Game Changer: Donald Trump Offers To Release His Detailed Medical Records If Hillary Does The Same

Medical records are PRIVATE. How long before you get that?

If she strokes out that's Bill's concern, not yours.
If she gets confused (as some of her aides have stated) during a crisis, we could end up in a nuclear war, stupid. It's everybody's concern.
And if Kim Jung Un Tweets that Crazy Donald is looking fat these days, that can get us into a nuclear war. I'll take my chances with Hillary. At least she has a clean bill of health from her doctor.
Then there should be no problem releasing her medical records to verify it, right?
I just posted her medical records for you. I can't help you can't understand them since they're not written with crayons.
No you didn't, you lying sack of shit. You posted a physician's statement. That's not medical records, moron.

Her physician completely detailed her physical health including her medications.

Meanwhile, Crazy Donald is dying, according to his physician. Where's your outrage there?
If she gets confused (as some of her aides have stated) during a crisis, we could end up in a nuclear war, stupid. It's everybody's concern.

And if Kim Jung Un Tweets that Crazy Donald is looking fat these days, that can get us into a nuclear war. I'll take my chances with Hillary. At least she has a clean bill of health from her doctor.

Then there should be no problem releasing her medical records to verify it, right?

I just posted her medical records for you. I can't help you can't understand them since they're not written with crayons.

No you didn't, you lying sack of shit. You posted a physician's statement. That's not medical records, moron.

Exactly. Trump is talking about actual medical records, not statements. Again, listen to Democrat Senator Charles Schumer.

Like Trump was talking 'actual tax returns', not simply statements? Trump's word is shit. He's already backed out of his own commitments to show documents when his opponents shows them first.

Clinton showed her tax returns first.....and Trump subsequently refused to do so. But this time its different?

I can't believe you fell for the exact same schtick again.
If she gets confused (as some of her aides have stated) during a crisis, we could end up in a nuclear war, stupid. It's everybody's concern.
And if Kim Jung Un Tweets that Crazy Donald is looking fat these days, that can get us into a nuclear war. I'll take my chances with Hillary. At least she has a clean bill of health from her doctor.
Then there should be no problem releasing her medical records to verify it, right?
I just posted her medical records for you. I can't help you can't understand them since they're not written with crayons.
No you didn't, you lying sack of shit. You posted a physician's statement. That's not medical records, moron.

Her physician completely detailed her physical health including her medications.

Meanwhile, Crazy Donald is dying, according to his physician. Where's your outrage there?
According to that abstract, Hillary last had a physical five months ago in March. Her health has substantially deteriorated since then, especially within the last two months. We need a disclosure of a current physical with detailed documentation to coincide with it. We also need the full medical records from the time she fell and had a concussion and have her and Trump's records evaluated by an independent medical professional.
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In other words, you believe these records would show she is unfit for office.
No, it's simply none of your business. She has a letter, Trump has a letter. And that's the end of that.
Of course it's the business of every voter. If Hillary has psychotic episodes, such as her she apparently couldn't distinguish between fantasy and reality in her claims to have been under sniper fire when landing in Bosnia, and these are for the present being controlled with medications, it is essential that voters know this.
No. It's none of your business. The letter says she's healthy. That is all you get, all you are entitled to.

If she loses it, she has a VP. If he loses it it goes to the Speaker of the House. This was worked out long ago.
Sounds like you have already accepted as fact that she is mentally unfit to be president.
I dont think that anyone with even limited intellect is not able to see she is mentally unfit. Her actions over the last 8 years has proven this to be fact.

So Trump is losing by 10+ points to someone who is mentally unfit? Says quite a bit about your messiah.
And if Kim Jung Un Tweets that Crazy Donald is looking fat these days, that can get us into a nuclear war. I'll take my chances with Hillary. At least she has a clean bill of health from her doctor.
Then there should be no problem releasing her medical records to verify it, right?
I just posted her medical records for you. I can't help you can't understand them since they're not written with crayons.
No you didn't, you lying sack of shit. You posted a physician's statement. That's not medical records, moron.

Her physician completely detailed her physical health including her medications.

