Garland warns of threats to democracy

That is not true. We do have certain aspects of democracy as we vote on representatives rather than individual laws.
I don’t say we don’t make use of some aspects of democracy. But that does not convert us into a democracy. We remain a republic. Thank God.
haha the Courts say what is the law. Congress can’t violate the law
ANYONE can violate the law, dumbass.

Congress can and does. ALL the time.

In fact, they have quite the miserable track record, in that regard.
ANYONE can violate the law, dumbass.

Congress can and does. ALL the time.

In fact, they have quite the miserable track record, in that regard.
agreed. So not sure why someone would suggest the Courts are lawless when they in fact routinely tell Congress they violated the law
haha the Courts say what is the law. Congress can’t violate the law
Actually, the SCOTUS has claimed the right to “say what the law is.” But technically, it is Congress who is supposed to say what the law is. And SCOTUS has the claimed (and probably) authority to rule such laws as Unconstitutional where appropriate, thereby declaring them void.
Merrick Garland warned of threats to US democracy, citing violence including the 2021 riot at the Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump, rollbacks in voting rights and possible legislative efforts to overturn the outcome of elections.
“A democracy cannot survive if its citizens forsake the rule of law in favor of violence or threats of violence,” Garland said in a commencement speech Sunday at Harvard University, his alma mater.

Do you think that Garland is paranoid and delusional, or is he a political partisan hack propagandist?
Voter Fraud and Election Rigging Crimes are the threat to our democracy.
Illegally using the FBI, DOJ, CIA, FISA Courts and the IRS as political weapons is a threat to our democracy.
Censorship of dissenting opinions is a threat to our democracy.
Using the DOJ as a political weapon to brand dissenters as "domestic terrorists" and "white supremists" is a threat to our democracy.
Calling election laws that protect everyone's Right to Vote from voter fraud "voter suppression" is a threat to our democracy.
It looks like the Democrats are who "forsake the rule of law"
They are creating a one party police state where people can be arrested and imprisoned for their political beliefs.
The Democrats are like an Orwellian Nightmare coming true.

Garland is a threat to Democracy!!

True story.
agreed. So not sure why someone would suggest the Courts are lawless when they in fact routinely tell Congress they violated the law
We're supposed to operate by checks and balances. No single branch of government is perfect.

The problem is when the checks and balances break down. Like now.

When judges are allowing blatant conflicts of jury interest, prosecutors are selectively refusing to pursue cases based on partisan affiliation, and the Vice President of the United States is bailing communist agitators out of jail, we have a BIG problem with the checks and balances.
We're supposed to operate by checks and balances. No single branch of government is perfect.

The problem is when the checks and balances break down. Like now.

When judges are allowing blatant conflicts of jury interest, prosecutors are selectively refusing to pursue cases based on partisan affiliation, and the Vice President of the United States is bailing communist agitators out of jail, we have a BIG problem with the checks and balances.


USA is corrupted beyond any fair balance.
Actually, the SCOTUS has claimed the right to “say what the law is.” But technically, it is Congress who is supposed to say what the law is. And SCOTUS has the claimed (and probably) authority to rule such laws as Unconstitutional where appropriate, thereby declaring them void.
no congress, any legislative body creates law, but those laws can be illegal, so it’s the job of the courts…the judical branch, to say what is the law

i mean what do you think the point of a judicial branch is?
Merrick Garland warned of threats to US democracy, citing violence including the 2021 riot at the Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump, rollbacks in voting rights and possible legislative efforts to overturn the outcome of elections.
“A democracy cannot survive if its citizens forsake the rule of law in favor of violence or threats of violence,” Garland said in a commencement speech Sunday at Harvard University, his alma mater.

