Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon; Thank You Mr. President

He blames Republicans for his own inability to govern.
He hasn't had any problem governing. If you thought he actually couldn't govern you would have no issues with him, since nothing he wants would have happened. No, you're mad because he has governed too effectively.

Dude, he came into power with a landslide mandate from the voters...and huge majorities in the House and Senate! With that all that he managed was to spend a trillion dollars on a stimulus that didn't stimulate the economy and a health care bill that was supposed to make healthcare cheaper for the Middle Class but instead made it more expensive! He governed SO badly that the voters kicked more Democrats out of Congress in one election than had ever happened before, just to stop his agenda! He treated Republicans so badly before he lost those majorities that they wouldn't cross the street to pee on him if he was on fire! That isn't the mark of someone who knows how to govern...that's the mark of a neophyte.

Since then he's basically given up even TRYING to come up with an economic plan to create jobs and grow the economy!

His foreign policy is in such tatters now that you really can't point to any area in the world where he's been successful. From Iran's working towards a ISIS raping and pillaging so much of the Middle East thanks to his premature withdrawal of US Russia invading sovereign nations that it Syria and the loss of a US Ambassador to terrorist attack in Benghazi and the shameful cover-up that what's happening now with Korea thumbing it's nose at us by detonating another nuclear bomb! About the only place on earth that Barry hasn't made worse is the South Pole and that's because he hasn't tried to do anything there! If he DID he'd probably cause the wholesale extinction of penguins from the planet...he's that bad!

Then there are the myriad scandals his Administration can claim as their own! Fast & Furious? That was moronic even for Obama! Using the IRS to target conservatives? That's something that Richard Nixon only TRIED to do and never accomplished!

Obama is an awful executive, Synth...he came in with zero experience and he surrounded himself with a clique that had the same lack of executive experience. He's spent seven years now FLAILING badly. For a supposedly smart guy, Barry continues to make the same mistakes over and over and over again!

You're full of cybershit!!

When Obama took the Bush mess the stock market had tanked to 8800 on the DOW, the economy was bleeding 750,000 jobs a month, unemployment was over 7%, home mortgages had failed and we had two wars a blazing and Bush handed the banks $800 bn to prevent a Hoover styled crash. Now the wars have stopped, 100,000 troops are either stateside or assigned to other countries, unemployment is 5.0%, the DOW has doubled, home prices have stabilized and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. You people watch too much Fox News.

Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression years, Campbell. The wars haven't stopped...we're having to go back into areas that were under control when Bush left office to retake them from ISIS and the Taliban. It's so bad in the Middle East right now because of Barry's "Leading From Behind" strategy that millions of civilians have been forced to abandon their homes and flee for their lives creating a massive refugee problem throughout the rest of the world. You watch MSNBC too much!
He blames Republicans for his own inability to govern.
He hasn't had any problem governing. If you thought he actually couldn't govern you would have no issues with him, since nothing he wants would have happened. No, you're mad because he has governed too effectively.

Dude, he came into power with a landslide mandate from the voters...and huge majorities in the House and Senate! With that all that he managed was to spend a trillion dollars on a stimulus that didn't stimulate the economy and a health care bill that was supposed to make healthcare cheaper for the Middle Class but instead made it more expensive! He governed SO badly that the voters kicked more Democrats out of Congress in one election than had ever happened before, just to stop his agenda! He treated Republicans so badly before he lost those majorities that they wouldn't cross the street to pee on him if he was on fire! That isn't the mark of someone who knows how to govern...that's the mark of a neophyte.

Since then he's basically given up even TRYING to come up with an economic plan to create jobs and grow the economy!

His foreign policy is in such tatters now that you really can't point to any area in the world where he's been successful. From Iran's working towards a ISIS raping and pillaging so much of the Middle East thanks to his premature withdrawal of US Russia invading sovereign nations that it Syria and the loss of a US Ambassador to terrorist attack in Benghazi and the shameful cover-up that what's happening now with Korea thumbing it's nose at us by detonating another nuclear bomb! About the only place on earth that Barry hasn't made worse is the South Pole and that's because he hasn't tried to do anything there! If he DID he'd probably cause the wholesale extinction of penguins from the planet...he's that bad!

