Gabbard: Trump offers to Pimp out our Military to his Saudi masters

'tulsi gabbard' a military veteran eh ?? yeah , from the Very QUICK , quick perusal she was a 'national guard girl' in the 'hawaii' national girl and boy guard and was a comfort woman or Nurse . That's quite the military career eh GGator .

You are one fucked up human being. Now you accuse her of being a whore.

Why don’t you just crawl back under your rock and die?
----------------------------------- naw , she was a 'national guard girl' in 'hawaii' in a medical unit rolling bandages and building splints and giving Comfort from what I hear . Quite the 'military' career and a 'veteran' like YOU GGator .

Fuck off and die you piece of shit. I am done with your useless post
'tulsi gabbard' a military veteran eh ?? yeah , from the Very QUICK , quick perusal she was a 'national guard girl' in the 'hawaii' national girl and boy guard and was a comfort woman or Nurse . That's quite the military career eh GGator .

You are one fucked up human being. Now you accuse her of being a whore.

Why don’t you just crawl back under your rock and die?
----------------------------------- naw , she was a 'national guard girl' in 'hawaii' in a medical unit rolling bandages and building splints and giving Comfort from what I hear . Quite the 'military' career and a 'veteran' like YOU GGator .

Not everyone can have bone spurs.
If the Saudis are going to sub-contract a war, I think they should use the North Korean Army. They're reportedly tough fighting men and they need the money.
The main reason she is not in the debates, is she is anti-war and anti Wall Street. That along with the fact that she is not well known, but then neither are Harris or the goof from Indiana. Yet those worthless assholes are in the debates.
Whatever reason you want to claim is the 'culprit', she did not meet the quantifiable requirements to earn a spot on the stage. Her message did not reach enough people and garner enough support.
It’s the chicken or the egg thing.

The MSM showered the asshat from a little shit town in Indiana with lots of free publicity. They did the same with Harris. Not so much with Tulsi. She still gets negative publicity for meeting with Assad years ago.

She blew up Harris when she was in the debates. That was unforgivable by the establishment D war party. So, they dumped her.

Blowing up Harris should have guaranteed her a spot in all future debates.
I hate to break it to you, but Gabbard was NEVER going to get the DNC's nomination...and neither will Harris, O'Rourke, Buttigieg, Booker, Yang, Castro, Klobuchar, Steyer, Bullock, Williamson, Bennet, Ryan, or Delaney, De Blasio. NEVER....EVER. That goes for Bernie, too. Hell, Sanders 'won' the Primary last year but was completely screwed out of it. He wasn't going to get it this time either.

In case you weren't watching / paying attention in 2016, the Socialist Democrat Party / the DNC, NOT their followers / voters, decide who their candidate will be. The Primary is just 'political theatrics' to make snowflakes feel like they actually have a say.

Right now, unless something drastically changes, the Democrats have already decided the nomination will be between Biden and Warren. What anyone else does won't effect this.
If the Saudis are going to sub-contract a war, I think they should use the North Korean Army. They're reportedly tough fighting men and they need the money.
While I agree they would walk through hell for a bowl of rice, there are 2 problems:
- Transportation from North Korea to Iran is going to be a bitch....

- North Korea and Iran are 'Facebook Friends' / belong to the same social media circles ...
At this point Gabbard is just scrsbbling for relevancy. If it takes siding with Iran she will side with Iran.
'tulsi gabbard' a military veteran eh ?? yeah , from the Very QUICK , quick perusal she was a 'national guard girl' in the 'hawaii' national girl and boy guard and was a comfort woman or Nurse . That's quite the military career eh GGator .
Well..she was neither...LOL@'comfort woman'. Not a phrase you hear these days. Basically just called her a whore, eh?
Denigrating the National Guard is contemptible...just sayin'. One wonders where YOU served_________Pismoe?

Gabbard was in a combat zone..but never in combat. She had what amounted to an administrative position in the medical unit and was responsible to reviewing casualty reports and expediting any needs said casualties had...this including KIA and WIA notifications. Not a job I'd wish to do.

However, she put herself in harm's way..and deserves the same respect anyone who has served should get.
'tulsi gabbard' a military veteran eh ?? yeah , from the Very QUICK , quick perusal she was a 'national guard girl' in the 'hawaii' national girl and boy guard and was a comfort woman or Nurse . That's quite the military career eh GGator .

You are one fucked up human being. Now you accuse her of being a whore.

Why don’t you just crawl back under your rock and die?
----------------------------------- naw , she was a 'national guard girl' in 'hawaii' in a medical unit rolling bandages and building splints and giving Comfort from what I hear . Quite the 'military' career and a 'veteran' like YOU GGator .

Not everyone can have bone spurs.
------------------------------------ Doctor validated Bone Spurs JMiller .
As I stated, it does not matter what she does - the DNC has already decided who their top 2 are.
The main reason she is not in the debates, is she is anti-war and anti Wall Street. That along with the fact that she is not well known, but then neither are Harris or the goof from Indiana. Yet those worthless assholes are in the debates.
Whatever reason you want to claim is the 'culprit', she did not meet the quantifiable requirements to earn a spot on the stage. Her message did not reach enough people and garner enough support.
It’s the chicken or the egg thing.

