Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon; Thank You Mr. President

Lib think:

Gas prices low = Obama did it
Gas prices high = not obama's fault
Employment up = Obama did it
Unemployment up = not obama's fault
No terrorist attacks = Obama did it
Terrorist attacks = not obama's fault
Stock market up = Obama did it
Stock market down = not obama's fault
Spending down....

Well, you get the picture.

Fortunately you can always count on so called conservatives to determine who's responsible for success or failure based on completely objective standards.
Lib think:

Gas prices low = Obama did it
Gas prices high = not obama's fault
Employment up = Obama did it
Unemployment up = not obama's fault
No terrorist attacks = Obama did it
Terrorist attacks = not obama's fault
Stock market up = Obama did it
Stock market down = not obama's fault
Spending down....

Well, you get the picture.

Fortunately you can always count on so called conservatives to determine who's responsible for success or failure based on completely objective standards.

Congrats on the name you chose, it's apparently very appropriate.
Lib think:

Gas prices low = Obama did it
Gas prices high = not obama's fault
Employment up = Obama did it
Unemployment up = not obama's fault
No terrorist attacks = Obama did it
Terrorist attacks = not obama's fault
Stock market up = Obama did it
Stock market down = not obama's fault
Spending down....

Well, you get the picture.

Fortunately you can always count on so called conservatives to determine who's responsible for success or failure based on completely objective standards.

Congrats on the name you chose, it's apparently very appropriate.

Thank are evidently more perceptive than your posts would seem to indicate.
Ok, so anyone still confused about this topic can stand back and read the posts for each side.

One side makes personal comments. The other side throws out facts and data.

Oooops, dumb libs have no idea how they come across.

And don't forget my contribution of implying Candycern likes blowing Obama for fun AND profit.
Aren't you embarrassed to be this stupid? You should be.
Compared to the previous 10 years of defeat and debacle...we're out. Where have you been for the last 10 years?

Ah, Candy? ISIS controls dozens of cities in Iraq...has captured lots of spiffy new military equipment from the Iraq Army...and has been raking in millions per day in money from the oil wells they've taken over. Compared to what's been happening since January in Iraq...the previous 10 years were a roaring success!

I guess the 4,000 dead americans were a success to install some Islamic theocrat who hates us? There are 22 suicides a day by Veterans...still want to call it a success? We spent what, 500 Billion over there for nothing? Was that a success?

Just for the record, how many Americans would have had to die before you acknowledge the failure.

Compared to the "debacle" that has taken place in Iraq since January, Candy...YES! We spent all that money and all those lives in an attempt to build something in Iraq...which Barry then turned and walked away from, looking the other way while ISIS raped and murdered it's way across Iraq! A better question for you now is how many Americans will now have to die to restore order to Iraq?

It was Bush's timetable that Obama sped up.
Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
PS: How many ISIS fighters did Bush target?

Please entertain us and tell us what "we" were building in Iraq? It was never going to be anything but a theocracy with madmen at every level of the government fighting a centuries old worthless battle with "evil" as they see it.

What we were trying to build under Bush was a stable government with the beginnings of democracy taking hold. Instead we turned our backs on moderate Iraqis and left them to the madmen that make up ISIS! Barry was in such a hurry to get out of Iraq...he couldn't have cared less what he left behind.

Bush didn't target ISIS because it simply didn't exist like it does now when he was President! It's safe to say that one thing Bush WOULDN'T have done is stand idly by while ISIS troops rolled across miles of empty desert on the way to taking dozens of Iraqi cities!

That is correct. ISIS did not exist in anything like its current form when GW Bush was president. If they did, then Bush would have had the murderous thugs killed.

CandyCockSucker is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, if you catch my drift.
The President doesn't have a say on gas prices, need to talk to OPEC.

Is sounds like your objections are with Candy's lying ass thread title, correct? Let's start with that and then we can move from there.

Well the President doesn't dictate gas prices, so saying he is reponsible for lowering them is a falsehood.

He doesn't dictate gas prices. It's just that when the prices are high, he gets blamed for it (as with everything else). When they drop, those on the right change the subject. Those responding are now having to acknowledge that the price is below $3 in some places although they're not exactly aware they are doing it.

