Gaffing The Electoral Vote In Dec: Dems Beware Of Unintended Consequences

the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.
Well, here's the, uh, "funny" thing about that.

The GOP has all the power now and I wouldn't hold my breath on that happening.

And if it all hit the fan and the Dems grabbed all the power back, suddenly they wouldn't be so interested in doing it.
:eusa_shhh: just allow the left to out themselves for who they really are. The more they come out of the closet the more they lose.
But the problem is that not all dems are looney left. This is what fractured the party, drove many of them to vote for Trump; and what will endanger the party's future of ever holding power again as long as they wear the Rainbow Reicht's armband

Correct, the Democratic Party included groups that are not symbiotic in nature with its base

They ended up trading Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania for Nevada and Colorado by those inclusions.

No, most moderate democrats do not agree with Illegal immigration or Gay Marriage.

It's like watching a snake eat itself.

And I'm loving every minute of it.
the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.

Who is the "they" that you are referring to?
the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.
Another logical measure to ensure the validity of our Presidential elections would be to shorten the time between censuses to make sure each state is allocated the correct number of electoral votes. 10 years is too long.

Or make sure that only citizens vote.

Now there is true logic.
Or stop governments from trying to prevent people from voting. And stop foreign governments from interfering in and sabotaging our elections.

Or make sure by ID that only citizens vote. If you can't do that, then your complaint is simple deflection.
Isn't a problem if they show ID when they register
the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.
Another logical measure to ensure the validity of our Presidential elections would be to shorten the time between censuses to make sure each state is allocated the correct number of electoral votes. 10 years is too long.

Or make sure that only citizens vote.

Now there is true logic.
Or stop governments from trying to prevent people from voting. And stop foreign governments from interfering in and sabotaging our elections.

Or make sure by ID that only citizens vote. If you can't do that, then your complaint is simple deflection.
Isn't a problem if they show ID when they register

Then surely they can when they vote as well.
:eusa_shhh: just allow the left to out themselves for who they really are. The more they come out of the closet the more they lose.
But the problem is that not all dems are looney left. This is what fractured the party, drove many of them to vote for Trump; and what will endanger the party's future of ever holding power again as long as they wear the Rainbow Reicht's armband

I get along fine with "democrats" and can work with them. Its the lying lowlife scum corrupted liberals I'm at war with. Sadly, the liberals have ruled the Democratic party with an iron fist for years, forcing more moderate Democrats to vote lockstep for their stupid ass liberal policies, regulations, and anti-business crap. I'll be honest, the more moderate Democrats do seem to have become collaborators with these liberal freaks, I don't much trust them anymore.
:eusa_shhh: just allow the left to out themselves for who they really are. The more they come out of the closet the more they lose.
But the problem is that not all dems are looney left. This is what fractured the party, drove many of them to vote for Trump; and what will endanger the party's future of ever holding power again as long as they wear the Rainbow Reicht's armband

I get along fine with "democrats" and can work with them. Its the lying lowlife scum corrupted liberals I'm at war with. Sadly, the liberals have ruled the Democratic party with an iron fist for years, forcing more moderate Democrats to vote lockstep for their stupid ass liberal policies, regulations, and anti-business crap. I'll be honest, the more moderate Democrats do seem to have become collaborators with these liberal freaks, I don't much trust them anymore.

Yep! So do I
We're talking about the P.C. crowd ,they hijacked the Democratic party in the 60's and early 70's and hid behind the word liberal. They all want to change the consitution with the goal of getting rid of it. Their political ideology wants a soft form of Marxism, just like Alinsky wanted.
I get along fine with "democrats" and can work with them. Its the lying lowlife scum corrupted liberals I'm at war with. Sadly, the liberals have ruled the Democratic party with an iron fist for years, forcing more moderate Democrats to vote lockstep for their stupid ass liberal policies, regulations, and anti-business crap. I'll be honest, the more moderate Democrats do seem to have become collaborators with these liberal freaks, I don't much trust them anymore.

