Gas Prices Highest in 7 Years

The survivors of Trump's attempt at a holocaust are driving up demand.
Holocaust? You mean Beijing's bitch and friends sending millions to Gaza to help them once again try to destroy the Jewish people? That attempted holocaust? Or are you once again just peeing your pants over the mostly peaceful protest at the Capitol in January?
No surprise there,

From the OPs story:
“The US is still feeling the effects of the gas price surge when there was a cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline”

That’s more bullshit than China played no role in the ChiCom Flu. You can hoard toilet paper, you can’t hoard gas.
Why? Did you run out of Ziploc bags?
How many billions of gallons of gas is locked away in ziplock bags and soda bottles in America that creates this supposed shortage, Dufus?

You are in desperate need of a sense of humor transplant. Either that or an elevator repairman. You elevator does not go all the way to the top floor.
Dem politicians are taking a skim on 'green' government spending, start there. Nobody will pay the jacked up price of 'green' unless gas prices double or triple, hence the Dems energy policy idiocy and support for oil pipeline projects in other countries while closing ours. Government corruption at its finest, politicians get rich while the poor and middle class suffer.
I believe you’re missing the surge in popularity of electric vehicles not to mention solar panels on homes, so called “green energy” alternative ARE catching on and at price points the market is willing to pay.

Unfortunately the Democrats are completely off base in that if they just let the market and technology move forward without massive legislative interference we’ll actually make progress towards their stated environmental goals. As you said though, they’re looking at this as a way to get some “skim” instead of looking at the practicalities of how economies transition organically.
LMAO none of that crap pencils out financially or environmentally for that matter. It's feel good nonsense. Look at me in my 'green' car that generated gobs of extremely toxic crap to manufacture with no plan to deal with the dead battery toxic waste.
Not only the disposal of incredibly toxic batteries but also the water pollution that the mining itself creates. Amazing that people lose their minds over CO2, of which levels can be controlled by vegetation growth and yet can't seem to figure out that if you destroy the water supply, EVERYTHING dies.
This is what happens when politicians and stupid people ignore science.
The survivors of Trump's attempt at a holocaust are driving up demand.
Holocaust? You mean Beijing's bitch and friends sending millions to Gaza to help them once again try to destroy the Jewish people? That attempted holocaust? Or are you once again just peeing your pants over the mostly peaceful protest at the Capitol in January?
True...the Chinese owned the blob lock stock and barrel; he had his money there, he had his cheap crap made there, he praised their handling of the pandemic....

Not sure what Gaza has to do with anything....

But those who survived your blob's holocaust are now buying gasoline so the price goes up.
But...but....but.....dementia Joe........but......but....

Funny how shutting down a pipeline causes gas prices to raise.....
It was going up before the pipeline shutdown.

Indeed. It started rising the day dementia Joe and Comrade Kamala took office, or did you not notice. Why? I give you the last debate where dementia Joe stated his first 30 days in office, he would reverse ALL of Trump's executive orders.

Now, I don't know about you - but if I am the CEO or the CFO of an oil company, I'm hedging my bets - just in case that dementia ridden asshole and his commie "VP" (and I use that term loosely - more like CiC) are somehow "elected".

The rest speaks for itself. Oh, and you ain't seen nuttin' yet. Get ready for $3.50- 4.00 a gallon. You dumbasses asked for it. Now suck it up and take food from your kids mouths to pay for gasoline. Bunch of dumb ass idiots.....
Democrats own high gas prices. Their policies under their watch.
The spike in gas prices isn’t policy driven, it’s supply driven as a direct result of a cyberattack on a major gas pipeline, or is it your contention that Democrat policies caused the cyberattack?

