Gabbard: Trump offers to Pimp out our Military to his Saudi masters

It was 100% wrong on Clinton's part to roll back regulations

The LEFTIST SPIN on the housing disaster is that "regulations" were rolled back...

They weren't? We imagined it all? The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act never happened?

In truth, it was 100% about Uncle Sam guaranteeing mortgages of buyers who could not pay. That is what made Franklin Raines hundreds of millions of dollars, and ended up costing us $2 trillion.

A FISCAL CONSERVATIVE would never have done any of that.

This is a cop out and in the end not really disputing what I said.
Senior had a brain..and some guts--i think he was just bit evil...LOL! Junior was a fraud chasing his Dad's legacy. That, in the end, is why we went into Iraq and occupied it.
Sr was geared to undo Reagan's presidency...Sr was a swamper and didn't like Reagan....Sr was a creature of the intel world....he got us into the first Iraq war for nothing...he was a very stupid man....
From Bush Sr.'s point of view..the 1st Iraqi war was a complete success! He achieved his goals....and left.
or so we were told.

And if we "were told" anything by W's "intel," which was really the MOSSAD and George Tenet, we were always being LIED TO by ZIONISTS.

Saddam had 20 metric tons of yellowcake he could not enrich. Why would he want more from Niger?

A: he didn't. Tenet forged the document. That's what Valerie Plame discovered.

My argument is that we are lied to concerning wars and there is no reason to doubt that isn't happening now either.
Sr was a creature of the intel world....he got us into the first Iraq war for nothing...he was a very stupid man....

Our intel was reliable until Bill Clinton put Tenet in charge.

Saddam invaded Kuwait. HW went to the UN, united 120 countries to kick Saddam out of Kuwait, and then Rambunctious and other ZIONIST TRAITORS whined and whined and whined that we "didn't finish the (Israeli, not US) job."

That became Bill Clinton's campaign slogan.

HW was a patriotic American.

Rambunctious is a lying Zionist Traitor
Senior had a brain..and some guts--i think he was just bit evil...LOL! Junior was a fraud chasing his Dad's legacy. That, in the end, is why we went into Iraq and occupied it.
Sr was geared to undo Reagan's presidency...Sr was a swamper and didn't like Reagan....Sr was a creature of the intel world....he got us into the first Iraq war for nothing...he was a very stupid man....
From Bush Sr.'s point of view..the 1st Iraqi war was a complete success! He achieved his goals....and left.
All it was was a choice of which gas station to drive into...Iraq's or Kuwait's...he chose Kuwait...and good men died for Kuwait's royalty...
From Bush Sr.'s point of view..the 1st Iraqi war was a complete success! He achieved his goals....and left.

And from the perspective of a PATRIOTIC AMERICAN, he was 100% right. Saddam was a toothless non-US problem in 1992, and in 2001 and 2003.

Then the paper bags got involved....

Joshua 1 - NIV Bible - After the death of Moses the servant of the LORD,...

"1 After the death of Moses the servant of the LORD, the LORD said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ aide:
2 “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites.
3 I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.
4 Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the great river, the Euphrates—all the Hittite country—to the Mediterranean Sea in the west. "

The endless lies used to sell out American troops in Iraq in 2003 was always 100% about Book of Joshua....
Sr was a creature of the intel world....he got us into the first Iraq war for nothing...he was a very stupid man....

Our intel was reliable until Bill Clinton put Tenet in charge.

Saddam invaded Kuwait. HW went to the UN, united 120 countries to kick Saddam out of Kuwait, and then Rambunctious and other ZIONIST TRAITORS whined and whined and whined that we "didn't finish the (Israeli, not US) job."

That became Bill Clinton's campaign slogan.

HW was a patriotic American.
Do you have any idea how outdated and silly you sound throwing the Zionist word around?....

Rambunctious is a lying Zionist Traitor
Do you have any idea how outdated and silly you sound throwing out the word Zionist?...
Senior had a brain..and some guts--i think he was just bit evil...LOL! Junior was a fraud chasing his Dad's legacy. That, in the end, is why we went into Iraq and occupied it.
Sr was geared to undo Reagan's presidency...Sr was a swamper and didn't like Reagan....Sr was a creature of the intel world....he got us into the first Iraq war for nothing...he was a very stupid man....
From Bush Sr.'s point of view..the 1st Iraqi war was a complete success! He achieved his goals....and left.
All it was was a choice of which gas station to drive into...Iraq's or Kuwait's...he chose Kuwait...and good men died for Kuwait's royalty...
That's true..and, sadly, besides the point. Good people always die for policy.

