Garland warns of threats to democracy

Please excuse mudwhistle, he knows nothing and suffers from PTSD - Post Trump Stress-Disorder.

Sadly muddy was crushed and can't be in touch with reality as his dear Donald is a loser and failed in his efforts to destroy Democracy in America.
Yeah....reminds me of the way you acted for 4 years after Trump beat Hillary. :auiqs.jpg:
any violence or riots coming will be committed by the left .

Please excuse mudwhistle, he knows nothing and suffers from PTSD - Post Trump Stress-Disorder.

Sadly muddy was crushed and can't be in touch with reality as his dear Donald is a loser and failed in his efforts to destroy Democracy in America.
where [as you claim] Trump failed Biden is succeeding ! every move Biden makes hurts America and Americans .
Ah, the refuge to semantics.

it's not a democracy in the very strict sense of every decision is voted on by the entire population. No country is. it is a democracy in the sense that the entire population elects representatives to act on their behalf. Like every other democracies on this planet. As opposed to dictatorships like N. Korea where the population has no say in the government.

Everybody knows what is menat when we say the US is a democracy.
Wrong. It’s not “semantics.”It’s truth. Thus, your confusion.
But Progs do not deviate from who they nominate at all levels. Just like who is hired in administrations and who is elected. They are all near the same or cajoled and even threatened to follow the agenda.

Theirs is a religion more than a political ideology. Heretics and apostates are burned on social media, rather than at the stake.
where [as you claim] Trump failed Biden is succeeding ! every move Biden makes hurts America and Americans .
President Joe Biden is honest, trump is not. Trump will be known as one of the worst, if not the worst, person to ever serve in any office of trust.

Trump is a RINO who led you and other biddable fools into believing Democracy is evil and attempted to overthrow the election he lost. Joe Biden Stutters, Donald Trump is a narcissist, to wit:

People with narcissistic personality disorder have an inflated sense of self-importance. They exaggerate their achievements and brag about their attractiveness, success, or power. They constantly seek praise and admiration, lack empathy for other people, act selfishly to gain success, exploit interpersonal relationships, and take advantage of others.

Joe Biden has none of these factors, and trump has them that any honest person with an IQ over 80 is able to see.
President Joe Biden is honest, trump is not. Trump will be known as one of the worst, if not the worst, person to ever serve in any office of trust.

Trump is a RINO who led you and other biddable fools into believing Democracy is evil and attempted to overthrow the election he lost. Joe Biden Stutters, Donald Trump is a narcissist, to wit:

People with narcissistic personality disorder have an inflated sense of self-importance. They exaggerate their achievements and brag about their attractiveness, success, or power. They constantly seek praise and admiration, lack empathy for other people, act selfishly to gain success, exploit interpersonal relationships, and take advantage of others.

Joe Biden has none of these factors, and trump has them that any honest person with an IQ over 80 is able to see.
Why did Joey Xiden lie about his football career at Navy?
He got a full scholarship to law school and graduated near the top of his class. He said.

Reality disagrees. Brandon lied. Brandon pretty much always lies.
he cheated in school too…he literally had to drop out of the presidential race the first time he ran because his lying and cheating became public

Things in the Dembot party have changed though…they welcome liars and cheats in their party leadership now
he cheated in school too…he literally had to drop out of the presidential race the first time he ran because his lying and cheating became public

Things in the Dembot party have changed though…they welcome liars and cheats in their party leadership now
I know. Like when Bubba pointed at the camera bit his lip with great affectation and declared that he had not had sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky. The dna sample he left behind on her blue dress disagreed. The Dims excused the lying of course.

Or when Obumbler claimed that if you like your doctor you get to keep your doctor under his Obumblercare plan. Bullshit of course. But Dims excuse that.

Fidelity to truth only matters to Dims when it is some guy in the other Party whom they claim has lied. (Sometimes they are lying even when they make the claim. They tend to be devout liars.)
he cheated in school too…he literally had to drop out of the presidential race the first time he ran because his lying and cheating became public

Things in the Dembot party have changed though…they welcome liars and cheats in their party leadership now
The Steal is real
Ask the Chinese and Ukrainians if Biden is honest
Have you spoken to XI or Zelenskyy?