It would be a different story if Crime Family-D had actually enacted some policie(s) that was/were directly correlated to the current price increases but as far as I know they haven’t. I guess you could credit the ARA with increased demand to some degree but so far it doesn’t look like market analysts aren’t giving that much weight.
The cyberattack has nothing to do with current higher gas prices...
Oh okay, perhaps you should inform the futures markets of your theory, I’m sure they’ll be quite fascinated by it.:rolleyes:
Gas prices are forward looking...the cyberattack caused no long term shortage. Moving prices now are people actually getting out--seeing other people, shopping, some are actually working mixed in with the dems doing what dems do create artificial shortages via wars, stopping coal, allowing flooding in of illegals creating demands for everything, fucking with pipelines etc.
Democrats own high gas prices. Their policies under their watch.
The spike in gas prices isn’t policy driven, it’s supply driven as a direct result of a cyberattack on a major gas pipeline, or is it your contention that Democrat policies caused the cyberattack?

It would be a different story if Crime Family-D had actually enacted some policie(s) that was/were directly correlated to the current price increases but as far as I know they haven’t. I guess you could credit the ARA with increased demand to some degree but so far it doesn’t look like market analysts aren’t giving that much weight.
The cyberattack has nothing to do with current higher gas prices...
Oh okay, perhaps you should inform the futures markets of your theory, I’m sure they’ll be quite fascinated by it.:rolleyes:
Gas prices are forward looking...the cyberattack caused no long term shortage. Moving prices now are people actually getting out--seeing other people, shopping, some are actually working mixed in with the dems doing what dems do create artificial shortages via wars, stopping coal, allowing flooding in of illegals creating demands for everything, fucking with pipelines etc.
The thread and my responses were talking about the SHORT TERM price spike following the shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline, the futures markets have reacted to the supply constraint as SHORT TERM driving SHORT TERM futures prices UP, that along with constrained supply and increased demand (due to the season) has resulted in prices at the pump going UP over the short term.

Do you think traders just ignored what happened on the Colonial Pipeline because it was a temporary supply disruption?
Do some research on lithium mining and then come back and tell us how great electric vehicles are for the environment.
Battery technologies are improving all the time. Solid state battery technology could be an improvement. Big Government nanny-Statism should develop infrastructure to recycle or repurpose spent batteries since the public sector could do it more cost effectively and on a more comprehensive scale than any private sector venture.
Do some research on lithium mining and then come back and tell us how great electric vehicles are for the environment.
Daniel doesn't DO research! He's more of a bumper sticker, catchy slogan, kind of guy!
Says the nothing but full of fallacy kind of guys who want to be taken seriously simply because they are on the right wing.
Democrats own high gas prices. Their policies under their watch.
The spike in gas prices isn’t policy driven, it’s supply driven as a direct result of a cyberattack on a major gas pipeline, or is it your contention that Democrat policies caused the cyberattack?

It would be a different story if Crime Family-D had actually enacted some policie(s) that was/were directly correlated to the current price increases but as far as I know they haven’t. I guess you could credit the ARA with increased demand to some degree but so far it doesn’t look like market analysts aren’t giving that much weight.
The cyberattack has nothing to do with current higher gas prices...
Why do you think that?
Dem politicians are taking a skim on 'green' government spending, start there. Nobody will pay the jacked up price of 'green' unless gas prices double or triple, hence the Dems energy policy idiocy and support for oil pipeline projects in other countries while closing ours. Government corruption at its finest, politicians get rich while the poor and middle class suffer.
I believe you’re missing the surge in popularity of electric vehicles not to mention solar panels on homes, so called “green energy” alternative ARE catching on and at price points the market is willing to pay.

