Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon; Thank You Mr. President

SO you are calling him divisive why exactly?

I'm calling him divisive because he's consistently BEEN divisive! He blames the rich for the plight of the poor.
I think you may have swallowed some kool-aid again. I think he says the rich are not paying their fair share. Provide a specific example and I'll be happy to retract that.
He blames the Police for conflict with civilians.
In this case, you are right in a few instances. He has cited the police for being overly aggressive. In some cases they were.

He blames Republicans for his own inability to govern.
Every president blames the opposition at some point. C'mon....

He blames a lack of gun control laws for mass shootings.
When people who are suspected of being sympathetic to terrorism and are on a no-fly list can buy weapons, I think he has a point that there are some areas where our law are not consistent; The guy is seen as a threat to aircraft but we'll allow him to buy as many guns as possible????

Barack Obama's method of running a government isn't to build coalitions it's to create divides and then exploit them.

Yet, there are no examples of his dividing anyone against anyone else--as you have testified (Sidebar: No conservative has ever given an example of being turned against someone by the President yet everyone of you guys swear he is "divisive" for some reason). As for "blaming" as you pointed out above...there has never been a President in recent history that hasn't taken political opponents to task for obstructing his plans....

"Income inequality" has been a featured Obama criticism for years now, you really need me to provide examples of him blaming the rich?
and you stated it didn't turn you against anyone.

At some point you need to show us how he turned you if you're claiming he is turning people against one another.

QUOTE="Oldstyle, post: 13190723, member: 31215"]
Most Presidents do blame the opposition when they can't get things passed, Candy...but Barry did so when Democrats controlled the House and the Senate! Then he couldn't seem to understand why the GOP members of Congress hated him so much. Not only was what he did was stupid from a political standpoint...akin to poisoning the well.

Obama blamed gun control immediately following every mass shooting, Candy...WAY before the facts were known about each shooter. That's using a crisis to push an agenda...and you don't get much more divisive than that.

I think he (and most people assumed) that someone who does one of these rampage killings is mentally sick. Unless you're one of those who thinks sick people should have full access to weaponry, he had good reason to cite lax gun laws.

LOL...just because Obama's rhetoric DIDN'T turn me against the rich...or DIDN'T make me feel guilty for being a white heterosexual male...or DIDN'T make me think the police were deliberately murdering blacks...doesn't mean that he wasn't being divisive, Candy! I just don't buy into that kind of bullshit and never have. That doesn't mean that his words didn't affect countless others. I still don't think Barry realizes how much the words coming out of the mouth of the President of the United States can affect combustible situations like Ferguson.

[/quote]. Oh I see, you're assuming all others are weaker than you and that people have been "turned"
By Obama even though he certainly isn't the only voice that speaks on any issue.

As for gun control? Correct me if I'm wrong but don't we already have gun control laws on the books prohibiting mentally ill people from getting guns? So you want tighter gun control laws when you haven't enforced the ones we now have?

They are enforced. Except at widely advertised gun shows.

Like this one,

Be honest,'d like to make it harder for EVERYONE to get a gun...not just the crazies...and that is a violation of Second Amendment rights. If you want to change that...then get the votes in Congress and change the Constitution!

You try being honest for once and we'll see how it goes.
I'm calling him divisive because he's consistently BEEN divisive! He blames the rich for the plight of the poor.
I think you may have swallowed some kool-aid again. I think he says the rich are not paying their fair share. Provide a specific example and I'll be happy to retract that.
He blames the Police for conflict with civilians.
In this case, you are right in a few instances. He has cited the police for being overly aggressive. In some cases they were.

He blames Republicans for his own inability to govern.
Every president blames the opposition at some point. C'mon....

He blames a lack of gun control laws for mass shootings.
When people who are suspected of being sympathetic to terrorism and are on a no-fly list can buy weapons, I think he has a point that there are some areas where our law are not consistent; The guy is seen as a threat to aircraft but we'll allow him to buy as many guns as possible????

Barack Obama's method of running a government isn't to build coalitions it's to create divides and then exploit them.

Yet, there are no examples of his dividing anyone against anyone else--as you have testified (Sidebar: No conservative has ever given an example of being turned against someone by the President yet everyone of you guys swear he is "divisive" for some reason). As for "blaming" as you pointed out above...there has never been a President in recent history that hasn't taken political opponents to task for obstructing his plans....

"Income inequality" has been a featured Obama criticism for years now, you really need me to provide examples of him blaming the rich?
and you stated it didn't turn you against anyone.

At some point you need to show us how he turned you if you're claiming he is turning people against one another.