President Biden's situation is difficult, no one wants a war with Russia, especially a thermonuclear one. Yet Joe Biden has empathy and is torn on how far to go in protecting the Ukrainian People and protecting Our Country which is his primary duty.

It's people like you who are too simple, too biased and too easily led to see the decisions he has to make. And of course the Republican Pols want Joe to fail, that has been McConnell and Trump's efforts - and not to protect our country.
Wrong. It’s not “semantics.”It’s truth. Thus, your confusion.
It is semantics. The common, accepted meaning of a democracy is a system where the people elect a government. No one outside academics or philosophers uses the term to mean a system where every decision is voted on by the people. When someone refers to the US as a democracy, it is pedantic to say they are not. The long form would be a democratically elected representative republic.
It is semantics. The common, accepted meaning of a democracy is a system where the people elect a government. No one outside academics or philosophers uses the term to mean a system where every decision is voted on by the people. When someone refers to the US as a democracy, it is pedantic to say they are not. The long form would be a democratically elected representative republic.
It is not “semantics.”

We don’t elect our government. We elect some of them. We certainly don’t vote on our laws. We elect representatives and senators to do that. Ergo, we are not a democracy. We are a constitutional REPUBLIC. You would benefit from getting used to seeing your sophistry corrected.

It isn’t pedantic to correct your sophistry. It is very crucial to put the discussions which flow from the premises on the right footing. We made a clear choice to NOT be a “democracy.” We did that for very good reasons. We shouldn’t risk losing the value of those good reasons by permitting language (which is sloppy and incorrect and imprecise) to undercut the discussion.
There is an element of hate and supremist arrogance coming from these far left Dems.
They act as if they have a right to break the laws and cheat and lie.
President Joe Biden is honest, trump is not. Trump will be known as one of the worst, if not the worst, person to ever serve in any office of trust.

Trump is a RINO who led you and other biddable fools into believing Democracy is evil and attempted to overthrow the election he lost. Joe Biden Stutters, Donald Trump is a narcissist, to wit:

People with narcissistic personality disorder have an inflated sense of self-importance. They exaggerate their achievements and brag about their attractiveness, success, or power. They constantly seek praise and admiration, lack empathy for other people, act selfishly to gain success, exploit interpersonal relationships, and take advantage of others.

Joe Biden has none of these factors, and trump has them that any honest person with an IQ over 80 is able to see.
Biden is totally corrupt.
He is a far left extremist.
He lies all of the time.
He has a mean streak and a short temper.
He has delusions of grandeur about being a football hero, a civil rights leader and an academic scholar.
He is a pedocreep and an incester.
He is a racist and a rapist.
.....well, maybe he is just an average Democrat politician
Merrick Garland warned of threats to US democracy, citing violence including the 2021 riot at the Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump, rollbacks in voting rights and possible legislative efforts to overturn the outcome of elections.
“A democracy cannot survive if its citizens forsake the rule of law in favor of violence or threats of violence,” Garland said in a commencement speech Sunday at Harvard University, his alma mater.

Do you think that Garland is paranoid and delusional, or is he a political partisan hack propagandist?
Voter Fraud and Election Rigging Crimes are the threat to our democracy.
Illegally using the FBI, DOJ, CIA, FISA Courts and the IRS as political weapons is a threat to our democracy.
Censorship of dissenting opinions is a threat to our democracy.
Using the DOJ as a political weapon to brand dissenters as "domestic terrorists" and "white supremists" is a threat to our democracy.
Calling election laws that protect everyone's Right to Vote from voter fraud "voter suppression" is a threat to our democracy.
It looks like the Democrats are who "forsake the rule of law"
They are creating a one party police state where people can be arrested and imprisoned for their political beliefs.
The Democrats are like an Orwellian Nightmare coming true.
From the article:

He [Garland] cited a Supreme Court ruling last year limiting the Voting Rights Act, saying subsequent legislative actions have made it harder for millions of people to vote.​

This phony allegation regarding the Court's 2013 and 2021 decisions and state legislative actions that have made it harder for Democrats to cheat tells us all we need to know about this bitch poodle.

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