Gang of armed robbers beat 65 year old with bar, must accept beating, In U.S....shoot them....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The difference between the British and U.S. gun control Britain, the only choice you have when being beaten with a metal bar by a group of home invaders is to quietly accept the beating.....

In the can shoot the assholes if you take it upon yourself to get a gun, learn how to use it, then shoot the morons when they try to beat you...

Britain...quietly accept the brutal beating...

Armed robbers use metal bar to beat 65-year-old in his own home during 'deplorable' raid

Armed robbers used an “utterly deplorable level of violence” as they attacked a 65-year-old man with a metal bar during a raid on his home, police said.

A gang of men wearing balaclavas were said to have burst in through the back of the victim’s property on Walter Street in Darwen, Lancs, at around 10.30pm on Saturday.

The terrified homeowner was then “badly beaten” by the group with weapons including a metal bar as they made demands for money, according to Lancashire Police.

He suffered broken ribs, a broken shoulder, injuries to his head and eyes as well as cuts to his hands and legs.

The victim was taken to Royal Preston Hospital where he is now in a stable condition, the force said.

U.S....shoot the moron...or at least chase them off, no beating required....

Notice...these women are in their late 70s, yet are able to drive off their attackers because they have the ability to own and use a gun...

79-year-old woman shoots intruder after warning him that he better not come in or she’d ‘take care of things’

A burglar ignored a 79-year-old woman’s homeowners threats when she heard someone breaking in her home. After hearing breaking glass coming from her upstairs, she fired two shots at the suspect.

On Feb. 12 the woman called 911 about a man ransacking the upstairs of her home. During a 911 call obtained by WXIA the woman begs the 911 operator for the authorities to hurry. The operator reminds her to not confront the intruder.

While officers were on route the woman shot the man at least two times while she was waiting in the kitchen on the phone with the 911 dispatcher.

“I’m scared, please hurry… Lord, have mercy,” she whispered to the 911 operator. “I’m gonna blow your brains out!” she shouted at the burglar.

Jackson County Sheriff Janis Mangum states that there were two women in the home and they were not harmed.
“She told him in words I can’t tell you that he better not come in her house or she’d take care of things,” Mangum said.

If only we could be like the US where there are no physical assaults.

The have to take the the U.S...if you want, you can buy a gun, get the training and then stop the beating.....

You have chosen to take the beating.....
If only we could be like the US where there are no physical assaults.

The have to take the the U.S...if you want, you can buy a gun, get the training and then stop the beating.....

You have chosen to take the beating.....
Is that why the US is so much safer than the UK ?
In the US death is as common as taking a dump...So we are used to all the dead bodies...Unless they are fetuses..
If only we could be like the US where there are no physical assaults.

The have to take the the U.S...if you want, you can buy a gun, get the training and then stop the beating.....

You have chosen to take the beating.....
Is that why the US is so much safer than the UK ?

The U.K. is more violent than the U.S.......and home invasions happen more often in the U.K. because your criminals don't fear getting shot. Most of our burglaries happen when no one is home, most of yours happen when the victims are home and can be tortured to give up their valuables......big difference. If you stay out of the democrat controlled areas of our cities....tiny areas where we have gang violence, our country is safer than Britain...
If only we could be like the US where there are no physical assaults.

The have to take the the U.S...if you want, you can buy a gun, get the training and then stop the beating.....

You have chosen to take the beating.....
Is that why the US is so much safer than the UK ?
In the US death is as common as taking a dump...So we are used to all the dead bodies...Unless they are fetuses..

Wrong.....if you are a criminal in a democrat controlled voting district you stand a good chance of getting shot....otherwise the U.S. is safer than Britain.
If only we could be like the US where there are no physical assaults.

The have to take the the U.S...if you want, you can buy a gun, get the training and then stop the beating.....

You have chosen to take the beating.....
Is that why the US is so much safer than the UK ?
In the US death is as common as taking a dump...So we are used to all the dead bodies...Unless they are fetuses..

Wrong.....if you are a criminal in a democrat controlled voting district you stand a good chance of getting shot....otherwise the U.S. is safer than Britain.
yeah nobody dies in the USA.
Ahhhhhhh. If the old boys in the colonies had nukes in 1775 just imagine !
1948-9 also would have never happened. Extra bonus long after the fact.
Almost entirely european 'law' is written by leftist imbeciles who are hardly working on replacements of white christian man by Muslim African
Oh, here we go again, another fear-fest comparison of chalk and cheese promoting GUNZZZ! From our favourite gun-lobby schill.

