Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon; Thank You Mr. President

your'e a Sandra Fluke fan
Who isn't?


Great, another dumbass who refuses to read the first page of the thread....
Read it, CC, and it's the same ol' B$ - Gas is below $3 a gallon, and it's Obama's 'fault'.

Like I said, "Wow...TWO identical posts for partisan morons to prove they have no real clue as to what effects the cost of a gallon of gas....especially if, as the title infers, anyone thinks Obama - the guy who has waged a 'war' on fossil fuels' - has had anything to do with it."
Great, another dumbass who refuses to read the first page of the thread....
Read it, CC, and it's the same ol' B$ - Gas is below $3 a gallon, and it's Obama's 'fault'.

Like I said, "Wow...TWO identical posts for partisan morons to prove they have no real clue as to what effects the cost of a gallon of gas....especially if, as the title infers, anyone thinks Obama - the guy who has waged a 'war' on fossil fuels' - has had anything to do with it."

Clearly the price of gasoline is lower because Obama has created the conditions for it to lower; reduced tensions in the middle east, reduced US consumption (what us economists call "demand") by not having our tanks and planes flying around for no reason in the sandbox, conservation efforts stateside, additional reliance on wind and solar now heating houses.....

All any honest American can say is, "Thank you Mr. President"
We didn't elect Mitt Romney because he couldn't do as good of a job as Obama. Romney even said it would take him until 2017 to get the unemployment rate under 6%. Obama got that done in 2014.

Let's talk reality here, Faun! Mitt Romney has a long history of success in everything he's done since he was a teenager running his own mission in Paris. Barack Obama had nothing even approaching that! He had ZERO executive experience and ZERO experience dealing with economic issues! If you were looking to hire a "manager" to run your company and interviewed Barry Obama and Mitt'd have to be a complete moron to hire Obama.
Reality is .... when Romney ran against Obama, Obama had 4 years of executive experience.

4 years in which he led the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression? 4 years in which he managed to accumulate record amounts of debt? What pray tell, took place in that first 4 years that would make you think he deserved another 4 years, Faun? Did you somehow think he LEARNED ON THE JOB?
4 years where he dealt with one of the worst recessions in U.S. history.

Sigh...4 years where he mismanaged the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression? 4 years where he mismanaged trillions of dollars in stimulus? Why do you think both Larry Summers and Christina Romer both left the Obama Administration and fled back to their tenured jobs at Harvard and Berkeley, Faun? They didn't leave because their economic strategies worked so well that the job of fixing the economy was done! No, they left because the great Keynesian stimulus they oversaw was a huge flop! They left because they didn't know what to do NEXT! What's obvious is that nobody else in this Administration knew what to do either! We haven't had a strategy to improve the economy by Barack Obama since way back at the beginning of his first term. They don't even try to PRETEND they have one at this point!

Yeah...he did such a bad job...that he was elected again in a virtual landslide; winning 9 of the 13 states that were up for grabs....

History always seems to paint a different picture than con-serve-hate-ives remember, doesn't it?
Great, another dumbass who refuses to read the first page of the thread....
Read it, CC, and it's the same ol' B$ - Gas is below $3 a gallon, and it's Obama's 'fault'.

Like I said, "Wow...TWO identical posts for partisan morons to prove they have no real clue as to what effects the cost of a gallon of gas....especially if, as the title infers, anyone thinks Obama - the guy who has waged a 'war' on fossil fuels' - has had anything to do with it."

Clearly the price of gasoline is lower because Obama has created the conditions for it to lower; reduced tensions in the middle east, reduced US consumption (what us economists call "demand") by not having our tanks and planes flying around for no reason in the sandbox, conservation efforts stateside, additional reliance on wind and solar now heating houses.....

All any honest American can say is, "Thank you Mr. President"

Do you start out trying to make yourself look ignorant, Candy?

Barack Obama has reduced tensions in the Middle East? Did you really just post that?

Come on, Candy...any "honest" person would admit that the price of oil has fallen despite Barack Obama's policies! The price has fallen because of fracking technology producing a lot more oil and natural gas which in turn led the Saudis to slash the price of their oil. A "dishonest" person would claim that Barry had anything to do with that.
Let's talk reality here, Faun! Mitt Romney has a long history of success in everything he's done since he was a teenager running his own mission in Paris. Barack Obama had nothing even approaching that! He had ZERO executive experience and ZERO experience dealing with economic issues! If you were looking to hire a "manager" to run your company and interviewed Barry Obama and Mitt'd have to be a complete moron to hire Obama.
Reality is .... when Romney ran against Obama, Obama had 4 years of executive experience.