The MSM showered the asshat from a little shit town in Indiana with lots of free publicity. They did the same with Harris. Not so much with Tulsi. She still gets negative publicity for meeting with Assad years ago.

She blew up Harris when she was in the debates. That was unforgivable by the establishment D war party. So, they dumped her.

Blowing up Harris should have guaranteed her a spot in all future debates.
I hate to break it to you, but Gabbard was NEVER going to get the DNC's nomination...and neither will Harris, O'Rourke, Buttigieg, Booker, Yang, Castro, Klobuchar, Steyer, Bullock, Williamson, Bennet, Ryan, or Delaney, De Blasio. NEVER....EVER. That goes for Bernie, too. Hell, Sanders 'won' the Primary last year but was completely screwed out of it. He wasn't going to get it this time either.

In case you weren't watching / paying attention in 2016, the Socialist Democrat Party / the DNC, NOT their followers / voters, decide who their candidate will be. The Primary is just 'political theatrics' to make snowflakes feel like they actually have a say.

Right now, unless something drastically changes, the Democrats have already decided the nomination will be between Biden and Warren. What anyone else does won't effect this.
Where did I ever state she would get the nomination? In fact, I have stated they will never allow her to win much like they screwed Bernie in 2016, but never paid a price for their criminal actions.

It will be another corporatist D that gets the nomination. This way whoever wins in 2020, so do the billionaires.
At this point Gabbard is just scrsbbling for relevancy. If it takes siding with Iran she will side with Iran.

She's taking the same position she has long had. As noted's called principles. Most people do not understand that.
'tulsi gabbard' a military veteran eh ?? yeah , from the Very QUICK , quick perusal she was a 'national guard girl' in the 'hawaii' national girl and boy guard and was a comfort woman or Nurse . That's quite the military career eh GGator .

You are one fucked up human being. Now you accuse her of being a whore.

Why don’t you just crawl back under your rock and die?
----------------------------------- naw , she was a 'national guard girl' in 'hawaii' in a medical unit rolling bandages and building splints and giving Comfort from what I hear . Quite the 'military' career and a 'veteran' like YOU GGator .

Not everyone can have bone spurs.
------------------------------------ Doctor validated Bone Spurs JMiller . if Trump and his Dad couldn't buy as many doctors as they wished. i don't call Trump a coward...just so totally arrogant that he thought that service was for the other guy..not for people of his elevated social status.
'tulsi gabbard' a military veteran eh ?? yeah , from the Very QUICK , quick perusal she was a 'national guard girl' in the 'hawaii' national girl and boy guard and was a comfort woman or Nurse . That's quite the military career eh GGator .
Well..she was neither...LOL@'comfort woman'. Not a phrase you hear these days. Basically just called her a whore, eh?
Denigrating the National Guard is contemptible...just sayin'. One wonders where YOU served_________Pismoe?

Gabbard was in a combat zone..but never in combat. She had what amounted to an administrative position in the medical unit and was responsible to reviewing casualty reports and expediting any needs said casualties had...this including KIA and WIA notifications. Not a job I'd wish to do.

However, she put herself in harm's way..and deserves the same respect anyone who has served should get.
--------------------------------- nurses provide COMFORT EvilE .
'tulsi gabbard' a military veteran eh ?? yeah , from the Very QUICK , quick perusal she was a 'national guard girl' in the 'hawaii' national girl and boy guard and was a comfort woman or Nurse . That's quite the military career eh GGator .
Well..she was neither...LOL@'comfort woman'. Not a phrase you hear these days. Basically just called her a whore, eh?
Denigrating the National Guard is contemptible...just sayin'. One wonders where YOU served_________Pismoe?

Gabbard was in a combat zone..but never in combat. She had what amounted to an administrative position in the medical unit and was responsible to reviewing casualty reports and expediting any needs said casualties had...this including KIA and WIA notifications. Not a job I'd wish to do.

However, she put herself in harm's way..and deserves the same respect anyone who has served should get.
--------------------------------- nurses provide COMFORT EvilE .
Indeed they do....however the phrase has a specific meaning..if you did not know that..Google it up--and blush.
'tulsi gabbard' a military veteran eh ?? yeah , from the Very QUICK , quick perusal she was a 'national guard girl' in the 'hawaii' national girl and boy guard and was a comfort woman or Nurse . That's quite the military career eh GGator .

You are one fucked up human being. Now you accuse her of being a whore.

Why don’t you just crawl back under your rock and die?
----------------------------------- naw , she was a 'national guard girl' in 'hawaii' in a medical unit rolling bandages and building splints and giving Comfort from what I hear . Quite the 'military' career and a 'veteran' like YOU GGator .

Not everyone can have bone spurs.
------------------------------------ Doctor validated Bone Spurs JMiller . if Trump and his Dad couldn't buy as many doctors as they wished. i don't call Trump a coward...just so totally arrogant that he thought that service was for the other guy..not for people of his elevated social status.
------------------------------------------- TRUMP had a potentially debilitating medical condition called BONE SPURS that a Doctor Validated and testified to EvilE !!

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