Gabby Giffords’ Husband Buys AR-15

What I want to know is: how did such an ugly guy get such a fine looking woman? :dunno:
By David Codrea
12 March, 2013

Dear Capt. Kelly,

Houston, we have a problem: Your story makes no sense.​

You’re against rifles like the semiautomatic AR-15, which look like weapons of war, when you know full well the military doesn’t use them, but instead uses the select fire-capable M16. Yet you go to a dealer to buy a .45, a sidearm, which was actually, in your words, “designed for the military.” I’m not following your logic here.

You say as you were leaving the gun store, you noticed a used AR-15 and bought that, too. You then complain about your background check, and use that to attack private sales which don’t undergo background checks. I’m not following your logic here.

You say you have not taken possession of the gun yet, but when you do will turn it over to the Tucson Police. Why? If you wanted to buy them a gun, you could have just given them the money. If you wanted to prove how easy undocumented sales are, you could have bought one privately and taken possession of it instead of going through the trouble of proving you’re not a prohibited person. I’m not following your logic here.

The most troubling thing is, you didn’t “admit” that was your intent until after your purchase had been reported by alternative media and people were commenting on what appears to be hypocrisy of the highest order, compounded with implausible excuse-making. You then told CNN that making a Facebook announcement was something you and your “people” had a plan for, but you didn’t know when, like it’s some kind of big decision you have to consult a team on. I’m not following your logic here.


Read more:
Mark Kelly?s story on AR-15 purchase prompts skeptical open letter - National gun rights |
Well, I would say that any political aspirations he may have had, have been totally pissed down the toilet.

unlike that would hurt his chances with the left

he could do anything

as long as the guy puts a (d) behind his name

he is in

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