QUOTE="Oldstyle, post: 13190723, member: 31215"]
Most Presidents do blame the opposition when they can't get things passed, Candy...but Barry did so when Democrats controlled the House and the Senate! Then he couldn't seem to understand why the GOP members of Congress hated him so much. Not only was what he did was stupid from a political standpoint...akin to poisoning the well.

Obama blamed gun control immediately following every mass shooting, Candy...WAY before the facts were known about each shooter. That's using a crisis to push an agenda...and you don't get much more divisive than that.

I think he (and most people assumed) that someone who does one of these rampage killings is mentally sick. Unless you're one of those who thinks sick people should have full access to weaponry, he had good reason to cite lax gun laws.

LOL...just because Obama's rhetoric DIDN'T turn me against the rich...or DIDN'T make me feel guilty for being a white heterosexual male...or DIDN'T make me think the police were deliberately murdering blacks...doesn't mean that he wasn't being divisive, Candy! I just don't buy into that kind of bullshit and never have. That doesn't mean that his words didn't affect countless others. I still don't think Barry realizes how much the words coming out of the mouth of the President of the United States can affect combustible situations like Ferguson.
. Oh I see, you're assuming all others are weaker than you and that people have been "turned"
By Obama even though he certainly isn't the only voice that speaks on any issue.

As for gun control? Correct me if I'm wrong but don't we already have gun control laws on the books prohibiting mentally ill people from getting guns? So you want tighter gun control laws when you haven't enforced the ones we now have?

They are enforced. Except at widely advertised gun shows.

Like this one,

Be honest,'d like to make it harder for EVERYONE to get a gun...not just the crazies...and that is a violation of Second Amendment rights. If you want to change that...then get the votes in Congress and change the Constitution!

You try being honest for once and we'll see how it goes.[/QUOTE]

So tell me how many of the guns used by those "sick" people were bought at gun shows, Candy?
I'm actually in favor of common sense gun laws, Candy...but I know you on the left only too well...your end goal on this is always going to be severe restrictions on who can own and carry guns. Be honest about that...
What Obuma policy caused the price to drop?
Well, blocking the Keystone XL for one. Approval would have raised gas prices 15%, which is why the GOP wanted it so they could blame Obama for higher gas prices.
Not giving more government land to the oil monopoly who only keep it away from the competition from exploring.
What Obuma policy caused the price to drop?
Well, blocking the Keystone XL for one. Approval would have raised gas prices 15%, which is why the GOP wanted it so they could blame Obama for higher gas prices.
Not giving more government land to the oil monopoly who only keep it away from the competition from exploring.

How would approval of the Keystone pipeline have raised gas prices 15%, Ed? Don't tell me you actually bought that horse manure when environmental groups were selling it!

The GOP wanted it because it would have created jobs.

Land that WASN'T controlled by the Federal Government was where huge increases in oil and natural gas production took that WAS controlled by the Federal Government saw decreases in oil and natural gas your last point is laughable.
He blames Republicans for his own inability to govern.
He hasn't had any problem governing. If you thought he actually couldn't govern you would have no issues with him, since nothing he wants would have happened. No, you're mad because he has governed too effectively.
non-presidential impacts that actually affect the cost of a barrel of oil in the international market—effects like the oversupply of oil currently being experienced as a result of OPEC choosing not to restrict the amount of oil they are pumping out of the ground, despite the current glut, and the strong US dollar.

I understand that those who suffer from Obama Allergy Disorder simply cannot bring themselves to acknowledge that the President had nothing to do with gas prices going up, even though we now have proof positive in the guise of oil prices crashing due to the same factors that, when reversed, are responsible for pushing prices upward.

Why Gas Prices Are Out of Any President’s Control

“Changes in U.S. gasoline prices over the past 10 years have predominantly been due to market factors rather than U.S. federal economic or energy policies.”

Oil is a global market in which America is a big consumer but a small supplier. We consume about 20 percent of the world’s oil but hold only 2 percent of the oil reserves. That means we are, in economics jargon, “price takers.” Domestic production has increased during the Obama administration, but it has had minimal effects on global prices because, as producers, we are just too small to matter much. And even if domestic oil companies further increased production, they would sell to the highest global bidder.

If you’re not convinced by economic theory or the opinions of economists, consider some recent history. Presumably, no one would call President George W. Bush unfriendly to the oil industry. Yet the price of gasoline rose steadily during most of his administration. In February 2001, just after Mr. Bush took office, the average price of regular gasoline was $1.45 a gallon. By June 2008, that price had risen to $4.05. Still think presidents and oil-friendly policies can determine oil prices?
How would approval of the Keystone pipeline have raised gas prices 15%, Ed?
Keystone XL Gas Price Myth Busted - Oil Change International
Building Keystone XL will likely raise gasoline prices in America for the following reasons.

