Gabbard: Trump offers to Pimp out our Military to his Saudi masters

are you saying 9/11 was a false flag

Yup, me, more than half of all Americans, Putin, who oh by the way was spying on us that day, the French, the Swedish.... just about everyone with a working brain on planet Earth and an IQ over 5, which excludes all pro Israel American "christians."

US-gov trained Muslim agents flew planes right into several civilian targets in the US?

That's as pathetic as it is sad. Let's go over the "replay."

North Tower - exploded from within, not hit by anything external
South Tower - hit by 767 with cargo hatch on center bottom of fuselage - not the passenger version - almost certainly a CIA drone, as the CIA did purchase 767 cargo planes.
Shanksville - nothing, a ditch, some junk dumped in the ditch, doused with gasoline and set on fire
Pentagon - cruise missile - beyond obvious

oh shit, here we go.

you're INTERPRETING (and making huge false flag accusations at the same time) events on 9/11, and probably all along the modern timeline (since WW1 or so, when zionists first got the idea of modern Israel into reality),
which are notoriously hard to interpret and prove decades later.

however, even IF part of the official US narrative on the war on terror and how it got started, is a false flag *by* various previous US administrations, whether conciously or not, whether driven by groups like the rich, the zionists, etc, etc,

then it's still an often proven fact that many Muslims hate all things western and Israeli in ways so intense that you'll try all sorts of verbal bullshit as some kinda form of psychological warfare.

however, there's plenty of people like me, who don't even reply to your bullshit because they recognize it as such,

especially when guys like you want to "go over the replay" and force-feed us your interpretation of the histories of nations and peoples.

I do not at all believe LADAIRIS, but yours is not an acceptable argument.
You can't claim that that Muslims hate all things western, that it has been proven, or that many western things are corrupt and should not be hated, even by westerners.
The reality is that Moslems simply are MORE ethical, not less, and that the west is MORE corrupt and profit motivated, not less.

The basic problem is that the west created Israel artificially and illegally by simply giving the latest weapons to Zionists, while blockading any weapons at all to the Palestinians.
After deliberately violating the principles of justice,. law, and rights, then nothing the west claims or does can be believed or trusted. It is like the US claiming Iraq had dangerous WMD and terrorist ties.
There is no credibility.

Anyone who tries to use logic, can only conclude the Muslim tend to be the good guys, so far.
Whenever 911 truth shows up.... Zionist Traitors spring into action. BAN!!! CENSOR! MOVE THE THREAD!!!!! Batman music playing....
Ban? Censor? Who has tried to do that to you? SERIOUSLY need help....professional help.
that you want a US war with Iran and you don't care how many lies you have to tell to get one....

JET FUEL burns at 600F.

Molten steel is 2200F.

WHERE did the additional 1600F come from???

ehm, things heat up, the longer a fire keeps going in an enclosed space.

molten steel is 2200F, but the weight of a sky skraper, even just a "few" floors worth, makes metal bend and shear (break) at much lower temperatures.

try to get at least your basic science right, if you're gonna be a misinforming troll :p
First was the USS Cole, clearly hit by a missile....
What branch of the service were you in, and how long did you serve? Did you see combat? Have you ever seen damage to a USN ship perpetrated by a Swift Boat Attack (do you even know what one is)? Have you ever seen the result of a missile strike on a USN ship up close before? ....or are you just regurgitating what you have been told or what you THINK you know?

We can debate each and every issue on the docket, but you and your side will whine to the mods and censor/ban/move thread.

My abilities in science are documented with some of the most important people in the US. What hit the USS Cole was going way faster than 200mph, the fastest a boat can go (on a flat pond with no waves and no wind).
Here you go, easyt65....

a "boat" must have caused that hole.... through 1 foot of steel....

A real metallurgist might actually suggest the object that caused that hole was going a LOT FASTER than a BOAT....

That is a good point because the metal is all bent inward, so the damage could not have been done by explosives, but kinetic energy. Although it does seem large for a missile?
Ban? Censor? Who has tried to do that to you?

Oh, gosh, nobody, but my threads have an unusual habit of suffering mass censorship and being deleted and or moved....

It happens because of Gawd.... who does everything, not Zionist Traitors like you who hate the truth I post....

Veterans Today
are you saying 9/11 was a false flag

Yup, me, more than half of all Americans, Putin, who oh by the way was spying on us that day, the French, the Swedish.... just about everyone with a working brain on planet Earth and an IQ over 5, which excludes all pro Israel American "christians."

US-gov trained Muslim agents flew planes right into several civilian targets in the US?

That's as pathetic as it is sad. Let's go over the "replay."

North Tower - exploded from within, not hit by anything external
South Tower - hit by 767 with cargo hatch on center bottom of fuselage - not the passenger version - almost certainly a CIA drone, as the CIA did purchase 767 cargo planes.
Shanksville - nothing, a ditch, some junk dumped in the ditch, doused with gasoline and set on fire
Pentagon - cruise missile - beyond obvious

oh shit, here we go.

you're INTERPRETING (and making huge false flag accusations at the same time) events on 9/11, and probably all along the modern timeline (since WW1 or so, when zionists first got the idea of modern Israel into reality),
which are notoriously hard to interpret and prove decades later.

however, even IF part of the official US narrative on the war on terror and how it got started, is a false flag *by* various previous US administrations, whether conciously or not, whether driven by groups like the rich, the zionists, etc, etc,

then it's still an often proven fact that many Muslims hate all things western and Israeli in ways so intense that you'll try all sorts of verbal bullshit as some kinda form of psychological warfare.

however, there's plenty of people like me, who don't even reply to your bullshit because they recognize it as such,

especially when guys like you want to "go over the replay" and force-feed us your interpretation of the histories of nations and peoples.

