Gabby Giffords blasts Senate sellout

Gee. Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want.

Quelle horreur! How dare they not genuflect to the command of the President Who Would Be King!

Sure they did....with 90% of Americans supporting enhanced background checks
As the number of victims of gun violence increase each year, so will the resolve to take needed steps. Ultimately the NRA will be the cause of stiff gun control laws.
how can a party survive while doing the opposite of what 90% of the people want?

the bought party just outed its self
How did we get ObamaCare stuck up our asses when most people didn't want it?

The father of the poor girl killed in the Boston Bombing might want pressure cooker control too.

90% of the people aren't buying what the democrats are selling which is why democrats voted against this ill conceived bill.

That may be a little extreme

But I bet he would support background checks of those purchasing explosives
Ingredients needed to make some explosives are not explosives themselves.

Are you asking for background checks to purchase fertilizer? That explosion in West Texas was ammonium nitrate.

Even with background checks required for purchases of known explosives, the black market is always open to people without one.

That is what our dufus President, our bimbo VP and all the pity-party emotional voters simply cannot get through their thick heads. Terrorists do not need our permission to buy their weapons of choice.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
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Sure they did....with 90% of Americans supporting enhanced background checks

Once again... America is not governed by mob rules.

MOVE those goalposts baby!

I respond to a statement that says the Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want and BOOM.....wignuts start ranting that America is not governed by what the people want

How did I move the goalposts, you were alluding to a poll as a basis for how our elected officials should have voted. :cuckoo:
As Benjamin Franklin so wisely noted:

“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”
when a party votes against something that is prefectly consitutional and is what 90% of the American people want they are anti American
The father of the poor girl killed in the Boston Bombing might want pressure cooker control too.

90% of the people aren't buying what the democrats are selling which is why democrats voted against this ill conceived bill.

A boy was killed. Which pretty much shows that you don't actually give a shit about the kid at all.

That's really uncalled for. The initial press accounts created confusion regarding the gender of the child that was killed.
Gee. Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want.

Quelle horreur! How dare they not genuflect to the command of the President Who Would Be King!

Sure they did....with 90% of Americans supporting enhanced background checks
As the number of victims of gun violence increase each year, so will the resolve to take needed steps. Ultimately the NRA will be the cause of stiff gun control laws.

Giffords is right.

We can't count on Congress to do the right thing. We need a grassroots movement to haunt those Senators who voted against sensible background checks. Send Sandy Hook parents to fundraisers and public events when they are running for reelection. Let the parents of murdered children ask why they refuse to do anything about it

Until Giffords and her movement get more political clout than the NRA....nothing will be done

We saw that yesterday
Gee. Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want.

Quelle horreur! How dare they not genuflect to the command of the President Who Would Be King!

Sure they did....with 90% of Americans supporting enhanced background checks
As the number of victims of gun violence increase each year, so will the resolve to take needed steps. Ultimately the NRA will be the cause of stiff gun control laws.

Gun control is a losing leftist cause, it always has been and it always will be. People are unwilling to hand away their Freedoms just because some emotionally compromised citizens cannot handle the minor negatives that always accompany Freedom.
and he would hate you

You're in an extra foul mood today. Did the still go on the fritz and turn out a particularly nasty batch of corn squeezins this morning?
you couldnt cheat enough to win last election.

the cheating is not going to gleen 90% of the votes for you without your entire party going to prison
Gabby, bless her heart should go preach a sermon in Chicago. She can take Brock with her if she thinks it will help.
The father of the poor girl killed in the Boston Bombing might want pressure cooker control too.

90% of the people aren't buying what the democrats are selling which is why democrats voted against this ill conceived bill.

A boy was killed. Which pretty much shows that you don't actually give a shit about the kid at all.

it shows no such thing.
90% of the people will not forget what the republican party just did.

You have proven you are the bought party
Gee. Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want.

Quelle horreur! How dare they not genuflect to the command of the President Who Would Be King!

Sure they did....with 90% of Americans supporting enhanced background checks

A public opinion poll is not a vote.

Senators are elected by voters of a state...not a small sample public opinion poll.

90% of the public also favors the government doing something about the debt, deficit, economy, and jobs, btw.....

Do you really think that politicians always vote the way their constituents want them to vote? Many vote for what is 'best' for the constituents, some vote for what is best for them.

Your final sentence was just plain stupid.

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