How soon you forget. Here are excerpts from an article published in 2012.

Here are just a few headlines at the time:

April 25, 2006: Democrat Bob Fertik: "Bush's policies have raised gasoline prices from an 8-year average of $1.15 under President Clinton to $3 today"

April 26, 2006: High gas prices fuel further decline in Bush's poll ratings [gas prices just under $3.00/gal]

In 2006: "Impeach Bush/Cheney" petition was circulated [as gas prices were $2.65/gal]
In 2007: "How Bush pushed gas prices sky high."

Now we are in a new administration and the sustained high gas prices under president Obama [over $2/gal, and now over $3/gal] has been one of the most under reported stories of the liberal media. The yells when Bush was president were loud and sustained when gas prices even neared $2/gal. When they went above that to $3 and up to $4/gal for a short time, that [along with how many troops were being killed in Iraq] was the story of the day, every day.

From theMedia Research Center: "As gas prices rose in 2008, network reporters mentioned President Bush in 15 times as many stories, than they brought up President Obama in a similar period in 2011."
Have you been out of the country for the last few weeks, Candy? Someplace where they have no news of any kind? I hate to break this to you but we are SO not out of war in the Middle East! Because of some REALLY bad choices by this President...we're now going to have to defeat a terrorist "State" armed with heavy weaponry and financed with billions of dollars!

Compared to the previous 10 years of defeat and debacle...we're out. Where have you been for the last 10 years?

Ah, Candy? ISIS controls dozens of cities in Iraq...has captured lots of spiffy new military equipment from the Iraq Army...and has been raking in millions per day in money from the oil wells they've taken over. Compared to what's been happening since January in Iraq...the previous 10 years were a roaring success!

I guess the 4,000 dead americans were a success to install some Islamic theocrat who hates us? There are 22 suicides a day by Veterans...still want to call it a success? We spent what, 500 Billion over there for nothing? Was that a success?

Just for the record, how many Americans would have had to die before you acknowledge the failure.

Compared to the "debacle" that has taken place in Iraq since January, Candy...YES! We spent all that money and all those lives in an attempt to build something in Iraq...which Barry then turned and walked away from, looking the other way while ISIS raped and murdered it's way across Iraq! A better question for you now is how many Americans will now have to die to restore order to Iraq?

It was Bush's timetable that Obama sped up.
Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
PS: How many ISIS fighters did Bush target?

Please entertain us and tell us what "we" were building in Iraq? It was never going to be anything but a theocracy with madmen at every level of the government fighting a centuries old worthless battle with "evil" as they see it.

ISIS didn't exist when Bush was President. They came into power when Obama was unable (unwilling) to leave some advisers in Iraq creating a vacuum for them to fill.
I seem to remember Newt Gingrich promising 2.50 cent gas if we would have elected him.

Since the President can't affect the price of gas, Newt might have been able to keep a campaign promise

Imagine that.

Go Giants!
The President doesn't have a say on gas prices, need to talk to OPEC.

Is sounds like your objections are with Candy's lying ass thread title, correct? Let's start with that and then we can move from there.

Well the President doesn't dictate gas prices, so saying he is reponsible for lowering them is a falsehood.

He doesn't dictate gas prices. It's just that when the prices are high, he gets blamed for it (as with everything else). When they drop, those on the right change the subject. Those responding are now having to acknowledge that the price is below $3 in some places although they're not exactly aware they are doing it.

How soon you forget. Here are excerpts from an article published in 2012.

Here are just a few headlines at the time:

April 25, 2006: Democrat Bob Fertik: "Bush's policies have raised gasoline prices from an 8-year average of $1.15 under President Clinton to $3 today"

April 26, 2006: High gas prices fuel further decline in Bush's poll ratings [gas prices just under $3.00/gal]

In 2006: "Impeach Bush/Cheney" petition was circulated [as gas prices were $2.65/gal]
In 2007: "How Bush pushed gas prices sky high."

Now we are in a new administration and the sustained high gas prices under president Obama [over $2/gal, and now over $3/gal] has been one of the most under reported stories of the liberal media. The yells when Bush was president were loud and sustained when gas prices even neared $2/gal. When they went above that to $3 and up to $4/gal for a short time, that [along with how many troops were being killed in Iraq] was the story of the day, every day.

