Gaetz: Old rules won’t work against unethical Dems acting like ‘angry pack of rabid hyenas’

Someone who lies has no credibility. That's right!

Let's put this guy under oath:

If Repubs weren't scared of what's coming out of the interviews, they wouldn't be pulling publicity stunts like yesterday's pizza party. They'd be sitting back smiling and watching the Dems hang themselves.

Although you do have to admire the chutzpah of demanding transparency while President Hush Money pulls a complete stonewall. Well, maybe not chutzpah - they know the Base will slurp up anything they pour in the trough.

The libs aren't releasing what is coming out of the interrogations. They are only leaking select portions to try and manipulate public opinion.

That shit doesn't fly with the new breed of Republicans, so the libs are just going to have to deal with the pushback.

There are Republican Congresscritters and Republican staff attorneys present at the depositions and allowed equal time for questions. If there were anything exculpatory, you couldn't get the R's to shut up about it. That's why they're whining, and lying, about process.

Actually, you are wrong. No one is supposed be leaking from these closed door sessions, neither R nor D.

The Republicans are following the rules.

Which rule allowed them to bust into that closed hearing?

The idea of fairness which is the basis of our Republic.

The fact that Schiff has closed the sessions tells me that he is hiding something from we, the American people.

That's funny.
There is absolutely nothing stopping the Republican Senate from holding public hearings about Trump's crimes.

The Senate held public hearings about Watergate for 14 months before the House began its investigation. I remember watching them on TV. Sam Ervin became a TV star.

The Republican Senate held open Benghazi hearings even though the Republican House was holding secret Benghazi hearings.

So why isn't the Republican Senate holding open hearings about Trump's and Rudy the Hand Grenade's activities in the Ukraine?

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Just another clue that Alky Gaetz's protests are so much bullshit theater for the rubes.

The LAST thing the Republicans want is a public airing of Trump's dirty laundry.
There is absolutely nothing stopping the Republican Senate from holding public hearings about Trump's crimes.

The Senate held public hearings about Watergate for 14 months before the House began its investigation. I remember watching them on TV. Sam Ervin became a TV star.

The Republican Senate held open Benghazi hearings even though the House was holding secret Benghazi hearings.

So why isn't the Republican Senate holding open hearings about Trump's and Rudy the Hand Grenade's activities in the Ukraine?


The Senate is too busy dealing with the actual business of the country. The number judicial confirmations they have been moving through is record breaking
If Repubs weren't scared of what's coming out of the interviews, they wouldn't be pulling publicity stunts like yesterday's pizza party. They'd be sitting back smiling and watching the Dems hang themselves.

Although you do have to admire the chutzpah of demanding transparency while President Hush Money pulls a complete stonewall. Well, maybe not chutzpah - they know the Base will slurp up anything they pour in the trough.

The libs aren't releasing what is coming out of the interrogations. They are only leaking select portions to try and manipulate public opinion.

That shit doesn't fly with the new breed of Republicans, so the libs are just going to have to deal with the pushback.

There are Republican Congresscritters and Republican staff attorneys present at the depositions and allowed equal time for questions. If there were anything exculpatory, you couldn't get the R's to shut up about it. That's why they're whining, and lying, about process.

Actually, you are wrong. No one is supposed be leaking from these closed door sessions, neither R nor D.

The Republicans are following the rules.

Which rule allowed them to bust into that closed hearing?

The idea of fairness which is the basis of our Republic.

The fact that Schiff has closed the sessions tells me that he is hiding something from we, the American people.

Tax returns. Is to laugh, comrade.
There is absolutely nothing stopping the Republican Senate from holding public hearings about Trump's crimes.

The Senate held public hearings about Watergate for 14 months before the House began its investigation. I remember watching them on TV. Sam Ervin became a TV star.

The Republican Senate held open Benghazi hearings even though the House was holding secret Benghazi hearings.

So why isn't the Republican Senate holding open hearings about Trump's and Rudy the Hand Grenade's activities in the Ukraine?


The Senate is too busy dealing with the actual business of the country. The number judicial confirmations they have been moving through is record breaking
There is absolutely nothing stopping the Republican Senate from holding public hearings about Trump's crimes.

The Senate held public hearings about Watergate for 14 months before the House began its investigation. I remember watching them on TV. Sam Ervin became a TV star.

The Republican Senate held open Benghazi hearings even though the House was holding secret Benghazi hearings.

So why isn't the Republican Senate holding open hearings about Trump's activities in the Ukraine?

The same with the Hillary crap and all the other conspiracy theories. If all these former high-level intelligence and law enforcement people are traitors, communists, should the Senate be holding hearings?
The last thing the Republicans want is William Taylor in living color on international TV.

You rubes are being led around by the nose.
They just can't stand having the tactics they used against Obama being used on them. How far are they willing to go to protect their Back Stabbing, Surrender Monkey?

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