4 years in which he led the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression? 4 years in which he managed to accumulate record amounts of debt? What pray tell, took place in that first 4 years that would make you think he deserved another 4 years, Faun? Did you somehow think he LEARNED ON THE JOB?
4 years where he dealt with one of the worst recessions in U.S. history.

Sigh...4 years where he mismanaged the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression? 4 years where he mismanaged trillions of dollars in stimulus? Why do you think both Larry Summers and Christina Romer both left the Obama Administration and fled back to their tenured jobs at Harvard and Berkeley, Faun? They didn't leave because their economic strategies worked so well that the job of fixing the economy was done! No, they left because the great Keynesian stimulus they oversaw was a huge flop! They left because they didn't know what to do NEXT! What's obvious is that nobody else in this Administration knew what to do either! We haven't had a strategy to improve the economy by Barack Obama since way back at the beginning of his first term. They don't even try to PRETEND they have one at this point!

Yeah...he did such a bad job...that he was elected again in a virtual landslide; winning 9 of the 13 states that were up for grabs....

History always seems to paint a different picture than con-serve-hate-ives remember, doesn't it?

What does history have to do with Obama winning a second term? He's been a lack luster President...hasn't had a clue what to do with the economy...his foreign policy is in tatters...and he's turned America into a country against against white...police against civilians. At some point history will paint a picture of Barack Obama's two terms in office, Candy and I don't think it will be portrayed as wonderfully as you on the left imagine.
Reality is .... when Romney ran against Obama, Obama had 4 years of executive experience.

4 years in which he led the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression? 4 years in which he managed to accumulate record amounts of debt? What pray tell, took place in that first 4 years that would make you think he deserved another 4 years, Faun? Did you somehow think he LEARNED ON THE JOB?
4 years where he dealt with one of the worst recessions in U.S. history.

Sigh...4 years where he mismanaged the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression? 4 years where he mismanaged trillions of dollars in stimulus? Why do you think both Larry Summers and Christina Romer both left the Obama Administration and fled back to their tenured jobs at Harvard and Berkeley, Faun? They didn't leave because their economic strategies worked so well that the job of fixing the economy was done! No, they left because the great Keynesian stimulus they oversaw was a huge flop! They left because they didn't know what to do NEXT! What's obvious is that nobody else in this Administration knew what to do either! We haven't had a strategy to improve the economy by Barack Obama since way back at the beginning of his first term. They don't even try to PRETEND they have one at this point!

Yeah...he did such a bad job...that he was elected again in a virtual landslide; winning 9 of the 13 states that were up for grabs....

History always seems to paint a different picture than con-serve-hate-ives remember, doesn't it?

What does history have to do with Obama winning a second term? He's been a lack luster President...hasn't had a clue what to do with the economy...his foreign policy is in tatters...and he's turned America into a country against against white...police against civilians. At some point history will paint a picture of Barack Obama's two terms in office, Candy and I don't think it will be portrayed as wonderfully as you on the left imagine.

Again, I'll ask you whom/who have you been turned against by the President....
Barack Obama's polarizing tactics haven't affected my views one iota, Candy because to be quite frank with you...I think the man is shoveling grade A manure most of the time and I tend to ignore bullshit artists.
Barack Obama's polarizing tactics haven't affected my views one iota, Candy because to be quite frank with you...I think the man is shoveling grade A manure most of the time and I tend to ignore bullshit artists.

SO you are calling him divisive why exactly?
Barack Obama's polarizing tactics haven't affected my views one iota, Candy because to be quite frank with you...I think the man is shoveling grade A manure most of the time and I tend to ignore bullshit artists.

SO you are calling him divisive why exactly?

I'm calling him divisive because he's consistently BEEN divisive! He blames the rich for the plight of the poor. He blames the Police for conflict with civilians. He blames Republicans for his own inability to govern. He blames a lack of gun control laws for mass shootings. Barack Obama's method of running a government isn't to build coalitions it's to create divides and then exploit them.
Barack Obama's polarizing tactics haven't affected my views one iota, Candy because to be quite frank with you...I think the man is shoveling grade A manure most of the time and I tend to ignore bullshit artists.

SO you are calling him divisive why exactly?

