Gangs and terrorist throughout and at the borders


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
We came across documentaries by Ross Kemp and I think they are worth sharing here. First though people should really watch Blood in Blood out (<youtube) if they haven't already to get a better concept of how many of the international criminals are using the gangs to keep this shit going.

Instead of how to have sex with your self and others the schools should have been showing the youngn's how easy they can be trapped if they choose that path of error that criminals went down. When I was young a teacher gave me a controversial book to read and asked that I not tell anyone who gave me the book if asked. It was called Needle Nose Park. That teacher did not know I had already seen what was happening all around me do to certain family members and many of the young people in that area. He wasn't aware that I did not want any part of it. No one was as I remained silent even when tortured by certain family members. Growing up was a bit on the rough side to say the least and I left when I was not yet twelve years old. It was a matter of survival and I still thank God each day even today for always having angels along the way that watched over me.

The war zone across the border Mexico;

Ross Kemp New Orleans youtube "y,er,m" a lil brat that belongs in a camp somewhere is in this one. He claims he has "refugee status"

I will put more in post as I watch them.
"2006 murder capital of the world" "One in six" murdered.
L.A. gangs youtube video documentary


Orange County gangs. This video below outlines one of the most dangerous gangs in the world if not the most dangerous. These gangs are ran by people in high places around the world including the US.

How can you live like that?
I have family members by marriage that lived in what used to be a higher end area in Orange County up until a few years ago. They said they would hear gun shots close by all night long every night. She told me "you would not recognize it, its like a war zone". I would imagine a war zone is much worse. Eventually the husband was able to take early retirement and they moved to another state. Other than the change of having the cold winter weather they are much happier.

"Y,er,m" down in New Orleans in that video looks like he is higher than a kite. Druggies and the mentally ill can be found living in some pretty deplorable conditions all over the world. Children that grow up in weird circumstances do not know any different unless something or someone breaks that chain somewhere along the way. My nephew grew up on the streets. His mom was a street prostitute. Every day she could be seen on a busy road working to make enough for drugs and a little to keep a roof over their heads. She prostituted from the time shortly after he was born until her eventual death of AIDS (he was not over twenty-five when she died). Once I happened to be down there in So. Ca. and she had kicked him out and he was on the streets. I brought him to live with us in the Midwest for a summer when he was fifteen. Ultimately as he started learning a little responsibility for his own actions we gave him some light tasks and let him run some of our equipment moving dirt around. He could drive the dump truck and run the backhoe around the property and stuff like that for six months. He did learn not to use 'fuck...' every other word and how to take care of himself and his clothes (I was not my own children's maid when they were old enough to do those things and I wasn't about to be his either). He did learned life could be different but 'the street life attitude' remains with him even today.

Humans need to have structured lives to a certain extent or they end up being a mess. That 'teach a child the way he should go' applies. If there isn't a decent social structure of some kind or if that decency is interrupted the social order gets all screwed up. These world around gangs are a prime example of what can transpire.

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