Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon; Thank You Mr. President

Falling crude oil prices and, subsequently, falling gasoline prices will be followed by falling rig counts. And falling drilling rates. And falling employment in the oil and gas patches of this country. Boom towns will soon become bust towns. Obama's falsely claimed economy is coming to an end.
Maybe it was Barry Hussein. Anyway you can bet your ass(ets) that the majority democrat regime will do anything it possibly can to lower gas prices before the crucial mid terms where they are in danger of losing the majority.

And agriculture STILL insists on 15% blends? While we export tens of millions of gallons of that shit monthly?
Yup! Ethanol is why gasoline is so cheap. Missouri is going E15, prices are going lower.
The un-subsidized price of ethanol is much higher, per gallon, than gasoline.

Taxpayers pay for your folly and your paycheck.

Git some. :slap:


And agriculture STILL insists on 15% blends? While we export tens of millions of gallons of that shit monthly?
Yup! Ethanol is why gasoline is so cheap. Missouri is going E15, prices are going lower.
The un-subsidized price of ethanol is much higher, per gallon, than gasoline.

Taxpayers pay for your folly and your paycheck.

Git some. :slap:

Total bullshit lies from you Mr Oil Man!

Wholesale Ethanol today is only $1.50/gallon

Wholesale Gasoline today is high @ $2.38/gallon

You oil cry babies can't compete, so we have to endure your constant bitching.

Obamacare working
$2.90 gas
5.9% unemployment

All just in time for the elections. Can you feel the butthurt Republicans?
5.9% unemployment..., hummmm, that is very interesting, why is this little bothersome statistic so high ??
Unemployed PersonsSeptember 2014 9,262,000

gas..........? $2.90 ? what a joke

Says Obama policies contributed to raising gas prices from 1.89 in 2009 to 3.51 today PolitiFact Texas

A reader wrote us July 1, 2013, asking us to check this claim: "In January of 2009, a gallon of gasoline cost $1.89. Today, the average cost of a gallon of gasoline is $3.51," Williams wrote in the mailer.

"It doesn’t take an economist to figure out how a gallon of gasoline has increased by $1.62 in four years. The liberal anti-free market policies of the Obama administration discourage the exploration of American sources of energy and hinder production and job growth."

did you and that liberal twit cheer when Obola raised the gas price ?


And agriculture STILL insists on 15% blends? While we export tens of millions of gallons of that shit monthly?
Yup! Ethanol is why gasoline is so cheap. Missouri is going E15, prices are going lower.
The un-subsidized price of ethanol is much higher, per gallon, than gasoline.

Taxpayers pay for your folly and your paycheck.

Git some. :slap:

Total bullshit lies from you Mr Oil Man!

Wholesale Ethanol today is only $1.50/gallon

Wholesale Gasoline today is high @ $2.38/gallon

You oil cry babies can't compete, so we have to endure your constant bitching.
As Paul Harvey used to say.........Now for the rest of the story.............

Explain the down side of ethanol when we are now using 40% of our corn crops to maintain the 10% mix........and then tell me how it affects feed prices and food prices.......

7 pages and gas is still under 3 a gallon. Thank you Mr. President.

Now back to the spin.

I saw him at the refinery where I work.....Yes I work at a refinery...........He had a hard hat on, and was pointing and telling the plant workers how to increase efficiency on gas production.........He explained how to calibrate the flow rate instrument devices to peak perfection..........I was sooooooooo impressed that I got a tingly sensation in my legs............If only he'd shown up sooner to tell us how to do our job we all would have already been saved..........

Back to your Ass kissing BS.
These threads would be a bit less stupid if you guy's didn't change your opinions on Presidents and gas prices depending on who is President and which way the prices are going at the moment. Even though Presidents don't control gas prices in keeping with the theme of the thread $3.17 a gallon here thanks for nothing Mr President.
These threads would be a bit less stupid if you guy's didn't change your opinions on Presidents and gas prices depending on who is President and which way the prices are going at the moment. Even though Presidents don't control gas prices in keeping with the theme of the thread $3.17 a gallon here thanks for nothing Mr President.

On page one, I wrote...
Obama has zip (directly) to do with the rise or fall of gas prices. It's just that when it was up, he got all the blame and when it drops below $3.00 a gallon, you don't hear anything about it.
Leveling the playing field is all.
We send troops into Iraq and the price jumps 20 cents in a week though. That is an indirect thing he has to do with it.

That it stirs up crazies on the right is reward enough.