I'm calling him divisive because he's consistently BEEN divisive! He blames the rich for the plight of the poor.
I think you may have swallowed some kool-aid again. I think he says the rich are not paying their fair share. Provide a specific example and I'll be happy to retract that.
He blames the Police for conflict with civilians.
In this case, you are right in a few instances. He has cited the police for being overly aggressive. In some cases they were.

He blames Republicans for his own inability to govern.
Every president blames the opposition at some point. C'mon....

He blames a lack of gun control laws for mass shootings.
When people who are suspected of being sympathetic to terrorism and are on a no-fly list can buy weapons, I think he has a point that there are some areas where our law are not consistent; The guy is seen as a threat to aircraft but we'll allow him to buy as many guns as possible????

Barack Obama's method of running a government isn't to build coalitions it's to create divides and then exploit them.

Yet, there are no examples of his dividing anyone against anyone else--as you have testified (Sidebar: No conservative has ever given an example of being turned against someone by the President yet everyone of you guys swear he is "divisive" for some reason). As for "blaming" as you pointed out above...there has never been a President in recent history that hasn't taken political opponents to task for obstructing his plans....
Barack Obama's polarizing tactics haven't affected my views one iota, Candy because to be quite frank with you...I think the man is shoveling grade A manure most of the time and I tend to ignore bullshit artists.

SO you are calling him divisive why exactly?

I'm calling him divisive because he's consistently BEEN divisive! He blames the rich for the plight of the poor.
I think you may have swallowed some kool-aid again. I think he says the rich are not paying their fair share. Provide a specific example and I'll be happy to retract that.
He blames the Police for conflict with civilians.
In this case, you are right in a few instances. He has cited the police for being overly aggressive. In some cases they were.

He blames Republicans for his own inability to govern.
Every president blames the opposition at some point. C'mon....

He blames a lack of gun control laws for mass shootings.
When people who are suspected of being sympathetic to terrorism and are on a no-fly list can buy weapons, I think he has a point that there are some areas where our law are not consistent; The guy is seen as a threat to aircraft but we'll allow him to buy as many guns as possible????

Barack Obama's method of running a government isn't to build coalitions it's to create divides and then exploit them.

Yet, there are no examples of his dividing anyone against anyone else--as you have testified (Sidebar: No conservative has ever given an example of being turned against someone by the President yet everyone of you guys swear he is "divisive" for some reason). As for "blaming" as you pointed out above...there has never been a President in recent history that hasn't taken political opponents to task for obstructing his plans....

"Income inequality" has been a featured Obama criticism for years now, you really need me to provide examples of him blaming the rich?

Most Presidents do blame the opposition when they can't get things passed, Candy...but Barry did so when Democrats controlled the House and the Senate! Then he couldn't seem to understand why the GOP members of Congress hated him so much. Not only was what he did was stupid from a political standpoint...akin to poisoning the well.

Obama blamed gun control immediately following every mass shooting, Candy...WAY before the facts were known about each shooter. That's using a crisis to push an agenda...and you don't get much more divisive than that.
Barack Obama's polarizing tactics haven't affected my views one iota, Candy because to be quite frank with you...I think the man is shoveling grade A manure most of the time and I tend to ignore bullshit artists.

SO you are calling him divisive why exactly?

I'm calling him divisive because he's consistently BEEN divisive! He blames the rich for the plight of the poor. He blames the Police for conflict with civilians. He blames Republicans for his own inability to govern. He blames a lack of gun control laws for mass shootings. Barack Obama's method of running a government isn't to build coalitions it's to create divides and then exploit them.
You're delusional if you think he's done any of that.
Barack Obama's polarizing tactics haven't affected my views one iota, Candy because to be quite frank with you...I think the man is shoveling grade A manure most of the time and I tend to ignore bullshit artists.

SO you are calling him divisive why exactly?

I'm calling him divisive because he's consistently BEEN divisive! He blames the rich for the plight of the poor.
I think you may have swallowed some kool-aid again. I think he says the rich are not paying their fair share. Provide a specific example and I'll be happy to retract that.
He blames the Police for conflict with civilians.
In this case, you are right in a few instances. He has cited the police for being overly aggressive. In some cases they were.

He blames Republicans for his own inability to govern.
Every president blames the opposition at some point. C'mon....

He blames a lack of gun control laws for mass shootings.
When people who are suspected of being sympathetic to terrorism and are on a no-fly list can buy weapons, I think he has a point that there are some areas where our law are not consistent; The guy is seen as a threat to aircraft but we'll allow him to buy as many guns as possible????

