Gabby Giffords blasts Senate sellout


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009

SENATORS say they fear the N.R.A. and the gun lobby. But I think that fear must be nothing compared to the fear the first graders in Sandy Hook Elementary School felt as their lives ended in a hail of bullets. The fear that those children who survived the massacre must feel every time they remember their teachers stacking them into closets and bathrooms, whispering that they loved them, so that love would be the last thing the students heard if the gunman found them.

On Wednesday, a minority of senators gave into fear and blocked common-sense legislation that would have made it harder for criminals and people with dangerous mental illnesses to get hold of deadly firearms — a bill that could prevent future tragedies like those in Newtown, Conn., Aurora, Colo., Blacksburg, Va., and too many communities to count.

Speaking is physically difficult for me. But my feelings are clear: I’m furious. I will not rest until we have righted the wrong these senators have done, and until we have changed our laws so we can look parents in the face and say: We are trying to keep your children safe. We cannot allow the status quo — desperately protected by the gun lobby so that they can make more money by spreading fear and misinformation — to go on.

I am asking every reasonable American to help me tell the truth about the cowardice these senators demonstrated. I am asking for mothers to stop these lawmakers at the grocery store and tell them: You’ve lost my vote.
how can a party survive while doing the opposite of what 90% of the people want?

the bought party just outed its self
The father of the poor girl killed in the Boston Bombing might want pressure cooker control too.

90% of the people aren't buying what the democrats are selling which is why democrats voted against this ill conceived bill.
Common sense dictates that you don't legislate based upon compromised emotions. They did the right thing, and people who think otherwise... Boo f-in hoo.
The father of the poor girl killed in the Boston Bombing might want pressure cooker control too.

90% of the people aren't buying what the democrats are selling which is why democrats voted against this ill conceived bill.

That may be a little extreme

But I bet he would support background checks of those purchasing explosives
Gee. Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want.

Quelle horreur! How dare they not genuflect to the command of the President Who Would Be King!
The father of the poor girl killed in the Boston Bombing might want pressure cooker control too.

90% of the people aren't buying what the democrats are selling which is why democrats voted against this ill conceived bill.

That may be a little extreme

But I bet he would support background checks of those purchasing explosives

But he isn't the one the people elected to vote on it, so you can keep that hypothetical in your emotionally driven fantasy world where it belongs.
Gee. Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want.

Quelle horreur! How dare they not genuflect to the command of the President Who Would Be King!

Sure they did....with 90% of Americans supporting enhanced background checks
The father of the poor girl killed in the Boston Bombing might want pressure cooker control too.

90% of the people aren't buying what the democrats are selling which is why democrats voted against this ill conceived bill.

That may be a little extreme

But I bet he would support background checks of those purchasing explosives

Do you really think people BUY explosives? Or the basic ingredients and make their own explosives. Since the 60s with the publication of the Anarchist's Cookbook, information on how to make explosives out of ordinary material has been available.
Gee. Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want.

Quelle horreur! How dare they not genuflect to the command of the President Who Would Be King!

Sure they did....with 90% of Americans supporting enhanced background checks

A public opinion poll is not a vote.

Senators are elected by voters of a state...not a small sample public opinion poll.

90% of the public also favors the government doing something about the debt, deficit, economy, and jobs, btw.....
Gee. Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want.

Quelle horreur! How dare they not genuflect to the command of the President Who Would Be King!

Sure they did....with 90% of Americans supporting enhanced background checks

What was the percentage of southerners who supported continuing segregation in 1965? I guess we should have just let them have their way, huh?
Gee. Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want.

Quelle horreur! How dare they not genuflect to the command of the President Who Would Be King!

Sure they did....with 90% of Americans supporting enhanced background checks

Once again... America is not governed by mob rules.

MOVE those goalposts baby!

I respond to a statement that says the Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want and BOOM.....wignuts start ranting that America is not governed by what the people want
Gee. Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want.

Quelle horreur! How dare they not genuflect to the command of the President Who Would Be King!

Sure they did....with 90% of Americans supporting enhanced background checks

75% support voter ID laws, but if I remember correctly you were among those who screamed about them.

Fear of voter suppression high, fear of voter fraud higher - The Washington Post
Gee. Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want.

Quelle horreur! How dare they not genuflect to the command of the President Who Would Be King!

Sure they did....with 90% of Americans supporting enhanced background checks

75% support voter ID laws, but if I remember correctly you were among those who screamed about them.

Fear of voter suppression high, fear of voter fraud higher - The Washington Post

I have no objection to voter IDs if the Government makes sure that every American is provided with an ID. I do see a problem with the potential to use access to IDs as a means to suppress the vote

In fact, I support a National ID with biometric data
Sure they did....with 90% of Americans supporting enhanced background checks

Once again... America is not governed by mob rules.

MOVE those goalposts baby!

I respond to a statement that says the Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want and BOOM.....wignuts start ranting that America is not governed by what the people want

Uh. Dood. Four Democrat Senators from conservative "red" states voted against the gun control bill. It would have passed if they defied the wishes of the voters in their states. What is it about representative government that bothers you so much?

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