Garland, "I am not the president's lawyer"

We all then saw the cops being joined by a third, and then all the cops abandoning the door and moving 20' to the side, for no apparent reason.
Other than being threatened by the violent mob.
Joseph Heller, author of “Catch 22”, wrote this in the late 1950’s. It was published in 1961.
“It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character.”
The other officers weren’t in the same position and your standard is incorrect.

They weren’t riot police in that hallway. They were the protection duty for members of Congress. If it had been secret service in that hallway protecting Trump next door, they absolutely would have fired as well.

Byrn was not alone, so there was no reason to escalate to a deadly throat shot at close range, without warning.
Secret Service have NEVER fired a single shot, even when president has been wounded by attackers.
That is because it is illegal to shoot when you could injure others unnecessarily.
And it was totally unnecessary to murder Ashlie.
Oops, you forgot to say how. Quick, check Newsmax ...

He is acting as the president's lawyer by attacking Biden's political opponents, while trying to prevent prosecution of Hunter for his obvious crimes.
No one has been allowed to investigate why the Ukraine paid Hunter millions to do nothing.
The only person who tried to investigate that was Shokin, and it was clear Joe Biden then had him illegally fired by using illegal extortion of congressional funds.
Normal people and all of reality don't agree with you. Go check.

I have never read a single person defending Byrns decision to deliberately murder an unarmed woman, who the hallway police allowed through to another vacant hallway.

If there is ANYONE who agrees with Byrn's decision to murder Ashlie, what could their reasoning possibly be?
I listed many alternatives to deliberate murder.
Why did he not consider one of those, since no other cop in the entire event ever felt a need to fire a single shot?

If anyone does not agree with me, then they need to state a reason.
And there is no reason.
The deliberately fatal shot by Byrn was totally unnecessary and illegal.
Anyone who agrees with deliberate murder (when there are plenty of alternatives) is a criminal.
Completely different because Donnie J did not blatantly violate laws like Hunter did.
Hunter is not just notorious for partying with drugs, hookers, and illegal guns.
Clearly he was the bagman for illegal billions going back and forth between DC and Kyiv.
Which not only has already resulted in the murder of half a million innocents, but could easily lead to the entire US being destroyed by a deserved nuclear attack.

We clearly are trying to illegally put first strike nukes on Russia's border, and they are NEVER going to allow that, no matter what it takes.

You keep repeating that lie

We have no intention and have not tried to put nukes near Russia since the sixgties

You are a liar
And I've countered them.

By staying in this thread I am being criticized, so your point is invalid.

And your plan is to justify shooting an unarmed woman because you hate her and people like her.
My plan is to utilize the same standard as any other police shooting where conservatives defend police. This one isn't all that close of a call. Police can justify shooting people anytime they feel scared and certainly being attacked in the midst of a riot would be enough just for that.

Your counter to allowing a stream of rioters into the hallway is to zip tie them one at a time as they come through. That's your counter. You don't actually see a problem with that? That's an honest question. I'd genuinely like to know if you think that sounds like the rational alternative.
Byrn was not alone, so there was no reason to escalate to a deadly throat shot at close range, without warning.
Secret Service have NEVER fired a single shot, even when president has been wounded by attackers.
That is because it is illegal to shoot when you could injure others unnecessarily.
And it was totally unnecessary to murder Ashlie.
The rioters weren't alone either.
My plan is to utilize the same standard as any other police shooting where conservatives defend police. This one isn't all that close of a call. Police can justify shooting people anytime they feel scared and certainly being attacked in the midst of a riot would be enough just for that.

Your counter to allowing a stream of rioters into the hallway is to zip tie them one at a time as they come through. That's your counter. You don't actually see a problem with that? That's an honest question. I'd genuinely like to know if you think that sounds like the rational alternative.

So any riot cop can just open up if they feel "scared"

Do you realize how idiotic you sound?
My plan is to utilize the same standard as any other police shooting where conservatives defend police. This one isn't all that close of a call. Police can justify shooting people anytime they feel scared and certainly being attacked in the midst of a riot would be enough just for that.

Your counter to allowing a stream of rioters into the hallway is to zip tie them one at a time as they come through. That's your counter. You don't actually see a problem with that? That's an honest question. I'd genuinely like to know if you think that sounds like the rational alternative.
Byrd was being attacked by Babbitt? When did that ever happen? Byrd hadn't been attacked by anyone. If he had just stood there beside the door those protesters wouldn't have done a thing to him...just like they hadn't done a thing to the three officers who had been standing on the other side of the door. They would have gone past him and continued on to the House Chamber.
Whenever you are done whining like a little b, tell is how Garland is acting like Joe Biden's lawyer. Come on, put on your big boy pants.
You sheeple watch Biden mumbling and bumbling about children stroking his leg hair yet believe big brother when told there is nothing wrong with him.

The same is true for Garland. You are too stupidity d and too partisan to see with your own eyes and listen with your own ears. You need your masters to tell you what's what, instead.
LEO carries out the directions: protect the people, keep the rioters out, and what happens to the outlaws is their fault. So true.,
AG Meritless Garland said something that is supposed to be true. He is not SUPPOSED to be the President’s lawyer. Alas, he seems to forget this when he acts in his supposed official capacity.
So any riot cop can just open up if they feel "scared"

Do you realize how idiotic you sound?
I'm being a little hyperbolic but not by much. Feeling "scared" for their own life or the lives of the public is the standard.

I don't think you're a good judge of sounding idiotic since your solution is to ziptie all the dozens of rioters one by one as they patiently wait by the window for the police to get to them.

I know, I know, that's not really your solution. The truth is you have only a half baked alternative scenario and you are going to refuse to discuss it any further because you're a hack.

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