G7 leaders call for ‘thorough review’ of besieged WHO amid questions about coronavirus, pro-China bias


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019
score one for trump leadership

The leaders recognized that the G7 nations annually contribute more than a billion dollars to the World Health Organization (WHO), and much of the conversation centered on the lack of transparency and chronic mismanagement of the pandemic by the WHO,” the White House statement said. “The leaders called for a thorough review and reform process.”
Awesome that's what we need, the other countries to speak up. This cannot continue to be the US vs China. It is the world vs China.

While we can stop funding we really need the rest of the world to back us up.
If they dont China will keep doing what they are doing with no repercussions.
They need to pay the world back for their deception.
score one for trump leadership

The leaders recognized that the G7 nations annually contribute more than a billion dollars to the World Health Organization (WHO), and much of the conversation centered on the lack of transparency and chronic mismanagement of the pandemic by the WHO,” the White House statement said. “The leaders called for a thorough review and reform process.”

Only because America is with holding cash. These governments have plenty of low performing leeches who are working with W.H.O that need the cash. Ditto for U.N and W.T.O.

These nations have become less interested in civil liberties and morals, and more concerned with how to pad their bank account. It hasn't done well for our security, economy or freedoms.
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G7 leaders call for ‘thorough review’ of besieged WHO amid questions about coronavirus, pro-China bias

Please provide your source :)-

BTW: A trump quote won't fly
score one for trump leadership

The leaders recognized that the G7 nations annually contribute more than a billion dollars to the World Health Organization (WHO), and much of the conversation centered on the lack of transparency and chronic mismanagement of the pandemic by the WHO,” the White House statement said. “The leaders called for a thorough review and reform process.”
It appears there may not be much agreement with about the WHO from G7 leaders according to The Guardian (US addition) I didn't know if FOX and the pres were giving a balanced truthful view, so I very quickly found this, after also reading Trudeau had voice support for the organization.
G7 backing for WHO leaves Trump isolated at virtual summit
Leaders voice strong support for UN agency after US suspension of its funding

Donald Trump found himself isolated among western leaders at a virtual G7 summit, as they expressed strong support for the World Health Organization after the US’s suspension of its funding.
Health officials around the world have condemned the US president’s decision to stop his country’s funding for the UN agency, amid a crisis that has left more than 2 million people infected and almost 140,000 dead.
On Thursday, G7 leaders voiced their backing for the WHO and urged international co-operation. Immediately after the hour-long conference call, a spokesman for Angela Merkel said that the German chancellor had argued that “the pandemic can only be overcome with a strong and co-ordinated international response”. The spokesman said Merkel “expressed support for the WHO as well as a number of other partners”.
It appears there may not be much agreement with about the WHO from G7 leaders according to The Guardian (US addition)
Oh. Is that the same World Health Organization that tried to help China cover up news about
the Corona Virus in Wu Han and how Taiwan had alerted the WHO to the dangers of the emerging Covid 19 virus but since China pretends Taiwan does not exist WHO didn't bother paying any attention?

Your comment says more about the Globalist swine in the G7 then it does about Trump's decision to
seriously take up the issue of the WHO and how they are a puppet to Xi Jinping and his ruthless totalitarian

Trump IS displaying real leadership with this issue but some people are so stupid and self destructive they
would rather poke Trump in the eye than hold the monsters responsible for a global pandemic to account.

What a bunch of soulless gutless cretins we have on the left side of our political aisle.
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It appears there may not be much agreement with about the WHO from G7 leaders according to The Guardian (US addition)
Oh. Is that the same World Health Organization that tried to help China cover up news about
the Corona Virus in Wu Han and how Taiwan had alerted the WHO to the dangers of the emerging Covid 19 virus but since China pretends Taiwan does not exist WHO didn't bother paying any attention?

Your comment says more about the Globalist swine in the G7 then it does about Trump's decision to
seriously take up the issue of the WHO and how they are a puppet to Xi Jinping and his ruthless totalitarian
Take it up with the G7 or maybe influence trump to drop out of that international body. I just did not want the people on the board to get the impression that FOX reporting on donnie was supported by G7, just because he said they were going to launch and investigation. Didn't seem fair and balanced.
Take it up with the G7 or maybe influence trump to drop out of that international body. I just did not want the people on the board to get the impression that FOX reporting on donnie was supported by G7, just because he said they were going to launch and investigation. Didn't seem fair and balanced.
Okay, then you will take the word of far left socialist UK rag the Guardian but not Fox News.
That says it all. I will take my own citation of a CNN piece showing how the WHO is facing real criticism
in the wake of the Corona virus disaster as the tie breaker then.

If you think Trump is NOT showing great and couragous leadership standing up against the corrupt WHO then that says much about you.
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If you think Trump is NOT showing great and couragous leadership standing up against the corrupt WHO then that says much about you.
Eric Arthur Blair, Below is what that article actually said, which is NOT what Trump said

China struggles to return to work after the coronavirus lockdown 02:26

"We appreciate the seriousness with which China is taking this outbreak, especially the commitment from top leadership, and the transparency they have demonstrated," Tedros said, in comments that would be repeatedly quoted in China's state media for weeks.

Days later, the WHO declared a global public health emergency, and once again Tedros praised Beijing's response.

While China did act quickly following Xi's intervention, placing several major cities on lockdown and pouring resources into the battle against the virus,
it has maintained tight control over information about the virus and efforts to control its spread have veered on the side of draconian.

The WHO's praise of China's response have led critics to question the relationship between the two entities. The UN agency relied on funding and the cooperation of members to function, giving wealthy member states like China considerable influence. Perhaps one of the most overt examples of China's sway over the WHO is its success in blocking Taiwan's access to the body, a position that could have very real consequences for the Taiwanese people if the virus takes hold there.

"I know there is a lot of pressure on WHO when we appreciate what China is doing but because of pressure we should not fail to tell the truth," the WHO director said. "We don't say anything to appease anyone. It's because it's the truth."

Tedros added that "we are giving qualified recognition and actually my call is, please, let's recognize as a world, as a globe what China is doing and help them and show solidarity."
Take it up with the G7 or maybe influence trump to drop out of that international body. I just did not want the people on the board to get the impression that FOX reporting on donnie was supported by G7, just because he said they were going to launch and investigation. Didn't seem fair and balanced.
Okay, then you will take the word of far left socialist UK rag the Guardian but not Fox News.
That says it all. I will take my own citation of a CNN piece showing how the WHO is facing real criticism
in the wake of the Corona virus disaster as the tie breaker then.

If you think Trump is NOT showing great and couragous leadership standing up against the corrupt WHO then that says much about you.
I did actually find more quotes from G7 leaders besides the Guardian article. Don't actually know that much about the Guardian, but multiple leader quotes from multiple sources? Maybe everyone is out of step but little FOX News Donnie? Suggest you do not do an internet search with search argument G7 leaders speak out about WHO with of time frame of Last Day. Heaven forbid you try it naming G7 countries or leaders, Says nothing about me except I like news from multiple sources before I will believe it.
England’s view of trump

>Geribaldi - 16 Apr 2020 21:31:55 (#272 of 272)

> Have to love Garden's childish political point scoring as people are dying
You have the sheer fucking gall to say that given the performance of people like Trump, and his acolytes here like Dan, Ant, and indeed yourself.
You really are campaigning for shitbag of the century, except that your leader
I inserted- (Dump) and team mates represent such able competition..
NOTtheTalk - CV in the US (USA)


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