Gallup state numbers predict huge Obama loss

That may happen, PR, but if it does not, the GOP is going to have to stop being one of the most divisive organizations in the country since WWII. Both parties have to work together.
That may happen, PR, but if it does not, the GOP is going to have to stop being one of the most divisive organizations in the country since WWII. Both parties have to work together.

I don't buy the old, "tell a big lie, tell it often and the people will believe it' Hitler trick Jake. The GOP isn't the problem in this country. It's the absolutely disconnected with main stream America, liberal, government and spending run amok that had total control over our government, heaping on more rules and regulations killing jobs, stomping the crap out of our constitution and personal liberties, the government is the answer to EVERYTHING democrat party that's the problem.
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That may happen, PR, but if it does not, the GOP is going to have to stop being one of the most divisive organizations in the country since WWII. Both parties have to work together.

Work together? Does that mean Harry Reid will finally bring some of the 30 plus bills sitting on his desk collecting dust, to the floor of the Senate? Or is it only "divisive" when Republicans don't give in to what Democrats want? I know that the whole "divisive" thing is what you guys are counting on to get Barack reelected this Fall, Jake but between you and's a load of crap and becoming more and more apparent with each passing day. The Republicans fought hard against bills they thought were harmful to the country and the electorate backed them by voting out the Democrats in the mid-term elections in record numbers. So did the Democrats bow to the wishes of the American people? Hardly. They went from a message of "elections have consequences, I won" to "We know best..."
Not a good sign for Obama. Not at all and I don't see any probable scenario where his approval numbers improve being now and the election.

Gallup state numbers predict huge Obama loss | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Why don't you shoot him an e-mail. I'm sure he would be concerned over your revelation.

He certainly seems to be concerned. He is wasting our time (and State of the Union addresses) by campaigning and not leading (not that he has ever led anything up to this point).
That may happen, PR, but if it does not, the GOP is going to have to stop being one of the most divisive organizations in the country since WWII. Both parties have to work together.

Work together? Does that mean Harry Reid will finally bring some of the 30 plus bills sitting on his desk collecting dust, to the floor of the Senate? Or is it only "divisive" when Republicans don't give in to what Democrats want?
Yeah.....that's what's been going-on.....

[ame=]Rachel Maddow Exposes Republican Hypocrisy For What It Is......BS.flv - YouTube[/ame]


Stupid Fuckin' Teabaggers
That may happen, PR, but if it does not, the GOP is going to have to stop being one of the most divisive organizations in the country since WWII. Both parties have to work together.

Work together? Does that mean Harry Reid will finally bring some of the 30 plus bills sitting on his desk collecting dust, to the floor of the Senate? Or is it only "divisive" when Republicans don't give in to what Democrats want?
Yeah.....that's what's been going-on.....

[ame=]Rachel Maddow Exposes Republican Hypocrisy For What It Is......BS.flv - YouTube[/ame]


Stupid Fuckin' Teabaggers

Your rep power says it all.
He ought to be worried. A lot of what propelled him in 08 is gone. The financial crisis. The 'first black president" meme. His touted 'charisma".
And I wouldn't bet on WI going Democratic either. The GOP has shown that their policies can solve problems without increasing taxes.

You mean by increasing the debt and not creating any new jobs? The GOP answer to creating new jobs is tax cuts. We have cut taxes to the lowest level in over 60 years, yet the economy is in the shitter and all the new jobs are where? How long do you think Americans will continue buying into the same dog and pony show? Well, you got me there; they've been buying for so long it's hard to imagine them coming to their senses anytime soon.
"If" is in fact the most powerful word in the universe........
He ought to be worried. A lot of what propelled him in 08 is gone. The financial crisis. The 'first black president" meme. His touted 'charisma".
And I wouldn't bet on WI going Democratic either. The GOP has shown that their policies can solve problems without increasing taxes.

Michigan and Wisconsin are very much in play.

That may happen, PR, but if it does not, the GOP is going to have to stop being one of the most divisive organizations in the country since WWII. Both parties have to work together.

I don't buy the old, "tell a big lie, tell it often and the people will believe it' Hitler trick Jake. The GOP isn't the problem in this country. It's the absolutely disconnected with main stream America, liberal, government and spending run amok that had total control over our government, heaping on more rules and regulations killing jobs, stomping the crap out of our constitution and personal liberties, the government is the answer to EVERYTHING democrat party that's the problem.

You are not mainstream, you are divisive, and you are generally wrong when it comes to political philosophy. End of story.
That may happen, PR, but if it does not, the GOP is going to have to stop being one of the most divisive organizations in the country since WWII. Both parties have to work together.

Work together? Does that mean Harry Reid will finally bring some of the 30 plus bills sitting on his desk collecting dust, to the floor of the Senate? Or is it only "divisive" when Republicans don't give in to what Democrats want? I know that the whole "divisive" thing is what you guys are counting on to get Barack reelected this Fall, Jake but between you and's a load of crap and becoming more and more apparent with each passing day. The Republicans fought hard against bills they thought were harmful to the country and the electorate backed them by voting out the Democrats in the mid-term elections in record numbers. So did the Democrats bow to the wishes of the American people? Hardly. They went from a message of "elections have consequences, I won" to "We know best..."

I am counting on getting Romney elected this fall. You work for Barak if you wish.

But the far left and the far right have to be told "you have no say anymore."
He ought to be worried. A lot of what propelled him in 08 is gone. The financial crisis. The 'first black president" meme. His touted 'charisma".
And I wouldn't bet on WI going Democratic either. The GOP has shown that their policies can solve problems without increasing taxes.

You mean by increasing the debt and not creating any new jobs? The GOP answer to creating new jobs is tax cuts. We have cut taxes to the lowest level in over 60 years, yet the economy is in the shitter and all the new jobs are where? How long do you think Americans will continue buying into the same dog and pony show? Well, you got me there; they've been buying for so long it's hard to imagine them coming to their senses anytime soon.

Wisconsin's debt has increased? That's news to me, Auditor. I believe that Republican Governor Walker has erased a 3 billion dollar deficit and is now working with a 200 million dollar surplus...all done without raising taxes...laying off police, firefighters or teachers. Is it just me or is that the sort of problem solving that the country is looking for?

The economy is not in the "shitter" because of Republican tax cuts. The economy is in the shitter because our government can't control it's spending and because we didn't use common sense dealing with the housing market, mortgages and derivitives...none of which was solely a Republican thing.

So what's your solution? Go back to the same liberal policies and politicians that put Wisconsin 3 billion in debt? That isn't a solution...that's sticking your head in the sand and hoping nothing untoward happens to your backside.
The economy is bad because both parties have put special interests above common sense and the needs of the people. Any pub or dem who says he won't work with the other party needs to be defeated in the primaries.
That may happen, PR, but if it does not, the GOP is going to have to stop being one of the most divisive organizations in the country since WWII. Both parties have to work together.

I hear you

dividing Americans through race and class envy
oh never mind, that is the other party

Strange how you never have bad words for Democrats
Funny how that works

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