Gas prices, thank you President Obama!

The graph show a nationwide average. Due to redlining there are some regional differences.

If middle class folks don't vote out the Republicans you'll continue to get fucked.

I'm aware of the chart's data averaging, and that the data of the period covered is non-representative of the current realities on both ends. Regional or PAD Districts disparities are subsumed in the averaging process, are they not? The link to the chart I added displays the past 10 years average gas prices laid over the spot market price for crude for the same period. If that didn't get your attention either you didn't understand the significance of comparing the two over the same period, or you never bothered to open it.

I'll add that chart plus two others in another manner (thumbs) so they can't be overlooked; one displaying refinery utilization and the other displaying the ending stocks of all crude oil, crude oil in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) and gasoline. (click on each to enlarge in new window)

By comparing their relationships, one to the other, one can discern some interesting suggestive information. Perhaps collective manipulation of the market supply and demand dynamic. OH the nabirds are going to throw a fit!

Forget about the GOP sailing off into the sunset. That's not going to happen, no way, no how. They have a firm grip on their faction's psyche's and are riding the crest of that wave until it breaks on the reef of reason and time.

Apples and oranges. One has to do with oil market and how its prices fluctuate based upon supply and the other is about amount of available refined product.

Ahem!!!! ~~~~ So you're saying:

Graph 1. The crude spot market price isn't a major factor impacting the price of oil products such as gasoline? Doesn't that go against the press releases and the common wisdom of the last three decades?

Graph 2. The fluctuations in refinery utilization will have no impact on the price of crude based products such as gasoline? The ebbing utilization over the last 5-6 years over the same previous period of 5-6 years with a relatively constant level of potential production capacity does not impact the supply/demand dynamic?

Graph 3. The rising gap in the total monthly end stocks of crude over the relatively constant total motor gasoline monthly end stocks for the last two decades can be explained how? If the crude stocks rise, but refinery utilization trends downward, while the price of spot crude vacillates wildly and the price of motor gasoline continues to trend upward, wouldn't a reasonable person think there might be some direct as well as indirect correlation between those multiple factors?

I think those apples and oranges you talks about are a figment of your imagination!

EDIT: Added thumbs for reference.


  • $Spot Price and Retail Price.png
    $Spot Price and Retail Price.png
    16.1 KB · Views: 46
  • $Refinery Average Utilization.png
    $Refinery Average Utilization.png
    10.2 KB · Views: 46
  • $Ending Stocks Crude Gas & SPR.png
    $Ending Stocks Crude Gas & SPR.png
    17.3 KB · Views: 51
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read through the posts.... currently this country is sitting on record amounts of oil in reserve ... either you're an idiot or a liar.

WSJ Commodities

Oil Futures End Near Flat After Larger-Than-Expected Supply Build

Weekly Rise of 10 Million Barrels is Largest Since March 2001

So I'm an idiot, because you lack sufficient intellectual means to understand that Federal policy is driving up the cost of domestic exploration, production and distribution, while simultaneously putting international oil production and distribution at risk?


Classic Left rant.

Federal policy is driving up the cost of domestic exploration, production and distribution, while simultaneously putting international oil production and distribution at risk?

at risk? classic conservative conjecture

but the above has NO effect on our supply as stated by the EIA..


ROFLMNAO! Adorable.

So the price of oil is not effected by destabilization of oil producing nations?

Well, that is FASCINATIN'!

Now do the one about how obama had nothing to do with US troops being pulled from Iraq, the arming and building of ISIS, or the abuse of the IRS to undermine the means of his political opposition to organize.

LOL! I LOVE those... .
So I'm an idiot, because you lack sufficient intellectual means to understand that Federal policy is driving up the cost of domestic exploration, production and distribution, while simultaneously putting international oil production and distribution at risk?


Classic Left rant.

Federal policy is driving up the cost of domestic exploration, production and distribution, while simultaneously putting international oil production and distribution at risk?

at risk? classic conservative conjecture

but the above has NO effect on our supply as stated by the EIA..


