Gabby Giffords blasts Senate sellout

54 yes votes

46 no votes

filibuster to force the vote to have to have 60 votes to win

You don't know what a filibuster is do you? Filibuster doesn't force a vote. Filibuster is used to prevent or delay a vote.

U.S. Senate: Reference Home > Glossary > filibuster

filibuster - Informal term for any attempt to block or delay Senate action on a bill or other matter by debating it at length, by offering numerous procedural motions, or by any other delaying or obstructive actions.
Gee. Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want.

Quelle horreur! How dare they not genuflect to the command of the President Who Would Be King!

Since poll after poll says that 90% of America wants this, where would they get this idea from, retard?

Speaking of don't grok that a public opinion poll is not a vote.
Uh. Dood. Four Democrat Senators from conservative "red" states voted against the gun control bill. It would have passed if they defied the wishes of the voters in their states. What is it about representative government that bothers you so much?

It is mob rule.

You clearly don't grok the meaning of "mob rule".

But thank you for playing!

I understand what goes over your head.
your second amendment remedies to not winning elections didnt work out so well huh

muslims killed 3 thousand people in one day with aero planes, which should we ban muslims? or airplanes? now try to be truthful in yer friction answer if ewe even have the guts to answer.

We did take significant actions after 9-11 that include no-fly lists, airport scans, fortified cockpits and hundreds of other regulations

With guns.......we can't even keep them out of the hands of crazies

Boston Boston Boston.
At least we have the Senators on record now

Let them defend their vote when they run for reelection. Let Gabby Giffords and the Sandy Hook parents dog their campaign and ask them to justify their vote
Gee. Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want.

Quelle horreur! How dare they not genuflect to the command of the President Who Would Be King!

Since poll after poll says that 90% of America wants this, where would they get this idea from, retard?

The actual 4% who care one way or other.

Saying that 90% of America wants enhanced background checks doesn't really mean that 90% of America wants enhanced background checks. It means the question was posed in such language that 90% was manipulated into answering the question consistent with what the pollster was looking for.

The best way to settle this is in 2014. All of those who want gun control should run for office making sure that their views are central to their election or reelection platform. Let the voters decide.
in a few years we will redistrict.

you will have even less power then.

All those R govs will be gone because they didnt do what they ran on and instead did abortion and union stripping crap.

There will fewer right wing voters alive.

there will be more scandals by republicans.

You will be a dead party in a very few years

careful what you wish for, with all the Republicans gone the USA will look like Detroit. But then you deserve it.
your second amendment remedies to not winning elections didnt work out so well huh

muslims killed 3 thousand people in one day with aero planes, which should we ban muslims? or airplanes? now try to be truthful in yer friction answer if ewe even have the guts to answer.

We did take significant actions after 9-11 that include no-fly lists, airport scans, fortified cockpits and hundreds of other regulations

With guns.......we can't even keep them out of the hands of crazies

You don't keep guns out of the hands of crazies by persecuting the Freedoms of Law abiding citizens. Why do you not get that?
At least we have the Senators on record now

Let them defend their vote when they run for reelection. Let Gabby Giffords and the Sandy Hook parents dog their campaign and ask them to justify their vote

Gabby Gifford and the Sandy Hook parents emotions aren't running our country.
Gee. Senators voted consistent with what they think the people in the states they represent want.

Quelle horreur! How dare they not genuflect to the command of the President Who Would Be King!

Since poll after poll says that 90% of America wants this, where would they get this idea from, retard?

Again... America isn't governed by polls.
muslims killed 3 thousand people in one day with aero planes, which should we ban muslims? or airplanes? now try to be truthful in yer friction answer if ewe even have the guts to answer.

We did take significant actions after 9-11 that include no-fly lists, airport scans, fortified cockpits and hundreds of other regulations

With guns.......we can't even keep them out of the hands of crazies

You don't keep guns out of the hands of crazies by persecuting the Freedoms of Law abiding citizens. Why do you not get that?

Everyones freedoms were affected after 9-11

There is nothing in the Second Amendment restricting background checks
At least we have the Senators on record now

Let them defend their vote when they run for reelection. Let Gabby Giffords and the Sandy Hook parents dog their campaign and ask them to justify their vote

Gabby Gifford and the Sandy Hook parents emotions aren't running our country.

As Americans, they have a right to express their opinions. As victims of crime, I hope they dog these Senators at every turn

The NRA would do it.........Giffords and the Sandy Hook parents need to do the same
At least we have the Senators on record now

Let them defend their vote when they run for reelection. Let Gabby Giffords and the Sandy Hook parents dog their campaign and ask them to justify their vote

Gabby Gifford and the Sandy Hook parents emotions aren't running our country.

As Americans, they have a right to express their opinions. As victims of crime, I hope they dog these Senators at every turn

The NRA would do it.........Giffords and the Sandy Hook parents need to do the same

So you admit that the left uses Giffords, and the Sandy Hook parents to politicize the gun control agenda. They have that Right, just as rational and Law abiding gun owners do.
Southerners were not the whole country, now were they?

Senators aren't elected by The Whole Country, bub.

They represent their states.

Southerners, not senators. Perhaps you are the one who should lay off the vodka.

You don't read for comprehension, do you. The main topic of this thread is that the Senate didn't pass gun control. Your comrades are asserting that Senators should follow nationwide public opinion polls. The reference to Southerns opposing civil rights is one showing the potential damaging impact of mob rule. I referred back to the role of Senators in representing their states, not a mob.
More emotion, we need to take the emotion out of the equation.

We need to use logic and reason.
More emotion, we need to take the emotion out of the equation.

We need to use logic and reason.

Oh, we can't do that! Crises will Go To Waste if the Ruling Elite can't play on emotions of the moment!

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