Gas prices falling. All credit to Obama.

Gas prices were around $1.75 per gal when Bush left office. Now they hover around 3.00 per gal and liberals are dancing in the street. Such is the power of left wing propaganda and the gullibility of the low information left.

That low price was a result of the Bush Recession, which took millions of daily commuters off the street, thereby lowering gas prices.

Bush had prices up over four dollars in the summer of 2008, mostly because of his failed and flopped overly aggressive foreign policy.

Yeah, the Bush recession. During the time the Dem Congress wouldn't vote on anything unless it was anti-discrimination bills, badgered the GOP into letting them jack up the minimum-wage, relaxed regulations on borrowing so all you needed to move into a mansion was be a minority borrower.
The USA has now taken third place in oil/natural gas production IN SPITE of Obama and the other Greenies!

It's all because free thinking entrepreneurs have taken over leases on PRIVATE property and found ways to transport the goods in spite of FEMA and the EPA!

If the Liar-in-Chief had his way we'd be last in production.

And that is because the oil monopoly controls the public leases and they refuse to drill on the over 7,000 already approved drilling permits.

Permits in areas that they haven't found sufficient oil reserves.

Why drill?

It costs about a million bucks to start producing from a well. Why bother drilling where there is no oil or not enough to make it worthwhile.
Gasoline prices drop closer to $3 and could keep falling - NBC

Gasoline prices drop closer to $3 and could keep falling

Remember $3 gas? Well the price is headed down and might get back to that level again after more than three years.

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the United States fell 6.4 cents in the last two weeks, as crude oil declined and refiners passed on the difference to motorists.

How are conservatives gonna spin this? I can't wait to read their laughable, dissembling posts and cringe-inducing, lame-o excuses.

Conservatives spent years trying to blame Obama for high gas prices, and denying that prices were actually even higher during the Bushtarded Regime.

I don't know how much of a role a President plays in gas prices, but conservatives believe its a huge role, so give Obama high praise for bringing prices down.

If there's any reason that its happening now, it's probably the positive and constructive changes to Iran's sanctions, and their positive moves in response. A pro-peace President, who recognizes Iran's right to have a peaceful nuclear program will help bring gas prices down.

Oh come on. Most of the cons in this board will just say they never claimed the president had anything to do with gas prices. They cover their assess.
Gas prices were around $1.75 per gal when Bush left office. Now they hover around 3.00 per gal and liberals are dancing in the street. Such is the power of left wing propaganda and the gullibility of the low information left.

That low price was a result of the Bush Recession, which took millions of daily commuters off the street, thereby lowering gas prices.

Bush had prices up over four dollars in the summer of 2008, mostly because of his failed and flopped overly aggressive foreign policy.

Ha, your argument is idiotic. The price of gas shot up under Obama and the economy has sucked since him taking office. He destroyed the middle class and destroyed industry no wonder gas is dropping.
Gas prices were around $1.75 per gal when Bush left office. Now they hover around 3.00 per gal and liberals are dancing in the street. Such is the power of left wing propaganda and the gullibility of the low information left.

Oh is that so? Prove it.
The USA has now taken third place in oil/natural gas production IN SPITE of Obama and the other Greenies!

It's all because free thinking entrepreneurs have taken over leases on PRIVATE property and found ways to transport the goods in spite of FEMA and the EPA!

If the Liar-in-Chief had his way we'd be last in production.

And that is because the oil monopoly controls the public leases and they refuse to drill on the over 7,000 already approved drilling permits.

Permits in areas that they haven't found sufficient oil reserves.

Why drill?

It costs about a million bucks to start producing from a well. Why bother drilling where there is no oil or not enough to make it worthwhile.

Why would the oil monopoly pay for permits in places where there is no oil? :cuckoo:

The oil monopoly was offered new leases on different land if they would give up the unused leases they were paying for, and they chose to keep paying for the unused leases they had rather than give up those leases and save the costs of those leases. Clearly the oil monopoly believes there is oil on their unused leases but wants to hold on to the unused leases to keep them away from others who might actually drill and put the oil on the market. They believe it is more profitable for them to keep the oil on those leased and permitted lands off the market.
And that is because the oil monopoly controls the public leases and they refuse to drill on the over 7,000 already approved drilling permits.

Permits in areas that they haven't found sufficient oil reserves.

Why drill?

It costs about a million bucks to start producing from a well. Why bother drilling where there is no oil or not enough to make it worthwhile.

Why would the oil monopoly pay for permits in places where there is no oil? :cuckoo:

The oil monopoly was offered new leases on different land if they would give up the unused leases they were paying for, and they chose to keep paying for the unused leases they had rather than give up those leases and save the costs of those leases. Clearly the oil monopoly believes there is oil on their unused leases but wants to hold on to the unused leases to keep them away from others who might actually drill and put the oil on the market. They believe it is more profitable for them to keep the oil on those leased and permitted lands off the market.

ed. Who is the oil monopoly?

OPEC has a partial, and ever diminishing, strong market share of produced oil. Maybe Russia is second place, but the rest of the market is a gaggle of squaking geese..
Gas prices were around $1.75 per gal when Bush left office. Now they hover around 3.00 per gal and liberals are dancing in the street. Such is the power of left wing propaganda and the gullibility of the low information left.

