Gabbard: Trump offers to Pimp out our Military to his Saudi masters

Yes..yes we do. It appears that we are slow to learn this...Russia knows this..and has changed the battlefield. These proxy fights need to stop..let the Middle East figure it out..or not. I see Saudi Arabia and Israel in the same light. Theocracies struggling to pit the big guys against their enemies.

Then we need energy independence for us and the free world...supplied by us...but we won't get there with windmills....Drill Baby Drill.....
We need to change the way we fight wars...we don't fight to win we fight to change minds and hearts that will never change....
We fight to be perpetual occupiers.....It's the progressive do-gooder way.
That is true but that doesn't mean we sit back and allow thug nations to try and destroy the worlds economy....the next time they may do real and lasting damage....
Which also means that we get correct and verified information before lobbing bombs all over the place, which didn't happen with Assad, in Iraq, and numerous other stupid military actions.....It also means that you come home when the war is over....The only place Murica has fully left since the end of WWII has been Vietnam.
First of all I dislike the Bush family maybe more than you do...and the nation was in great shape until Clinton's plan to give everyone a home loan whether they could afford it or not came back and bit us in 2008...then Obama didn't know how or didn't want to get us out of the recession....Trump turned things around in 6 months with tax breaks and regulation cuts....You are a hater of Israel and you don't even have a good reason....

President Calls for Expanding Opportunities to Home Ownership
There is a huge difference from calling for it than from threatening banks to loan money to people that could not qualify....

Clinton's Legacy: The Financial and Housing Meltdown

No one was threatened. It was a quid pro quo. Restrictions were removed and in return the banks made the loans and this was all a very bipartisan program.
Read it dummy....
Clinton's Legacy: The Financial and Housing Meltdown

It was 100% wrong on Clinton's part to roll back regulations and that is one of his biggest legacies but the bubble built under Bush. This was a very bipartisan thing.
I don't disagree with I said...Bush was a fool...led by a fool that looks like the Pillsbury dough boy....
First of all I dislike the Bush family maybe more than you do.

I worked for HW's campaign in 92. HW was a great American and a good President with a terrible Congress.

W is flat out the worst traitor in American history, and he did personally sell out my life repeatedly. For the rest of my life, I will do everything possible to tell Americans the truth of his treason, the full extent of it, right down to selling out our deployment in Afghan with the Axis of Evil comment.

and the nation was in great shape

in 2000 when W was elected. All W had to do was govern as a fiscal conservative and a patriotic American. He went 180 degrees the other way on both....

then Obama

is 100% part of W's legacy of wrecking and selling out America.

and being a closeted homosexual, Obama was easily bullied into covering up 911 and the rest of it....

rump turned things around in 6 months with tax breaks and regulation cuts

Yeah, never mind that our debt is now $22 trillion, not $5 trillion. "Republicans" today don't even consider FISCAL CONSERVATISM to be important anymore, since most would flunk a 5th grade math course and never hear anything about debt and solvency from their Zionist preachers or Fox....

You are a hater of Israel

Zionist Traitors never fail to toss a card at the end of every post....
There is a huge difference from calling for it than from threatening banks to loan money to people that could not qualify....

Clinton's Legacy: The Financial and Housing Meltdown

No one was threatened. It was a quid pro quo. Restrictions were removed and in return the banks made the loans and this was all a very bipartisan program.
Read it dummy....
Clinton's Legacy: The Financial and Housing Meltdown

It was 100% wrong on Clinton's part to roll back regulations and that is one of his biggest legacies but the bubble built under Bush. This was a very bipartisan thing.
I don't disagree with I said...Bush was a fool...led by a fool that looks like the Pillsbury dough boy....

My only point is the mess was a very bipartisan issue. Ron Paul was one of the few that got it right.
Which also means that we get correct and verified information before lobbing bombs all over the place, which didn't happen with Assad, in Iraq, and numerous other stupid military actions.....It also means that you come home when the war is over....The only place Murica has fully left since the end of WWII has been Vietnam.