Barack Obama's method of running a government isn't to build coalitions it's to create divides and then exploit them.

Yet, there are no examples of his dividing anyone against anyone else--as you have testified (Sidebar: No conservative has ever given an example of being turned against someone by the President yet everyone of you guys swear he is "divisive" for some reason). As for "blaming" as you pointed out above...there has never been a President in recent history that hasn't taken political opponents to task for obstructing his plans....

"Income inequality" has been a featured Obama criticism for years now, you really need me to provide examples of him blaming the rich?
and you stated it didn't turn you against anyone.

At some point you need to show us how he turned you if you're claiming he is turning people against one another.

QUOTE="Oldstyle, post: 13190723, member: 31215"]
Most Presidents do blame the opposition when they can't get things passed, Candy...but Barry did so when Democrats controlled the House and the Senate! Then he couldn't seem to understand why the GOP members of Congress hated him so much. Not only was what he did was stupid from a political standpoint...akin to poisoning the well.

Obama blamed gun control immediately following every mass shooting, Candy...WAY before the facts were known about each shooter. That's using a crisis to push an agenda...and you don't get much more divisive than that.[/QUOTE]

I think he (and most people assumed) that someone who does one of these rampage killings is mentally sick. Unless you're one of those who thinks sick people should have full access to weaponry, he had good reason to cite lax gun laws.
Barack Obama's polarizing tactics haven't affected my views one iota, Candy because to be quite frank with you...I think the man is shoveling grade A manure most of the time and I tend to ignore bullshit artists.

SO you are calling him divisive why exactly?

I'm calling him divisive because he's consistently BEEN divisive! He blames the rich for the plight of the poor.
I think you may have swallowed some kool-aid again. I think he says the rich are not paying their fair share. Provide a specific example and I'll be happy to retract that.
He blames the Police for conflict with civilians.
In this case, you are right in a few instances. He has cited the police for being overly aggressive. In some cases they were.

He blames Republicans for his own inability to govern.
Every president blames the opposition at some point. C'mon....

He blames a lack of gun control laws for mass shootings.
When people who are suspected of being sympathetic to terrorism and are on a no-fly list can buy weapons, I think he has a point that there are some areas where our law are not consistent; The guy is seen as a threat to aircraft but we'll allow him to buy as many guns as possible????

Barack Obama's method of running a government isn't to build coalitions it's to create divides and then exploit them.

Yet, there are no examples of his dividing anyone against anyone else--as you have testified (Sidebar: No conservative has ever given an example of being turned against someone by the President yet everyone of you guys swear he is "divisive" for some reason). As for "blaming" as you pointed out above...there has never been a President in recent history that hasn't taken political opponents to task for obstructing his plans....

"Income inequality" has been a featured Obama criticism for years now, you really need me to provide examples of him blaming the rich?
and you stated it didn't turn you against anyone.

At some point you need to show us how he turned you if you're claiming he is turning people against one another.

QUOTE="Oldstyle, post: 13190723, member: 31215"]
Most Presidents do blame the opposition when they can't get things passed, Candy...but Barry did so when Democrats controlled the House and the Senate! Then he couldn't seem to understand why the GOP members of Congress hated him so much. Not only was what he did was stupid from a political standpoint...akin to poisoning the well.

Obama blamed gun control immediately following every mass shooting, Candy...WAY before the facts were known about each shooter. That's using a crisis to push an agenda...and you don't get much more divisive than that.

I think he (and most people assumed) that someone who does one of these rampage killings is mentally sick. Unless you're one of those who thinks sick people should have full access to weaponry, he had good reason to cite lax gun laws.[/QUOTE]

LOL...just because Obama's rhetoric DIDN'T turn me against the rich...or DIDN'T make me feel guilty for being a white heterosexual male...or DIDN'T make me think the police were deliberately murdering blacks...doesn't mean that he wasn't being divisive, Candy! I just don't buy into that kind of bullshit and never have. That doesn't mean that his words didn't affect countless others. I still don't think Barry realizes how much the words coming out of the mouth of the President of the United States can affect combustible situations like Ferguson.

As for gun control? Correct me if I'm wrong but don't we already have gun control laws on the books prohibiting mentally ill people from getting guns? So you want tighter gun control laws when you haven't enforced the ones we now have? Be honest,'d like to make it harder for EVERYONE to get a gun...not just the crazies...and that is a violation of Second Amendment rights. If you want to change that...then get the votes in Congress and change the Constitution!

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