Gas prices, thank you President Obama!

Wrong answer. Housing market collapse created a temporary lull in demand but the real reason was the six month allowance of the expiration of the major offshore drilling moratorium by congress at the imploring of Bush. In addition, a reversal of a less comprehensive offshore moratorium, put in place by exec order under Bush I, renewed in 1999 by Clinton and reversed as a matter of exec privilege by Bush II in July 2008. The price of oil and subsequently gasoline in the midst of the peak demand season dropped. When the major moratorium expired the price dropped like a rock. With Bush's plans to extract and explore shelved by obama and with obama's pronouncements of restrictions and green energy initiatives, the outlook for supply was immediately threatened and the market price went back up and continued through this hack's presidency. He has cost the average US household thousands annually because of his stupid green energy policy.

The drop in the price of oil, in 2008, followed the drop of the overall market.

The initial drop occurred in July before the housing market collapse. It came as a result of Bush reversing the 1991 moratorium. Congress agreeing to allow the comprehensive moratorium to expire with a pledge to not renew for at least six months precipitated the major drop in prices. If the bad market was the cause for cheap fuel, the price would have stayed low due to a lack of recovery. Truth is, any lack of recovery has been caused by obama's energy policy.

Historical Gas Price Charts - the 10-year link tells the story
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Here's your chart


The ONLY way to bring gasoline prices down is to cap at the pump.

Wrong answer. Housing market collapse created a temporary lull in demand but the real reason was the six month allowance of the expiration of the major offshore drilling moratorium by congress at the imploring of Bush. In addition, a reversal of a less comprehensive offshore moratorium, put in place by exec order under Bush I, renewed in 1999 by Clinton and reversed as a matter of exec privilege by Bush II in July 2008. The price of oil and subsequently gasoline in the midst of the peak demand season dropped. When the major moratorium expired the price dropped like a rock. With Bush's plans to extract and explore shelved by obama and with obama's pronouncements of restrictions and green energy initiatives, the outlook for supply was immediately threatened and the market price went back up and continued through this hack's presidency. He has cost the average US household thousands annually because of his stupid green energy policy.

The drop in the price of oil, in 2008, followed the drop of the overall market.

The initial drop occurred in July before the housing market collapse. It came as a result of Bush reversing the 1991 moratorium. Congress agreeing to allow the comprehensive moratorium to expire with a pledge to not renew for at least six months precipitated the major drop in prices. If the bad market was the cause for cheap fuel, the price would have stayed low due to a lack of recovery. Truth is, any lack of recovery has been caused by obama's energy policy.

You are also ignoring that production is up significantly over the past 5 years. The idea that Bush reversing the drilling moratorium, which led to no actual production increase like we are now seeing, led to decreased fuel prices is pure fiction.
Wut? I've read on this forum numerous times that Obama is responsible for the price of gas.


I remember reading numerous times on this same forum Bush was responsible for the price of gas I also recall in November of 2008 when Obama was elected gas here was down to $1.35 a gallon it is currently $3.25 a gallon.

They were as wrong as you. No sitting President is responsible for gasoline and oil prices, it's the rich guys that back Republicans.

of course none of those rich guys back Democrats....
I remember reading numerous times on this same forum Bush was responsible for the price of gas I also recall in November of 2008 when Obama was elected gas here was down to $1.35 a gallon it is currently $3.25 a gallon.

They were as wrong as you. No sitting President is responsible for gasoline and oil prices, it's the rich guys that back Republicans.

of course none of those rich guys back Democrats....

Sure, but were not the greedy ones that would fuck-over their family to make a buck. We tend to be pro-middle class since we know that the way to a healthy economy is a strong middle class. Were pro-minimum wage hike. Were against corporate inversion. We know that lowering the corporate tax rate will allow corporations to pay zero tax and receive the use of services that taxpayers pay for zero cost.
The drop in the price of oil, in 2008, followed the drop of the overall market.

The initial drop occurred in July before the housing market collapse. It came as a result of Bush reversing the 1991 moratorium. Congress agreeing to allow the comprehensive moratorium to expire with a pledge to not renew for at least six months precipitated the major drop in prices. If the bad market was the cause for cheap fuel, the price would have stayed low due to a lack of recovery. Truth is, any lack of recovery has been caused by obama's energy policy.

The market has recovered, pretty similarly to the rise in gas prices.

No, the economy has not recovered. Prices are up, wages are down and unemployment has been high and stagnant.
The drop in the price of oil, in 2008, followed the drop of the overall market.

