Gas Hits $8.50 in California


You vote for lower wages.

I voted for the Republican, and wages on the lower end were up for the first time in decades. That’s because Republican policies don’t suffocate and suppress small business the way Democrats do, and they have the money to pay more.

YOU, on the other hand, just vote for giving SOME people money they don’t earn.
I voted for the Republican, and wages on the lower end were up for the first time in decades. That’s because Republican policies don’t suffocate and suppress small business the way Democrats do, and they have the money to pay more.

YOU, on the other hand, just vote for giving SOME people money they don’t earn.
How do Democratic policies suffocate and suppress small business?

GDP this year will be highest in almost 40 years.
How do Democratic policies suffocate and suppress small business?

GDP this year will be highest in almost 40 years.
You’re kidding, right? Democrat policies are handing money out left and right, forcing small businesses to pay people more than they’re worth - to the point many can‘t pay the artificially inflated wages and can’t survive.

Democrats have set the government up to COMPETE with private business, and only one has limitless ability to print money.
Conservatives fake concern for lower income workers then brag about destroying unions and blocking $15 minimum wage.

Ahhh, the favored leftist trope of, "You don't care about people because you don't support the policies I want! My policies are THE ONLY right way to care!!"
“Fuck the single mom making $12 per hour.”

Got it. We hear you, conservative.

"This is what I've decided you really think, so I don't need to actually listen to you and hear what you say!"

Got it, leftist. We hear your fear of debating anyone other than the voices in your own head.
Yup. And raising the minimum wage increases prices, which impacts senior citizens on modest fixed incomes the most.

And, of course, puts some of the $12/hour single moms out of work entirely. But leftists don't care about ACTUALLY helping the poor. They just want to feel like they're helping.
This has been proven to be complete bullshit. You conservatives have yet to offer any policy to increase the wages of low-income workers. Quit bitching about what shouldn’t be done. Show us your solutions.

This has been proven wrong = My talking points told me I was right, so I just assume there's proof out there that I get to feel like a good person.
Ahhh, the favored leftist trope of, "You don't care about people because you don't support the policies I want! My policies are THE ONLY right way to care!!"
I actually find a lot of similarities between the leftists and the far-right evangelicals. Both groups insist THEIR way is the only correct way, and anyone who disagrees is evil or moronic, or doomed to hell.
Beats the hell out of, "Stay poor and we'll pity you when our agenda requires it."
Even more, I didn’t say “stay poor”. I said that poor people can take advantage of free vocational training to move out of poverty. Unfortunately, that liberal poster’s only solution to moving people out of poverty is to allow them to continue doing whatever it is that has kept them in poverty, but just give them other people’s money.
I actually find a lot of similarities between the leftists and the far-right evangelicals. Both groups insist THEIR way is the only correct way, and anyone who disagrees is evil or moronic, or doomed to hell.

I believe that my way is the correct way, but I don't necessarily think that disagreeing with me automatically means people don't care. Mind you, I do think there are a lot of leftists who really DON'T care about the people they claim to want to help. But there's a difference between saying, "If you don't support these policies, you're not going to help people" and "If you don't support these policies, you don't care or even want to hurt them".

Take minimum wage laws, for example. I think there are some leftists who understand that raising the minimum wage will result in businesses cutting back their workforce, or even going out of business, and they don't care so long as they get a big, splashy bill with a title that mentions helping the poor to point to. Most people on the left, though, I consider to just be uninformed, simplistic, and misguided. They have a genuine concern for helping the poor, but very little understanding about the long-term economic consequences.

I defy you to find one leftist who will consider the possibility that conservatives oppose minimum wage legislation for any reason other than, "They just hate poor people."
Even more, I didn’t say “stay poor”. I said that poor people can take advantage of free vocational training to move out of poverty. Unfortunately, that liberal poster’s only solution to moving people out of poverty is to allow them to continue doing whatever it is that has kept them in poverty, but just give them other people’s money.

I didn't say you said it. I was saying that's the leftist plan.
I didn't say you said it. I was saying that's the leftist plan.
I know.….I didn’t mean to say you said it. I was referring to the poster who sarcastically told me my plan for the poor was to “stay poor.”

These leftists think that unless you just want to hand out more money to poor people, you don’t care about them. They HATE when you suggest that poor people take action themselves to Improve their lot - such as take advantage of Pell Grants to learn a vocation - because it implies that poor people are, to some degree at least, responsible for their own predicament.

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