ROFLMNAO! Adorable.

So the price of oil is not effected by destabilization of oil producing nations?

Well, that is FASCINATIN'!

Now do the one about how obama had nothing to do with US troops being pulled from Iraq, the arming and building of ISIS, or the abuse of the IRS to undermine the means of his political opposition to organize.

LOL! I LOVE those... .

wandering again? by all means, continue.

just don't try and feed me conjecture when facts speak for themselves.
Good lord, some people are so mentally impaired that they still believe Obama has anything to do with the price of gas. He'd make it 10 bucks a gallon if he could but he can't.

Wut? I've read on this forum numerous times that Obama is responsible for the price of gas.


Here's where you fail. At least you got 'fail' right.

It *IS* possible for government to cause gas prices to go up.

However, it is *NOT* possible for government to cause gas prices to go down.

How can government cause prices to go up? By raising taxes, by increasing regulations, and by preventing oil exploration and drilling.

Government really can't cause the price of gas to go down. Cutting taxes, and regulation, and allowing exploring and drilling, is more of government getting out of the way, or undoing the damage they were causing.

If I come and threaten to kill you unless you pay me $1,000 a month, and then one month I say ... you know I'm going to let you keep $100. I'm only going to take $900 for the rest of the year.

Did I cause your income to rise? No. I just didn't screw you over as much. Not the same.

Similarly, cutting regulation, taxes, and controls, doesn't mean "Obama caused prices to lower". It just means "Obama screwed us over less than before".

But that isn't even what Obama did. He has not cut regulation, nor taxes, nor reduced the prevention of drilling and exploring.

There is another factor that causes prices to fall. Increasing supply.

Supply vs Demand determines price.

Who has increased supply? Oil companies. Government doesn't increase supply. Oil companies increase supply. Exxon, BP, Shell. They increase supply. Not government.

There is yet one final method that can lower prices. Lowering demand. By screwing the economy with regulations, taxes, deficit spending and so on, you can lower the demand, and thus lower the price.

That's the only way Obama can lower the price.
Any good news about the economy or gas prices is in spite of Obama not because of him. Obama is anti business and anti American
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Supply and demand set the price of gasoline. If the USA was tapping its massive supplies of offshore and fracked oil, the world supply would greatly increase and the price would go down.

Keeping energy prices high is part of the obama strategy to punish the USA for slavery and its wealth. He is determined to bring the US to its knees and make us a third world nation. Obama hates the USA and everything it stands for.

Worst president in history is a gross understatement. Traitor is more accurate.

You're such a fucking moron.

Time to post this, yet again:

U.S. Gas Exports Force Drivers Into Bidding War With Mexico At Pump

Huffington------------nuff said. posting bullshit does not increase what little credibility you have.
You're such a fucking moron.

That was written by Dan Froomkin.

Of course, that means nothing to you because you're a fucking moron.
You do realize that congress cannot pass a law that changes the laws of physics or invents technology that doesn't exist, right? You seem to have this false impression that congress passing a law is like waving a magic wand. It doesn't work that way.
But they could take that $4 billion that they GIVE to oil companies each year and GIVE it back to the American people in the form of rebates for going solar/hybrid/wind.

They could enlarge and expand it by making those huge corporations actually pay their taxes.

WHAT F...king $4 billion does the GOVERNMENT GIVE to OIL Companies???
Where do you get such stupidity???
The government gives NO such money to oil companies!

PROVE your stupid ass statement!

