Gas Hits $8.50 in California

My empty light came on and to fill with super cost me 62 bucks
For me the extra not gonna kill me ..but the poor ,working poor and middle class families they always get hurt the worst ...always
The FACT is Biden's policies are anti energy independence and driving up the price of gas, oil and coal. FACT! Way to screw over the poor and middle class Dems you assholes! I TOLD YOU PEOPLE Dems willingly sacrifice the poor and middle class on the alter of the liberal agenda. Know thy enemy!
I live where gas is very expensive W LA and is $5 now, i hardly drive and many has electric cars and everyone will have electric cars in few years.

The rise in prices was predicted, stop thr blame game.
Golfing Gator
Cause you don't live in a State that taxes the shit out of everything. Same here in Florida. I paid 2.24 yesterday when I filled up. That was at Wal-Mart which is cheaper. Most places are charging 2.39.

Sure glad I don't live in California.
LMAO Hell that thing sure wouldn't pull my horse trailer and if two people were in it they would break their arms if they turned around.

Smart car my ass. I've seen idiots in those things on 95. I wouldn't go on 95 in that box if you paid me a thousand dollars.
Although I myself am comfortable (retired now after a demanding yet rewarding career), I am concerned more with the lower-middle and low-income people who will feel the soaring energy costs in their hearing bills this winter. A lot of people are going to be cold.

Biden may simply issue an EO to give poor people “heating money,” but that will just drive the cost up on others up the income scale. Before you know it, fewer and fewer people will be able to afford the basics of life, and more will be dependent on the government for survival. Ah…..socialism!
Good Lord. Who do you think you are kidding?? If Trump were still POTUS you would be screaming bloody murder at the cost of gas.

Of course you wouldn't have to cause gas would still be at 1.70 and we would still be oil independent.

You voted for a walking, talking hair sniffing disaster so suck it up.
The “poor” don’t travel to Big Sur.
The “poor” don’t live in Big Sur either.

if you travel up the coast in that area, then fuel up before you get to Gorda.

Any traveler knows that.
It’s common sense.

Now, quit yer bitching.
/---/And the rich got rich by overpaying for commodities. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA
Good Lord. Who do you think you are kidding?? If Trump were still POTUS you would be screaming bloody murder at the cost of gas.

Of course you wouldn't have to cause gas would still be at 1.70 and we would still be oil independent.

You voted for a walking, talking hair sniffing disaster so suck it up.
Yup. Trump sure wouldn’t have cancelled the Keystone pipeline on his first day and throw 10,000 more people out of work.
Good Lord. Who do you think you are kidding?? If Trump were still POTUS you would be screaming bloody murder at the cost of gas.

Of course you wouldn't have to cause gas would still be at 1.70 and we would still be oil independent.

You voted for a walking, talking hair sniffing disaster so suck it up.
Trump wouldn’t have banned drilling and a major pipeline while handing Putin $$$$ of our taxes to build his pipeline.
Yup. Trump sure wouldn’t have cancelled the Keystone pipeline on his first day and throw 10,000 more people out of work.

I love how you people parrot this number without ever even thinking about checking to see if it is accurate.

A sign at the gas station says that the next gas stations are 40 miles while heading north and 12 miles south. People who stop to get gas have no other choices.

In July 2019 a gallon of gas cost more than six dollars. In April of the same year, we reported that a regular gallon of gas costs $11.75 per gallon.

On the same day the photo was taken, the average price across all of Monterey County was $4.59 per gallon.
I wouldn't doubt California is trying to price people out of gas cars to get them to buy electric, or are trying to keep people from going out as much by making it expensive to go for a drive.
I'm fine with high gas prices. Quicker we will get to alternative fuels.
Just dumb. Alternative fuels are far more expensive and harder to produce. Electric vehicles are a toxic nightmare for the environment, but these self religious types have to make themselves feel good about something like invisible racism, invisible global warming because they reject God.
Yup. Trump sure wouldn’t have cancelled the Keystone pipeline on his first day and throw 10,000 more people out of work.
If you right wingers could get your FACTs straight, it would help your argument.

It was 1,000 temporary jobs, NOT this 10,000 Facebook Spread Lie. And you know it.

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