Gas prices, thank you President Obama!

Since American presidents have to assume the responsibility for gas prices, should the price of gasoline be a power given to presidents? Would the oil companies accept the president setting the price of gasoline?

I showed ONE area that contributes now 23% of US OIL production FEDERAL Land leases!
Obama with his pen has REDUCED that production from 36%!

NOW you idiot!
If 67% of the cost of a gallon of gas comes from crude oil prices... are you that stupid not to understand that if you
A) Increase the amount of something i.e. supply of OIL that the cost decreases because the suppliers have to get rid of their supply?
Do you comprehend that??
B) Obama didn't sign as many oil leases as Bush did which meant the amount of oil supply from federal leases was reduced !
DO YOU UNDERSTAND or is that too complicated???

But Obama WANTS higher gas prices.. and the way he can do that is by NOT signing Federal oil leases which now contributes less
then they did in 2010 which was based on Bush's signing leases that finally went into production in 2010!!!

Geez I am so embarrassed at people like you and your total lack of intelligence!
Why is it so hard to read the facts and think?
So many idiots in this thread that think the president can control the price of gas.

Who are those people, specifically? I haven't seen so much as one example.

Although there are a significant number who reasonably recognize that the POTUS can and does influence the price of oil and the domestic price of gasoline.

Which is reasonable given the irrefutable certainty that such is the case.

Except it's false.

Congress has way more control over the price of oil and gas than any president ever does.

Other than our military interfering with an oil producing country, I can't think of any other ways a POTUS can affect prices through the power of the Executive.
The EPA and BLM report directly to Congress?

Who knew?
bla bla bla

Oil is set by global markets
Gasoline is set by REGIONAL markets

the POTUS controls NEITHER !!!!!

gawd, people are D-U-M-B ... they OMIT FACTS and quote BS... :cuckoo:


Factors Affecting Gasoline Prices - Energy Explained, Your Guide To Understanding Energy - Energy Information Administration

What are the main components of the retail price of gasoline?

The retail price of gasoline includes four main components:
The cost of crude oil
Refining costs and profits
Distribution and marketing costs and profits

Retail pump prices reflect these costs, as well as the profits (and sometimes losses) of refiners, marketers, distributors, and retail station owners.

The actions of a president can have an impact. blocking offshore drilling, blocking keystone, blocking fracking-----all done by obama and all impacting supply. OPEC can also affect prices by slowing production.

Its not just the "evil" speculators and futures markets. Politics does factor in.

then we agree to disagree .. everything you say Obama has done has only increased supply, so

so there
Oil Prices Fall Ahead of U.S. Inventory Data - WSJ

increased supply? are you fricken crazy. blocking drilling and blocking pipelines increases supply? where do you get this shit?

supply has increased somewhat because of what is being done on private land in North Dakota and other places, not because of anything that obozo has done.
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Yo, moron sheeple obama apologist partisan, do you know how much gasoline cost in Jan 2009? I'd love to hear your BS explanation for why it was $4 in July 08 and what it was in Jan 09.

The economy crashed under the presidency of George W. Bush.

What is BS about that?
Wrong answer. Housing market collapse created a temporary lull in demand but the real reason was the six month allowance of the expiration of the major offshore drilling moratorium by congress at the imploring of Bush. In addition, a reversal of a less comprehensive offshore moratorium, put in place by exec order under Bush I, renewed in 1999 by Clinton and reversed as a matter of exec privilege by Bush II in July 2008. The price of oil and subsequently gasoline in the midst of the peak demand season dropped. When the major moratorium expired the price dropped like a rock. With Bush's plans to extract and explore shelved by obama and with obama's pronouncements of restrictions and green energy initiatives, the outlook for supply was immediately threatened and the market price went back up and continued through this hack's presidency. He has cost the average US household thousands annually because of his stupid green energy policy.
The economy crashed under the presidency of George W. Bush.