That low price was a result of the Bush Recession, which took millions of daily commuters off the street, thereby lowering gas prices.

Bush had prices up over four dollars in the summer of 2008, mostly because of his failed and flopped overly aggressive foreign policy.

Yeah, the Bush recession. During the time the Dem Congress wouldn't vote on anything unless it was anti-discrimination bills, badgered the GOP into letting them jack up the minimum-wage, relaxed regulations on borrowing so all you needed to move into a mansion was be a minority borrower.

Typical revisionist bullshit.

It was the Bush threatened veto and the GOP filibuster of the minimum wage bill that badgered the Dems into more Bush tax cuts in exchange for the minimum wage increase.

And Bush relaxed the regulations on home mortgages in Dec 2003 with his ADDI, American Dream Downpayment Initiative, that changed the rules to allow no downpayment loans for more than the house was worth to people with bad credit who could not keep up with the payments and who were at least 20% below the standard of living for the neighborhood they were buying into, long before the Dems took over Congress.
What really interests me is that you are touting the gas prices dropping back to the ever so low 3 bucks…

Really? When did that become a good price for gas? Same old same old, something gets REALLY bad and then the ‘recovery’ is pronounced when it sucks just a little less. Complete bullshit.
What really interests me is that you are touting the gas prices dropping back to the ever so low 3 bucks…

Really? When did that become a good price for gas? Same old same old, something gets REALLY bad and then the ‘recovery’ is pronounced when it sucks just a little less. Complete bullshit.

Gingrich set the acceptable gas price at $2.50. Gas here is $2.68.

Gingrich: I'm the $2.50 gas president
What really interests me is that you are touting the gas prices dropping back to the ever so low 3 bucks…

Really? When did that become a good price for gas? Same old same old, something gets REALLY bad and then the ‘recovery’ is pronounced when it sucks just a little less. Complete bullshit.

Gingrich set the acceptable gas price at $2.50. Gas here is $2.68.

Gingrich: I'm the $2.50 gas president

Laughable. Noot's and the GOP's overly aggressive foreign policy would have gas prices pushing ten bucks by now, with the US mired in Iran, Iraq and Syria.
Obama lowered the price of gas??? How?

I'm not really saying he did. I'm pointing out that conservatives tried to blame him for high gas prices , so I'm demanding that they give him credit for gas prices now that they're lower.

And I do think our smaller footprint in the middle east is helping. The chest thumping GOP , with their blood-soaked foreign policy, was a big reason for higher oil prices.

so I'm demanding that they give him credit for gas prices now that they're lower.

You are in no position to demand anything Sir!
I am in no position to grant you anything! :eusa_hand:
Low gas prices go hand in hand with a smaller economy. We are shrinking.....

Not always. Isn't this the time of year that the price of gas goes down from the summer?

The economy is shrinking?

Only if you listen to AM radio.
Only if you use your brain to think critically.

Gas prices are falling due to a number of factors, the least of which is the winter slowdown.

Since we have become a major player in the natgas market, our status of major exporter of energy has something to do with it. Couple that with the stagnant economy, record low participation rates in the labor market, and people cutting back on ALL expenses due to the uncertainty of of their insurance costs, no one should be surprised at this.
Gas prices were around $1.75 per gal when Bush left office. Now they hover around 3.00 per gal and liberals are dancing in the street. Such is the power of left wing propaganda and the gullibility of the low information left.

Been paying around $4.00 or more for the medium grade for years now....
But that wasn't Obama's fault.
Now it drops a bit and we must thank him...

Bite me...

Paid $3.90 just the other day.... :mad:

Only suckers buy that gasoline. I'm so embarrassed for you.
Who can fix the mortgage
General Motors too
A bail out check for me and a bail out check for you
Obama man
yes, Obama man can
Obama man can cause he mixes it with hope and makes the world taste good

Who can give you health care
Who can save the poor
Who can pick the teams that are in the final four
Obama man
yes Obama man can
Obama man can cause he mixes it with hope and makes the world feel good..................
the price of gas doubles under obama and then if comes down a few points and the dems take a victory lap....hilarious

It was over 4 bucks under Bush in the summer of 2008. His aggressive, failed foreign policy was mostly to blame. The low prices for gas at the end of his eight year reign or error was due to the Bush Recession, that was caused in part by the high gas prices of the summer of 2008.

Listen, I know that you think everything went downhill as of January 2009. But you are in the minority. Most voters know when things went downhill economically, and it was under the cross-eyed moron, George W. Bush.

The longest stretch of time in decades that the GOP held unified power in DC is seen as a massive clusterf___ by most voters. And it was a clusterf____. It took all of six years for the GOP to get fired from Congress by the voters, and two more to get the oaf Bush out of the White House. By the end, the US was left worse on than when they took power back at the start of the decade.

When are conservatives going to apologize for the Bush years? You're failure to do so is one of the reasons that McCain and Romney lost. They were unapologetic about the Bushtarded Flops and Failures. That needs to change if you want a GOPer back in the White House.
It helps that Obama fucked up his neocon backed foreign policy with the help of Kerry's big fat mouth and allowed Putin to school the piece of shit and his handler Valerie Jarret. Having WWIII not as imminent helps the price of gas to a degree.

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