Gas prices falling. All credit to Obama.

Things went downhill when the democrats got a majority in Congress and the Senate. The start of the collapse can be secured at the moment Nancy Pelosi picked up the gavel.
Anything good that happens it's Obama.

Anything bad, it's someone else.

Yesterday the prick blamed a less than stellar jobs report on a few Republicans......even though the shutdown didn't cause anyone to get fired. He was basically just making shit up. It's becoming more and more clear that Obama is full of shit, even to his supporters.
Low gas prices go hand in hand with a smaller economy. We are shrinking.....

Not always. Isn't this the time of year that the price of gas goes down from the summer?

The economy is shrinking?

Only if you listen to AM radio.

It's when the transfer to winter mix goes in place.
It's cheaper to make the winter mix.

Which to Obama, or his fluffers, is just an opportunity to take credit.
Anything good that happens it's Obama.

Anything bad, it's someone else.

Yesterday the prick blamed a less than stellar jobs report on a few Republicans......even though the shutdown didn't cause anyone to get fired. He was basically just making shit up. It's becoming more and more clear that Obama is full of shit, even to his supporters.

what's sick about it is his followers fall for his bs hook, line and stinker
that is scary when you think about, they vote
Anything good that happens it's Obama.

Anything bad, it's someone else.

Yesterday the prick blamed a less than stellar jobs report on a few Republicans......even though the shutdown didn't cause anyone to get fired. He was basically just making shit up. It's becoming more and more clear that Obama is full of shit, even to his supporters.

what's sick about it is his followers fall for his bs hook, line and stinker
that is scary when you think about, they vote

Since for many of them their sense of well-being depends on how everyone feels about Obama it's not surprising.
An artificially (too high) priced commodity drops in price and people are amazed? Simply amazing!
Gasoline prices drop closer to $3 and could keep falling - NBC

Gasoline prices drop closer to $3 and could keep falling

Remember $3 gas? Well the price is headed down and might get back to that level again after more than three years.

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the United States fell 6.4 cents in the last two weeks, as crude oil declined and refiners passed on the difference to motorists.

How are conservatives gonna spin this? I can't wait to read their laughable, dissembling posts and cringe-inducing, lame-o excuses.

Conservatives spent years trying to blame Obama for high gas prices, and denying that prices were actually even higher during the Bushtarded Regime.

I don't know how much of a role a President plays in gas prices, but conservatives believe its a huge role, so give Obama high praise for bringing prices down.

If there's any reason that its happening now, it's probably the positive and constructive changes to Iran's sanctions, and their positive moves in response. A pro-peace President, who recognizes Iran's right to have a peaceful nuclear program will help bring gas prices down.

I'll slap Obama on the back just as soon as the pump prices are about $1.80 a gallon, where they were when 'Bongo took office.
Anything good that happens it's Obama.

Anything bad, it's someone else.

Yesterday the prick blamed a less than stellar jobs report on a few Republicans......even though the shutdown didn't cause anyone to get fired. He was basically just making shit up. It's becoming more and more clear that Obama is full of shit, even to his supporters.

It is of worthy note that the economy actually BEAT predictions that were made WITHOUT the shutdown. Inconvenient facts though are ignored by the hacks here. As best anyone can tell, the shutdown did exactly zilch to the economy. That is not really surprising though considering that the government operated on over 70% while it was ‘shut down.’ The term is almost meaningless.
Gasoline prices drop closer to $3 and could keep falling - NBC

Gasoline prices drop closer to $3 and could keep falling

Remember $3 gas? Well the price is headed down and might get back to that level again after more than three years.

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the United States fell 6.4 cents in the last two weeks, as crude oil declined and refiners passed on the difference to motorists.

How are conservatives gonna spin this? I can't wait to read their laughable, dissembling posts and cringe-inducing, lame-o excuses.

Conservatives spent years trying to blame Obama for high gas prices, and denying that prices were actually even higher during the Bushtarded Regime.

I don't know how much of a role a President plays in gas prices, but conservatives believe its a huge role, so give Obama high praise for bringing prices down.

If there's any reason that its happening now, it's probably the positive and constructive changes to Iran's sanctions, and their positive moves in response. A pro-peace President, who recognizes Iran's right to have a peaceful nuclear program will help bring gas prices down.

Bush got it down to a buck .83 so......long way to go for Barry.:eusa_whistle:
Things went downhill when the democrats got a majority in Congress and the Senate. The start of the collapse can be secured at the moment Nancy Pelosi picked up the gavel.
You must be so proud of Boehner. Pelosi got stuff done.
Gasoline prices drop closer to $3 and could keep falling - NBC

Gasoline prices drop closer to $3 and could keep falling

Remember $3 gas? Well the price is headed down and might get back to that level again after more than three years.

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the United States fell 6.4 cents in the last two weeks, as crude oil declined and refiners passed on the difference to motorists.

