Gallup Shows How Much Americans Really Care About The "Situation With Russia"

There is one thing Donald Trump has done that no one felt possible, because of his current foreign policy, in reaction to Trump tariffs, Japan, Germany and Italy have all signed tariff-free trade agreements with each other.

When was the last time you saw these 3 countries hook-up?
There is one thing Donald Trump has done that no one felt possible, because of his current foreign policy, in reaction to Trump tariffs, Japan, Germany and Italy have all signed tariff-free trade agreements with each other.

When was the last time you saw these 3 countries hook-up?
So...........we've been here before..........and the result.........They moved their auto plants here..........and LOST.

We gained jobs..........We import the GDP of Germany and they KNOW IT...........they don't want to lose their jobs.......

It's real simple..........they can make agreements with us directly without a Mickey Mouse Foreign court.......I'd remind you that Japan who are true blue friends have banned beef sales there as long as China. And China has removed that ban.
So...........we've been here before..........and the result.........They moved their auto plants here..........and LOST.

We gained jobs..........We import the GDP of Germany and they KNOW IT...........they don't want to lose their jobs.......

It's real simple..........they can make agreements with us directly without a Mickey Mouse Foreign court.......I'd remind you that Japan who are true blue friends have banned beef sales there as long as China. And China has removed that ban.
Japan and China have also signed a tarrif-free trade agreement.
South Korea eases cap on auto imports in return for U.S. steel tariff exemption | The Japan Times

South Korea’s steel industry will “try to pave the way to ease U.S. restrictions on steel exports,” the association said in a statement. South Korea and the United States also agreed that U.S. tariffs on Korean pickup trucks will remain in place until 2041, extended by 20 years from the previous phase-out schedule of 2021.

Under KORUS revisions, U.S. automakers will be able to bring into South Korea 50,000 vehicles per automaker per year that meet U.S. safety standards — not necessarily Korean standards — up from 25,000 vehicles previously. Kim said no automakers previously exceeded the 25,000-vehicle threshold a year. Ford Motor Co and General Motors each shipped fewer than 10,000 vehicles from the United States to South Korea last year. “I don’t see a high chance of automakers expanding U.S. imports,” he said.

South Korea also said it will “take into account U.S. standards and global trends” when Seoul decides its fuel economy and emissions rules from 2021 to 2015.

“South Korea gave concessions in autos in return for steel tariff exemptions,” the former chief negotiator for the KORUS FTA, Kim Jong-hoon, said. “I think South Korea fared well despite the U.S. offensive.”

South Korean automakers should make investments and hire new workers in the United States to build pickup trucks to avoid the 25 percent tariff, he added.

“This is not a free trade, but a managed trade.”
So...........we've been here before..........and the result.........They moved their auto plants here..........and LOST.

We gained jobs..........We import the GDP of Germany and they KNOW IT...........they don't want to lose their jobs.......

It's real simple..........they can make agreements with us directly without a Mickey Mouse Foreign court.......I'd remind you that Japan who are true blue friends have banned beef sales there as long as China. And China has removed that ban.
Japan and China have also signed a tarrif-free trade agreement.
So.................3.5 Trillion on the line..............they can go tariff free with us too without the mickey mouse courts.......Stop banning our products and stealing our intellectual property..........not to mention the overproduction of Steal to monopolize the market............

They can agree to stop fucking us or lose the Trade.........If they don't ............we start making our own stuff again for a little more.......and stop the massive trade deficits...........

Again, this is not the first time this has happened............we have a right to dispute their unfair trade protect our jobs.......They are doing it to us all over the globe and expect us to remain stupid and continue to allow it to happen.............

Trump promised to take on unfair Trade practices and is doing matter how much everyone screams that we are all going to die.
Another indirect effect of the automobile restraints may prove to be their most lasting benefit. As a result of the restraints, several Japanese companies accelerated plans to build assembly plants in the United States by two to four years. Table 9 lists three plants that are now operating and four that are either under construction or in the planning stages. Of these, only the Honda plant was under development before the restraints were negotiated in 1981. Still, it seems unlikely that accelerating the start-up of these plants-amassing a total capacity of 1.29 million cars-could be worth more than a fraction of the $10-$15 billion welfare loss absorbed by U.S. consumers in 1982-85. Perhaps the greatest error in the protection of U.S. automobiles has been the choice of instrument. The rigid quotas on Japanese imports have allowed a very concentrated industry to restrain output and raise price. The resulting U.S. economic welfare losses are unlikely to be recouped through productivity and quality improvements by U.S. producers, but the benefits of accelerating the Japanese investment in U.S. automobile production facilities may prove to be substantial. In the end, it is new competition, not the restriction of competition, that will revitalize the U.S. automobile industry.
Japan Confirms It Will Continue U.S. Quota of 2.3 Million Cars

Hajime Tamura, Japan's Minister of International Trade and Industry, described the retention of the quotas as a ''political decision.'' He predicted that the number of Japanese cars exported to the United States in the current fiscal year, which ends March 31, would fall below the quota level of 2.3 million.