A 2011 study by the consulting firm Management Information Services, Inc. (MISI)[19] estimated the total historical federal subsidies for various energy sources over the years 1950–2010. The study found that oil, natural gas, and coal received $369 billion, $121 billion, and $104 billion (2010 dollars), respectively, or 70% of total energy subsidies over that period. Oil, natural gas, and coal benefited most from percentage depletion allowances and other tax-based subsidies, but oil also benefited heavily from regulatory subsidies such as exemptions from price controls and higher-than-average rates of return allowed on oil pipelines.
I'm aware of the chart's data averaging, and that the data of the period covered is non-representative of the current realities on both ends. Regional or PAD Districts disparities are subsumed in the averaging process, are they not? The link to the chart I added displays the past 10 years average gas prices laid over the spot market price for crude for the same period. If that didn't get your attention either you didn't understand the significance of comparing the two over the same period, or you never bothered to open it.

I'll add that chart plus two others in another manner (thumbs) so they can't be overlooked; one displaying refinery utilization and the other displaying the ending stocks of all crude oil, crude oil in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) and gasoline. (click on each to enlarge in new window)

By comparing their relationships, one to the other, one can discern some interesting suggestive information. Perhaps collective manipulation of the market supply and demand dynamic. OH the nabirds are going to throw a fit!

Forget about the GOP sailing off into the sunset. That's not going to happen, no way, no how. They have a firm grip on their faction's psyche's and are riding the crest of that wave until it breaks on the reef of reason and time.

Apples and oranges. One has to do with oil market and how its prices fluctuate based upon supply and the other is about amount of available refined product.

Ahem!!!! ~~~~ So you're saying:

Graph 1. The crude spot market price isn't a major factor impacting the price of oil products such as gasoline? Doesn't that go against the press releases and the common wisdom of the last three decades?

Graph 2. The fluctuations in refinery utilization will have no impact on the price of crude based products such as gasoline? The ebbing utilization over the last 5-6 years over the same previous period of 5-6 years with a relatively constant level of potential production capacity does not impact the supply/demand dynamic?

Graph 3. The rising gap in the total monthly end stocks of crude over the relatively constant total motor gasoline monthly end stocks for the last two decades can be explained how? If the crude stocks rise, but refinery utilization trends downward, while the price of spot crude vacillates wildly and the price of motor gasoline continues to trend upward, wouldn't a reasonable person think there might be some direct as well as indirect correlation between those multiple factors?

I think those apples and oranges you talks about are a figment of your imagination!

EDIT: Added thumbs for reference.

Your graph juxtaposes two variants of measurement. For gasoline it's supply and for oil it's price against supply.
Apples and oranges.
Apples and oranges. One has to do with oil market and how its prices fluctuate based upon supply and the other is about amount of available refined product.

Ahem!!!! ~~~~ So you're saying:

Graph 1. The crude spot market price isn't a major factor impacting the price of oil products such as gasoline? Doesn't that go against the press releases and the common wisdom of the last three decades?

Graph 2. The fluctuations in refinery utilization will have no impact on the price of crude based products such as gasoline? The ebbing utilization over the last 5-6 years over the same previous period of 5-6 years with a relatively constant level of potential production capacity does not impact the supply/demand dynamic?

Graph 3. The rising gap in the total monthly end stocks of crude over the relatively constant total motor gasoline monthly end stocks for the last two decades can be explained how? If the crude stocks rise, but refinery utilization trends downward, while the price of spot crude vacillates wildly and the price of motor gasoline continues to trend upward, wouldn't a reasonable person think there might be some direct as well as indirect correlation between those multiple factors?

I think those apples and oranges you talks about are a figment of your imagination!

EDIT: Added thumbs for reference.

Your graph juxtaposes two variants of measurement. For gasoline it's supply and for oil it's price against supply.
Apples and oranges.

HUH? You can't be serious about that. I'll calmly explain it to you, but please don't feign being so witless again.

Here is the thumb of the graph again; look at it closely. Note the LEFT X-axis scaling is labeled Crude Oil US Dollars/barrel AND the Right X-axis scaling is labeled Regular Gas Price (US Dollars/ Gal). The Y-axis scaling is the period over which the data is dispersed. Apples to apples...cost to cost on both X-axis scaling; nothing at all to do with supply in the data sets. I can't understand why you didn't see that!