How are conservatives gonna spin this? I can't wait to read their laughable, dissembling posts and cringe-inducing, lame-o excuses.

Conservatives spent years trying to blame Obama for high gas prices, and denying that prices were actually even higher during the Bushtarded Regime.

I don't know how much of a role a President plays in gas prices, but conservatives believe its a huge role, so give Obama high praise for bringing prices down.

If there's any reason that its happening now, it's probably the positive and constructive changes to Iran's sanctions, and their positive moves in response. A pro-peace President, who recognizes Iran's right to have a peaceful nuclear program will help bring gas prices down.

Gas was an average of $1.86 a gallon when Obama took office, fat ass.
Thank You President Obama. I remember when the Repubs were planning on running against the President based on gas prices lol
Gasoline prices drop closer to $3 and could keep falling - NBC

Gasoline prices drop closer to $3 and could keep falling

Remember $3 gas? Well the price is headed down and might get back to that level again after more than three years.

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the United States fell 6.4 cents in the last two weeks, as crude oil declined and refiners passed on the difference to motorists.

How are conservatives gonna spin this? I can't wait to read their laughable, dissembling posts and cringe-inducing, lame-o excuses.

Conservatives spent years trying to blame Obama for high gas prices, and denying that prices were actually even higher during the Bushtarded Regime.

I don't know how much of a role a President plays in gas prices, but conservatives believe its a huge role, so give Obama high praise for bringing prices down.

If there's any reason that its happening now, it's probably the positive and constructive changes to Iran's sanctions, and their positive moves in response. A pro-peace President, who recognizes Iran's right to have a peaceful nuclear program will help bring gas prices down.
I hope this is sarcasm. No one could be stupid enough to believe that Mr. I HATE FOSSIL FUELS has a thing to do with falling gas prices.
The fact is, Obama's anti fossil fuel policies which are designed to ram HIS version of conservation( making energy scarce) down our throats is NOT working.
Gasoline prices drop closer to $3 and could keep falling - NBC

Gasoline prices drop closer to $3 and could keep falling

Remember $3 gas? Well the price is headed down and might get back to that level again after more than three years.

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the United States fell 6.4 cents in the last two weeks, as crude oil declined and refiners passed on the difference to motorists.

How are conservatives gonna spin this? I can't wait to read their laughable, dissembling posts and cringe-inducing, lame-o excuses.

Conservatives spent years trying to blame Obama for high gas prices, and denying that prices were actually even higher during the Bushtarded Regime.

I don't know how much of a role a President plays in gas prices, but conservatives believe its a huge role, so give Obama high praise for bringing prices down.

If there's any reason that its happening now, it's probably the positive and constructive changes to Iran's sanctions, and their positive moves in response. A pro-peace President, who recognizes Iran's right to have a peaceful nuclear program will help bring gas prices down.
I hope this is sarcasm. No one could be stupid enough to believe that Mr. I HATE FOSSIL FUELS has a thing to do with falling gas prices.
The fact is, Obama's anti fossil fuel policies which are designed to ram HIS version of conservation( making energy scarce) down our throats is NOT working.

Reasoning is not required. When people were attacking Obama over his fossil fule policies it was wrong to do so but he should definitely be credited with falling gas prices because…

Well because he should.
Low gas prices go hand in hand with a smaller economy. We are shrinking.....

Not always. Isn't this the time of year that the price of gas goes down from the summer?

The economy is shrinking?

Only if you listen to AM radio.

The marketplace cannot support the high prices forced upon us by the US government's economic policies.
One such policy is to limit production and exploration for fossil fuels.
Another is the out of control spending and borrowing by the federal government which forces the printing of currency to offset the debt. Increasing the money supply devalues the US Dollar. In doing so, the price of oil and gas on the Commodities Exchanges which is indexed to the US Dollar, is forced upward. However, the current economic conditions and a healthy increase in the number of more fuel efficient vehicles on the road have forced demand for oil and gas to their lowest levels in many years.
The market just cannot absorb the increases. So the price falls.
Low gas prices go hand in hand with a smaller economy. We are shrinking.....

Then how do you explain the Clinton economic boom years?

Simple. We were coming out of recession. The Economic boom of the Pacific Rim was at an end. The market was flooded with over production by OPEC countries cheating on their self imposed production quotas. There was an oil "glut" on the marketplace and the world commodity prices for oil and gasoline collapsed in less than a year.
In fact, Christmas 1997 the price of gas around this area was close to $2 per gallon. One year later It was down to just over $1 per gallon.
In Spring 1998, I paid 65 cents per gallon just across the state line in South Carolina.
And if anyone can remember, those low proces did not last long. as demand increased as a result of more people working and making a better living, gas prices quickly recovered. In just 18 months the price went from just under $1 per gallon for regular to nearly $2/gal...
Historical Gas Price Charts -

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