  • The pipeline would not add to oil supply coming into America for at least 15 years. This is because there is currently around 2 million barrels per day of spare pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States. Keystone XL would therefore divert oil that would have been processed in the Midwest to the Gulf Coast.
  • The Gulf Coast produces less gasoline per barrel of oil than the Midwest. Midwest refineries are configured to produce much more gasoline from a barrel of crude and over 90% of the gasoline produced in Midwest refineries stays in the United States. Gulf coast refineries are configured to produce more diesel than gasoline. The majority of gasoline and diesel produced in Gulf Coast refineries is exported.
  • Midwest refineries have been enjoying discounted crude oil prices for the past 18 months. This is due to the glut of Canadian and American oil in the region. The stated purpose of Keystone XL is to relieve that glut and raise the price tar sands producers receive for their oil both in the Midwest and in Canada. Midwest refineries will pay more for their crude and will either pass on the cost to consumers or reduce their production, which eventually will have the same effect.
So put simply, Keystone XL moves existing crude oil supply from refineries that have been producing gasoline predominately for the US market to refineries that are predominately producing diesel for the export market. This will lower the amount of gasoline produced in America, raise the price Midwest refineries pay for crude oil and lead to higher gasoline prices.
What Obuma policy caused the price to drop?
Well, blocking the Keystone XL for one. Approval would have raised gas prices 15%, which is why the GOP wanted it so they could blame Obama for higher gas prices.
Not giving more government land to the oil monopoly who only keep it away from the competition from exploring.

I see EdTheLiar is still LYING with impunity, UNTIL I SHOW UP!

Increasing American Energy Production Will Lower ...
United States House of Representatives
Increasing American Energy Production Will Lower Gasoline Prices, Create ... Even the smallest increase in gasoline prices has a significant impact on our economy. ... The Keystone XL pipeline would also allow us to access several hundred ...
He blames Republicans for his own inability to govern.
He hasn't had any problem governing. If you thought he actually couldn't govern you would have no issues with him, since nothing he wants would have happened. No, you're mad because he has governed too effectively.

Dude, he came into power with a landslide mandate from the voters...and huge majorities in the House and Senate! With that all that he managed was to spend a trillion dollars on a stimulus that didn't stimulate the economy and a health care bill that was supposed to make healthcare cheaper for the Middle Class but instead made it more expensive! He governed SO badly that the voters kicked more Democrats out of Congress in one election than had ever happened before, just to stop his agenda! He treated Republicans so badly before he lost those majorities that they wouldn't cross the street to pee on him if he was on fire! That isn't the mark of someone who knows how to govern...that's the mark of a neophyte.

Since then he's basically given up even TRYING to come up with an economic plan to create jobs and grow the economy!

His foreign policy is in such tatters now that you really can't point to any area in the world where he's been successful. From Iran's working towards a ISIS raping and pillaging so much of the Middle East thanks to his premature withdrawal of US Russia invading sovereign nations that it Syria and the loss of a US Ambassador to terrorist attack in Benghazi and the shameful cover-up that what's happening now with Korea thumbing it's nose at us by detonating another nuclear bomb! About the only place on earth that Barry hasn't made worse is the South Pole and that's because he hasn't tried to do anything there! If he DID he'd probably cause the wholesale extinction of penguins from the planet...he's that bad!

Then there are the myriad scandals his Administration can claim as their own! Fast & Furious? That was moronic even for Obama! Using the IRS to target conservatives? That's something that Richard Nixon only TRIED to do and never accomplished!

Obama is an awful executive, Synth...he came in with zero experience and he surrounded himself with a clique that had the same lack of executive experience. He's spent seven years now FLAILING badly. For a supposedly smart guy, Barry continues to make the same mistakes over and over and over again!
How would approval of the Keystone pipeline have raised gas prices 15%, Ed?
Keystone XL Gas Price Myth Busted - Oil Change International
Building Keystone XL will likely raise gasoline prices in America for the following reasons.

  • The pipeline would not add to oil supply coming into America for at least 15 years. This is because there is currently around 2 million barrels per day of spare pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States. Keystone XL would therefore divert oil that would have been processed in the Midwest to the Gulf Coast.
  • The Gulf Coast produces less gasoline per barrel of oil than the Midwest. Midwest refineries are configured to produce much more gasoline from a barrel of crude and over 90% of the gasoline produced in Midwest refineries stays in the United States. Gulf coast refineries are configured to produce more diesel than gasoline. The majority of gasoline and diesel produced in Gulf Coast refineries is exported.
  • Midwest refineries have been enjoying discounted crude oil prices for the past 18 months. This is due to the glut of Canadian and American oil in the region. The stated purpose of Keystone XL is to relieve that glut and raise the price tar sands producers receive for their oil both in the Midwest and in Canada. Midwest refineries will pay more for their crude and will either pass on the cost to consumers or reduce their production, which eventually will have the same effect.
So put simply, Keystone XL moves existing crude oil supply from refineries that have been producing gasoline predominately for the US market to refineries that are predominately producing diesel for the export market. This will lower the amount of gasoline produced in America, raise the price Midwest refineries pay for crude oil and lead to higher gasoline prices.

