Gabbard: Trump offers to Pimp out our Military to his Saudi masters

but not Presidential material as I 'd never vote for her as I don't consider her to be anything but a cute nurse GGator .

She is not a fucking NURSE.

Why are you so stupid and uninformed?

Please, do not vote. Anyone as uninformed as you should never be allowed to vote

Holy about going off the deep end over someone insulting a politician... is this bitch related to you or something?

Take a prozac and get yourself under control will ya.
-------------------- aw , its just a bit of 'birds of a feather flock together is all it is' and both GGator and Gabbard are both veterans .

Yeah well, I'm a military veteran too but I don't feel like it's my job to rectify every perceived slight cast upon another veteran, in my experience, at least half of 'em are assholes that I wouldn't give the time of day to and the other half can take care of defending their own honor.
True..peeps is peeps. I can and will defend myself....and having served is no guarantee of being a good human being. I do think that putting your life on the line for others is laudable..even if it is true that most don't actually 'get it' when they sign up at 17 or 18.

_____pismoe is just trolling amuses him.
Holy about going off the deep end over someone insulting a politician... is this bitch related to you or something?

Take a prozac and get yourself under control will ya.

it is not the politician he is insulting, it is the US Service Member.

and it is not just the insults but the ignorance of any actual facts about the woman other than he knows she is cute and that is all that matters to him.

I also take great offense at him calling nurses "comfort women" when he knows full and well what that means. I am married to a nurse, she does not provide comfort, she provides medical care.

You're too easily offended and appear to be cruising for a stress related heart attack.

I doubt if Tulsi Gabbard herself would get even close to this bent out of shape over what was posted, after all, she's chosen to run for office which is asking to be insulted every which way possible..

So like I said, take a prozac before you blow a gasket and end up in the ER.

i am fine, heart-rate and BP of a 16 year old. One of the benefits of being a runner for the past 43 years.

occasionally pieces of shit need to be called what they are.

I would not expect you to understand
--------------------------------------- a millennial interested in prolonging your military and taxpayer paid retirement eh GGator .

I am a baby boomer you dumb fuck, not a millennial. Have you gotten anything right today? At least you are consistent in your ignorance.
----------------------------------- well you talk and think like a millennial and I don't know the official cutoff dates . But you ain't a 'baby boomer' in heart and mind . Besides that you were VOLUNTEER Military working at a military job GGator .
Republican's favorite Democrat rightly lambastes the mercantile Trump for offering up our military men and women to his Saudi Financiers and Condo buyers.


Trump hasn't done anything yet so what is she talking about....she seems a little presumptuous to be commander and chief....

Maybe not....But this is the kind of talk that gets his attention...Rand Paul's more cerebral approach doesn't seem to be working.

God Emperor should appoint her as NSA.

I like Tulsi but most of her policies really suck....and NOT in a Harris way.


She has no life experience that would qualify her to run a corporation much less a country....
your military taxpayer paid retirement money should be big money in your 'homeland' where all yer country men are short of cash and some starving because of shortages of 'FALAFFEL' and COUS COUS and goat and Camel meat eh GGator ??
Holy about going off the deep end over someone insulting a politician... is this bitch related to you or something?

Take a prozac and get yourself under control will ya.

it is not the politician he is insulting, it is the US Service Member.

and it is not just the insults but the ignorance of any actual facts about the woman other than he knows she is cute and that is all that matters to him.

I also take great offense at him calling nurses "comfort women" when he knows full and well what that means. I am married to a nurse, she does not provide comfort, she provides medical care.

You're too easily offended and appear to be cruising for a stress related heart attack.

I doubt if Tulsi Gabbard herself would get even close to this bent out of shape over what was posted, after all, she's chosen to run for office which is asking to be insulted every which way possible..

So like I said, take a prozac before you blow a gasket and end up in the ER.

i am fine, heart-rate and BP of a 16 year old. One of the benefits of being a runner for the past 43 years.

occasionally pieces of shit need to be called what they are.
LOL, Okay Sir Galahad.. say Hi to Tulsi when she gets around to wrapping her favors around your lance in gratitude for your noble defense of her honor.:rolleyes:

I would not expect you to understand
No I wouldn't understand throwing a tantrum like a 4 year old on an Internet Message Board over some politician that wouldn't give you the sweat off her ass if you were dying of thirst in the middle of the Mojave.

But it does qualify you as a FUN TO TROLL target, nothing more hilarious than somebody that totally loses control with a few simple button presses.


"A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough." -- Bruce Lee

What you are too stupid to grasp is that it is not about Gabbard. It is about calling women service members and all female nurses whores.

LOL, Yeah Riiiiigghhtt .... apparently you've forgotten that everything you posted in this thread is still there. :eusa_dance:

You may not have any control over your temper nor have anything resembling a rational perspective but never let it be said that you're not a grade A, world class, professional, revisionist BULLSHIT ARTIST , congratulations you'd give Daffy Donny a run for his money in that regard.

"Bullshit is truly the American soundtrack." -- George Carlin
it is not the politician he is insulting, it is the US Service Member.

and it is not just the insults but the ignorance of any actual facts about the woman other than he knows she is cute and that is all that matters to him.