Yep. Agreed. Throw in a Declaration of War, I'd add.
We need to change the way we fight wars...we don't fight to win we fight to change minds and hearts that will never change....
We fight to be perpetual occupiers.....It's the progressive do-gooder way.
That is true but that doesn't mean we sit back and allow thug nations to try and destroy the worlds economy....the next time they may do real and lasting damage....
Which also means that we get correct and verified information before lobbing bombs all over the place, which didn't happen with Assad, in Iraq, and numerous other stupid military actions.....It also means that you come home when the war is over....The only place Murica has fully left since the end of WWII has been Vietnam.
I we just allow nations to attack the life blood of the free world because we have blown it in the past?...I don't think so....
I like Tulsi but most of her policies really suck....and NOT in a Harris way.

She has no life experience that would qualify her to run a corporation much less a country....

You don't really need a lot of qualifications to understand that what we are doing is failing.

17 years in Iraq...........this was brought on by those with "qualifications".
We need to change the way we fight wars...we don't fight to win we fight to change minds and hearts that will never change....

We should understand it's not our place to change people.
I agree now what does that have to do with Iranian thugs attacking the worlds economy?...

Why is the word "combat" in the same picture with that druggie?
Yes..yes we do. It appears that we are slow to learn this...Russia knows this..and has changed the battlefield. These proxy fights need to stop..let the Middle East figure it out..or not. I see Saudi Arabia and Israel in the same light. Theocracies struggling to pit the big guys against their enemies.

Then we need energy independence for us and the free world...supplied by us...but we won't get there with windmills....Drill Baby Drill.....
I disagree with the 'supplying the free world' shyte. Ensure our lights stay on and the traffic moves. Let the slight pinch we will feel then spur some innovation..and let tech solve the problem of energy. The rest of the world..they can ride with us..or not..I don't care.
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It was 100% wrong on Clinton's part to roll back regulations

The LEFTIST SPIN on the housing disaster is that "regulations" were rolled back...

In truth, it was 100% about Uncle Sam guaranteeing mortgages of buyers who could not pay. That is what made Franklin Raines hundreds of millions of dollars, and ended up costing us $2 trillion.

A FISCAL CONSERVATIVE would never have done any of that.
First of all I dislike the Bush family maybe more than you do.

I worked for HW's campaign in 92. HW was a great American and a good President with a terrible Congress.

W is flat out the worst traitor in American history, and he did personally sell out my life repeatedly. For the rest of my life, I will do everything possible to tell Americans the truth of his treason, the full extent of it, right down to selling out our deployment in Afghan with the Axis of Evil comment.

and the nation was in great shape

in 2000 when W was elected. All W had to do was govern as a fiscal conservative and a patriotic American. He went 180 degrees the other way on both....

then Obama

is 100% part of W's legacy of wrecking and selling out America.

and being a closeted homosexual, Obama was easily bullied into covering up 911 and the rest of it....

rump turned things around in 6 months with tax breaks and regulation cuts

Yeah, never mind that our debt is now $22 trillion, not $5 trillion. "Republicans" today don't even consider FISCAL CONSERVATISM to be important anymore, since most would flunk a 5th grade math course and never hear anything about debt and solvency from their Zionist preachers or Fox....

You are a hater of Israel

Zionist Traitors never fail to toss a card at the end of every post....

The Bush men were all hinged at the waist...the Bush women had more guts then the men....
or so we were told.

And if we "were told" anything by W's "intel," which was really the MOSSAD and George Tenet, we were always being LIED TO by ZIONISTS.

Saddam had 20 metric tons of yellowcake he could not enrich. Why would he want more from Niger?

A: he didn't. Tenet forged the document. That's what Valerie Plame discovered.
First of all I dislike the Bush family maybe more than you do.

I worked for HW's campaign in 92. HW was a great American and a good President with a terrible Congress.