What is BS about that?
Wrong answer. Housing market collapse created a temporary lull in demand but the real reason was the six month allowance of the expiration of the major offshore drilling moratorium by congress at the imploring of Bush. In addition, a reversal of a less comprehensive offshore moratorium, put in place by exec order under Bush I, renewed in 1999 by Clinton and reversed as a matter of exec privilege by Bush II in July 2008. The price of oil and subsequently gasoline in the midst of the peak demand season dropped. When the major moratorium expired the price dropped like a rock. With Bush's plans to extract and explore shelved by obama and with obama's pronouncements of restrictions and green energy initiatives, the outlook for supply was immediately threatened and the market price went back up and continued through this hack's presidency. He has cost the average US household thousands annually because of his stupid green energy policy.

funny that you find the truth funny, but you are a libtardian, so I guess that explains it.
I agree with the bolded part - the rest is just your regular retard drivel.

I got gas at Costco yesterday for $3.23 and other people were like "isn't it great?" Well, yeah, compared to $3.58, but it sucks compared to how low it should be and how low it can be if Congress does their job for the people instead of Wall Street.

Congress could have us back at $2.00 very easily.

And....Congress could have us much closer to being a nation that isn't dependent on gasoline to move people.

You do realize that congress cannot pass a law that changes the laws of physics or invents technology that doesn't exist, right? You seem to have this false impression that congress passing a law is like waving a magic wand. It doesn't work that way.
But they could take that $4 billion that they GIVE to oil companies each year and GIVE it back to the American people in the form of rebates for going solar/hybrid/wind.

They could enlarge and expand it by making those huge corporations actually pay their taxes.
Supply and demand set the price of gasoline. If the USA was tapping its massive supplies of offshore and fracked oil, the world supply would greatly increase and the price would go down.

Keeping energy prices high is part of the obama strategy to punish the USA for slavery and its wealth. He is determined to bring the US to its knees and make us a third world nation. Obama hates the USA and everything it stands for.

Worst president in history is a gross understatement. Traitor is more accurate.

You're such a fucking moron.

Time to post this, yet again:

U.S. Gas Exports Force Drivers Into Bidding War With Mexico At Pump
This has nothing to do with Obama. Prices have dropped due to increased supply (thank you ND frackers) and CA refineries running a full capacity. In the past few years, there have been frequent periods where refiners were offline or running at lower capacity for maintenance issues, which lowered production capacity. That's not the case now.

Also, fairly soon, CA will switch to winter grade gas which is cheaper to produce.

Another brain surgeon. We don't frack for oil, dear.
Two weeks before the election in 2008 gas prices were still around $3.50 a gallon.

Oil was 50.00 Brl on October 20th, 2008 or 2 weeks before the 08 election. Gasoline averaged 1.89 - $2.15.

The major increase in gas prices happened while Bush was in office.

Gasoline Price History
What year did the new Iraqi government cut those deals with Exxon, Shell, etc., allowing them access to that oil again?

We saw no relief from gas prices, but Exxon became the richest company in the world. Hmmmm....
Since American presidents have to assume the responsibility for gas prices, should the price of gasoline be a power given to presidents? Would the oil companies accept the president setting the price of gasoline?

I showed ONE area that contributes now 23% of US OIL production FEDERAL Land leases!
Obama with his pen has REDUCED that production from 36%!

NOW you idiot!
If 67% of the cost of a gallon of gas comes from crude oil prices... are you that stupid not to understand that if you
A) Increase the amount of something i.e. supply of OIL that the cost decreases because the suppliers have to get rid of their supply?
Do you comprehend that??
B) Obama didn't sign as many oil leases as Bush did which meant the amount of oil supply from federal leases was reduced !
DO YOU UNDERSTAND or is that too complicated???

But Obama WANTS higher gas prices.. and the way he can do that is by NOT signing Federal oil leases which now contributes less
then they did in 2010 which was based on Bush's signing leases that finally went into production in 2010!!!

Geez I am so embarrassed at people like you and your total lack of intelligence!
Why is it so hard to read the facts and think?
Obama signed fewer leases and gas prices are lower! Dude deserves more kudo's than I thought. :)
So many idiots in this thread that think the president can control the price of gas.

