall Street"... Yeah, that's the answer. Just keep repeating it like a good little liberal parrot and you just might get our government to give you the crumbs of another mans cracker~
So, what about the link? Did you get someone to read it to you?

The link had nothing to do with what I was commenting on- You know- "what the president can do to influence prices"

I know it suits you more to change the conversation to make it be what you want it to be. There were already other posts in this thread dealing with exports- you could have linked them up.

But since you want to discuss exports- and we can all see a temper tantrum beginning to develop if you don't get your way- I can be the grown up and discuss a point you want to make- just let me hear what it is first.
Gas prices are set by the market, not the President. If you don't like the price of gas, stop buying it and find some other alternative. I fill up for less than $10 and get 60 miles to the gallon.

I don't like the prices at all but your rubberband toy car can't do my job so stick your elitist attitude in your battery compartment.
You couldn't tow a trailer with a fuel efficient vehicle? I see lawn service guys do it all the time, and they are pulling lawn tractors and all their lawn gear on them.
your rubberband toy car

It's not a car.

So who's fault is that? Nobody is forcing you to do the job you do. If you don't like it, go find another job. You're not entitled to gasoline at whatever price you want it.

so stick your elitist attitude in your battery compartment.

It's not an elitist attitude. It's the conservative attitude that you all love to apply almost anywhere else, except when it no longer suits you.

I love my job. And your contraption you drive is not for a working man, its for a grunt. And your attitude on the matter is very much elitist. You could not survive if real working men didn't have the gas guzzling engines they do to deliver your goods to you.

Now go check your flintstone mobile and make sure the wind hasn't blown it away.

Courtesy of Fred's two feet....:doubt:
A one year moritorum on gas tax?
How will we pay to maintain our roads?
Increast the debt?

Most of the revenue from the federal gasoline excise tax is paid into the Highway Trust Fund. The Fund uses the money for federal highway and bridge improvements. This is a useful tool for increasing employment in the construction sector, especially during the summer.

Deficit Reduction
A significant amount of federal gas revenue goes into the General Fund, which helps reduce the annual federal budget deficit. For example, in 1990, a new tax of 2.5 cents per gallon was instituted on rail transportation. Proceeds went into the General Fund during the five-year duration of the program.

Public Transportation
About a third of federal gas tax revenue in the Highway Trust Fund also goes toward subsidizing local public transit projects. The argument for a highway fund being used for mass transit is that it reduces the number of drivers on the roads. Jonathan Williams of the Tax Foundation, among others, has argued that this is an inefficient use of highway funds, although more efficient than many earmarks that federal gas tax revenue has been used for.

Read more: What Are Federal Gas Taxes Used For? | eHow.com What Are Federal Gas Taxes Used For? | eHow.com

We have cut social security tax for employees, how do you think that is going to impact that in the future?

Well since SS is set to bankrupt itself- a year or two earlier is hardly going to matter ~ Personally that was a lame move- A better move would have been to just send tax payers the money used for government speculating in companies like Solyndra- yeah.
Wow, you are a veritable fount of misinformation. :lol:
Yes, sure, Mr. "It's Wall Street"... Yeah, that's the answer. Just keep repeating it like a good little liberal parrot and you just might get our government to give you the crumbs of another mans cracker~
So, what about the link? Did you get someone to read it to you?

The link had nothing to do with what I was commenting on- You know- "what the president can do to influence prices"

I know it suits you more to change the conversation to make it be what you want it to be. There were already other posts in this thread dealing with exports- you could have linked them up.

But since you want to discuss exports- and we can all see a temper tantrum beginning to develop if you don't get your way- I can be the grown up and discuss a point you want to make- just let me hear what it is first.

The link proves that we have enough gas to keep prices a lot lower. Prices are supposed to go up when there is higher demand and lower supply. The link shows that we have so much supply that we are exporting gas at record levels.

It blows away all of your talking points.
So, what about the link? Did you get someone to read it to you?

The link had nothing to do with what I was commenting on- You know- "what the president can do to influence prices"

I know it suits you more to change the conversation to make it be what you want it to be. There were already other posts in this thread dealing with exports- you could have linked them up.

But since you want to discuss exports- and we can all see a temper tantrum beginning to develop if you don't get your way- I can be the grown up and discuss a point you want to make- just let me hear what it is first.

The link proves that we have enough gas to keep prices a lot lower. Prices are supposed to go up when there is higher demand and lower supply. The link shows that we have so much supply that we are exporting gas at record levels.

It blows away all of your talking points.

Not really. Demand is the highest its ever been globally because of emerging economies in the east. Oil is sold on a global market. And that market is growing rapidly. Thus more drilling and more refineries would have an impact.
The link had nothing to do with what I was commenting on- You know- "what the president can do to influence prices"

I know it suits you more to change the conversation to make it be what you want it to be. There were already other posts in this thread dealing with exports- you could have linked them up.

But since you want to discuss exports- and we can all see a temper tantrum beginning to develop if you don't get your way- I can be the grown up and discuss a point you want to make- just let me hear what it is first.

The link proves that we have enough gas to keep prices a lot lower. Prices are supposed to go up when there is higher demand and lower supply. The link shows that we have so much supply that we are exporting gas at record levels.

It blows away all of your talking points.

Not really. Demand is the highest its ever been globally because of emerging economies in the east. Oil is sold on a global market. And that market is growing rapidly. Thus more drilling and more refineries would have an impact.

*Read CHINA* Our largest debtor...
The link had nothing to do with what I was commenting on- You know- "what the president can do to influence prices"

I know it suits you more to change the conversation to make it be what you want it to be. There were already other posts in this thread dealing with exports- you could have linked them up.

But since you want to discuss exports- and we can all see a temper tantrum beginning to develop if you don't get your way- I can be the grown up and discuss a point you want to make- just let me hear what it is first.

The link proves that we have enough gas to keep prices a lot lower. Prices are supposed to go up when there is higher demand and lower supply. The link shows that we have so much supply that we are exporting gas at record levels.

It blows away all of your talking points.

Not really. Demand is the highest its ever been globally because of emerging economies in the east. Oil is sold on a global market. And that market is growing rapidly. Thus more drilling and more refineries would have an impact.
Focus, Grampa. Why are we exporting record amounts to other countries while our gas is at $4.00?

Why aren't we keeping that gas here to make prices go down for Americans?
Why isn't there pressure from the Right on Republican House members to eliminate oil speculation on Wall Street?

The House can actually do something about gas prices. The President Of The United States has no legislative power, no matter who is President.

He's been spouting off at the mouth. about coal, about gasoline, about energy in general. you should tell him to drill baby drill.. he's so darn stupid.

What about the question I asked? It's bolded, for the aged.

Do you think speculation raises the price?
If so, please explain how. Thanks!

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