You've provided a link to a website that is nothing more than propaganda for the anti-fossil fuel movement, Ed...which is EXACTLY what I assumed you pulled your nonsense from. What Midwest refineries are they even talking about?

There are a few refineries in the Mid West but very few...the bulk of them are located in Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi.
non-presidential impacts that actually affect the cost of a barrel of oil in the international market—effects like the oversupply of oil currently being experienced as a result of OPEC choosing not to restrict the amount of oil they are pumping out of the ground, despite the current glut, and the strong US dollar.

I understand that those who suffer from Obama Allergy Disorder simply cannot bring themselves to acknowledge that the President had nothing to do with gas prices going up, even though we now have proof positive in the guise of oil prices crashing due to the same factors that, when reversed, are responsible for pushing prices upward.

Why Gas Prices Are Out of Any President’s Control

“Changes in U.S. gasoline prices over the past 10 years have predominantly been due to market factors rather than U.S. federal economic or energy policies.”

Oil is a global market in which America is a big consumer but a small supplier. We consume about 20 percent of the world’s oil but hold only 2 percent of the oil reserves. That means we are, in economics jargon, “price takers.” Domestic production has increased during the Obama administration, but it has had minimal effects on global prices because, as producers, we are just too small to matter much. And even if domestic oil companies further increased production, they would sell to the highest global bidder.

If you’re not convinced by economic theory or the opinions of economists, consider some recent history. Presumably, no one would call President George W. Bush unfriendly to the oil industry. Yet the price of gasoline rose steadily during most of his administration. In February 2001, just after Mr. Bush took office, the average price of regular gasoline was $1.45 a gallon. By June 2008, that price had risen to $4.05. Still think presidents and oil-friendly policies can determine oil prices?

Where are you getting those totally outdated figures from, Easy? Did you not get the memo that new production methods in the US and Canada now means that North America has oil and natural gas supplies in amounts that rival what is in the Middle East? Why do you think the Saudis are cutting their prices so drastically? We are no longer "price takers"...we have the potential to be world leaders in production.
He blames Republicans for his own inability to govern.
He hasn't had any problem governing. If you thought he actually couldn't govern you would have no issues with him, since nothing he wants would have happened. No, you're mad because he has governed too effectively.

Dude, he came into power with a landslide mandate from the voters...and huge majorities in the House and Senate! With that all that he managed was to spend a trillion dollars on a stimulus that didn't stimulate the economy and a health care bill that was supposed to make healthcare cheaper for the Middle Class but instead made it more expensive! He governed SO badly that the voters kicked more Democrats out of Congress in one election than had ever happened before, just to stop his agenda! He treated Republicans so badly before he lost those majorities that they wouldn't cross the street to pee on him if he was on fire! That isn't the mark of someone who knows how to govern...that's the mark of a neophyte.

Since then he's basically given up even TRYING to come up with an economic plan to create jobs and grow the economy!

His foreign policy is in such tatters now that you really can't point to any area in the world where he's been successful. From Iran's working towards a ISIS raping and pillaging so much of the Middle East thanks to his premature withdrawal of US Russia invading sovereign nations that it Syria and the loss of a US Ambassador to terrorist attack in Benghazi and the shameful cover-up that what's happening now with Korea thumbing it's nose at us by detonating another nuclear bomb! About the only place on earth that Barry hasn't made worse is the South Pole and that's because he hasn't tried to do anything there! If he DID he'd probably cause the wholesale extinction of penguins from the planet...he's that bad!

Then there are the myriad scandals his Administration can claim as their own! Fast & Furious? That was moronic even for Obama! Using the IRS to target conservatives? That's something that Richard Nixon only TRIED to do and never accomplished!

Obama is an awful executive, Synth...he came in with zero experience and he surrounded himself with a clique that had the same lack of executive experience. He's spent seven years now FLAILING badly. For a supposedly smart guy, Barry continues to make the same mistakes over and over and over again!

You're full of cybershit!!

When Obama took the Bush mess the stock market had tanked to 8800 on the DOW, the economy was bleeding 750,000 jobs a month, unemployment was over 7%, home mortgages had failed and we had two wars a blazing and Bush handed the banks $800 bn to prevent a Hoover styled crash. Now the wars have stopped, 100,000 troops are either stateside or assigned to other countries, unemployment is 5.0%, the DOW has doubled, home prices have stabilized and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. You people watch too much Fox News.

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