Gabbard: Trump offers to Pimp out our Military to his Saudi masters

Where did I ever state she would get the nomination?
I didn't say you did.
Can you see my confusion when you stated the following...

I hate to break it to you, but Gabbard was NEVER going to get the DNC's nomination
No. I was making a point that almost NONE of the Extremists who dove into the race - or Gabbard, not an extremist - EVER had a shot. The Democrats already know who their top 2 are...IMO. Don't 'read into' or 'assume'. Read what I wrote. You never said Gabbard would win the nomination. I never said that you did. I said Gabbard was never going to win....
'tulsi gabbard' a military veteran eh ?? yeah , from the Very QUICK , quick perusal she was a 'national guard girl' in the 'hawaii' national girl and boy guard and was a comfort woman or Nurse . That's quite the military career eh GGator .
Well..she was neither...LOL@'comfort woman'. Not a phrase you hear these days. Basically just called her a whore, eh?
Denigrating the National Guard is contemptible...just sayin'. One wonders where YOU served_________Pismoe?

Gabbard was in a combat zone..but never in combat. She had what amounted to an administrative position in the medical unit and was responsible to reviewing casualty reports and expediting any needs said casualties had...this including KIA and WIA notifications. Not a job I'd wish to do.

However, she put herself in harm's way..and deserves the same respect anyone who has served should get.
--------------------------------- nurses provide COMFORT EvilE .

She is not a fucking nurse you piece of shit. What the fuck is wrong with you.

and now you are calling all nurses "comfort women" shows just how truly fucked in the head that you are.
'Tulsi Gabbard to Trump: ‘We Are Not Your Prostitutes. You Are Not Our Pimp’

Just curious -


Tulsi Gabbard to Trump: 'We Are Not Your Prostitutes. You Are Not Our Pimp' | Breitbart

You think Obama helped Al-Qaeda on 911? You’re such a stupid fuck I just can’t even believe it. And you scream out your ignorance in bold capital letters.
Next you’ll be saying he did a terrible job helping the people of New Orleans after Katrina.

And these right wing say I’m crazy.
'tulsi gabbard' a military veteran eh ?? yeah , from the Very QUICK , quick perusal she was a 'national guard girl' in the 'hawaii' national girl and boy guard and was a comfort woman or Nurse . That's quite the military career eh GGator .
Well..she was neither...LOL@'comfort woman'. Not a phrase you hear these days. Basically just called her a whore, eh?
Denigrating the National Guard is contemptible...just sayin'. One wonders where YOU served_________Pismoe?

Gabbard was in a combat zone..but never in combat. She had what amounted to an administrative position in the medical unit and was responsible to reviewing casualty reports and expediting any needs said casualties had...this including KIA and WIA notifications. Not a job I'd wish to do.

However, she put herself in harm's way..and deserves the same respect anyone who has served should get.
--------------------------------- nurses provide COMFORT EvilE .
Indeed they do....however the phrase has a specific meaning..if you did not know that..Google it up--and blush.

He knows exactly what it means and it is why he choose it. He is showing his true view of both women and anyone that serves their country
'tulsi gabbard' a military veteran eh ?? yeah , from the Very QUICK , quick perusal she was a 'national guard girl' in the 'hawaii' national girl and boy guard and was a comfort woman or Nurse . That's quite the military career eh GGator .
Well..she was neither...LOL@'comfort woman'. Not a phrase you hear these days. Basically just called her a whore, eh?
Denigrating the National Guard is contemptible...just sayin'. One wonders where YOU served_________Pismoe?

Gabbard was in a combat zone..but never in combat. She had what amounted to an administrative position in the medical unit and was responsible to reviewing casualty reports and expediting any needs said casualties had...this including KIA and WIA notifications. Not a job I'd wish to do.

However, she put herself in harm's way..and deserves the same respect anyone who has served should get.
--------------------------------- nurses provide COMFORT EvilE .
Indeed they do....however the phrase has a specific meaning..if you did not know that..Google it up--and blush.
-------------------------------- Indeed they do [chuckle] --- hey , morning EEye .
You are one fucked up human being. Now you accuse her of being a whore.