Meanwhile, Crazy Donald is dying, according to his physician. Where's your outrage there?
According to that abstract, Hillary last had a physical five months ago in March. Her health has substantially deteriorated since then, especially within the last two months. We need a disclosure of a current physical with detailed documentation to coincide with it. We also need the full medical records from the time she fell and had a concussion.
I already responded to this. See post #92.
And if Kim Jung Un Tweets that Crazy Donald is looking fat these days, that can get us into a nuclear war. I'll take my chances with Hillary. At least she has a clean bill of health from her doctor.
Then there should be no problem releasing her medical records to verify it, right?
I just posted her medical records for you. I can't help you can't understand them since they're not written with crayons.
No you didn't, you lying sack of shit. You posted a physician's statement. That's not medical records, moron.

Her physician completely detailed her physical health including her medications.

Meanwhile, Crazy Donald is dying, according to his physician. Where's your outrage there?
According to that abstract, Hillary last had a physical five months ago in March. Her health has substantially deteriorated since then, especially within the last two months.

Says who?
I guarantee Hillary will NOT release her medical records. The only way the public will know the truth about her health is when she has a stroke. Kaine is who the voters are getting if she wins.
What sort of records would you accept?
Complete medical records showing her mental and physical health, including all medication she is taking or has recently taken. Of course, Trump should do the same.
Not a chance and none of your business.
In other words, you believe these records would show she is unfit for office.
No, it's simply none of your business. She has a letter, Trump has a letter. And that's the end of that.

When you elect people this age don't expect anything but so-so health. Considering Reagan, JFK, and FDR, that's just fine in the end.
There would be no reason for you to object so strongly unless you already believed she was mentally or physically unfit for office.
No, it's simply none of your business. She has a letter, Trump has a letter. And that's the end of that.
Of course it's the business of every voter. If Hillary has psychotic episodes, such as her she apparently couldn't distinguish between fantasy and reality in her claims to have been under sniper fire when landing in Bosnia, and these are for the present being controlled with medications, it is essential that voters know this.
She's dependent on drugs to keep her alive. The public has a right to know what is wrong with her so they can make an informed choice. What is she hiding?
No Trump supporter should ever say, what are they hiding?

And at their age they both be on several drugs. Comes with the territory.
Then there should be no reason for you to be so afraid to have Hillary release her detailed mental and physical medical records.
There is no fear. The idea is invalid. Medical records are not public.
Not unless Hillary wants to tell the truth to voters. If she refuses, it is a fair assumption her medical records would show she is unfit for office.
From 3 years ago? Bloodthinners disolve blood clots.
Sometimes they do but not always.

You can't have it both ways. If she's been on blood thinners since she hit her head in 2013, the blood clot would have long dissolved. The only possible way the blood clot would still if she'd never received treatment, nor been on blood thinners.
Then why does she still take the blood thinners? YOU can't have it both ways.
Of course it's the business of every voter. If Hillary has psychotic episodes, such as her she apparently couldn't distinguish between fantasy and reality in her claims to have been under sniper fire when landing in Bosnia, and these are for the present being controlled with medications, it is essential that voters know this.
She's dependent on drugs to keep her alive. The public has a right to know what is wrong with her so they can make an informed choice. What is she hiding?
No Trump supporter should ever say, what are they hiding?

And at their age they both be on several drugs. Comes with the territory.
Then there should be no reason for you to be so afraid to have Hillary release her detailed mental and physical medical records.
There is no fear. The idea is invalid. Medical records are not public.
Not unless Hillary wants to tell the truth to voters. If she refuses, it is a fair assumption her medical records would show she is unfit for office.
Her doctor already stated she is fit to be president. Looks like you'll need to find something else to harp about.
From 3 years ago? Bloodthinners disolve blood clots.
Sometimes they do but not always.

You can't have it both ways. If she's been on blood thinners since she hit her head in 2013, the blood clot would have long dissolved. The only possible way the blood clot would still if she'd never received treatment, nor been on blood thinners.
Then why does she still take the blood thinners? YOU can't have it both ways.
To prevent another blood clot.

Are you really this stupid or are you just goofing for the forum?
From 3 years ago? Bloodthinners disolve blood clots.
Sometimes they do but not always.

You can't have it both ways. If she's been on blood thinners since she hit her head in 2013, the blood clot would have long dissolved. The only possible way the blood clot would still if she'd never received treatment, nor been on blood thinners.
Then why does she still take the blood thinners? YOU can't have it both ways.
To prevent another blood clot.