Unfortunately the Democrats are completely off base in that if they just let the market and technology move forward without massive legislative interference we’ll actually make progress towards their stated environmental goals. As you said though, they’re looking at this as a way to get some “skim” instead of looking at the practicalities of how economies transition organically.
If they're so popular, Foxie...then why do we need to subsidize their sale price with incentives from Government? It's only a "price point" that the market is willing to pay because Government is making that happen!
Due to the environmental savings; government subsidy means we should get more of it sooner rather than later and definitely sooner than any private sector venture could it on their own.
Dem politicians are taking a skim on 'green' government spending, start there. Nobody will pay the jacked up price of 'green' unless gas prices double or triple, hence the Dems energy policy idiocy and support for oil pipeline projects in other countries while closing ours. Government corruption at its finest, politicians get rich while the poor and middle class suffer.
I believe you’re missing the surge in popularity of electric vehicles not to mention solar panels on homes, so called “green energy” alternative ARE catching on and at price points the market is willing to pay.

Unfortunately the Democrats are completely off base in that if they just let the market and technology move forward without massive legislative interference we’ll actually make progress towards their stated environmental goals. As you said though, they’re looking at this as a way to get some “skim” instead of looking at the practicalities of how economies transition organically.
Most EV run on fossil fuels.
Dem politicians are taking a skim on 'green' government spending, start there. Nobody will pay the jacked up price of 'green' unless gas prices double or triple, hence the Dems energy policy idiocy and support for oil pipeline projects in other countries while closing ours. Government corruption at its finest, politicians get rich while the poor and middle class suffer.
I believe you’re missing the surge in popularity of electric vehicles not to mention solar panels on homes, so called “green energy” alternative ARE catching on and at price points the market is willing to pay.

Unfortunately the Democrats are completely off base in that if they just let the market and technology move forward without massive legislative interference we’ll actually make progress towards their stated environmental goals. As you said though, they’re looking at this as a way to get some “skim” instead of looking at the practicalities of how economies transition organically.
Most EV run on fossil fuels.
Uh-huh, however none of them emit the product of fossil fuel combustion through their tail pipes, thus as electricity production moves away from using fossil fuels (or uses cleaner fossil fuel combustion, e.g. Natural Gas) overall emissions go down.

Doesn't really make all that much difference in total global carbon emissions since whatever reduction the United States is able to achieve, Developing nations (e.g. China, India, much of Africa et al.) will more than make up for as their demand for fossil fuels will continue to rise as their economies develop.
Dem politicians are taking a skim on 'green' government spending, start there. Nobody will pay the jacked up price of 'green' unless gas prices double or triple, hence the Dems energy policy idiocy and support for oil pipeline projects in other countries while closing ours. Government corruption at its finest, politicians get rich while the poor and middle class suffer.
I believe you’re missing the surge in popularity of electric vehicles not to mention solar panels on homes, so called “green energy” alternative ARE catching on and at price points the market is willing to pay.

Unfortunately the Democrats are completely off base in that if they just let the market and technology move forward without massive legislative interference we’ll actually make progress towards their stated environmental goals. As you said though, they’re looking at this as a way to get some “skim” instead of looking at the practicalities of how economies transition organically.
If they're so popular, Foxie...then why do we need to subsidize their sale price with incentives from Government? It's only a "price point" that the market is willing to pay because Government is making that happen!
Due to the environmental savings; government subsidy means we should get more of it sooner rather than later and definitely sooner than any private sector venture could it on their own.
Here's a dose of reality, Daniel! If you want it to cost twice as much...and take three times as long to complete...let the Government do it! How do you not know this? Are you really that clueless?
Dem politicians are taking a skim on 'green' government spending, start there. Nobody will pay the jacked up price of 'green' unless gas prices double or triple, hence the Dems energy policy idiocy and support for oil pipeline projects in other countries while closing ours. Government corruption at its finest, politicians get rich while the poor and middle class suffer.
I believe you’re missing the surge in popularity of electric vehicles not to mention solar panels on homes, so called “green energy” alternative ARE catching on and at price points the market is willing to pay.

Unfortunately the Democrats are completely off base in that if they just let the market and technology move forward without massive legislative interference we’ll actually make progress towards their stated environmental goals. As you said though, they’re looking at this as a way to get some “skim” instead of looking at the practicalities of how economies transition organically.
Most EV run on fossil fuels.
Uh-huh, however none of them emit the product of fossil fuel combustion through their tail pipes, thus as electricity production moves away from using fossil fuels (or uses cleaner fossil fuel combustion, e.g. Natural Gas) overall emissions go down.