W is flat out the worst traitor in American history, and he did personally sell out my life repeatedly. For the rest of my life, I will do everything possible to tell Americans the truth of his treason, the full extent of it, right down to selling out our deployment in Afghan with the Axis of Evil comment.

and the nation was in great shape

in 2000 when W was elected. All W had to do was govern as a fiscal conservative and a patriotic American. He went 180 degrees the other way on both....

then Obama

is 100% part of W's legacy of wrecking and selling out America.

and being a closeted homosexual, Obama was easily bullied into covering up 911 and the rest of it....

rump turned things around in 6 months with tax breaks and regulation cuts

Yeah, never mind that our debt is now $22 trillion, not $5 trillion. "Republicans" today don't even consider FISCAL CONSERVATISM to be important anymore, since most would flunk a 5th grade math course and never hear anything about debt and solvency from their Zionist preachers or Fox....

You are a hater of Israel

Zionist Traitors never fail to toss a card at the end of every post....

The Bush men were all hinged at the waist...the Bush women had more guts then the men....
Senior had a brain..and some guts--i think he was just bit evil...LOL! Junior was a fraud chasing his Dad's legacy. That, in the end, is why we went into Iraq and occupied it.
Yes..yes we do. It appears that we are slow to learn this...Russia knows this..and has changed the battlefield. These proxy fights need to stop..let the Middle East figure it out..or not. I see Saudi Arabia and Israel in the same light. Theocracies struggling to pit the big guys against their enemies.

Then we need energy independence for us and the free world...supplied by us...but we won't get there with windmills....Drill Baby Drill.....
I disagree with the 'supplying the free world' shyte. Ensure our lights stay one and the traffic moves. Let the slight pinch we will feel then spur some innovation..and let tech solve the problem of energy. The rest of the world..they can ride with us..or not..I don't care.
We are not an Island...this isn't the 1700' it or not we are connected to the free world economically....guess what?...we have computers and I phones too!....
Junior was a fraud chasing his Dad's legacy.

W was a great example of what happens when the eldest son is raised in an environment where he is rewarded for lying.

HW = authentic war hero
W = draft dodging National Guard AWOL case
HW = cared about AMERICA
W = cared about ISRAEL
HW = left America ready for the prosperity of the 1990s
W = wrecked America by selling and porking out
Senior had a brain..and some guts--i think he was just bit evil...LOL! Junior was a fraud chasing his Dad's legacy. That, in the end, is why we went into Iraq and occupied it.
Sr was geared to undo Reagan's presidency...Sr was a swamper and didn't like Reagan....Sr was a creature of the intel world....he got us into the first Iraq war for nothing...he was a very stupid man....
That, in the end, is why we went into Iraq and occupied it.

Karl Rove was really the functioning President. The plan was to use the 911 fraud to take out Iraq, Iran and Afghan. In the end, it was HW who told W that if he invaded Iran from Iraq, he would be at war with Iran.... and 60% plus of Iraq.....
Yes..yes we do. It appears that we are slow to learn this...Russia knows this..and has changed the battlefield. These proxy fights need to stop..let the Middle East figure it out..or not. I see Saudi Arabia and Israel in the same light. Theocracies struggling to pit the big guys against their enemies.

Then we need energy independence for us and the free world...supplied by us...but we won't get there with windmills....Drill Baby Drill.....
I disagree with the 'supplying the free world' shyte. Ensure our lights stay one and the traffic moves. Let the slight pinch we will feel then spur some innovation..and let tech solve the problem of energy. The rest of the world..they can ride with us..or not..I don't care.
We are not an Island...this isn't the 1700' it or not we are connected to the free world economically....guess what?...we have computers and I phones too!....
All true...and I'm not saying go any means..just saying that we should not fight the others guy's war for him.

We should stop funding the Middle East...period. If Iran or anyone gets too out of line..we can smack them..and put a boot on the ground. But let them determine their domestic fate and agenda.

Nation building should not be our goal...they don't want us. They want our money.

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