  • $Spot Price and Retail Price.png
    $Spot Price and Retail Price.png
    16.1 KB · Views: 58
Ahem!!!! ~~~~ So you're saying:

Graph 1. The crude spot market price isn't a major factor impacting the price of oil products such as gasoline? Doesn't that go against the press releases and the common wisdom of the last three decades?

Graph 2. The fluctuations in refinery utilization will have no impact on the price of crude based products such as gasoline? The ebbing utilization over the last 5-6 years over the same previous period of 5-6 years with a relatively constant level of potential production capacity does not impact the supply/demand dynamic?

Graph 3. The rising gap in the total monthly end stocks of crude over the relatively constant total motor gasoline monthly end stocks for the last two decades can be explained how? If the crude stocks rise, but refinery utilization trends downward, while the price of spot crude vacillates wildly and the price of motor gasoline continues to trend upward, wouldn't a reasonable person think there might be some direct as well as indirect correlation between those multiple factors?

I think those apples and oranges you talks about are a figment of your imagination!

EDIT: Added thumbs for reference.

Your graph juxtaposes two variants of measurement. For gasoline it's supply and for oil it's price against supply.
Apples and oranges.

HUH? You can't be serious about that. I'll calmly explain it to you, but please don't feign being so witless again.

Here is the thumb of the graph again; look at it closely. Note the LEFT X-axis scaling is labeled Crude Oil US Dollars/barrel AND the Right X-axis scaling is labeled Regular Gas Price (US Dollars/ Gal). The Y-axis scaling is the period over which the data is dispersed. Apples to apples...cost to cost on both X-axis scaling; nothing at all to do with supply in the data sets. I can't understand why you didn't see that!

You left out pic #3.
The average U.S. price of gasoline has dipped 6 cents a gallon in the past two weeks and prices in California have fallen 9 cents in the same time period.

Survey: US Gas Prices Down 6 Cents a Gallon - ABC News

Kudos where kudos are due :)

Wasn't it not long ago, when gas prices were going through the roof, that you Democrats were saying that the President had no control over gas prices? So why is it now you're giving him credit for the drop?

The average U.S. price of gasoline has dipped 6 cents a gallon in the past two weeks and prices in California have fallen 9 cents in the same time period.

Survey: US Gas Prices Down 6 Cents a Gallon - ABC News

Kudos where kudos are due :)

And you attribute this to Obama how? Pretty funny I sure remember you claiming Presidents didn't have control of the price of gas when Prices were half this much under Bush.

I see you are still are Fantastically Delusional Lemming who worships the ground Obama walks on.

Some things never change.
Supply and demand set the price of gasoline. If the USA was tapping its massive supplies of offshore and fracked oil, the world supply would greatly increase and the price would go down.

Keeping energy prices high is part of the obama strategy to punish the USA for slavery and its wealth. He is determined to bring the US to its knees and make us a third world nation. Obama hates the USA and everything it stands for.

Worst president in history is a gross understatement. Traitor is more accurate.

Lol no it wouldn't.
The average U.S. price of gasoline has dipped 6 cents a gallon in the past two weeks and prices in California have fallen 9 cents in the same time period.

Survey: US Gas Prices Down 6 Cents a Gallon - ABC News

Kudos where kudos are due :)

And you attribute this to Obama how? Pretty funny I sure remember you claiming Presidents didn't have control of the price of gas when Prices were half this much under Bush.

I see you are still are Fantastically Delusional Lemming who worships the ground Obama walks on.

Some things never change.
and I see you are as clueless as always. Nice to see you!
The average U.S. price of gasoline has dipped 6 cents a gallon in the past two weeks and prices in California have fallen 9 cents in the same time period.

Survey: US Gas Prices Down 6 Cents a Gallon - ABC News

Kudos where kudos are due :)

Boy are you stupid.