And agriculture STILL insists on 15% blends? While we export tens of millions of gallons of that shit monthly?
Yup! Ethanol is why gasoline is so cheap. Missouri is going E15, prices are going lower.
The un-subsidized price of ethanol is much higher, per gallon, than gasoline.

Taxpayers pay for your folly and your paycheck.

Git some. :slap:

Total bullshit lies from you Mr Oil Man!

Wholesale Ethanol today is only $1.50/gallon

Wholesale Gasoline today is high @ $2.38/gallon

You oil cry babies can't compete, so we have to endure your constant bitching.

Ethanol is for fags. It gunks up the carburetor in my motorcycle. It will do the same to any 2 cycle engine, like an outboard, too. I only buy the pure stuff to put in my bike.

And agriculture STILL insists on 15% blends? While we export tens of millions of gallons of that shit monthly?
Yup! Ethanol is why gasoline is so cheap. Missouri is going E15, prices are going lower.
The un-subsidized price of ethanol is much higher, per gallon, than gasoline.

Taxpayers pay for your folly and your paycheck.

Git some. :slap:

Total bullshit lies from you Mr Oil Man!

Wholesale Ethanol today is only $1.50/gallon

Wholesale Gasoline today is high @ $2.38/gallon

You oil cry babies can't compete, so we have to endure your constant bitching.
As Paul Harvey used to say.........Now for the rest of the story.............

Explain the down side of ethanol when we are now using 40% of our corn crops to maintain the 10% mix........and then tell me how it affects feed prices and food prices.......

Paul Harvey also said "God made a farmer".

God made a Farmer?

The Farmer FUCKED a nation.

The Farmer is paid to grow crops, the farmer is paid to NOT grow crops the farmer is paid to NOT grow crops where crops should not be grown the farmer is paid when crop prices are low the farmer is paid when when weather extremes prohibit the farmer from growing crops... and on and on...

FUCK you mother fucking farmers.

Farmers SUCK the tit of America. Farmers are the ultimate bitch whores of this Nation. They suck, they pollute, they are resolute in their taking of everything.

Farmers of America... FUCKING our nation for the past 200 years. Fuck you.

Who cares about the price of a gallon of gas when the price of health insurance doubles?

Thank you Obama.

These threads would be a bit less stupid if you guy's didn't change your opinions on Presidents and gas prices depending on who is President and which way the prices are going at the moment. Even though Presidents don't control gas prices in keeping with the theme of the thread $3.17 a gallon here thanks for nothing Mr President.

On page one, I wrote...
Obama has zip (directly) to do with the rise or fall of gas prices. It's just that when it was up, he got all the blame and when it drops below $3.00 a gallon, you don't hear anything about it.
Leveling the playing field is all.
We send troops into Iraq and the price jumps 20 cents in a week though. That is an indirect thing he has to do with it.

That it stirs up crazies on the right is reward enough.
And of course the fact you on the left did the exact same thing with Bush seems lost on all of you. You folks love to point out that gas prices went over $4.00a gallon under Bush but ignore it was under $2.00 a gallon when he left office.

And agriculture STILL insists on 15% blends? While we export tens of millions of gallons of that shit monthly?
Yup! Ethanol is why gasoline is so cheap. Missouri is going E15, prices are going lower.
The un-subsidized price of ethanol is much higher, per gallon, than gasoline.

Taxpayers pay for your folly and your paycheck.

Git some. :slap:

Total bullshit lies from you Mr Oil Man!

Wholesale Ethanol today is only $1.50/gallon

Wholesale Gasoline today is high @ $2.38/gallon

You oil cry babies can't compete, so we have to endure your constant bitching.
As Paul Harvey used to say.........Now for the rest of the story.............

Explain the down side of ethanol when we are now using 40% of our corn crops to maintain the 10% mix........and then tell me how it affects feed prices and food prices.......

Paul Harvey also said "God made a farmer".

God made a Farmer?

The Farmer FUCKED a nation.

The Farmer is paid to grow crops, the farmer is paid to NOT grow crops the farmer is paid to NOT grow crops where crops should not be grown the farmer is paid when crop prices are low the farmer is paid when when weather extremes prohibit the farmer from growing crops... and on and on...

FUCK you mother fucking farmers.

Farmers SUCK the tit of America. Farmers are the ultimate bitch whores of this Nation. They suck, they pollute, they are resolute in their taking of everything.

Farmers of America... FUCKING our nation for the past 200 years. Fuck you.

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