Because of the yen's sharp increase in value against the dollar, sales of Japanese autos in the United States during 1987 fell by 6 to 8 percent. But many of Japan's major auto makers now manufacture cars in the United States. These American-made cars are not counted in the quota. Reasoning Behind Restraints

''The impact of the big trade surplus in automobiles on the total trade surplus with the United States is too large to consider this issue independently,'' Mr. Tamura said. ''There is a big difference between giving the impression that the restraints will continue and the impression that there are no restraints and auto sales might go wild.'' Auto exports account for more than 20 percent of Japan's exports to the United States.

Mr. Tamura said the ministry would consider lifting the quotas if auto exports to the United States continued to lag.
Why Don't We Sell More Cars In Japan?

Oct 24th 2009 at 12:00AM

Imagine the Philadelphia Phillies annihilating the Tampa Bay Rays 4,000 to 3 in the final game of the 2008 World Series, and you have something like the U.S. automakers' success rate in breaking into the Japanese and Korean markets.

In August, only 192 Fords and 63 Chevrolets and were sold in Japan, roughly the same number as a year earlier, according to the Japanese Association of Automobile Importers. And over the last decade, things have actually gotten worse: The figures were 359 for Ford and 793 for Chevrolet in August 1999.

In 2008, Chevrolet exported exactly one vehicle to Japan for every 400 Toyotas exported to the U.S. Throw in the Japanese firm's production at its U.S. transplants, and the ratio is even more lopsided: Chevrolet sold one vehicle in Japan for every 1,300 Toyotas sold in the U.S.

Ford sold about 2,500 vehicles in Korea last year, compared to nearly 330,000 Hyundai and Kia vehicles imported to the U.S.

Variations in consumer tastes alone can't possibly account for differences of that magnitude, even though Asian consumers tend to buy smaller cars than Americans do, critics of U.S. trade policy say. Nor do differences in U.S. and Asian quality levels, when there are any.

While Korea and Japan no longer directly restrict U.S. imports, they do put up barriers to them, said Chris Vitale, president of a Michigan-based group,, which promotes open trade in the auto industry.

"For all intents and purposes, the Japanese market is closed to everyone," Vitale said. "No one gets a foothold."

Vitale said U.S. exports to Europe should be greater, too. But many countries place extra taxes on U.S. vehicles, even though they bear the full weight of American taxation through income and corporate taxes.

There is simply no European-built vehicle that functions like an American pickup for snow-plowing and many other tasks, Vitale notes.

"Imagine how many more of them could be sold with a real dealership."

We have everything to gain and nothing to lose. They use protectionism out the ass against us........The MARKET IS HERE......NOT THERE......We go big on Tariffs their imports to the large market in the United States will DIE...........It is exactly why they moved plants here to AVOID THE QUOTAS..........We may spend a little more here to buy a vehicle...........but they will lose big........and they will have to increase production HERE to continue to make SALES.........AND THEY KNOW IT.
We won and lost back then.......a little higher prices but then they started building more plants here. They sped up construction of the auto plants here to compensate for the quotas.........As they are not counted.............How did that go...............We got the jobs and investments to build the plants.......and we got sustainable JOBS..............

If they want to go down this path and we hit them with similar Tariffs and restrictions as they do to us........When the LION'S SHARE OF THE MARKET IS HERE.........THEY WILL LOSE..............

I'm willing to pay a little more for a vehicle to support industry and jobs in about you.............
Most people I know think the Russian angle is just bullshit perpetrated by the DNC.

People have other things to do and really couldn't care less.
and its not much.