Who are those people, specifically? I haven't seen so much as one example.

Although there are a significant number who reasonably recognize that the POTUS can and does influence the price of oil and the domestic price of gasoline.

Which is reasonable given the irrefutable certainty that such is the case.

Except it's false.

Congress has way more control over the price of oil and gas than any president ever does.

Other than our military interfering with an oil producing country, I can't think of any other ways a POTUS can affect prices through the power of the Executive.

Pretty simple! As the Chief Executive he can tell these people NOT to slow walk!!!

And all the while Federal land leases signed by Obama admin. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years
“The slow walking of permits and leases for natural gas and oil production has been a part of this president’s energy policy from the get go,” Chris Warren, spokesman for the free-market Institute for Energy Research told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Under this administration’s watch we have seen production on federal lands and waters plummet due to these policies.”

In 2013, it took 194 days on average for the BLM to approve oil and gas drilling permits — 99 days on average for companies to fix any problems with their application and 95 days for the BLM to approve the permits after problems have been fixed.

“Compare this to five days in Texas and 25 in North Dakota and it’s no wonder why production on federal lands has gone down,” Warren added.
Obama. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years | The Daily Caller

In fiscal year 2010, 36 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.
36%!!! 2010 OIL production from Federal lands!

Due to Obama Administration policies, by 2013,
only 23 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.

Production on non-Federal lands, in contrast, is skyrocketing as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have increased production dramatically.
Oil production on non-Federal lands increased by 21 percent in fiscal year 2013 from fiscal year 2012 levels—an increase of almost one million barrels per day.

Do you understand??? With Federal oil leases in the past contributing 36% of oil production and NOW 23% WHY????
"Slow walking"... Obama prefers HIGHER GAS PRICES!!!
Since American presidents have to assume the responsibility for gas prices, should the price of gasoline be a power given to presidents? Would the oil companies accept the president setting the price of gasoline?

I showed ONE area that contributes now 23% of US OIL production FEDERAL Land leases!
Obama with his pen has REDUCED that production from 36%!

NOW you idiot!
If 67% of the cost of a gallon of gas comes from crude oil prices... are you that stupid not to understand that if you
A) Increase the amount of something i.e. supply of OIL that the cost decreases because the suppliers have to get rid of their supply?
Do you comprehend that??
B) Obama didn't sign as many oil leases as Bush did which meant the amount of oil supply from federal leases was reduced !
DO YOU UNDERSTAND or is that too complicated???

But Obama WANTS higher gas prices.. and the way he can do that is by NOT signing Federal oil leases which now contributes less
then they did in 2010 which was based on Bush's signing leases that finally went into production in 2010!!!

Geez I am so embarrassed at people like you and your total lack of intelligence!
Why is it so hard to read the facts and think?
Obama signed fewer leases and gas prices are lower! Dude deserves more kudo's than I thought. :)

DUDE !!! that's because:
In fiscal year 2010, 36 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.
36%!!! 2010 OIL production from Federal lands!

Due to Obama Administration policies, by 2013,
only 23 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.

Production on non-Federal lands, in contrast, is skyrocketing as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling
have increased production dramatically.
Oil production on non-Federal lands increased by 21 percent in fiscal year 2013 from fiscal year
2012 levels—an increase of almost one million barrels per day.

Think what your prices would be IF the idiot in chief signed MORE leases and put more oil production on Federal land in play?
But of course THAT's so complicated for idiots and DUDES like you to comprehend!
Supply and demand set the price of gasoline. If the USA was tapping its massive supplies of offshore and fracked oil, the world supply would greatly increase and the price would go down.

Keeping energy prices high is part of the obama strategy to punish the USA for slavery and its wealth. He is determined to bring the US to its knees and make us a third world nation. Obama hates the USA and everything it stands for.

Worst president in history is a gross understatement. Traitor is more accurate.

You're such a fucking moron.

Time to post this, yet again:

U.S. Gas Exports Force Drivers Into Bidding War With Mexico At Pump

Huffington------------nuff said. posting bullshit does not increase what little credibility you have.
And....Congress could have us much closer to being a nation that isn't dependent on gasoline to move people.