From theMedia Research Center: "As gas prices rose in 2008, network reporters mentioned President Bush in 15 times as many stories, than they brought up President Obama in a similar period in 2011."
This is only testament to just how ignorant the public (and the media) really is.
It's actually below $2.90 a gallon in SW Houston.

Obama's Fault.

Don't be a snarky ****, sweetie. Nobody likes a snarky ****.

There are many variables that can contribute to the fluctuations of retail gas prices as well as other commodity prices. No, Obama does not have control over the prices (What a stupid thing to argue. Nobody is asserting that the president has that kind of control. It is a straw man argument. You are really a stupid woman). However, he can direct policy, and that policy can affect price (Do I really even need to be saying this? It should be obvious). Therefore, yes, a President can affect prices. For example, he can ease regulatory burdens on drilling on federal lands. That act would mean that more oil will be coming onto the market in the future. Such a prospective influx of product into the market will affect current prices, immediately.

With OBAMA, it is clear that the executive branch and its agencies are hostile to oil, natural gas, and most, if not all, non-green energy. In other words, Obama will direct no policy that will cause prices to drop, save for some sort of international action that stabilizes the Middle East. Therefore, you can be certain that this drop in gas prices has occurred DESPITE OBAMA and his fuck-ups.

Should Obammy get credit for the decrease? Sure, if his policies foster such a decrease. Should he be blamed for high gas prices? If his policies foster them, then yes. But beware, as there are a multitude of factors that affect prices, most of which originate overseas and are almost 100% beyond the reach of American influence.

CandyCockSucker, did you follow ANY of that? Or, did your eyes glaze over after a paragraph, opting instead to draft some stupid, snarky and cuntish thing to spit out? It is not a matter of "leveling the playing field" where OBAMA is entitled to reciprocal praise if he must accept criticism when there are high prices. What the fuck is wrong with you? You are thinking like a 5 year old. Do you know your colors yet, honey?

Here is what I am going to do. I am going to put your avatar pic on my iPhone. I am then going to jerk off to it because you look pretty fucking good. But at the last moment I am going to turn and blow my load on the floor rather than on your pic as I normally would. This is because I do not think that you are worthy of my jizz; you are way too fucking stupid and simple.

This might be the funniest thing I've ever read on this entire website.

Especially since it's so well deserved.


If you think she's a ditz, wait till you run into dotcom and Lakhota (both chicks.) You might find them even dumber, if you can believe that.

Now back to topic, your thread title is ridiculous, Candycorn.
I made a grilled ham and swiss cheese sandwhich tonight.
It was tasty....

Do I need to thank Obama?

"You" didn't make that grilled ham and swiss, Rozman! The making of that grilled ham and swiss was only possible because of the society that you live in!!!! You selfish...egotistical BASTARD!!!:tinfoil::tinfoil::tinfoil::tinfoil::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
And yes...according to the progressives on this must give thanks to Almighty Barry from whom all blessings flow! :udaman::udaman::udaman::udaman:
I made a grilled ham and swiss cheese sandwhich tonight.
It was tasty....

Do I need to thank Obama?

"You" didn't make that grilled ham and swiss, Rozman! The making of that grilled ham and swiss was only possible because of the society that you live in!!!! You selfish...egotistical BASTARD!!!:tinfoil::tinfoil::tinfoil::tinfoil::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

I must be thankful that the money I thought I earned that is really the governments allowed me to purchase the bread and ham and cheese...
With the way that this President has handled business I'm starting to think that music from the Benny Hill Show should be played during all Administration news briefings.
I made a grilled ham and swiss cheese sandwhich tonight.
It was tasty....

Do I need to thank Obama?

"You" didn't make that grilled ham and swiss, Rozman! The making of that grilled ham and swiss was only possible because of the society that you live in!!!! You selfish...egotistical BASTARD!!!:tinfoil::tinfoil::tinfoil::tinfoil::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

I must be thankful that the money I thought I earned that is really the governments allowed me to purchase the bread and ham and cheese...

"You" didn't earn that money, Rozman...that money was earned through a total group effort by a non-sexist, gender neutral, environmentally conscious and politically correct self centered PIG!!!:whip:

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