Do you think that Garland is paranoid and delusional, or is he a political partisan hack propagandist?
Voter Fraud and Election Rigging Crimes are the threat to our democracy.
Illegally using the FBI, DOJ, CIA, FISA Courts and the IRS as political weapons is a threat to our democracy.
Censorship of dissenting opinions is a threat to our democracy.
Using the DOJ as a political weapon to brand dissenters as "domestic terrorists" and "white supremists" is a threat to our democracy.
Calling election laws that protect everyone's Right to Vote from voter fraud "voter suppression" is a threat to our democracy.
It looks like the Democrats are who "forsake the rule of law"
They are creating a one party police state where people can be arrested and imprisoned for their political beliefs.
The Democrats are like an Orwellian Nightmare coming true.
Garland is an asshole like most of the rest of deep state DC bozos.
no congress, any legislative body creates law, but those laws can be illegal, so it’s the job of the courts…the judical branch, to say what is the law

i mean what do you think the point of a judicial branch is?

I can't believe that 'Back Again' IS so ignorant that he doesn't know the functions of basic separation of powers!!

I can't believe that 'Back Again' IS so ignorant that he doesn't know the functions of basic separation of powers!!

it’s how the dembot cult is able to get its members….they tend to lack a basic understanding of civics
Maybe someone should educate our lackluster AG that the United States is not a democracy. It never was and was designed not to be.

And to think that the AG had almost been a Justice on our Supreme Court. Yikes !
Well, it sure ain't a dictatorship where a lowlife like Trump can overturn an election because he had his ass beat.

"We ain't a Democracy" must be the new talking point in MAGA circles to justify Trump's blatent attempt to steal the election win from Biden.

Have a shit sandwich because it won't work.
The Constitution gives the Congress the power to regulate federal election. The Supreme Court is lawless.
Your observation is misleading and ill-informed. First of all, the Constitution empowers the legislatures of the several states to regulate elections for federal officials, not Congress! Congress only has the oversight power to alter existing state regulations.

Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 of the Constitution:

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of choosing Senators.​

The 2013 decision merely ended the enforcement of that portion of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that prohibited nine southern states and a number of counties in other states, many of which are located in northeastern states, by the way, to change their election laws without advance federal approval. If anything was constitutionally dubious all these years, it was Congress' prohibition against those states' power to regulate.

In any event, the prohibition was no longer necessary.

The 2021 decision regarded a challenge to Arizona's voter ID law, which, of course, was ridiculous.

Hence, the Court did not do what you imply.
no congress, any legislative body creates law, but those laws can be illegal, so it’s the job of the courts…the judical branch, to say what is the law

i mean what do you think the point of a judicial branch is?
I already answered that. You’re going to have to learn to read an entire paragraph.
Well, it sure ain't a dictatorship where a lowlife like Trump can overturn an election because he had his ass beat.

"We ain't a Democracy" must be the new talking point in MAGA circles to justify Trump's blatent attempt to steal the election win from Biden.

Have a shit sandwich because it won't work.
You’re an asshole at all times, clap.

No. The choice is not between a democracy (which we thankfully are not) and a “dictatorship” which we never were, thankfully.

It is incorrect to claim that we are a democracy but it is correct to claim that we are a republic. I’m ok with the fact that this chafes your petty butthurt ass. 🤣

There was zero attempt by Trump to steal the election. You moron. There was an effort made to deny Brandon and his fellow scumbag operatives of the Democrap Party from getting the fruits of their efforts to steal the election, you troll schmuck.
You’re an asshole at all times, clap.

No. The choice is not between a democracy (which we thankfully are not) and a “dictatorship” which we never were, thankfully.

It is incorrect to claim that we are a democracy but it is correct to claim that we are a republic. I’m ok with the fact that this chafes your petty butthurt ass. 🤣

There was zero attempt by Trump to steal the election. You moron. There was an effort made to deny Brandon and his fellow scumbag operatives of the Democrap Party from getting the fruits of their efforts to steal the election, you troll schmuck.
Fuck off, liar. Trump got his ass beat, end of story.

And all your lies can't change the vote count although that's what you Trump lackey's want.

Tough shit, you lose.

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