Gas Prices Highest in 7 Years

Democrats own high gas prices. Their policies under their watch.
The spike in gas prices isn’t policy driven, it’s supply driven as a direct result of a cyberattack on a major gas pipeline, or is it your contention that Democrat policies caused the cyberattack?

It would be a different story if Crime Family-D had actually enacted some policie(s) that was/were directly correlated to the current price increases but as far as I know they haven’t. I guess you could credit the ARA with increased demand to some degree but so far it doesn’t look like market analysts aren’t giving that much weight.
It's my "contention" that Democrats don't really care if the price of gasoline increases...that for many of them...a price increase is seen as a good thing because it makes their "green energy" proposals more viable. Do you disagree?

I have no problem with green energy. The problem I have is that it is not yet viable to run the economy like Oil is yet Democrats feel compelled to trash US Oil with no regards to the economy. Then again, Democrats love misery.
We see the impact shutting down coal has done to the miners and their communities.
Democrats own high gas prices. Their policies under their watch.
The spike in gas prices isn’t policy driven, it’s supply driven as a direct result of a cyberattack on a major gas pipeline, or is it your contention that Democrat policies caused the cyberattack?

It would be a different story if Crime Family-D had actually enacted some policie(s) that was/were directly correlated to the current price increases but as far as I know they haven’t. I guess you could credit the ARA with increased demand to some degree but so far it doesn’t look like market analysts aren’t giving that much weight.

Under obvious, gas prices are ultimately subject to Supply and Demand. Policies can help influence supply and demand. Sending a message to the markets that leases for drilling on Federal land have ceased, stopping a major infrastructure project, maintaining ban on off shore drilling, and commitment to unproven alternative energy sources collectively impact the market-driven price of gas.
You’ve pointed out some valid concerns, however those particulars were already baked into the equation as soon as the Democrats were put in the drivers seat (the market was already aware of those factors in November 2020).

What we’re talking about is the RECENT surge in gas prices following the supply disruption of the Colonial Pipeline, something which can’t reasonably be pinned on the current Administration. In fact one might argue that it’s the last Administration that failed to do anything regarding the cyber security of critical infrastructure (and I’m aware neither did Obama nor Bush II), they did a lot of jaw wagging about it but didn’t do anything of substance.
Oh good lord.............
No surprise there,

From the OPs story:
“The US is still feeling the effects of the gas price surge when there was a cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline”

That’s more bullshit than China played no role in the ChiCom Flu. You can hoard toilet paper, you can’t hoard gas.
Why? Did you run out of Ziploc bags?
No surprise there,

From the OPs story:
“The US is still feeling the effects of the gas price surge when there was a cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline”

That’s more bullshit than China played no role in the ChiCom Flu. You can hoard toilet paper, you can’t hoard gas.
Why? Did you run out of Ziploc bags?
How many billions of gallons of gas is locked away in ziplock bags and soda bottles in America that creates this supposed shortage, Dufus?
Democrats own high gas prices. Their policies under their watch.
The spike in gas prices isn’t policy driven, it’s supply driven as a direct result of a cyberattack on a major gas pipeline, or is it your contention that Democrat policies caused the cyberattack?

It would be a different story if Crime Family-D had actually enacted some policie(s) that was/were directly correlated to the current price increases but as far as I know they haven’t. I guess you could credit the ARA with increased demand to some degree but so far it doesn’t look like market analysts aren’t giving that much weight.
The cyberattack has nothing to do with current higher gas prices...
Democrats own high gas prices. Their policies under their watch.
The spike in gas prices isn’t policy driven, it’s supply driven as a direct result of a cyberattack on a major gas pipeline, or is it your contention that Democrat policies caused the cyberattack?

It would be a different story if Crime Family-D had actually enacted some policie(s) that was/were directly correlated to the current price increases but as far as I know they haven’t. I guess you could credit the ARA with increased demand to some degree but so far it doesn’t look like market analysts aren’t giving that much weight.
The cyberattack has nothing to do with current higher gas prices...
Oh okay, perhaps you should inform the futures markets of your theory, I’m sure they’ll be quite fascinated by it.:rolleyes:
Dem politicians are taking a skim on 'green' government spending, start there. Nobody will pay the jacked up price of 'green' unless gas prices double or triple, hence the Dems energy policy idiocy and support for oil pipeline projects in other countries while closing ours. Government corruption at its finest, politicians get rich while the poor and middle class suffer.
Dem politicians are taking a skim on 'green' government spending, start there. Nobody will pay the jacked up price of 'green' unless gas prices double or triple, hence the Dems energy policy idiocy and support for oil pipeline projects in other countries while closing ours. Government corruption at its finest, politicians get rich while the poor and middle class suffer.
I believe you’re missing the surge in popularity of electric vehicles not to mention solar panels on homes, so called “green energy” alternative ARE catching on and at price points the market is willing to pay.

Unfortunately the Democrats are completely off base in that if they just let the market and technology move forward without massive legislative interference we’ll actually make progress towards their stated environmental goals. As you said though, they’re looking at this as a way to get some “skim” instead of looking at the practicalities of how economies transition organically.
Dem politicians are taking a skim on 'green' government spending, start there. Nobody will pay the jacked up price of 'green' unless gas prices double or triple, hence the Dems energy policy idiocy and support for oil pipeline projects in other countries while closing ours. Government corruption at its finest, politicians get rich while the poor and middle class suffer.
I believe you’re missing the surge in popularity of electric vehicles not to mention solar panels on homes, so called “green energy” alternative ARE catching on and at price points the market is willing to pay.