I also take great offense at him calling nurses "comfort women" when he knows full and well what that means. I am married to a nurse, she does not provide comfort, she provides medical care.

You're too easily offended and appear to be cruising for a stress related heart attack.

I doubt if Tulsi Gabbard herself would get even close to this bent out of shape over what was posted, after all, she's chosen to run for office which is asking to be insulted every which way possible..

So like I said, take a prozac before you blow a gasket and end up in the ER.

i am fine, heart-rate and BP of a 16 year old. One of the benefits of being a runner for the past 43 years.

occasionally pieces of shit need to be called what they are.
LOL, Okay Sir Galahad.. say Hi to Tulsi when she gets around to wrapping her favors around your lance in gratitude for your noble defense of her honor.:rolleyes:

I would not expect you to understand
No I wouldn't understand throwing a tantrum like a 4 year old on an Internet Message Board over some politician that wouldn't give you the sweat off her ass if you were dying of thirst in the middle of the Mojave.

But it does qualify you as a FUN TO TROLL target, nothing more hilarious than somebody that totally loses control with a few simple button presses.


"A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough." -- Bruce Lee

What you are too stupid to grasp is that it is not about Gabbard. It is about calling women service members and all female nurses whores.

LOL, Yeah Riiiiigghhtt .... apparently you've forgotten that everything you posted in this thread is still there. :eusa_dance:

You may not have any control over your temper nor have anything resembling a rational perspective but never let it be said that you're not a grade A, world class, professional, revisionist BULLSHIT ARTIST , congratulations you'd give Daffy Donny a run for his money in that regard.

"Bullshit is truly the American soundtrack." -- George Carlin

Yes, it is all still there. The problem is your lack of basic intelligence to understand what you read.

Perhaps if you were to go back and get your GED you could work on your reading comprehension.

I have exact control over my temper, I let it go when the time is right. That is why these sorts of post from me make up about 2% of all my post.

You try so very hard and fail so very least you are good at something
not trolling at all , everything I say about GGator is my opinion . He think he is SPECIAL because he volunteered for a job in the military and got paid with money and benefits to do that job and I don't like that Attitude of being SPECIAL EEye .
your military taxpayer paid retirement money should be big money in your 'homeland' where all yer country men are short of cash and some starving because of shortages of 'FALAFFEL' and COUS COUS and goat and Camel meat eh GGator ??

This is my homeland dumb ass, that is why I volunteered to defend it.
not trolling at all , everything I say about GGator is my opinion . He think he is SPECIAL because he volunteered for a job in the military and got paid with money and benefits to do that job and I don't like that Attitude of being SPECIAL EEye .

I do not think I am special at all, I have never said that. And I agree, you are not trolling. You really believe that women service members are whores as well as female nurses.
not trolling at all , everything I say about GGator is my opinion . He think he is SPECIAL because he volunteered for a job in the military and got paid with money and benefits to do that job and I don't like that Attitude of being SPECIAL EEye .

I do not think I am special at all, I have never said that. And I agree, you are not trolling. You really believe that women service members are whores as well as female nurses.

The nurses are the hottest ones....
not trolling at all , everything I say about GGator is my opinion . He think he is SPECIAL because he volunteered for a job in the military and got paid with money and benefits to do that job and I don't like that Attitude of being SPECIAL EEye .

I do not think I am special at all, I have never said that. And I agree, you are not trolling. You really believe that women service members are whores as well as female nurses.

The nurses are the hottest ones....

Nurses are the hottest women, I agree. That is why I am married to one!

as I said, I have the BP and heart rate of a 16 year old. Often they double check my BP as they cannot believe a 55 year old has one that low. There are some benefits to being a runner for 43 years.
Do you check it while you are posting here?....
not trolling at all , everything I say about GGator is my opinion . He think he is SPECIAL because he volunteered for a job in the military and got paid with money and benefits to do that job and I don't like that Attitude of being SPECIAL EEye .

I do not think I am special at all, I have never said that. And I agree, you are not trolling. You really believe that women service members are whores as well as female nurses.

The nurses are the hottest ones....

Nurses are the hottest women, I agree. That is why I am married to one!

Male nurses are very qualified....
as I said, I have the BP and heart rate of a 16 year old. Often they double check my BP as they cannot believe a 55 year old has one that low. There are some benefits to being a runner for 43 years.
Do you check it while you are posting here?....

no need. I can tell you with in 5 beats what my heart rate is at any given time.

There is nothing wrong with a little righteous indignation every once in a while, it is good for the heart.
not trolling at all , everything I say about GGator is my opinion . He think he is SPECIAL because he volunteered for a job in the military and got paid with money and benefits to do that job and I don't like that Attitude of being SPECIAL EEye .

I do not think I am special at all, I have never said that. And I agree, you are not trolling. You really believe that women service members are whores as well as female nurses.

The nurses are the hottest ones....

Nurses are the hottest women, I agree. That is why I am married to one!

Male nurses are very qualified....

Every bit as good at the restarting the heart, but not what i find cute. I will leave that to you

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