Gabby Giffords blasts Senate sellout

Gabby, bless her heart should go preach a sermon in Chicago. She can take Brock with her if she thinks it will help.

your second amendment remedies to not winning elections didnt work out so well huh

muslims killed 3 thousand people in one day with aero planes, which should we ban muslims? or airplanes? now try to be truthful in yer friction answer if ewe even have the guts to answer.
Gee. Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want.

Quelle horreur! How dare they not genuflect to the command of the President Who Would Be King!

Sure they did....with 90% of Americans supporting enhanced background checks

What was the percentage of southerners who supported continuing segregation in 1965? I guess we should have just let them have their way, huh?

Southerners were not the whole country, now were they?
How about we just Ban Everything, and wait for the government to tell us what we are allowed to do?
90% of the people will not forget what the republican party just did.

You have proven you are the bought party

:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: The Senate majority is Democrats.. how do she figure the Republicans did it????? oh yeah that's right, she's a non thinker tinker.
54 yes votes

46 no votes

filibuster to force the vote to have to have 60 votes to win
54 yes votes

46 no votes

filibuster to force the vote to have to have 60 votes to win

You nattering nabob of nonsense.

Four Democrat senators from red states defeated the bill. They could have voted with their party and secured a filibuster proof 60 votes. But they didn't. I doubt you grok why.

that is the only reason your party still has power over anything.

Jerrymandering doesnt last for ever
Once again... America is not governed by mob rules.

MOVE those goalposts baby!

I respond to a statement that says the Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want and BOOM.....wignuts start ranting that America is not governed by what the people want

Uh. Dood. Four Democrat Senators from conservative "red" states voted against the gun control bill. It would have passed if they defied the wishes of the voters in their states. What is it about representative government that bothers you so much?

It is mob rule.
Gabby, bless her heart should go preach a sermon in Chicago. She can take Brock with her if she thinks it will help.

your second amendment remedies to not winning elections didnt work out so well huh

muslims killed 3 thousand people in one day with aero planes, which should we ban muslims? or airplanes? now try to be truthful in yer friction answer if ewe even have the guts to answer.

We did take significant actions after 9-11 that include no-fly lists, airport scans, fortified cockpits and hundreds of other regulations

With guns.......we can't even keep them out of the hands of crazies
MOVE those goalposts baby!

I respond to a statement that says the Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want and BOOM.....wignuts start ranting that America is not governed by what the people want

Uh. Dood. Four Democrat Senators from conservative "red" states voted against the gun control bill. It would have passed if they defied the wishes of the voters in their states. What is it about representative government that bothers you so much?

It is mob rule.

You clearly don't grok the meaning of "mob rule".

But thank you for playing!
in a few years we will redistrict.

you will have even less power then.

All those R govs will be gone because they didnt do what they ran on and instead did abortion and union stripping crap.

There will fewer right wing voters alive.

there will be more scandals by republicans.

You will be a dead party in a very few years
The father of the poor girl killed in the Boston Bombing might want pressure cooker control too.

90% of the people aren't buying what the democrats are selling which is why democrats voted against this ill conceived bill.

A boy was killed. Which pretty much shows that you don't actually give a shit about the kid at all.

That's really uncalled for. The initial press accounts created confusion regarding the gender of the child that was killed.

That was days ago.
in a few years we will redistrict.

you will have even less power then.

All those R govs will be gone because they didnt do what they ran on and instead did abortion and union stripping crap.

There will fewer right wing voters alive.

there will be more scandals by republicans.

You will be a dead party in a very few years

The only proper response here is:

I Will Never Fear You.

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