Unfortunately the Democrats are completely off base in that if they just let the market and technology move forward without massive legislative interference we’ll actually make progress towards their stated environmental goals. As you said though, they’re looking at this as a way to get some “skim” instead of looking at the practicalities of how economies transition organically.
If they're so popular, Foxie...then why do we need to subsidize their sale price with incentives from Government? It's only a "price point" that the market is willing to pay because Government is making that happen!
Dem politicians are taking a skim on 'green' government spending, start there. Nobody will pay the jacked up price of 'green' unless gas prices double or triple, hence the Dems energy policy idiocy and support for oil pipeline projects in other countries while closing ours. Government corruption at its finest, politicians get rich while the poor and middle class suffer.
I believe you’re missing the surge in popularity of electric vehicles not to mention solar panels on homes, so called “green energy” alternative ARE catching on and at price points the market is willing to pay.

Unfortunately the Democrats are completely off base in that if they just let the market and technology move forward without massive legislative interference we’ll actually make progress towards their stated environmental goals. As you said though, they’re looking at this as a way to get some “skim” instead of looking at the practicalities of how economies transition organically.
LMAO none of that crap pencils out financially or environmentally for that matter. It's feel good nonsense. Look at me in my 'green' car that generated gobs of extremely toxic crap to manufacture with no plan to deal with the dead battery toxic waste.
Dem politicians are taking a skim on 'green' government spending, start there. Nobody will pay the jacked up price of 'green' unless gas prices double or triple, hence the Dems energy policy idiocy and support for oil pipeline projects in other countries while closing ours. Government corruption at its finest, politicians get rich while the poor and middle class suffer.
I believe you’re missing the surge in popularity of electric vehicles not to mention solar panels on homes, so called “green energy” alternative ARE catching on and at price points the market is willing to pay.

Unfortunately the Democrats are completely off base in that if they just let the market and technology move forward without massive legislative interference we’ll actually make progress towards their stated environmental goals. As you said though, they’re looking at this as a way to get some “skim” instead of looking at the practicalities of how economies transition organically.
If they're so popular, Foxie...then why do we need to subsidize their sale price with incentives from Government? It's only a "price point" that the market is willing to pay because Government is making that happen!
We stopped doing that in Tax year 2019, oddly enough that was about the time that electric vehicle sales really started taking off (see TESLA).

It’s a loose correlation but it would *appear* that the tax credit had little effect on sales, it might of have some longer term effect on demand but from what I’ve read it appears that the industry was already gearing up for alternative vehicles (particularly hybrids) long before those subsidies ever came to fruition.

Gas Prices Highest in 7 Years​

Dem politicians are taking a skim on 'green' government spending, start there. Nobody will pay the jacked up price of 'green' unless gas prices double or triple, hence the Dems energy policy idiocy and support for oil pipeline projects in other countries while closing ours. Government corruption at its finest, politicians get rich while the poor and middle class suffer.
I believe you’re missing the surge in popularity of electric vehicles not to mention solar panels on homes, so called “green energy” alternative ARE catching on and at price points the market is willing to pay.

Unfortunately the Democrats are completely off base in that if they just let the market and technology move forward without massive legislative interference we’ll actually make progress towards their stated environmental goals. As you said though, they’re looking at this as a way to get some “skim” instead of looking at the practicalities of how economies transition organically.
LMAO none of that crap pencils out financially or environmentally for that matter. It's feel good nonsense. Look at me in my 'green' car that generated gobs of extremely toxic crap to manufacture with no plan to deal with the dead battery toxic waste.
It actually does, depending on where you live. For example , where I live (in the desert) solar paneling your home now translates to a significant cost savings in electricity, even after factoring in the cost of the solar panels.

People that drive hybrids or all-electrics report the same thing with respect to transportation costs which again depends on where you live. Personally I’m not a fan of hybrids or all-electric vehicles but that’s simply because I enjoy a good ole fashioned gasoline engine that’s fast enough to get out of it’s own way! PEDAL TO THE METAL!

The market is transitioning nicely but it’s not an even transition because as I said, A LOT depends on where you live.
Dem politicians are taking a skim on 'green' government spending, start there. Nobody will pay the jacked up price of 'green' unless gas prices double or triple, hence the Dems energy policy idiocy and support for oil pipeline projects in other countries while closing ours. Government corruption at its finest, politicians get rich while the poor and middle class suffer.
I believe you’re missing the surge in popularity of electric vehicles not to mention solar panels on homes, so called “green energy” alternative ARE catching on and at price points the market is willing to pay.

Unfortunately the Democrats are completely off base in that if they just let the market and technology move forward without massive legislative interference we’ll actually make progress towards their stated environmental goals. As you said though, they’re looking at this as a way to get some “skim” instead of looking at the practicalities of how economies transition organically.
LMAO none of that crap pencils out financially or environmentally for that matter. It's feel good nonsense. Look at me in my 'green' car that generated gobs of extremely toxic crap to manufacture with no plan to deal with the dead battery toxic waste.
Not only the disposal of incredibly toxic batteries but also the water pollution that the mining itself creates. Amazing that people lose their minds over CO2, of which levels can be controlled by vegetation growth and yet can't seem to figure out that if you destroy the water supply, EVERYTHING dies.

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