Gas Hits $8.50 in California

“Friendlier business climate” is Republicanese for cut taxes on the rich. It is Paul robbing Peter. Conservatives are boot lickers.
Again, your hatred for what you term “the rich” doesn’t allow you to see the benefits to the lower and middle classes when businesses aren’t stifled by leftist policies.

Leftist policies are the OPPOSITE of what we need for a strong country. They - and YOU - not only want to hand out money to people who don’t earn it but to crush small businesses. After all, if small businesses are suffocated to death, then the leftists get more peop,e on the government dole.

THINK with whatever is left of your brain. Handing out other people’s money is not the best way to help poor people. You keep ignoring it, because you have no response to it, but MY PARENTS MOVED FROM POVERTY TO AFFLUENCE in a single generation by taking advantage of free educational opportunities.

Today’s poor need to do the same. Stop expecting liberals to just give them other people’s money, and instead get off their butts and learn a marketable skill.
Because you can’t.
I asked you a question earlier in the thread, you failed to answer, probably because you couldn’t but I’m not sure. Now, you ask a question and expect me to answer? That isn’t how it works, you dont answer my question that I asked, then I will grant you the same respect you gave me. That is the way it works and should work. You are nothing special.
Again, your hatred for what you term “the rich” doesn’t allow you to see the benefits to the lower and middle classes when businesses aren’t stifled by leftist policies.

Conservatives offer nothing for lower and middle class. The conservative answer to everything is cut taxes on the rich.
Name the REPUBLICAN legislation that will help that single mom making $12/hour.
First step has always been job creation. Trump was bringing jobs back to America and reducing the government burdens on small businesses so they can hire easily. He was also stopping the influx of illegals taking Americans jobs.

Brandon has reversed all of that.
Wages for Americans rose 9.8% under Trump. Highest rise in 4 decades.

Now everyone is making less and hyperinflation is crushing the poor.
Trumps inherited Obama economy is not a piece of legislation. Give us the REPUBLICAN legislation that helps the working poor.
By staying home with the kids where she belongs.
How can she do that? She needs to work to help support the kids she and her husband decided to have, doesn’t she? Or is your answer to take more money from senior citizens on fixed incomes and give more handouts to parents?
Name a piece of REPUBLICAN legislation in the last 50 years that specifically helps the working poor.
A simple search would educate you. Pull your head out.
Trumps inherited Obama economy is not a piece of legislation. Give us the REPUBLICAN legislation that helps the working poor.
You’re a broken record. We’ve already told you. Trump’s legislation that lowered business taxes and deregulated businesses resulted in increases in lower income wages for the first time in decades!

The problem is that to leftards, “legislation” is code for a new way to give free money to the lower-income.
A simple search would educate you. Pull your head out.
Tax cuts are not legislation that helps the working poor.

Proposed legislation is not legislation.
You’re a broken record. We’ve already told you. Trump’s legislation that lowered business taxes and deregulated businesses resulted in increases in lower income wages for the first time in decades!
Tax cuts for the rich is not legislation that specifically helps the working poor.

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