Then there are the myriad scandals his Administration can claim as their own! Fast & Furious? That was moronic even for Obama! Using the IRS to target conservatives? That's something that Richard Nixon only TRIED to do and never accomplished!

Obama is an awful executive, Synth...he came in with zero experience and he surrounded himself with a clique that had the same lack of executive experience. He's spent seven years now FLAILING badly. For a supposedly smart guy, Barry continues to make the same mistakes over and over and over again!

You're full of cybershit!!

When Obama took the Bush mess the stock market had tanked to 8800 on the DOW, the economy was bleeding 750,000 jobs a month, unemployment was over 7%, home mortgages had failed and we had two wars a blazing and Bush handed the banks $800 bn to prevent a Hoover styled crash. Now the wars have stopped, 100,000 troops are either stateside or assigned to other countries, unemployment is 5.0%, the DOW has doubled, home prices have stabilized and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. You people watch too much Fox News.

Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression years, Campbell. The wars haven't stopped...we're having to go back into areas that were under control when Bush left office to retake them from ISIS and the Taliban. It's so bad in the Middle East right now because of Barry's "Leading From Behind" strategy that millions of civilians have been forced to abandon their homes and flee for their lives creating a massive refugee problem throughout the rest of the world. You watch MSNBC too much!
Again.... it was the worst recession since the Great Depression. Almost 12 million folks lost their job to under/unemployment. GDP dropped by 4.5%. The stock market lost more than half its valuation. These were unfathomable numbers not seen since the Great Depression.The housing markets collapsed, the credit markets locked up and took the economy down with it. Who cares that you think it took him too long to clean up the mess Bush left for him? The voters obviously didn't since they overwhelmingly elected him for another 4 years.
He blames Republicans for his own inability to govern.
He hasn't had any problem governing. If you thought he actually couldn't govern you would have no issues with him, since nothing he wants would have happened. No, you're mad because he has governed too effectively.

Dude, he came into power with a landslide mandate from the voters...and huge majorities in the House and Senate! With that all that he managed was to spend a trillion dollars on a stimulus that didn't stimulate the economy and a health care bill that was supposed to make healthcare cheaper for the Middle Class but instead made it more expensive! He governed SO badly that the voters kicked more Democrats out of Congress in one election than had ever happened before, just to stop his agenda! He treated Republicans so badly before he lost those majorities that they wouldn't cross the street to pee on him if he was on fire! That isn't the mark of someone who knows how to govern...that's the mark of a neophyte.

Since then he's basically given up even TRYING to come up with an economic plan to create jobs and grow the economy!

His foreign policy is in such tatters now that you really can't point to any area in the world where he's been successful. From Iran's working towards a ISIS raping and pillaging so much of the Middle East thanks to his premature withdrawal of US Russia invading sovereign nations that it Syria and the loss of a US Ambassador to terrorist attack in Benghazi and the shameful cover-up that what's happening now with Korea thumbing it's nose at us by detonating another nuclear bomb! About the only place on earth that Barry hasn't made worse is the South Pole and that's because he hasn't tried to do anything there! If he DID he'd probably cause the wholesale extinction of penguins from the planet...he's that bad!

Then there are the myriad scandals his Administration can claim as their own! Fast & Furious? That was moronic even for Obama! Using the IRS to target conservatives? That's something that Richard Nixon only TRIED to do and never accomplished!

Obama is an awful executive, Synth...he came in with zero experience and he surrounded himself with a clique that had the same lack of executive experience. He's spent seven years now FLAILING badly. For a supposedly smart guy, Barry continues to make the same mistakes over and over and over again!

You're full of cybershit!!

When Obama took the Bush mess the stock market had tanked to 8800 on the DOW, the economy was bleeding 750,000 jobs a month, unemployment was over 7%, home mortgages had failed and we had two wars a blazing and Bush handed the banks $800 bn to prevent a Hoover styled crash. Now the wars have stopped, 100,000 troops are either stateside or assigned to other countries, unemployment is 5.0%, the DOW has doubled, home prices have stabilized and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. You people watch too much Fox News.

Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression years, Campbell. The wars haven't stopped...we're having to go back into areas that were under control when Bush left office to retake them from ISIS and the Taliban. It's so bad in the Middle East right now because of Barry's "Leading From Behind" strategy that millions of civilians have been forced to abandon their homes and flee for their lives creating a massive refugee problem throughout the rest of the world. You watch MSNBC too much!
Again.... it was the worst recession since the Great Depression. Almost 12 million folks lost their job to under/unemployment. GDP dropped by 4.5%. The stock market lost more than half its valuation. These were unfathomable numbers not seen since the Great Depression.The housing markets collapsed, the credit markets locked up and took the economy down with it. Who cares that you think it took him too long to clean up the mess Bush left for him? The voters obviously didn't since they overwhelmingly elected him for another 4 years.

Recessions are followed by recoveries. It's the nature of the beast. The two worst recoveries from recessions were overseen by progressives. The result of their policies were the Great Depression and the Great Recession. If you think Barack Obama has had anything to do with what recovery we have had...I'd love to hear what policy of his made that happen? Has he even bothered to pretend to have a plan to boost the economy for the last several years? Can you even tell me who his economic planners ARE? I know you can't because despite the economy being the greatest priority for Americans...this President doesn't even address it anymore.
What Obuma policy caused the price to drop?
Well, blocking the Keystone XL for one. Approval would have raised gas prices 15%, which is why the GOP wanted it so they could blame Obama for higher gas prices.
Not giving more government land to the oil monopoly who only keep it away from the competition from exploring.

I see EdTheLiar is still LYING with impunity, UNTIL I SHOW UP!

Increasing American Energy Production Will Lower ...
United States House of Representatives
Increasing American Energy Production Will Lower Gasoline Prices, Create ... Even the smallest increase in gasoline prices has a significant impact on our economy. ... The Keystone XL pipeline would also allow us to access several hundred ...
Already debunked that GOP House scripted lie in this thread.
Where have you been?
How would approval of the Keystone pipeline have raised gas prices 15%, Ed?
Keystone XL Gas Price Myth Busted - Oil Change International
Building Keystone XL will likely raise gasoline prices in America for the following reasons.

  • The pipeline would not add to oil supply coming into America for at least 15 years. This is because there is currently around 2 million barrels per day of spare pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States. Keystone XL would therefore divert oil that would have been processed in the Midwest to the Gulf Coast.
  • The Gulf Coast produces less gasoline per barrel of oil than the Midwest. Midwest refineries are configured to produce much more gasoline from a barrel of crude and over 90% of the gasoline produced in Midwest refineries stays in the United States. Gulf coast refineries are configured to produce more diesel than gasoline. The majority of gasoline and diesel produced in Gulf Coast refineries is exported.
  • Midwest refineries have been enjoying discounted crude oil prices for the past 18 months. This is due to the glut of Canadian and American oil in the region. The stated purpose of Keystone XL is to relieve that glut and raise the price tar sands producers receive for their oil both in the Midwest and in Canada. Midwest refineries will pay more for their crude and will either pass on the cost to consumers or reduce their production, which eventually will have the same effect.
So put simply, Keystone XL moves existing crude oil supply from refineries that have been producing gasoline predominately for the US market to refineries that are predominately producing diesel for the export market. This will lower the amount of gasoline produced in America, raise the price Midwest refineries pay for crude oil and lead to higher gasoline prices.

You've provided a link to a website that is nothing more than propaganda for the anti-fossil fuel movement, Ed...which is EXACTLY what I assumed you pulled your nonsense from.
When faced with undeniable facts, the Right dismiss them as "Liberal" no matter how far Right the source. do know that the reason the prices are falling is because of hydrolic fracking...the process that obama fights every chance he gets...and that oil drilling is only up on private he keeps preventing drilling on federal how exactly is it his policy that is lowering gas prices...

That's like giving him credit for killing bin just isn't true...

The oil prices falling all over the world.

And thats not because fracking, it is because Saudis and Iranians are in a deadly stalemate, trying to bankrupt each other by producing more and more oil.