Not anymore.... Evidence: Election 2016's "Fuck the democrats" platform run by the republican party and it's Puppet In Chief...
I get along fine with "democrats" and can work with them. Its the lying lowlife scum corrupted liberals I'm at war with. Sadly, the liberals have ruled the Democratic party with an iron fist for years, forcing more moderate Democrats to vote lockstep for their stupid ass liberal policies, regulations, and anti-business crap. I'll be honest, the more moderate Democrats do seem to have become collaborators with these liberal freaks, I don't much trust them anymore.

Not anymore.... Evidence: Election 2016's "Fuck the democrats" platform run by the republican party and it's Puppet In Chief...

Bullies never last for very long.
I get along fine with "democrats" and can work with them. Its the lying lowlife scum corrupted liberals I'm at war with. Sadly, the liberals have ruled the Democratic party with an iron fist for years, forcing more moderate Democrats to vote lockstep for their stupid ass liberal policies, regulations, and anti-business crap. I'll be honest, the more moderate Democrats do seem to have become collaborators with these liberal freaks, I don't much trust them anymore.

Not anymore.... Evidence: Election 2016's "Fuck the democrats" platform run by the republican party and it's Puppet In Chief...
I get along fine with "democrats" and can work with them. Its the lying lowlife scum corrupted liberals I'm at war with. Sadly, the liberals have ruled the Democratic party with an iron fist for years, forcing more moderate Democrats to vote lockstep for their stupid ass liberal policies, regulations, and anti-business crap. I'll be honest, the more moderate Democrats do seem to have become collaborators with these liberal freaks, I don't much trust them anymore.

Not anymore.... Evidence: Election 2016's "Fuck the democrats" platform run by the republican party and it's Puppet In Chief...

Bullies never last for very long.

Which is exactly why election 2016 happened. The worst type of bullying in the US is the suppression of the 1st Amendment using fascism & tyranny.
the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.
Well, here's the, uh, "funny" thing about that.

The GOP has all the power now and I wouldn't hold my breath on that happening.

And if it all hit the fan and the Dems grabbed all the power back, suddenly they wouldn't be so interested in doing it.

Care4all wants to concentrate electoral votes in dense urban areas = the most extreme liberal areas. Sorry Care4all, the rural people will have their say too. The founding fathers foresaw exactly the coup your suggesting and headed it off at the pass.
the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.
Well, here's the, uh, "funny" thing about that.

The GOP has all the power now and I wouldn't hold my breath on that happening.

And if it all hit the fan and the Dems grabbed all the power back, suddenly they wouldn't be so interested in doing it.

Care4all wants to concentrate electoral votes in dense urban areas = the most extreme liberal areas. Sorry Care4all, the rural people will have their say too. The founding fathers foresaw exactly the coup your suggesting and headed it off at the pass.
they do have their say....a State like wisconsin with 600,000 citizens gets 1 electoral vote for their 1 congressional district, and they get 2 electoral votes for their two senators....just as our founders PLANNED.... A state like California, gets 53 electoral votes, 1 for each of their 53 congressional districts, PLUS 2 electoral votes for their 2 Senators a total of 55.

Wisconsin, the least populated State, as our founders had planned it, gets the advantage with the 2 electoral votes for their Senators...those 2 electoral votes for their 2 senators counts as 66% of their total electoral votes for the State.

but in California, a State with 39 million citizens, it too only gets 2 electors for their 2 senators and this only accounts for less than 4% of their total electoral votes.

So Smaller States do get a huge advantage over a State that is large like California....JUST as our founders intended when they set up our two houses of congress, the elector allotment is weighted to give some advantage to smaller states... The Population's will is still important, as with Congressmen, we get one congressmen for nearly every 700,000 citizens, and each state gets two Senators in the senate, the small states with low population are just as important as the largest state in the Nation, in the Senate...which is a balancing measure over the popular vote and massive populations ruling.

YOU just are not understanding what is going on here in each State EXCEPT my State of Maine and Nebraska.... we proportionally allot out electors to the candidates for the two congressional districts....this year, Trump won 1 of our districts and got the 1 elector vote for that district, and Clinton won 1 district, and got 1 elector vote, in the popular vote in my State, Clinton got a few thousand more than Trump so she got the 2 elector votes representing Senators which are given to the winner of the popular vote.