Soldiers are be spent.
Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Even though Trump is probably the first to make being President personally profitable (while formally forbidden from doing so if i'm not mistaken),

it's a frizzing FACT that if we as NATO (ALL COUNTRIES IN IT BY THE WAY) don't back up the security of things like Saudi oil fields and the traffic flow through the straights of Hormuz,
then our ENTIRE populations suffer, DIRECTLY AND NEARLY IMMEDIATELY.
the world economy is tight enough as it is for our middle class and lower working classes!

see also my comments starting at Iran's Ploy Should Be Ignored For Now for how i explained that earlier in a calmer tone.

And then people complain about those of us that want to move away from oil.

------------------------------------- you and your youngsters go ahead and move away from oil and see what happens PKnopp .
Yup, and when Putin "annexed" Crimea, we had what to argue... yeah... that Israel has the right to conquer outside of its territory, but Russia does not???


Whatever Israel does, if the preacher on Sunday likes it, so will the paper bags in the pews....
Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Even though Trump is probably the first to make being President personally profitable (while formally forbidden from doing so if i'm not mistaken),

it's a frizzing FACT that if we as NATO (ALL COUNTRIES IN IT BY THE WAY) don't back up the security of things like Saudi oil fields and the traffic flow through the straights of Hormuz,
then our ENTIRE populations suffer, DIRECTLY AND NEARLY IMMEDIATELY.
the world economy is tight enough as it is for our middle class and lower working classes!

see also my comments starting at Iran's Ploy Should Be Ignored For Now for how i explained that earlier in a calmer tone.

And then people complain about those of us that want to move away from oil.

------------------------------------- you and your youngsters go ahead and move away from oil and see what happens PKnopp .

It's inevitable.
Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Even though Trump is probably the first to make being President personally profitable (while formally forbidden from doing so if i'm not mistaken),

it's a frizzing FACT that if we as NATO (ALL COUNTRIES IN IT BY THE WAY) don't back up the security of things like Saudi oil fields and the traffic flow through the straights of Hormuz,
then our ENTIRE populations suffer, DIRECTLY AND NEARLY IMMEDIATELY.
the world economy is tight enough as it is for our middle class and lower working classes!

see also my comments starting at Iran's Ploy Should Be Ignored For Now for how i explained that earlier in a calmer tone.

And then people complain about those of us that want to move away from oil.

------------------------------------- you and your youngsters go ahead and move away from oil and see what happens PKnopp .

It's inevitable.

------------------------------ and its ok with me as your plan will only affect the next generations PKnopp .
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Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Even though Trump is probably the first to make being President personally profitable (while formally forbidden from doing so if i'm not mistaken),

it's a frizzing FACT that if we as NATO (ALL COUNTRIES IN IT BY THE WAY) don't back up the security of things like Saudi oil fields and the traffic flow through the straights of Hormuz,
then our ENTIRE populations suffer, DIRECTLY AND NEARLY IMMEDIATELY.
the world economy is tight enough as it is for our middle class and lower working classes!

see also my comments starting at Iran's Ploy Should Be Ignored For Now for how i explained that earlier in a calmer tone.

And then people complain about those of us that want to move away from oil.

------------------------------------- you and your youngsters go ahead and move away from oil and see what happens PKnopp .

It's inevitable.

------------------------------ and its ok with me as I see that its YOU youngsters and your families that will get the Results PKnopp .

It's not about me but when you have no other argument.......................
you just make a silly claim but oil will be here forever or as long as we have a functioning society PKnopp .
Shut up Gabbard. You're a loser. Nobody likes losers, so buy yourself a Mao suit, get a gallon of whine, and go hang out with Hillary
You've signed up in the military to fight in this war against Iran for Saudi Arabia, right?
There will be no war until the ""kingdom "" gets back to trump to tell him what to do
------------------------------------------------- of course , plans need to be made and TRUMP and the Saudis will Confer and make plans Edward .
We need to change the way we fight wars...we don't fight to win we fight to change minds and hearts that will never change....
We fight to be perpetual occupiers.....It's the progressive do-gooder way.
That is true but that doesn't mean we sit back and allow thug nations to try and destroy the worlds economy....the next time they may do real and lasting damage....
Which also means that we get correct and verified information before lobbing bombs all over the place, which didn't happen with Assad, in Iraq, and numerous other stupid military actions.....It also means that you come home when the war is over....The only place Murica has fully left since the end of WWII has been Vietnam.
I we just allow nations to attack the life blood of the free world because we have blown it in the past?...I don't think so....
We don't know that this isn't all a big false flag.

Trump announces that we're leaving Syria?...BOOM!, civilians get gassed, wrongly blamed on Assad.

Trump announces a second time that we're leaving Syria?...BOOM!, civilians get gassed, wrongly blamed on Assad.

Trump wants to start talks with the Taliban to get us the hell out of Afghanistan?...BOOM!, an attack kills Murican troops.

Trump fires Bolton because he's an interventionist?....BOOM!, Iran suddenly is blamed for an attack on the Saudis.

All just coincidences, I'm sure.

Sorry, I'm no longer buying into the narratives pushed by the globalist warfare/welfare thugs.
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