While ever-hope-filled expectations among the left are for a 'blue wave' in the Mid-term elections, we suspect things may not turn out quite as planned given the last week's "crisis". Even before President Trump had set foot in Helsinki, the left and the media were banging the drums of war against "the thug" Putin and how he would trump Trump, and once the press conference furore was over, all hell broke loose as the left-leaning world attempted to out-signal one another's virtue as to the "treasonous", "surrender" that had occurred.

So much so - in fact - that the internet became 'full' of "Trump" and "Treason" chatter - more so even than when he joked in July 2016 about Russia having Hillary's missing 30,000 emails.

Once again - the "Russia, Russia, Russia" cries drowned out any sane discussion of the end of cold war 2.0.


There's just one problem with the Democrats' unending focus on Russia and the media's constant collusion chatter: few Americans care, because - drumroll - they have real lives in the real economy to worry about.

As the latest survey from Gallup shows: when asked what the most important problem facing the nation is, Russia did not even warrant a 1% - and worse still, it is declining in importance from there.

Gallup Shows How Much Americans Really Care About The "Situation With Russia"


Yes Geaux only The Unhinged give a crap.

MEANWHILE here is the ACTUAL IMPORTANT news from yesterday, what a GREAT President The Donald is for the average American man and woman, he promised them The Forgotten Men and Women would be Forgotten No More, he again has kept ANOTHER one of his Campaign Promises.

The Donald did not NEED to run for President, he did not NEED the Ego Boost of being President, he had ALREADY been SOMEONE for 40 years, he is wealthy enough and at the age of 70 years in age he could have just sat back and relaxed and enjoyed being with Melania and Barron and his Grandchildren, but INSTEAD of that he being a PATRIOT decided he could not sit and watch America Going Into Decline, so he ran for President and got this THANKLESS job because he CARES and he works for FREE, he accepts NO fee for being President he gives it away to charity he works FREE for the nation he LOVES and the peoples he LOVES the ONCE Forgotten Men and Women now Forgotten No More....and ALL he gets in return for this THANKLESS job is Unhinged Maniacs and the Paid For Propaganda MSM TRASHING him 24/7 for 18 MONTHS. Fucking POS.

May Our Lord Watch and Bless Donald J. Trump and keep him safe from the dark forces of Satan. Amen.

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The article written by a BLACK Conservative:

View attachment 206004

Here is the full article the link to:

Trump Signs Executive Order Establishing Apprenticeship Programs with U.S. Companies for 3.8 Million Workers
Sounds great... Too bad It's imaginary.

It's not The Donald had the meeting with all those business leaders and he signed that Executive Order.

What IS imaginary is that The Donald was PUT in The White House by Putin. The Donald was PUT in The White House because he WON the Electoral College.
It is NOT imaginary that Russia interfered and TRIED to sway the American people to vote for Trump, who Putin hoped would win.
They are still active in interfering with the upcoming elections.
That is what is worrying Americans, that Trump is ignoring that and giving Putin a free pass. Sanctions that were overwhelmingly voted on last year have not been implemented, because the President wouldn't let them go through.
He is inviting Putin to the White House in a few months, as if he were an ally.
Putin is now floating the idea of having Ukraine have a general referendum on joining the Russian Federation. I think Ukraine has made it pretty clear how they feel about that. This is more of Russia taking over its neighbors; free and fair elections run by Putin are a joke. Will Trump even bat an eye? We'll see.
If he keeps this shit up, I'm beginning to wonder if the guy should get pulled, too.
and its not much.


While ever-hope-filled expectations among the left are for a 'blue wave' in the Mid-term elections, we suspect things may not turn out quite as planned given the last week's "crisis". Even before President Trump had set foot in Helsinki, the left and the media were banging the drums of war against "the thug" Putin and how he would trump Trump, and once the press conference furore was over, all hell broke loose as the left-leaning world attempted to out-signal one another's virtue as to the "treasonous", "surrender" that had occurred.

So much so - in fact - that the internet became 'full' of "Trump" and "Treason" chatter - more so even than when he joked in July 2016 about Russia having Hillary's missing 30,000 emails.

Once again - the "Russia, Russia, Russia" cries drowned out any sane discussion of the end of cold war 2.0.


There's just one problem with the Democrats' unending focus on Russia and the media's constant collusion chatter: few Americans care, because - drumroll - they have real lives in the real economy to worry about.

As the latest survey from Gallup shows: when asked what the most important problem facing the nation is, Russia did not even warrant a 1% - and worse still, it is declining in importance from there.

Gallup Shows How Much Americans Really Care About The "Situation With Russia"


So Russia did not register 1% although if you look at when the poll was done it was BEFORE the surrender summit in Finland.

