Gas Prices Highest in 7 Years

It takes longer and costs more for Government due to the not-for-profit concern for our environment. Many disasters in the private sector are due to capitalists trying to maximize profit by cutting costs.
It takes longer and costs more for government to do anything than it would take in the private sector due to inefficiency, bureaucracy, incompetence, and corruption in government, they don't have shareholders and customers to answer to and on the rare occasions where somebody points it out, they just pin the blame on "the other party".

As far as capitalism goes, it's a rarity anymore in the U.S., what we have is primarily CRONY capitalism whereby private enterprise uses political patronage and influence peddling as a tool to enable anti-competitive and market distorting behaviors while at the same time sticking their noses in the public trough. Don't blame private enterprise though, it's our elected boys & girls that are SELLING the favors and making it more profitable to lobby politicians than to invest in capital formation.
I agree to disagree. Nobody trusts capitalism when it really really matters.
I trust Capitalism just fine, it's the greatest creator of wealth & prosperity for the largest number of individuals that humankind has ever seen. It's when it's distorted by rent-seekers, looters, corrupt politicians, and other forms of low life miscreants that it becomes a problem.

If you are an American you have the luxury of one of the highest per-capita standards of living in Human History THANKS TO CAPITALISM.
Only if you ignore all of the socialism FDR used to upgrade our previously, relatively third world economy to the first world economy we have now.
Stop being silly, the history of capitalism didn't begin with the United States and didn't END with FDR. One need only look at the global average standard of living prior to the Industrial revolution and after to see the dramatic increase in wealth & prosperity following the adoption of capitalism, you'd be living in a hovel and wearing rags if it wasn't for the adoption of capitalism in the west.

I understand preaching the gospel of socialism makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, however if you really want to sound like you know what you're talking about, take the blinders off and objectively study both the POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE outcomes of capitalism and socialism (in all its forms), looking at all sides is the only way to draw rational conclusions.

Have a Good Day.
Stop being silly, the history of capitalism didn't begin with the United States and didn't END with FDR.
You stop being sillier. Capitalism "died in 1929" and FDR's social programs have been bailing out our economy ever since.
LOL, okay whatever you say. I can see your interests lie more on the evangelical side rather than gaining insight and understanding.

Good luck with that and have fun.;)

"If socialists understood economics, they wouldn't be socialist." -- Friedrich August von Hayek
No POTUS has much to do with gas prices. But the stuttering fuck sure hasn't helped.

He ended drilling for oil on all Fed lands and wants to do away with fracking. Speculators can read the writing on the wall.

Another mess we can all thank the stuttering fuck for.
Democrats own high gas prices. Their policies under their watch.
The spike in gas prices isn’t policy driven, it’s supply driven as a direct result of a cyberattack on a major gas pipeline, or is it your contention that Democrat policies caused the cyberattack?

It would be a different story if Crime Family-D had actually enacted some policie(s) that was/were directly correlated to the current price increases but as far as I know they haven’t. I guess you could credit the ARA with increased demand to some degree but so far it doesn’t look like market analysts aren’t giving that much weight.
No doubt Joe Comrade Xiden ordered the Cyber Attack on the pipeline after he ordered another pipleline to be closed throwing 10s of thousands out of work, and then ordered restrictions lifted off of Putin's pipeline to Europe for his Pal Putin.
Stop being silly, the history of capitalism didn't begin with the United States and didn't END with FDR.
You stop being sillier. Capitalism "died in 1929" and FDR's social programs have been bailing out our economy ever since.
LOL, okay whatever you say. I can see your interests lie more on the evangelical side rather than gaining insight and understanding.

Good luck with that and have fun.;)

"If socialists understood economics, they wouldn't be socialist." -- Friedrich August von Hayek
Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics. Right wing fantasy is all they have.
Stop being silly, the history of capitalism didn't begin with the United States and didn't END with FDR.
You stop being sillier. Capitalism "died in 1929" and FDR's social programs have been bailing out our economy ever since.
LOL, okay whatever you say. I can see your interests lie more on the evangelical side rather than gaining insight and understanding.

Good luck with that and have fun.;)

"If socialists understood economics, they wouldn't be socialist." -- Friedrich August von Hayek
Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics. Right wing fantasy is all they have.
K, now you can stop working so hard to make the cut for my ignore list, you succeeded.:bye1:
Perhaps we should revisit why gas prices fell in 2012-14, and only know are approaching where they were.

Gas was 2.66 on Saturday and with my 40cent Krogers discount ..... still it was 30 bucks to fill up my car and my lawnmower gas can. Between the increased US supply and the crashes in gas demand in 2014-16 and then the pandemic .... gas got realtively cheap. I can still remember the 1960s though. LOL

And there's new dementia drug maybe getting approved!!!

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