You do realize that congress cannot pass a law that changes the laws of physics or invents technology that doesn't exist, right? You seem to have this false impression that congress passing a law is like waving a magic wand. It doesn't work that way.
But they could take that $4 billion that they GIVE to oil companies each year and GIVE it back to the American people in the form of rebates for going solar/hybrid/wind.

They could enlarge and expand it by making those huge corporations actually pay their taxes.

WHAT F...king $4 billion does the GOVERNMENT GIVE to OIL Companies???
Where do you get such stupidity???
The government gives NO such money to oil companies!

PROVE your stupid ass statement!
I showed ONE area that contributes now 23% of US OIL production FEDERAL Land leases!
Obama with his pen has REDUCED that production from 36%!

NOW you idiot!
If 67% of the cost of a gallon of gas comes from crude oil prices... are you that stupid not to understand that if you
A) Increase the amount of something i.e. supply of OIL that the cost decreases because the suppliers have to get rid of their supply?
Do you comprehend that??
B) Obama didn't sign as many oil leases as Bush did which meant the amount of oil supply from federal leases was reduced !
DO YOU UNDERSTAND or is that too complicated???

But Obama WANTS higher gas prices.. and the way he can do that is by NOT signing Federal oil leases which now contributes less
then they did in 2010 which was based on Bush's signing leases that finally went into production in 2010!!!

Geez I am so embarrassed at people like you and your total lack of intelligence!
Why is it so hard to read the facts and think?
Obama signed fewer leases and gas prices are lower! Dude deserves more kudo's than I thought. :)

DUDE !!! that's because:
In fiscal year 2010, 36 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.
36%!!! 2010 OIL production from Federal lands!

Due to Obama Administration policies, by 2013,
only 23 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.

Production on non-Federal lands, in contrast, is skyrocketing as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling
have increased production dramatically.
Oil production on non-Federal lands increased by 21 percent in fiscal year 2013 from fiscal year
2012 levels—an increase of almost one million barrels per day.

Think what your prices would be IF the idiot in chief signed MORE leases and put more oil production on Federal land in play?
But of course THAT's so complicated for idiots and DUDES like you to comprehend!

I comprehend that gas prices are dropping even WITHOUT raping additional federal lands.

Thanks again, Obama!
I showed ONE area that contributes now 23% of US OIL production FEDERAL Land leases!
Obama with his pen has REDUCED that production from 36%!

NOW you idiot!
If 67% of the cost of a gallon of gas comes from crude oil prices... are you that stupid not to understand that if you
A) Increase the amount of something i.e. supply of OIL that the cost decreases because the suppliers have to get rid of their supply?
Do you comprehend that??
B) Obama didn't sign as many oil leases as Bush did which meant the amount of oil supply from federal leases was reduced !
DO YOU UNDERSTAND or is that too complicated???

But Obama WANTS higher gas prices.. and the way he can do that is by NOT signing Federal oil leases which now contributes less
then they did in 2010 which was based on Bush's signing leases that finally went into production in 2010!!!

Geez I am so embarrassed at people like you and your total lack of intelligence!
Why is it so hard to read the facts and think?
Obama signed fewer leases and gas prices are lower! Dude deserves more kudo's than I thought. :)

DUDE !!! that's because:
In fiscal year 2010, 36 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.
36%!!! 2010 OIL production from Federal lands!

Due to Obama Administration policies, by 2013,
only 23 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.

Production on non-Federal lands, in contrast, is skyrocketing as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling
have increased production dramatically.
Oil production on non-Federal lands increased by 21 percent in fiscal year 2013 from fiscal year
2012 levels—an increase of almost one million barrels per day.

Think what your prices would be IF the idiot in chief signed MORE leases and put more oil production on Federal land in play?
But of course THAT's so complicated for idiots and DUDES like you to comprehend!

yeah, that idiot has cut back production so much this country is sitting on the LARGEST oil reserve in history ...

you DOPE.

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