Why don’t you just crawl back under your rock and die?
----------------------------------- naw , she was a 'national guard girl' in 'hawaii' in a medical unit rolling bandages and building splints and giving Comfort from what I hear . Quite the 'military' career and a 'veteran' like YOU GGator .

Not everyone can have bone spurs.
------------------------------------ Doctor validated Bone Spurs JMiller . if Trump and his Dad couldn't buy as many doctors as they wished. i don't call Trump a coward...just so totally arrogant that he thought that service was for the other guy..not for people of his elevated social status.
------------------------------------------- TRUMP had a potentially debilitating medical condition called BONE SPURS that a Doctor Validated and testified to EvilE !!

lots of rich kids had conditions that their doctors validated
I don't condemn Trump for avoiding's nearly everything else he has done.
'tulsi gabbard' a military veteran eh ?? yeah , from the Very QUICK , quick perusal she was a 'national guard girl' in the 'hawaii' national girl and boy guard and was a comfort woman or Nurse . That's quite the military career eh GGator .
Well..she was neither...LOL@'comfort woman'. Not a phrase you hear these days. Basically just called her a whore, eh?
Denigrating the National Guard is contemptible...just sayin'. One wonders where YOU served_________Pismoe?

Gabbard was in a combat zone..but never in combat. She had what amounted to an administrative position in the medical unit and was responsible to reviewing casualty reports and expediting any needs said casualties had...this including KIA and WIA notifications. Not a job I'd wish to do.

However, she put herself in harm's way..and deserves the same respect anyone who has served should get.
--------------------------------- nurses provide COMFORT EvilE .
Indeed they do....however the phrase has a specific meaning..if you did not know that..Google it up--and blush.

He knows exactly what it means and it is why he choose it. He is showing his true view of both women and anyone that serves their country
----------------------------------------- both YOU and Gabbard serbed as YOU tell the board many times a day and you are both veterans of paper shuffling eh GGator ??
'tulsi gabbard' a military veteran eh ?? yeah , from the Very QUICK , quick perusal she was a 'national guard girl' in the 'hawaii' national girl and boy guard and was a comfort woman or Nurse . That's quite the military career eh GGator .
Well..she was neither...LOL@'comfort woman'. Not a phrase you hear these days. Basically just called her a whore, eh?
Denigrating the National Guard is contemptible...just sayin'. One wonders where YOU served_________Pismoe?

Gabbard was in a combat zone..but never in combat. She had what amounted to an administrative position in the medical unit and was responsible to reviewing casualty reports and expediting any needs said casualties had...this including KIA and WIA notifications. Not a job I'd wish to do.

However, she put herself in harm's way..and deserves the same respect anyone who has served should get.
--------------------------------- nurses provide COMFORT EvilE .
Indeed they do....however the phrase has a specific meaning..if you did not know that..Google it up--and blush.

He knows exactly what it means and it is why he choose it. He is showing his true view of both women and anyone that serves their country
----------------------------------------- both YOU and Gabbard serbed as YOU tell the board many times a day and you are both veterans of paper shuffling eh GGator ??

she was a whore according to you. I do not think they did much paper shuffling. You cannot run from this one you POS
----------------------------------- naw , she was a 'national guard girl' in 'hawaii' in a medical unit rolling bandages and building splints and giving Comfort from what I hear . Quite the 'military' career and a 'veteran' like YOU GGator .

Not everyone can have bone spurs.
------------------------------------ Doctor validated Bone Spurs JMiller . if Trump and his Dad couldn't buy as many doctors as they wished. i don't call Trump a coward...just so totally arrogant that he thought that service was for the other guy..not for people of his elevated social status.
------------------------------------------- TRUMP had a potentially debilitating medical condition called BONE SPURS that a Doctor Validated and testified to EvilE !!

lots of rich kids had conditions that their doctors validated
----------------------------------------- and in the USA Military system Doctor VALIDATED is the key words GGator .
'Tulsi Gabbard to Trump: ‘We Are Not Your Prostitutes. You Are Not Our Pimp’

Just curious -


Tulsi Gabbard to Trump: 'We Are Not Your Prostitutes. You Are Not Our Pimp' | Breitbart

You think Obama helped Al-Qaeda on 911? You’re such a stupid fuck I just can’t even believe it. And you scream out your ignorance in bold capital letters.
Next you’ll be saying he did a terrible job helping the people of New Orleans after Katrina.