I do not at all believe LADAIRIS, but yours is not an acceptable argument.
You can't claim that that Muslims hate all things western, that it has been proven, or that many western things are corrupt and should not be hated, even by westerners.
The reality is that Moslems simply are MORE ethical, not less, and that the west is MORE corrupt and profit motivated, not less.

The basic problem is that the west created Israel artificially and illegally by simply giving the latest weapons to Zionists, while blockading any weapons at all to the Palestinians.
After deliberately violating the principles of justice,. law, and rights, then nothing the west claims or does can be believed or trusted. It is like the US claiming Iraq had dangerous WMD and terrorist ties.
There is no credibility.

Anyone who tries to use logic, can only conclude the Muslim tend to be the good guys, so far.

you claim to think independently, but you are just as stubbornly misguided, possibly misinformed by your peers, as LaDairis ..

your very statements prove you think you are superior to Israelis and westerners.

you'll deny any false doing by Muslims, too.

so it's utterly pointless to be talking with you.
That is a good point because the metal is all bent inward, so the damage could not have been done by explosives, but kinetic energy. Although it does seem large for a missile?

Just a bomb outside the ship would've left a big dent but no hole.

One of my friends is a metallurgist for the Marines. He said the object was going at least 500 mph, a typical speed for an anti-ship missile.
Here you go, easyt65....

a "boat" must have caused that hole.... through 1 foot of steel....

A real metallurgist might actually suggest the object that caused that hole was going a LOT FASTER than a BOAT....

I notice you did not answer any of my questions regarding your service or experience in regards to combat / such damage...... And since you did not provide a link to your metallurgist and his professional combat diagnosis, I am quite sure you have no idea if he has ever been in the military, ever seen combat, and ever personally witnessed such an attack or aftermath 1st hand....

(Before becoming more triggered and rushing to respond, don't forget to breathe... :p )
molten steel is 2200F, but the weight of a sky skraper, even just a "few" floors worth, makes metal bend and shear (break) at much lower temperatures.

try to get at least your basic science right,

So, the additional 1600 degrees is now explained as "but the weight of a sky skraper" LOL!!!!

IT is amazing that every standing skyscraper doesn't just MELT RIGHT NOW.....
.........Gabbard is speaking her mind, one of the things those of us who actually served fought to protect...yet you attack her for doing so...hmmm

Everyone is free to speak their mind. I attack people who say stupid shit, especially when it is ex-military calling our Commander in Chief a "bitch". Its rude, ignorant, its a lie, and if she were active duty she could be prosecuted under Article 88:Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
You seem to think it is funny that Israel got away with 911 to date, that scum like Epstein and Steyer became billionaires cheering as Americans burned to death a few blocks away....

That's why you hide your treasonous bullshit behind a Captain America sign...

You aren't Captain America.

You are Captain ISRAEL....

and your 2001 investments need to be re-checked....
You seem to think it is funny that Israel got away with 911 to date, that scum like Epstein and Steyer became billionaires cheering as Americans burned to death a few blocks away....

That's why you hide your treasonous bullshit behind a Captain America sign...

You aren't Captain America.

You are Captain ISRAEL....

and your 2001 investments need to be re-checked....
No, I think it is extremely sad that you are trapped in this huge world of conspiracy, irrationally lashing out and attacking anyone who does not share our delusions....
Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Trump hasn't done anything yet so what is she talking about....she seems a little presumptuous to be commander and chief....

Maybe not....But this is the kind of talk that gets his attention...Rand Paul's more cerebral approach doesn't seem to be working.

God Emperor should appoint her as NSA.

I like Tulsi but most of her policies really suck....and NOT in a Harris way.


She has no life experience that would qualify her to run a corporation much less a country....

You don't really need a lot of qualifications to understand that what we are doing is failing.

17 years in Iraq...........this was brought on by those with "qualifications".

We need to change the way we fight wars...we don't fight to win we fight to change minds and hearts that will never change....
Those who insist on unending Wilsonain global interventionist wars could reasonably deemed domestic enemies.
Did you write that bullshit yourself, or did you see it on a bathroom wall and decide to steal if for yourself?

Once again we have an anti-Colonialist, Blame-the-US-For-Everything, 'Obama-daddy' Impersonator who wants to see the US eliminated as a world power / influence...surrendering to China on our knees so we can buy cheap crap and allowing Iran to control / restrict international shipping through the Strait of Hormuz, attacking its Middle Eastern neighbors, hurting nations - allies and not - all around the globe, and negatively affecting the world's economy...while lecturing how ALL OF THAT is still somehow Trump's / the US' fault...


Not long ago Trump-Haters were warning how Trump, like Barry did in Syria and with Al Qaeda / Libya, was going to drag us into another War because he is such a 'war-monger'...until after Trump ordered the US military to stand down because of 'unequal proportionality' (let me know if you need me to explain the term to you). THEN they called him a coward and 'The Mullah's bit@h' for NOT striking Iran. NOW, this week, we are back to Leftists / snowflakes calling him a 'war-monger'.

Blablablabla....You blather on and on and on like Bill Krisol's ventriloquist dummy.....Same tired out old "tough guy" globalist shit....Problem being that you need others to be tough for you, while you cower behind your keyboards.

Progressives (yes, you are a fucking closeted progressive) have always been proven wrong and failed in the end.....Still sucks to be you.
No, I think it is extremely sad that you are trapped in this huge world of conspiracy, irrationally lashing out and attacking anyone who does not share our delusions

Your HEBREW to ENGLISH translation software just fucked up again, Zionist....

Zionists have a strategy for Truthers.
Never debate them, since they have TRUTH and Zionists do not.

Attack them, call them names, toss cards, and then whine to the mods for censorship....

After all, Zionists want you to believe this was NOT a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION....


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