More importantly, look at what the 2nd highest concern was on the list:


Who controls the White House currently? Who Controls the House Of Representatives currently? Who controls the Senate currently?

Looks like the party in power is going to get decked pretty hard in the upcoming mid-term elections based on what you posted!
and its not much.


While ever-hope-filled expectations among the left are for a 'blue wave' in the Mid-term elections, we suspect things may not turn out quite as planned given the last week's "crisis". Even before President Trump had set foot in Helsinki, the left and the media were banging the drums of war against "the thug" Putin and how he would trump Trump, and once the press conference furore was over, all hell broke loose as the left-leaning world attempted to out-signal one another's virtue as to the "treasonous", "surrender" that had occurred.

So much so - in fact - that the internet became 'full' of "Trump" and "Treason" chatter - more so even than when he joked in July 2016 about Russia having Hillary's missing 30,000 emails.

Once again - the "Russia, Russia, Russia" cries drowned out any sane discussion of the end of cold war 2.0.


There's just one problem with the Democrats' unending focus on Russia and the media's constant collusion chatter: few Americans care, because - drumroll - they have real lives in the real economy to worry about.

As the latest survey from Gallup shows: when asked what the most important problem facing the nation is, Russia did not even warrant a 1% - and worse still, it is declining in importance from there.

Gallup Shows How Much Americans Really Care About The "Situation With Russia"


Yes Geaux only The Unhinged give a crap.

MEANWHILE here is the ACTUAL IMPORTANT news from yesterday, what a GREAT President The Donald is for the average American man and woman, he promised them The Forgotten Men and Women would be Forgotten No More, he again has kept ANOTHER one of his Campaign Promises.

The Donald did not NEED to run for President, he did not NEED the Ego Boost of being President, he had ALREADY been SOMEONE for 40 years, he is wealthy enough and at the age of 70 years in age he could have just sat back and relaxed and enjoyed being with Melania and Barron and his Grandchildren, but INSTEAD of that he being a PATRIOT decided he could not sit and watch America Going Into Decline, so he ran for President and got this THANKLESS job because he CARES and he works for FREE, he accepts NO fee for being President he gives it away to charity he works FREE for the nation he LOVES and the peoples he LOVES the ONCE Forgotten Men and Women now Forgotten No More....and ALL he gets in return for this THANKLESS job is Unhinged Maniacs and the Paid For Propaganda MSM TRASHING him 24/7 for 18 MONTHS. Fucking POS.

May Our Lord Watch and Bless Donald J. Trump and keep him safe from the dark forces of Satan. Amen.

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The article written by a BLACK Conservative:

View attachment 206004

Here is the full article the link to:

Trump Signs Executive Order Establishing Apprenticeship Programs with U.S. Companies for 3.8 Million Workers
Sounds great... Too bad It's imaginary.

It's not The Donald had the meeting with all those business leaders and he signed that Executive Order.

What IS imaginary is that The Donald was PUT in The White House by Putin. The Donald was PUT in The White House because he WON the Electoral College.
It is NOT imaginary that Russia interfered and TRIED to sway the American people to vote for Trump, who Putin hoped would win.
They are still active in interfering with the upcoming elections.
That is what is worrying Americans, that Trump is ignoring that and giving Putin a free pass. Sanctions that were overwhelmingly voted on last year have not been implemented, because the President wouldn't let them go through.
He is inviting Putin to the White House in a few months, as if he were an ally.
Putin is now floating the idea of having Ukraine have a general referendum on joining the Russian Federation. I think Ukraine has made it pretty clear how they feel about that. This is more of Russia taking over its neighbors; free and fair elections run by Putin are a joke. Will Trump even bat an eye? We'll see.
If he keeps this shit up, I'm beginning to wonder if the guy should get pulled, too.
New Sanctions Prove No One Has Been Tougher on Moscow Than Trump - White House

"Today’s sanctions and the totality of the administration’s actions which are in keeping with Congress’ wishes prove the president is absolutely correct when he says no one has been tougher on Russia," Sanders told reporters.

The latest sanctions US President Donald Trump imposed on Russia demonstrate his strong leadership and a clear message that the United States will not condone malign activity, Vice President Mike Pence said in a statement on Friday.

"The Trump administration continues to hold bad Russian actors accountable for their lawless actions on the international stage," Pence said. "Today's actions by [Trump] show strong leadership and send a clear message: malign activity won't be tolerated by the United States."

