Gabbard: Trump offers to Pimp out our Military to his Saudi masters

I personally believe the draft is a great thing for this country. Everybody in Israel is drafted.

Well, then, your choice is simple.

"I, TULSI GABBARD, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

This is the oath of office that Tulsi Gabbard took when she voluntarily joined the U.S. Military.

Evidently Gabbard was / is not intelligent enough to understand what she signed up for, or her personal political aspirations have surpassed her commitment to the military and the oath of office she took.

Her Superior Officers and her Commander and Chief do not 'PIMP' U. S. Military personnel - they GIVE ORDERS, and those military personnel are expected to obey those orders. It seems Gabbard chose the right political party, as Democrats repeatedly demonstrate they believe laws, rules, oaths of office, etc... do not apply to them.

If Gabbard can not be entrusted to obey the military oath that she took when she voluntarily joined the military then she can in no way be entrusted to adhere to / fulfill the oath of the office of the President.
Those who insist on unending Wilsonain global interventionist wars could reasonably deemed domestic enemies.
Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Trump hasn't done anything yet so what is she talking about....she seems a little presumptuous to be commander and chief....

Maybe not....But this is the kind of talk that gets his attention...Rand Paul's more cerebral approach doesn't seem to be working.

God Emperor should appoint her as NSA.

I like Tulsi but most of her policies really suck....and NOT in a Harris way.


She has no life experience that would qualify her to run a corporation much less a country....

You don't really need a lot of qualifications to understand that what we are doing is failing.

17 years in Iraq...........this was brought on by those with "qualifications".

The rules for what you see in our military deployments today were written and became doctrine by Progs in control during the 1940's. All of those agreements to protect others that spread and spread to engulf the world. So Nato and Seato and Phuko, Harpo, Groucho and Zeppo rule the land now. There is a price to be paid for sucking on the tit.
Obama 'pimping out' our military to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans

"Al Qaeda" didn't slaughter anyone on 911. Zionism did.

you're so full of shit you smell it continents away..

are you saying 9/11 was a false flag in which US-gov trained Muslim agents flew planes right into several civilian targets in the US?
or is your bullshit more subtle than that?
And who could have guessed that dudes like you would still keep making excuses to get boys killed in Afghanistan and Iraq, who weren't even born yet when 9/11™ happened?

So that's your justification for // defense of Obama 'pimping out' our military to Al Qaeda, the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans, to help them murder another nation's leader - one who was helping US-Coalition forces fight terrorists in Northern Africa - and to help them take over the country for their own?


Dude, I am not making excuses for anyone, and I am sure as hell not attempting to play 'Monday Morning Quarterback' more than a decade later regarding why we went in to Afghanistan. And the fact that we went into Afghanistan and the reasons why we did have absolutely ZERO to do with the fact that Obama 'pimped out' our military to Al Qaeda.

You remember that Military Oath I posted earlier, the same one Tulsi Gabbard took when she joined the military? I took the same one, you pathetic douche bag, and when I was told to go - EVERY TIME in my 30 year career - I obeyed the orders of my superiors and my Commander and Chief, whether that was Bush, Clinton, or Obama. I did not publicly attack my Commander and Chief, did accuse him of being a 'PIMP' - any of them - for sending me to fight in some of the most god-awful places on this planet....

So you can take your little theatrical tantrum / distraction attempt and shove it up your ass.
I make no defense at all for it....But you seem perfectly happy to continue in his footsteps.

And you are making excuses for neocon assholes, who would expand WIlsonian interventionism and spread the military even thinner than they already are.

Once again, it sucks to be you.
Instead of addressing the facts presented to you, how you were schooled after claiming this President is all about trying to enrich himself when the fact is he has donated his pay, you ignored that and made it a point to 'attack' the agencies / entities to whom he has donated his money.

The only truth in our communication is the one I laid on you, bitchboy.

I make no defense at all for it....But you seem perfectly happy to continue in his footsteps.

And you are making excuses for neocon assholes, who would expand WIlsonian interventionism and spread the military even thinner than they already are.

Once again, it sucks to be you.

He's just another statist bootlicker. You can go over to Billy Kristol's web site and pretty much read what ol easy has to say. lol.

I lost any respect I had for easy when he politicized his service a few posts back. He must think he's the only one. Heh heh. That's a naw naw. Shouldn't do that. Nope. Huh uh.
are you saying 9/11 was a false flag

Yup, me, more than half of all Americans, Putin, who oh by the way was spying on us that day, the French, the Swedish.... just about everyone with a working brain on planet Earth and an IQ over 5, which excludes all pro Israel American "christians."

US-gov trained Muslim agents flew planes right into several civilian targets in the US?

That's as pathetic as it is sad. Let's go over the "replay."

North Tower - exploded from within, not hit by anything external
South Tower - hit by 767 with cargo hatch on center bottom of fuselage - not the passenger version - almost certainly a CIA drone, as the CIA did purchase 767 cargo planes.
Shanksville - nothing, a ditch, some junk dumped in the ditch, doused with gasoline and set on fire
Pentagon - cruise missile - beyond obvious
"Al Qaeda" didn't slaughter anyone on 911. Zionism did.

