Garland, "I am not the president's lawyer"

The reason that Democrats wouldn't release all of the video from that day was that they didn't want the public to see that the protesters really WEREN'T violent once they got into the building! What you saw instead was the battle that took place outside as protesters fought to get INTO the building!
They were there to stop a proceedure. There wasn't a single member of Congress that was harmed by a protester. I don't think there was anyone harmed inside of the Capitol building that I know of. The protesters weren't there to hurt people. That's a lie that's been put forth by the left and their mouthpieces in the media.

The members of the House were almost all out of the Chamber and that's before the protesters have breached the outer doorway. They would have ALL been out of the Chamber before the door to the Chamber was breached.
No protestors got to members of Congress because Capitol police were there to defend them.

Whether they would have been out of the chamber is speculative. The officers in the hallway didn’t have the luxury of making assumptions like you do.
No protestors got to members of Congress because Capitol police were there to defend them.

Whether they would have been out of the chamber is speculative. The officers in the hallway didn’t have the luxury of making assumptions like you do.
Why? Were there no communications between Police that day? I find that hard to believe, Marener. If there wasn't...then that's a problem with who ever was in charge of security. The officers in the hallway shouldn't have had to make "assumptions"! They should have known exactly what the status of the House Chamber was.
That being said...Lt. Byrd STILL should have known that there was a very capable force inside of the chamber armed with automatic weapons. He would have known that because video shows him inside of the Chamber earlier. There is ZERO way that an unarmed group of protesters can withstand a defense of the Chamber by those armed LE officers! So why did he feel the need to shoot an unarmed female at a doorway that doesn't even open into the House Chamber? Did he make that call on his own? Or was he told to shoot?
Why? Were there no communications between Police that day? I find that hard to believe, Marener. If there wasn't...then that's a problem with who ever was in charge of security. The officers in the hallway shouldn't have had to make "assumptions"! They should have known exactly what the status of the House Chamber was.
Sure there were communications, but it was incredibly chaotic, especially since the rioters in that hallway were breaking down the barrier and screaming like a bunch of fucking animals.

Real life isn’t as perfect as your imaginary reality.
Not afraid, "fear of severe bodily harm or death". It's why there are guidelines, not just words like "scared" The hallway was a dead end? Where did they get the congresscritters out from then?
The officers and the review must have obviously disagreed with Marty. Scared of fear of harm and death.
It means the DOJ was run by the Democratic president, just as it is today.
Wingman does not mean slave. It also does not mean defense attorney.

You seem very confused. Barr's very public corruption of his office was unique.

There is no comparison. Haha, to even attempt to equate them using one toss off comment by Holder is pathetic.
Sure there were communications, but it was incredibly chaotic, especially since the rioters in that hallway were breaking down the barrier and screaming like a bunch of fucking animals.

Real life isn’t as perfect as your imaginary reality.
You do realize that Lt. Byrd could have literally walked about 20 feet down the hall and asked how the evacuation of the House floor was going? Instead of shooting an unarmed female protester without warning to protect a room that would have been empty in a few minutes?
You do realize that Lt. Byrd could have literally walked about 20 feet down the hall and asked how the evacuation of the House floor was going? Instead of shooting an unarmed female protester without warning to protect a room that would have been empty in a few minutes?
While they were coming through the window? Seems like that would have been a stupid thing to do.

Like, do you think he should have asked the rioters to wait a few minutes while he checked in the members of Congress?

You guys are totally out to lunch.
While they were coming through the window? Seems like that would have been a stupid thing to do.

Like, do you think he should have asked the rioters to wait a few minutes while he checked in the members of Congress?

You guys are totally out to lunch.
It takes a couple of minutes to walk twenty feet and ask a question? Nah, why do THAT! Just pull your pistol...step out from hiding and shoot an unarmed female without warning! (eye roll)
It literally would have taken him ten seconds, Marener. If he was really worried about people in the House Chamber you'd think he'd want to know the status of the evacuation! On the other hand if what he really wanted to do was shoot someone...this was going to be about the last chance he'd get!
It takes a couple of minutes to walk twenty feet and ask a question? Nah, why do THAT! Just pull your pistol...step out from hiding and shoot an unarmed female without warning! (eye roll)
It literally would have taken him ten seconds, Marener. If he was really worried about people in the House Chamber you'd think he'd want to know the status of the evacuation! On the other hand if what he really wanted to do was shoot someone...this was going to be about the last chance he'd get!
He was worried about the people evacuating which is why he was standing his ground to defend them from the wild animals that were beating down their barricade.

I honestly don’t understand how you could be surprised that a violent mob storming the Capitol might actually have some consequences for their behavior.
It takes a couple of minutes to walk twenty feet and ask a question? Nah, why do THAT! Just pull your pistol...step out from hiding and shoot an unarmed female without warning! (eye roll)
It literally would have taken him ten seconds, Marener. If he was really worried about people in the House Chamber you'd think he'd want to know the status of the evacuation! On the other hand if what he really wanted to do was shoot someone...this was going to be about the last chance he'd get!
Not to mention that it was a BLM supporter shooting a white woman.
He was worried about the people evacuating which is why he was standing his ground to defend them from the wild animals that were beating down their barricade.

I honestly don’t understand how you could be surprised that a violent mob storming the Capitol might actually have some consequences for their behavior.
If he was worried about the evacuation then why didn't he walk the twenty feet to see how that was coming? If he had...he would have been told that they'd have everyone out in a matter of minutes. Then what reason would ANYONE have to shoot an unarmed protester? To protect an empty room?
He was worried about the people evacuating which is why he was standing his ground to defend them from the wild animals that were beating down their barricade.

I honestly don’t understand how you could be surprised that a violent mob storming the Capitol might actually have some consequences for their behavior.
Wild animals? They just let the three police officers who'd been standing in front of that barricade walk through them unscathed after pleading with them to leave so they wouldn't be hurt. That's NOT a violent mob acting like wild animals...that's a group of protesters determined to get to the House Chamber and stop what they viewed as an unjust process!

If Byrd really WAS worried about the people evacuating then a reasonable person would wonder why he didn't walk the twenty feet to the door of the House Chamber and ask how the evacuation was going? If he had he would have been told that the Chamber would be evacuated in a matter of minutes. If he had there would have been no reason to jump out from hiding and shoot an unarmed female without warning!

I have never argued that the people storming the Capitol should not have had consequences for their actions! When you break the law you should be punished appropriately. Ashli Babbitt should have been charged with trespassing. She should not have been executed by a trigger happy Byrd.
Let it be the other way and Office Oldestyle would have killed the whole protest crowd.

What a sinful hypocrite is Oldestyle.
We don't shoot unarmed protesters in America. That goes for conservative protesters. That goes for liberal protesters. I'd be appalled if a Police Officer shot an unarmed Black Lives Matters protester. I AM appalled that Lt Byrd shot an unarmed Ashli Babbitt. So how is it that I'm a hypocrite?

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