Treasury Designates Russian Oligarchs, Officials, and Entities in Response to Worldwide Malign Activity | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Today’s actions are pursuant to authority provided under Executive Order (E.O.) 13661 and E.O. 13662, authorities codified by the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), as well as E.O. 13582. These actions follow the Department of the Treasury’s issuance of the CAATSA Section 241 report in late January 2018. In the Section 241 report, Treasury identified senior Russian government officials and oligarchs. Today’s action targets a number of the individuals listed in the Section 241 report, including those who benefit from the Putin regime and play a key role in advancing Russia’s malign activities.

Not only are the old sanctions in ones were just implemented...........

When DO WE DECLARE WAR ON RUSSIA..................

Would you be happy then.


Ok........thanks I feel better.
and its not much.


While ever-hope-filled expectations among the left are for a 'blue wave' in the Mid-term elections, we suspect things may not turn out quite as planned given the last week's "crisis". Even before President Trump had set foot in Helsinki, the left and the media were banging the drums of war against "the thug" Putin and how he would trump Trump, and once the press conference furore was over, all hell broke loose as the left-leaning world attempted to out-signal one another's virtue as to the "treasonous", "surrender" that had occurred.

So much so - in fact - that the internet became 'full' of "Trump" and "Treason" chatter - more so even than when he joked in July 2016 about Russia having Hillary's missing 30,000 emails.

Once again - the "Russia, Russia, Russia" cries drowned out any sane discussion of the end of cold war 2.0.


There's just one problem with the Democrats' unending focus on Russia and the media's constant collusion chatter: few Americans care, because - drumroll - they have real lives in the real economy to worry about.

As the latest survey from Gallup shows: when asked what the most important problem facing the nation is, Russia did not even warrant a 1% - and worse still, it is declining in importance from there.

Gallup Shows How Much Americans Really Care About The "Situation With Russia"


Yes Geaux only The Unhinged give a crap.

MEANWHILE here is the ACTUAL IMPORTANT news from yesterday, what a GREAT President The Donald is for the average American man and woman, he promised them The Forgotten Men and Women would be Forgotten No More, he again has kept ANOTHER one of his Campaign Promises.

The Donald did not NEED to run for President, he did not NEED the Ego Boost of being President, he had ALREADY been SOMEONE for 40 years, he is wealthy enough and at the age of 70 years in age he could have just sat back and relaxed and enjoyed being with Melania and Barron and his Grandchildren, but INSTEAD of that he being a PATRIOT decided he could not sit and watch America Going Into Decline, so he ran for President and got this THANKLESS job because he CARES and he works for FREE, he accepts NO fee for being President he gives it away to charity he works FREE for the nation he LOVES and the peoples he LOVES the ONCE Forgotten Men and Women now Forgotten No More....and ALL he gets in return for this THANKLESS job is Unhinged Maniacs and the Paid For Propaganda MSM TRASHING him 24/7 for 18 MONTHS. Fucking POS.

May Our Lord Watch and Bless Donald J. Trump and keep him safe from the dark forces of Satan. Amen.

View attachment 206000
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The article written by a BLACK Conservative:

View attachment 206004

Here is the full article the link to:

Trump Signs Executive Order Establishing Apprenticeship Programs with U.S. Companies for 3.8 Million Workers
Sounds great... Too bad It's imaginary.

It's not The Donald had the meeting with all those business leaders and he signed that Executive Order.

What IS imaginary is that The Donald was PUT in The White House by Putin. The Donald was PUT in The White House because he WON the Electoral College.
It is NOT imaginary that Russia interfered and TRIED to sway the American people to vote for Trump, who Putin hoped would win.
They are still active in interfering with the upcoming elections.
That is what is worrying Americans, that Trump is ignoring that and giving Putin a free pass. Sanctions that were overwhelmingly voted on last year have not been implemented, because the President wouldn't let them go through.
He is inviting Putin to the White House in a few months, as if he were an ally.
Putin is now floating the idea of having Ukraine have a general referendum on joining the Russian Federation. I think Ukraine has made it pretty clear how they feel about that. This is more of Russia taking over its neighbors; free and fair elections run by Putin are a joke. Will Trump even bat an eye? We'll see.
If he keeps this shit up, I'm beginning to wonder if the guy should get pulled, too.