The POTUS has nothing to do with the price of gas. Its the speculators you idiot. They control the price of gas and if it weren't for those greedy bastards gas would be a buck fifty a gallon.

Send your thanks to them until the speculate the price up again.
Supply and demand set the price of gasoline. If the USA was tapping its massive supplies of offshore and fracked oil, the world supply would greatly increase and the price would go down.

Keeping energy prices high is part of the obama strategy to punish the USA for slavery and its wealth. He is determined to bring the US to its knees and make us a third world nation. Obama hates the USA and everything it stands for.

Worst president in history is a gross understatement. Traitor is more accurate.

Lol no it wouldn't.

of course it would, right now we are letting OPEC control the supply and therefore the price by controlling the amount of oil they let into the world market. If we opened up our oil spigots the world price (and futures prices) would go down. If obozo just announced that he was opening up offshore areas for drilling, the futures prices would drop the next day, and gasoline prices would drop the day after that.

The ignorance on the topic of oil prices is amazing.
But they could take that $4 billion that they GIVE to oil companies each year and GIVE it back to the American people in the form of rebates for going solar/hybrid/wind.

They could enlarge and expand it by making those huge corporations actually pay their taxes.

WHAT F...king $4 billion does the GOVERNMENT GIVE to OIL Companies???
Where do you get such stupidity???
The government gives NO such money to oil companies!

PROVE your stupid ass statement!

A 2011 study by the consulting firm Management Information Services, Inc. (MISI)[19] estimated the total historical federal subsidies for various energy sources over the years 1950–2010. The study found that oil, natural gas, and coal received $369 billion, $121 billion, and $104 billion (2010 dollars), respectively, or 70% of total energy subsidies over that period. Oil, natural gas, and coal benefited most from percentage depletion allowances and other tax-based subsidies, but oil also benefited heavily from regulatory subsidies such as exemptions from price controls and higher-than-average rates of return allowed on oil pipelines.

tax credits for exploration and development of energy sources are not subsidies. Giving billions to failing solar companies is a subsidy.

BTW, the tax code that allows exemptions for oil and gas exploration and development was put in place by democrats---------------you know, the party that has controlled congress for most of the last 80 years.
The average U.S. price of gasoline has dipped 6 cents a gallon in the past two weeks and prices in California have fallen 9 cents in the same time period.

Survey: US Gas Prices Down 6 Cents a Gallon - ABC News

Kudos where kudos are due :)

To give him kudos you at least have to tell us what you think he did to achieve this great accomplishment. Did he talk the Saudis into releasing more oil? Did he drill for oil himself? Or did he merely trash the economy and cause the price of everything to inflate to where people do not travel nearly as much as they did? The price of gasoline has been high his whole term, even at 6 cent less it is high as anyone lauding Obama for the drop must be.
The average U.S. price of gasoline has dipped 6 cents a gallon in the past two weeks and prices in California have fallen 9 cents in the same time period.

Survey: US Gas Prices Down 6 Cents a Gallon - ABC News

Kudos where kudos are due :)

To give him kudos you at least have to tell us what you think he did to achieve this great accomplishment. Did he talk the Saudis into releasing more oil? Did he drill for oil himself? Or did he merely trash the economy and cause the price of everything to inflate to where people do not travel nearly as much as they did? The price of gasoline has been high his whole term, even at 6 cent less it is high as anyone lauding Obama for the drop must be.

gas prices always go down near the end of the summer driving period. This entire thread is bullshit

To give him kudos you at least have to tell us what you think he did to achieve this great accomplishment. Did he talk the Saudis into releasing more oil? Did he drill for oil himself? Or did he merely trash the economy and cause the price of everything to inflate to where people do not travel nearly as much as they did? The price of gasoline has been high his whole term, even at 6 cent less it is high as anyone lauding Obama for the drop must be.

gas prices always go down near the end of the summer driving period. This entire thread is bullshit

Well I suppose we could give Kudos to those that are trying to find something good to report concerning Obama. Must be hard to do so.

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