And these right wing say I’m crazy.

The Bushes and the CIA helped
Not everyone can have bone spurs.
------------------------------------ Doctor validated Bone Spurs JMiller . if Trump and his Dad couldn't buy as many doctors as they wished. i don't call Trump a coward...just so totally arrogant that he thought that service was for the other guy..not for people of his elevated social status.
------------------------------------------- TRUMP had a potentially debilitating medical condition called BONE SPURS that a Doctor Validated and testified to EvilE !!

lots of rich kids had conditions that their doctors validated
----------------------------------------- and in the USA Military system Doctor VALIDATED is the key words GGator .

You know, if you go to the MEPS and tell the USA Military system Doctor that you mom said you had asthma as a kid you will be disqualified for asthma, no proof needed.
Well..she was neither...LOL@'comfort woman'. Not a phrase you hear these days. Basically just called her a whore, eh?
Denigrating the National Guard is contemptible...just sayin'. One wonders where YOU served_________Pismoe?

Gabbard was in a combat zone..but never in combat. She had what amounted to an administrative position in the medical unit and was responsible to reviewing casualty reports and expediting any needs said casualties had...this including KIA and WIA notifications. Not a job I'd wish to do.

However, she put herself in harm's way..and deserves the same respect anyone who has served should get.
--------------------------------- nurses provide COMFORT EvilE .
Indeed they do....however the phrase has a specific meaning..if you did not know that..Google it up--and blush.

He knows exactly what it means and it is why he choose it. He is showing his true view of both women and anyone that serves their country
----------------------------------------- both YOU and Gabbard serbed as YOU tell the board many times a day and you are both veterans of paper shuffling eh GGator ??

she was a whore according to you. I do not think they did much paper shuffling. You cannot run from this one you POS
------------------------------------ no runnin happening , she was a NURSE providing COMFORT plus rolling bandages and building splints . sharpening hypodermic needles in 'hawaiis' national girl and boy guard GGator . And she is cute IMO GGator .

Even Republicans know Trump is a liar. Look at this tweet. He’s not suggesting that our intelligence agencies look into this. He’s asking us what Saudi Arabia thinks and what they think we should do. This is a transactional president who works for evil people with money.

When it comes to trumps lies Republicans are selective in what they wanna believe.

Even Republicans know Trump is a liar. Look at this tweet. He’s not suggesting that our intelligence agencies look into this. He’s asking us what Saudi Arabia thinks and what they think we should do. This is a transactional president who works for evil people with money.

When it comes to trumps lies Republicans are selective in what they wanna believe.

While 100% true, Obama lied also and Gabbard was one of the few willing to call him out.
--------------------------------- nurses provide COMFORT EvilE .
Indeed they do....however the phrase has a specific meaning..if you did not know that..Google it up--and blush.

He knows exactly what it means and it is why he choose it. He is showing his true view of both women and anyone that serves their country
----------------------------------------- both YOU and Gabbard serbed as YOU tell the board many times a day and you are both veterans of paper shuffling eh GGator ??

she was a whore according to you. I do not think they did much paper shuffling. You cannot run from this one you POS
------------------------------------ no runnin happening , she was a NURSE providing COMFORT plus rolling bandages and building splints . sharprning hypodermic needles in 'hawaiis' national girl and boy guard GGator .

She was not a fucking nurse you stupid piece of shit, being assigned to medical company does not make one a nurse.

And you know exactly what a conform woman is and that is why you used the term.

At least be honest about your post, quit being such a pussy
but not Presidential material as I 'd never vote for her as I don't consider her to be anything but a cute nurse GGator .
but not Presidential material as I 'd never vote for her as I don't consider her to be anything but a cute nurse GGator .

She is not a fucking NURSE.

Why are you so stupid and uninformed?

Please, do not vote. Anyone as uninformed as you should never be allowed to vote
but not Presidential material as I 'd never vote for her as I don't consider her to be anything but a cute nurse GGator .

She is not a fucking NURSE.

Why are you so stupid and uninformed?

Please, do not vote. Anyone as uninformed as you should never be allowed to vote

Holy about going off the deep end over someone insulting a politician... is this bitch related to you or something?

Take a prozac and get yourself under control will ya.

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