How many people in the US were killed because the DNC server was hacked by Russia? How many people in the US did the Russian bots spreading fake news during the election kill?

Now lets compare the number of people in the US killed due to Russian meddling in US elections with how many killed in the US by illegal immigrants from 2015-2017.
I hear and read way more Republicans complaining about the disinterest in Russia than I do from Democrats ranting about the situation. But then the only Democrats I come across are all the ones here on this board.

Bleaux4it is like the "Russia" version of Skookerasbil with his 355 emoticons constantly wailing about "nobody cares about climate, s0n --- please"?

Because nothing says "nobody cares" like constantly whining about it.
Most people I know think the Russian angle is just bullshit perpetrated by the DNC.

People have other things to do and really couldn't care less.
Most people, like you, are brainwashed ignoramuses also...
Last edited:
and its not much.


While ever-hope-filled expectations among the left are for a 'blue wave' in the Mid-term elections, we suspect things may not turn out quite as planned given the last week's "crisis". Even before President Trump had set foot in Helsinki, the left and the media were banging the drums of war against "the thug" Putin and how he would trump Trump, and once the press conference furore was over, all hell broke loose as the left-leaning world attempted to out-signal one another's virtue as to the "treasonous", "surrender" that had occurred.

So much so - in fact - that the internet became 'full' of "Trump" and "Treason" chatter - more so even than when he joked in July 2016 about Russia having Hillary's missing 30,000 emails.

Once again - the "Russia, Russia, Russia" cries drowned out any sane discussion of the end of cold war 2.0.


There's just one problem with the Democrats' unending focus on Russia and the media's constant collusion chatter: few Americans care, because - drumroll - they have real lives in the real economy to worry about.

As the latest survey from Gallup shows: when asked what the most important problem facing the nation is, Russia did not even warrant a 1% - and worse still, it is declining in importance from there.

Gallup Shows How Much Americans Really Care About The "Situation With Russia"


Yes Geaux only The Unhinged give a crap.

MEANWHILE here is the ACTUAL IMPORTANT news from yesterday, what a GREAT President The Donald is for the average American man and woman, he promised them The Forgotten Men and Women would be Forgotten No More, he again has kept ANOTHER one of his Campaign Promises.

The Donald did not NEED to run for President, he did not NEED the Ego Boost of being President, he had ALREADY been SOMEONE for 40 years, he is wealthy enough and at the age of 70 years in age he could have just sat back and relaxed and enjoyed being with Melania and Barron and his Grandchildren, but INSTEAD of that he being a PATRIOT decided he could not sit and watch America Going Into Decline, so he ran for President and got this THANKLESS job because he CARES and he works for FREE, he accepts NO fee for being President he gives it away to charity he works FREE for the nation he LOVES and the peoples he LOVES the ONCE Forgotten Men and Women now Forgotten No More....and ALL he gets in return for this THANKLESS job is Unhinged Maniacs and the Paid For Propaganda MSM TRASHING him 24/7 for 18 MONTHS. Fucking POS.

May Our Lord Watch and Bless Donald J. Trump and keep him safe from the dark forces of Satan. Amen.

View attachment 206000
View attachment 206001
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View attachment 206003

The article written by a BLACK Conservative:

View attachment 206004

Here is the full article the link to:

Trump Signs Executive Order Establishing Apprenticeship Programs with U.S. Companies for 3.8 Million Workers
Sounds great... Too bad It's imaginary.

It's not The Donald had the meeting with all those business leaders and he signed that Executive Order.

What IS imaginary is that The Donald was PUT in The White House by Putin. The Donald was PUT in The White House because he WON the Electoral College.
It is NOT imaginary that Russia interfered and TRIED to sway the American people to vote for Trump, who Putin hoped would win.
They are still active in interfering with the upcoming elections.
That is what is worrying Americans, that Trump is ignoring that and giving Putin a free pass. Sanctions that were overwhelmingly voted on last year have not been implemented, because the President wouldn't let them go through.
He is inviting Putin to the White House in a few months, as if he were an ally.
Putin is now floating the idea of having Ukraine have a general referendum on joining the Russian Federation. I think Ukraine has made it pretty clear how they feel about that. This is more of Russia taking over its neighbors; free and fair elections run by Putin are a joke. Will Trump even bat an eye? We'll see.
If he keeps this shit up, I'm beginning to wonder if the guy should get pulled, too.

Why didn't you call on the Magic Negro to step in and help in Crimea?

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