Are you really this stupid or are you just goofing for the forum?
Which means she's prone to blood clots (and stroke). If she hits her head again it'll most likely cause a brain bleed and death. That's enough reason for her to come clean and release her medical records. And don't give me that shit about her doctor giving her a clean bill of health. She pays him to say that shit.
From 3 years ago? Bloodthinners disolve blood clots.
Sometimes they do but not always.

You can't have it both ways. If she's been on blood thinners since she hit her head in 2013, the blood clot would have long dissolved. The only possible way the blood clot would still if she'd never received treatment, nor been on blood thinners.
Then why does she still take the blood thinners? YOU can't have it both ways.
To prevent another blood clot.

Are you really this stupid or are you just goofing for the forum?
Which means she's prone to blood clots (and stroke). If she hits her head again it'll most likely cause a brain bleed and death. That's enough reason for her to come clean and release her medical records. And don't give me that shit about her doctor giving her a clean bill of health. She pays him to say that shit.
Anybody can hit their head and die. That's not a concern when voting for president. Meanwhile, you claimed she has a blood clot and you failed to prove it.
Game Changer: Donald Trump Offers To Release His Detailed Medical Records If Hillary Does The Same

But we already know his detailed medical report;
he is all "positive" on everything you can imagine of... medically of course...
In other words, you believe these records would show she is unfit for office.
No, it's simply none of your business. She has a letter, Trump has a letter. And that's the end of that.
Of course it's the business of every voter. If Hillary has psychotic episodes, such as her she apparently couldn't distinguish between fantasy and reality in her claims to have been under sniper fire when landing in Bosnia, and these are for the present being controlled with medications, it is essential that voters know this.
No. It's none of your business. The letter says she's healthy. That is all you get, all you are entitled to.

If she loses it, she has a VP. If he loses it it goes to the Speaker of the House. This was worked out long ago.
Sounds like you have already accepted as fact that she is mentally unfit to be president.
I dont think that anyone with even limited intellect is not able to see she is mentally unfit. Her actions over the last 8 years has proven this to be fact.
She's dependent on drugs to keep her alive. The public has a right to know what is wrong with her so they can make an informed choice. What is she hiding?
No Trump supporter should ever say, what are they hiding?

And at their age they both be on several drugs. Comes with the territory.
Then there should be no reason for you to be so afraid to have Hillary release her detailed mental and physical medical records.
There is no fear. The idea is invalid. Medical records are not public.
Not unless Hillary wants to tell the truth to voters. If she refuses, it is a fair assumption her medical records would show she is unfit for office.
Her doctor already stated she is fit to be president. Looks like you'll need to find something else to harp about.
Perhaps he meant she is currently able to function while she is being medicated with anti psychotic medications. We don't know until we see a detailed account of all the tests, treatments and medications she has taken recently. If she has nothing to hide why not make it public, and if she refuses to make it public, it is a fair assumption that voters would find her unfit to be president if they saw her health history. When her supporters are so opposed to her revealing this information, it is a fair assumption even they think she is unfit to be president.
No, it's simply none of your business. She has a letter, Trump has a letter. And that's the end of that.
Of course it's the business of every voter. If Hillary has psychotic episodes, such as her she apparently couldn't distinguish between fantasy and reality in her claims to have been under sniper fire when landing in Bosnia, and these are for the present being controlled with medications, it is essential that voters know this.
No. It's none of your business. The letter says she's healthy. That is all you get, all you are entitled to.

If she loses it, she has a VP. If he loses it it goes to the Speaker of the House. This was worked out long ago.
Sounds like you have already accepted as fact that she is mentally unfit to be president.
I dont think that anyone with even limited intellect is not able to see she is mentally unfit. Her actions over the last 8 years has proven this to be fact.

So Trump is losing by 10+ points to someone who is mentally unfit? Says quite a bit about your messiah.
Considering nobody has voted yet, he is not winning or losing.
However it says more about the idiots that are behind the lying whore hillary.
But i suppose if you happen to like lying whores......
I don't give a shit about Donnies medical records. I want to see his tax records.

He's a Russian, he has Russian ties, he tried to build a Trump Tower in Moscow several times.

There's a paper trail and I want to see it.

End of story.
Game Changer: Donald Trump Offers To Release His Detailed Medical Records If Hillary Does The Same
But we already know his detailed medical report; he is all "positive" on everything you can imagine of... medically of course...
Positive for what? STDs, HIV, Alzheimer's, ALS...? The public deserves to know exactly what his diagnosis is.

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