OK, on the one hand we have an old man living alone in a quiet neighbourhood, who was allegedly raided by a gang of armed masked men who beat him up in an attempt to find out where he kept his money/valuables. Well for once, I might actually agree that that’s a good case for him having a gun with which to defend himself…might actually agree, but for the reported circumstances:

The “gang” burst in on him (surprise!) so unless this poor 65 had the ninja-like reflexes of a John Wick, the chances are he would have been overcome before he’d have a chance of getting his gun or even drawing it if, for some reason, he had it on him at all times, are negligible. There is no doubt this was a targeted vicious attack on an elderly man; most attacks come from behind or as a complete surprise, leaving the victim with little or no chance to defend themselves, gun or no gun.

Contrast this with the 75 year old gun-toting woman in America. Here there was no apparent intention of attacking the woman, although the events in the story are muddled. From what I can see, the burglar broke in noisily and started to rummage around upstairs, giving the woman ample time to get her gun and call 911 from her kitchen. Then it gets confusing as one account states she engaged the burglar upstairs firing at him and chased him downstairs where she fired at him again, before he fled and himself called 911 to advise he’s been shot! (an action which got him subsequently arrested.)

Interestingly enough, if that had happened in the UK before the handgun ban, the woman would have been charged with attempted murder, for shooting at the criminal as he fled. Even then, the “self-defence” defence in law, required a proportionate use of force only when there was a demonstrable fear of imminent harm/death. I remember a case of another elderly man defending himself with a shotgun against burglars who tried to flee, one was shot in the back and killed; the man was rightly convicted of murder at the time.

Thanks for your obvious concern about our vulnerable elderly, but we still don’t think guns are the solution, we’ll leave that to you Yanks; do carry on shooting each other in droves if it makes you happy.
The difference between the British and U.S. gun control Britain, the only choice you have when being beaten with a metal bar by a group of home invaders is to quietly accept the beating.....

In the can shoot the assholes if you take it upon yourself to get a gun, learn how to use it, then shoot the morons when they try to beat you...

Britain...quietly accept the brutal beating...

Armed robbers use metal bar to beat 65-year-old in his own home during 'deplorable' raid

Armed robbers used an “utterly deplorable level of violence” as they attacked a 65-year-old man with a metal bar during a raid on his home, police said.

A gang of men wearing balaclavas were said to have burst in through the back of the victim’s property on Walter Street in Darwen, Lancs, at around 10.30pm on Saturday.

The terrified homeowner was then “badly beaten” by the group with weapons including a metal bar as they made demands for money, according to Lancashire Police.

He suffered broken ribs, a broken shoulder, injuries to his head and eyes as well as cuts to his hands and legs.

The victim was taken to Royal Preston Hospital where he is now in a stable condition, the force said.

U.S....shoot the moron...or at least chase them off, no beating required....

Notice...these women are in their late 70s, yet are able to drive off their attackers because they have the ability to own and use a gun...

79-year-old woman shoots intruder after warning him that he better not come in or she’d ‘take care of things’

A burglar ignored a 79-year-old woman’s homeowners threats when she heard someone breaking in her home. After hearing breaking glass coming from her upstairs, she fired two shots at the suspect.

On Feb. 12 the woman called 911 about a man ransacking the upstairs of her home. During a 911 call obtained by WXIA the woman begs the 911 operator for the authorities to hurry. The operator reminds her to not confront the intruder.

While officers were on route the woman shot the man at least two times while she was waiting in the kitchen on the phone with the 911 dispatcher.

“I’m scared, please hurry… Lord, have mercy,” she whispered to the 911 operator. “I’m gonna blow your brains out!” she shouted at the burglar.

Jackson County Sheriff Janis Mangum states that there were two women in the home and they were not harmed.
“She told him in words I can’t tell you that he better not come in her house or she’d take care of things,” Mangum said.

heres a recent winner from the beeb
Black guys are scared of the UK
I BLAME whitey and global warming

Sporks are the full autos of the spoon world
End spoon violence !

Hundreds of British teenagers are being sent by their parents to East Africa to avoid knife crime in the UK, representatives of the Somali community say. Why are they taking this drastic choice?

Some names have been changed to protect the identity of the interviewees.

"In those few years I was doing my A-levels it was tough. Just seeing people being dropped every other day, being stabbed," Yusuf tells the Victoria Derbyshire programme from his new home in Kenya.

"London's not the place to be for a teenager."

Yusuf was born and raised in London but moved to Nairobi after a close friend in his neighbourhood was stabbed to death.

It is a decision an increasing number of parents are taking, for their children's safety.

The UK teens sent to Africa to escape knife crime


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