Trump was here 3 times with rallies, wanting that 1 single electoral vote, because he felt he was going to need it to win.... if our State had not changed our electoral process back in the 1970's to how our founders had intended, President Elect Trump would have never in a million years come here to visit, because the way most States do it now, ALL of Maine's electors would go to the winner....

this winner takes all thingy that the two parties over the years changed their States to, is what makes the whole process screwed up...the two parties did this, so that no third party candidate would get any electoral votes...they would never win, a single State's electors....

As example Ross Perot received 19% of the total popular vote in the USA, he won congressional district after congressional district throughout the United States, but not one single State over all majority....

HE DID NOT RECEIVE ONE SINGLE ELECTORAL VOTE, with nearly 20% of the population voting for him...his congressional allotted electors that he won in those state congressional districts, went to one of the two major party candidates....the Democratic and Republican Parties CHANGED the electoral process and system to protect their own asses and keep themselves in power and rules out any chance EVER, of a third party candidate winning.
And yet according to the good rules of the electoral college, Trump won. It's the darndest thing. Remember, I voted for Hillary, trying to keep Trump from the Whitehouse. My efforts failed, but they didn't in a way because our method of elections was preserved. In that sense, we all won.
And yet according to the good rules of the electoral college, Trump won. It's the darndest thing. Remember, I voted for Hillary, trying to keep Trump from the Whitehouse. My efforts failed, but they didn't in a way because our method of elections was preserved. In that sense, we all won.
He still could have won, even if you go back to the way the founders had it set up and my state and Nebraska have it, by winning the electoral votes proportionately per state, plus the two from each state that he won the popular vote in....remember those maps...they are a sea of red states, Trump won many many more states than Hillary and he would have gotten 2 extra elector votes from each one of those states, regardless of the state's population....
And yet according to the good rules of the electoral college, Trump won. It's the darndest thing. Remember, I voted for Hillary, trying to keep Trump from the Whitehouse. My efforts failed, but they didn't in a way because our method of elections was preserved. In that sense, we all won.
He still could have won, even if you go back to the way the founders had it set up and my state and Nebraska have it, by winning the electoral votes proportionately per state, plus the two from each state that he won the popular vote in....remember those maps...they are a sea of red states, Trump won many many more states than Hillary and he would have gotten 2 extra elector votes from each one of those states, regardless of the state's population....
Agreed. As they say, Trump won fair and square. This is why if the dems try to fool or tamper with the electoral college's vote coming up, it will once again cement in the minds of the middle bloc of voters that the word "democrat" is synonymous with overweening, or cult, or fascism. Whenever a minority tries via subterfuge and deceit, to overthrow a majority, that is fascism. When a cult of depraved sex acts is behind that fascist move, it's twice as repugnant. Ergo, with such behavior, the dems are committing suicide as a whole.
this winner takes all thingy that the two parties over the years changed their States to, is what makes the whole process screwed up...the two parties did this, so that no third party candidate would get any electoral votes...they would never win, a single State's electors....

Urban areas which have the highest populations, almost always go democrat. So, that would still tip the scales always in favor of the urban thought process. The FFs wanted the rural thought process to have equal weight. They debated this type of stuff in very heated discussions. They really leaned towards giving rural folk a voice. I think there was even a requirement at one point for a presidential candidate to have been a farmer...something along those lines. The wisdom and slow pace of the common folk was not lost on the FFs.

When the rat-race gets to call all the shots, mayhem and anarchy isn't far behind.
the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.
Another logical measure to ensure the validity of our Presidential elections would be to shorten the time between censuses to make sure each state is allocated the correct number of electoral votes. 10 years is too long.

then a simple amendment to the Constitution would change that
the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.
Another logical measure to ensure the validity of our Presidential elections would be to shorten the time between censuses to make sure each state is allocated the correct number of electoral votes. 10 years is too long.

then a simple amendment to the Constitution would change that

Well remember, the GOP would be in charge of that "simple amendment"...

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