Barry didn't 'pimp' the military out to Al Qaeda

A film-maker from California was responsible for the 'Protest' in Benghazi

Barry, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, did not invade Syria, dragging the US into another help terrorists

Bill never had sex with 'THAT' woman

Attempting to destroy thousands of subpoenaed official documents is not 'Obstruction'

Former CIA Director Brennan standing before Congress and admitting he committed perjury and illegally spied on the Senate is not an admission of guilt of a crime

Ilhan Omar is not an anti-Semite

Joose ARE the reason for all the world's problems

Barry didn't 'pimp' the military out to Al Qaeda

When Col Osman became Osama after the Soviets left Afghan, he raised money in Israel for an orphanage = Al Qaeda.

The main purpose was to have a "terrorist" to blame for the CIA/Mossad's false flagging. First was the USS Cole, clearly hit by a missile....

Who did it??

ME ME ME ME ME said Col Osman....
Former CIA Director Brennan standing before Congress and admitting he committed perjury and illegally spied on the Senate is not an admission of guilt of a crime

Because Brennan is a full fledged 911 ZIONIST TRAITOR.... and hence above US law....
are you saying 9/11 was a false flag

Yup, me, more than half of all Americans, Putin, who oh by the way was spying on us that day, the French, the Swedish.... just about everyone with a working brain on planet Earth and an IQ over 5, which excludes all pro Israel American "christians."

US-gov trained Muslim agents flew planes right into several civilian targets in the US?

That's as pathetic as it is sad. Let's go over the "replay."

North Tower - exploded from within, not hit by anything external
South Tower - hit by 767 with cargo hatch on center bottom of fuselage - not the passenger version - almost certainly a CIA drone, as the CIA did purchase 767 cargo planes.
Shanksville - nothing, a ditch, some junk dumped in the ditch, doused with gasoline and set on fire
Pentagon - cruise missile - beyond obvious

oh shit, here we go.

you're INTERPRETING (and making huge false flag accusations at the same time) events on 9/11, and probably all along the modern timeline (since WW1 or so, when zionists first got the idea of modern Israel into reality),
which are notoriously hard to interpret and prove decades later.

however, even IF part of the official US narrative on the war on terror and how it got started, is a false flag *by* various previous US administrations, whether conciously or not, whether driven by groups like the rich, the zionists, etc, etc,

then it's still an often proven fact that many Muslims hate all things western and Israeli in ways so intense that you'll try all sorts of verbal bullshit as some kinda form of psychological warfare.

however, there's plenty of people like me, who don't even reply to your bullshit because they recognize it as such,

especially when guys like you want to "go over the replay" and force-feed us your interpretation of the histories of nations and peoples.
however, even IF part of the official US narrative on the war on terror and how it got started, is a false flag *by* various previous US administrations, whether conciously or not, whether driven by groups like the rich, the zionists, etc, etc,

then it's still an often proven fact

that you want a US war with Iran and you don't care how many lies you have to tell to get one....

JET FUEL burns at 600F.

Molten steel is 2200F.

WHERE did the additional 1600F come from???

I dunno if you two are spinning the thread out of whack just to get it moved to the basement or not, but if it does shortly get moved, I'm looking at you two.

I've noticed that's a popular pastime around here when certain topics come up. And it's always soembody or some people who pop outta the woodwork all a sudden.
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Those who insist on unending Wilsonain global interventionist wars could reasonably deemed domestic enemies.
Did you write that bullshit yourself, or did you see it on a bathroom wall and decide to steal if for yourself?

Once again we have an anti-Colonialist, Blame-the-US-For-Everything, 'Obama-daddy' Impersonator who wants to see the US eliminated as a world power / influence...surrendering to China on our knees so we can buy cheap crap and allowing Iran to control / restrict international shipping through the Strait of Hormuz, attacking its Middle Eastern neighbors, hurting nations - allies and not - all around the globe, and negatively affecting the world's economy...while lecturing how ALL OF THAT is still somehow Trump's / the US' fault...


Not long ago Trump-Haters were warning how Trump, like Barry did in Syria and with Al Qaeda / Libya, was going to drag us into another War because he is such a 'war-monger'...until after Trump ordered the US military to stand down because of 'unequal proportionality' (let me know if you need me to explain the term to you). THEN they called him a coward and 'The Mullah's bit@h' for NOT striking Iran. NOW, this week, we are back to Leftists / snowflakes calling him a 'war-monger'.

Whenever 911 truth shows up.... Zionist Traitors spring into action.



Batman music playing....
easyt65 actually LOVES OBAMA. He has no interest in whether or not Obama is a closeted homosexual, or whether or not his entire presidency was compromised by his status of being IN THE CLOSET.

easyt65 knows ISRAEL used the CLOSET to compromise Obama on the truth about 911, and that is all easyt65 cares about, keeping America in the DARK about the TRUTH of the ONLY COUNTRY easyt65 cares about....
First was the USS Cole, clearly hit by a missile....
What branch of the service were you in, and how long did you serve? Did you see combat? Have you ever seen damage to a USN ship perpetrated by a Swift Boat Attack (do you even know what one is)? Have you ever seen the result of a missile strike on a USN ship up close before? ....or are you just regurgitating what you have been told or what you THINK you know?
Here you go, easyt65....

a "boat" must have caused that hole.... through 1 foot of steel....

A real metallurgist might actually suggest the object that caused that hole was going a LOT FASTER than a BOAT....

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