Doesn't really make all that much difference in total global carbon emissions since whatever reduction the United States is able to achieve, Developing nations (e.g. China, India, much of Africa et al.) will more than make up for as their demand for fossil fuels will continue to rise as their economies develop.

In what century will this happen? A little piece of advice: Don't hold your breath!
Dem politicians are taking a skim on 'green' government spending, start there. Nobody will pay the jacked up price of 'green' unless gas prices double or triple, hence the Dems energy policy idiocy and support for oil pipeline projects in other countries while closing ours. Government corruption at its finest, politicians get rich while the poor and middle class suffer.
I believe you’re missing the surge in popularity of electric vehicles not to mention solar panels on homes, so called “green energy” alternative ARE catching on and at price points the market is willing to pay.

Unfortunately the Democrats are completely off base in that if they just let the market and technology move forward without massive legislative interference we’ll actually make progress towards their stated environmental goals. As you said though, they’re looking at this as a way to get some “skim” instead of looking at the practicalities of how economies transition organically.
If they're so popular, Foxie...then why do we need to subsidize their sale price with incentives from Government? It's only a "price point" that the market is willing to pay because Government is making that happen!
Due to the environmental savings; government subsidy means we should get more of it sooner rather than later and definitely sooner than any private sector venture could it on their own.
Here's a dose of reality, Daniel! If you want it to cost twice as much...and take three times as long to complete...let the Government do it! How do you not know this? Are you really that clueless?
Government projects only cost TWICE as much and take THREE times as long?

Hmmm...When did all these dramatic improvements in government efficiency happen? I missed have missed that.
Democrats own high gas prices. Their policies under their watch.
The spike in gas prices isn’t policy driven, it’s supply driven as a direct result of a cyberattack on a major gas pipeline, or is it your contention that Democrat policies caused the cyberattack?

It would be a different story if Crime Family-D had actually enacted some policie(s) that was/were directly correlated to the current price increases but as far as I know they haven’t. I guess you could credit the ARA with increased demand to some degree but so far it doesn’t look like market analysts aren’t giving that much weight.
The cyberattack has nothing to do with current higher gas prices...
Why do you think that?

The prices were already rising. In other words, it’s not as if gas prices were not rising or not higher than last year and the cyber attack was the sole cause.
Dem politicians are taking a skim on 'green' government spending, start there. Nobody will pay the jacked up price of 'green' unless gas prices double or triple, hence the Dems energy policy idiocy and support for oil pipeline projects in other countries while closing ours. Government corruption at its finest, politicians get rich while the poor and middle class suffer.
I believe you’re missing the surge in popularity of electric vehicles not to mention solar panels on homes, so called “green energy” alternative ARE catching on and at price points the market is willing to pay.

Unfortunately the Democrats are completely off base in that if they just let the market and technology move forward without massive legislative interference we’ll actually make progress towards their stated environmental goals. As you said though, they’re looking at this as a way to get some “skim” instead of looking at the practicalities of how economies transition organically.
If they're so popular, Foxie...then why do we need to subsidize their sale price with incentives from Government? It's only a "price point" that the market is willing to pay because Government is making that happen!
Due to the environmental savings; government subsidy means we should get more of it sooner rather than later and definitely sooner than any private sector venture could it on their own.
Here's a dose of reality, Daniel! If you want it to cost twice as much...and take three times as long to complete...let the Government do it! How do you not know this? Are you really that clueless?
Government projects only cost TWICE as much and take THREE times as long?

Hmmm...When did all these dramatic improvements in government efficiency happen? I missed have missed that.
It was something my Dad used to tell me, Foxie! Of course that was years ago and I haven't seen any improvements either! Daniel thinking that the Government can do it better is rather amusing.

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