The initial drop occurred in July before the housing market collapse. It came as a result of Bush reversing the 1991 moratorium. Congress agreeing to allow the comprehensive moratorium to expire with a pledge to not renew for at least six months precipitated the major drop in prices. If the bad market was the cause for cheap fuel, the price would have stayed low due to a lack of recovery. Truth is, any lack of recovery has been caused by obama's energy policy.

You are also ignoring that production is up significantly over the past 5 years. The idea that Bush reversing the drilling moratorium, which led to no actual production increase like we are now seeing, led to decreased fuel prices is pure fiction.

Production is up, all on private extraction, but not up to the point to meet increased demand. That insufficient and privately-driven increase in production is the smokescreen obama and his propagandists have been hoodwinking some people with.
The prospect of changes in supply (speculation) is what drives the price. Just like crab season. That is how the expiration of drilling moratoriums led to price drops without the actual realization of increased supply. The promise of increased or stifled supply drives the price. It's like the point spread of a football game changing based on injury reports. Bets can be made and settled with money changing hands before the game is even played.
The initial drop occurred in July before the housing market collapse. It came as a result of Bush reversing the 1991 moratorium. Congress agreeing to allow the comprehensive moratorium to expire with a pledge to not renew for at least six months precipitated the major drop in prices. If the bad market was the cause for cheap fuel, the price would have stayed low due to a lack of recovery. Truth is, any lack of recovery has been caused by obama's energy policy.

The market has recovered, pretty similarly to the rise in gas prices.

No, the economy has not recovered. Prices are up, wages are down and unemployment has been high and stagnant.

Does anyone else imagine a robot voice when reading comments like that?
The market has recovered, pretty similarly to the rise in gas prices.

No, the economy has not recovered. Prices are up, wages are down and unemployment has been high and stagnant.

Does anyone else imagine a robot voice when reading comments like that?

Typical neocon democrat lefty. Can't deal with facts. When presented with facts, analysis and empirical data the only response is pointless disparagement.
No, the economy has not recovered. Prices are up, wages are down and unemployment has been high and stagnant.

Does anyone else imagine a robot voice when reading comments like that?

Typical neocon democrat lefty. Can't deal with facts. When presented with facts, analysis and empirical data the only response is pointless disparagement.

You are right. Liberals here never deal in facts. All we do is lie and mislead. It's because we want to destroy America. We want to live in a shithole. You've got us figured out.
The average U.S. price of gasoline has dipped 6 cents a gallon in the past two weeks and prices in California have fallen 9 cents in the same time period.

Survey: US Gas Prices Down 6 Cents a Gallon - ABC News

Kudos where kudos are due :)

Are you fucking high? They are almost double what they were under Bush and you think a 6 pennie roll back is a big deal? Go suck on someone else's cock if you want to impress someone.
Goodness, why so nasty, you make me sad.

Btw, someone linked a chart earlier that demonstrated that the highest at the pump cost was under Bush.
People who are grateful for overpriced fuel dropping by six cents are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Like being whipped less ferociously deserves praise.
Obama's corrupt green agenda and subsequent reimposing of drilling restrictions directly caused fuel prices to be more than double what they should be and has kept our economy in the hole. Those who dispute that are either ignorant and/or are partisan sheeple.

I agree with the bolded part - the rest is just your regular retard drivel.

I got gas at Costco yesterday for $3.23 and other people were like "isn't it great?" Well, yeah, compared to $3.58, but it sucks compared to how low it should be and how low it can be if Congress does their job for the people instead of Wall Street.

Congress could have us back at $2.00 very easily.

And....Congress could have us much closer to being a nation that isn't dependent on gasoline to move people.

You do realize that congress cannot pass a law that changes the laws of physics or invents technology that doesn't exist, right? You seem to have this false impression that congress passing a law is like waving a magic wand. It doesn't work that way.
Why did it drop from around $3.50 in August to $1.89 in January?

If you are going to be dishonest in your argument, I'm going to make you explain it.

It wasn't $1.89 in January? :confused:
It was $1.35 on January 11, 2009.

a barrel of oil was $24 in 2000


watch a war in the mid east raise the price of oil, then watch a recession correct the gouge

notice Reagan's term?
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Supply and demand set the price of gasoline. If the USA was tapping its massive supplies of offshore and fracked oil, the world supply would greatly increase and the price would go down.

Keeping energy prices high is part of the obama strategy to punish the USA for slavery and its wealth. He is determined to bring the US to its knees and make us a third world nation. Obama hates the USA and everything it stands for.

Worst president in history is a gross understatement. Traitor is more accurate.

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