Gas Prices to spike after trump runs from Iran deal


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
You mean getting us out of the deal that bath house barry got us into that allows the worlds foremost terrorist nation the build nukes? And he paid them. That deal. Thank God he did, someone needs to have some sense. You pathetic little cry babies must have no idea how stupid you look with your petty childish behavior day after day! You must be one sick perverse freak to behave this way every day.
I thought bed wetters liked the idea of high fuel prices so people would car pool more and use less....

No, bed wetters just like to whine a lot no matter what.

Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
/——/ Bush kicked Sadamm out of Kuwait and Dems screamed “no blood for oil.” And Pipelandistan. Now Dems are pissed that the price of oil will go up because Trump shredded Obozo’s Iran nuke deal. Dems are very confused
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
That is why we need to “drill baby drill”... here.
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
What war did Republicans start?
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
What war did Republicans start?

Mel sez.... da Joos start all the wars.

Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
They want to talk about supply and demand until it comes to Trump policy because Trump did it. Removing 5.1% from our purchasing capability from the worlds oil market does not effect supply all of a sudden. Here is what is worse I bet it translates into way more than the 5% that is being taken out nof supply when we see the effectys at the pump. This will make a great reason for oil cmpanies to up the price of a barrel and make way more than 5% they actually lost in supply. So instead of draining the swamp he is going to shove billions into it.
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
They want to talk about supply and demand until it comes to Trump policy because Trump did it. Removing 5.1% from our purchasing capability from the worlds oil market does not effect supply all of a sudden. Here is what is worse I bet it translates into way more than the 5% that is being taken out nof supply when we see the effectys at the pump. This will make a great reason for oil cmpanies to up the price of a barrel and make way more than 5% they actually lost in supply. So instead of draining the swamp he is going to shove billions into it.
Right. Telling terrorists with nukes to pound sound is good idea to non cowards.
I thought bed wetters liked the idea of high fuel prices so people would car pool more and use less....

No, bed wetters just like to whine a lot no matter what.

True. Maybe they just need a better stronger role model. But enough about your kids, let's get back on topic.
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.

Great news, looks like you can go to North Dakota and make $17 an hour working at Walmart again
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
You mean getting us out of the deal that bath house barry got us into that allows the worlds foremost terrorist nation the build nukes? And he paid them. That deal. Thank God he did, someone needs to have some sense. You pathetic little cry babies must have no idea how stupid you look with your petty childish behavior day after day! You must be one sick perverse freak to behave this way every day.

So in your pathetic little mind it's OK for speculation to drive up gasoline prices?
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
They want to talk about supply and demand until it comes to Trump policy because Trump did it. Removing 5.1% from our purchasing capability from the worlds oil market does not effect supply all of a sudden. Here is what is worse I bet it translates into way more than the 5% that is being taken out nof supply when we see the effectys at the pump. This will make a great reason for oil cmpanies to up the price of a barrel and make way more than 5% they actually lost in supply. So instead of draining the swamp he is going to shove billions into it.
Right. Telling terrorists with nukes to pound sound is good idea to non cowards.
Well they do not have nukes yet. The agreement opened up inspection. The other countries that signed are going on with the deal so economic sanctions will have very little teeth. I am not saying that this agreement would stop Iran from getting a nuke for ever. Gas prices will definately go up that is for sure. It is the people telling me that it will not that make me laugh. I beleive you are smarter than that mike. You understand suppy and demand. The other stuff we do not know for sure. I will say this I would not have pulled out of the agreeemnt now. If I were going to pull out of the agreement I would wait until I had my military alligned and in place to attack Iran. Just pulling out of the deal is not going to stop them from getting a nuke alone. If I were to pull out of this deal I would wait till about sixty seconds before my first strike hit the ground.
Iran deal exit threatens Americans' tax cut savings

Thank goodness we have plan B....wait.....not plan B? Oh yeah...Bolton did mention Regime change in Iran.

THESE REPUBLICANS SURE KNOW HOW TO START WARS. Notice hardly any of them actually served in the military? Those life threatening "Bone Spurs" just kept the orange king from being a war hero.
You mean getting us out of the deal that bath house barry got us into that allows the worlds foremost terrorist nation the build nukes? And he paid them. That deal. Thank God he did, someone needs to have some sense. You pathetic little cry babies must have no idea how stupid you look with your petty childish behavior day after day! You must be one sick perverse freak to behave this way every day.

So in your pathetic little mind it's OK for speculation to drive up gasoline prices?
You can not stop investors from speculating any more than you can stop USMB members from doing it. The whole stock market is nothing but speculation. No law will ever change this. Some things are not right or wrong they just are and there is nothing you can do about it

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