And all thanks to Obama's policies bringing Iran back in the oil market which right wingers were opposing from the beginning.

You can thank Obama ever time you are filling up your gas tank ;)
He hasn't had any problem governing. If you thought he actually couldn't govern you would have no issues with him, since nothing he wants would have happened. No, you're mad because he has governed too effectively.

Dude, he came into power with a landslide mandate from the voters...and huge majorities in the House and Senate! With that all that he managed was to spend a trillion dollars on a stimulus that didn't stimulate the economy and a health care bill that was supposed to make healthcare cheaper for the Middle Class but instead made it more expensive! He governed SO badly that the voters kicked more Democrats out of Congress in one election than had ever happened before, just to stop his agenda! He treated Republicans so badly before he lost those majorities that they wouldn't cross the street to pee on him if he was on fire! That isn't the mark of someone who knows how to govern...that's the mark of a neophyte.

Since then he's basically given up even TRYING to come up with an economic plan to create jobs and grow the economy!

His foreign policy is in such tatters now that you really can't point to any area in the world where he's been successful. From Iran's working towards a ISIS raping and pillaging so much of the Middle East thanks to his premature withdrawal of US Russia invading sovereign nations that it Syria and the loss of a US Ambassador to terrorist attack in Benghazi and the shameful cover-up that what's happening now with Korea thumbing it's nose at us by detonating another nuclear bomb! About the only place on earth that Barry hasn't made worse is the South Pole and that's because he hasn't tried to do anything there! If he DID he'd probably cause the wholesale extinction of penguins from the planet...he's that bad!

Then there are the myriad scandals his Administration can claim as their own! Fast & Furious? That was moronic even for Obama! Using the IRS to target conservatives? That's something that Richard Nixon only TRIED to do and never accomplished!

Obama is an awful executive, Synth...he came in with zero experience and he surrounded himself with a clique that had the same lack of executive experience. He's spent seven years now FLAILING badly. For a supposedly smart guy, Barry continues to make the same mistakes over and over and over again!

You're full of cybershit!!

When Obama took the Bush mess the stock market had tanked to 8800 on the DOW, the economy was bleeding 750,000 jobs a month, unemployment was over 7%, home mortgages had failed and we had two wars a blazing and Bush handed the banks $800 bn to prevent a Hoover styled crash. Now the wars have stopped, 100,000 troops are either stateside or assigned to other countries, unemployment is 5.0%, the DOW has doubled, home prices have stabilized and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. You people watch too much Fox News.

Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression years, Campbell. The wars haven't stopped...we're having to go back into areas that were under control when Bush left office to retake them from ISIS and the Taliban. It's so bad in the Middle East right now because of Barry's "Leading From Behind" strategy that millions of civilians have been forced to abandon their homes and flee for their lives creating a massive refugee problem throughout the rest of the world. You watch MSNBC too much!
Again.... it was the worst recession since the Great Depression. Almost 12 million folks lost their job to under/unemployment. GDP dropped by 4.5%. The stock market lost more than half its valuation. These were unfathomable numbers not seen since the Great Depression.The housing markets collapsed, the credit markets locked up and took the economy down with it. Who cares that you think it took him too long to clean up the mess Bush left for him? The voters obviously didn't since they overwhelmingly elected him for another 4 years.

Recessions are followed by recoveries. It's the nature of the beast. The two worst recoveries from recessions were overseen by progressives. The result of their policies were the Great Depression and the Great Recession. If you think Barack Obama has had anything to do with what recovery we have had...I'd love to hear what policy of his made that happen? Has he even bothered to pretend to have a plan to boost the economy for the last several years? Can you even tell me who his economic planners ARE? I know you can't because despite the economy being the greatest priority for Americans...this President doesn't even address it anymore.
And those two worst recoveries followed the two worst economies by Republicans. I'm always amused when the right whines how the left takes too long to clean up their messes.
$1.63 here. If repub gets in the WH, it will go back up because they will cut the US production Obama has initiated and that will drive up the price of crude.

It's all about putting money in the pockets of the 1%.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
With that all that he managed was to spend a trillion dollars on a stimulus that didn't stimulate the economy and a health care bill that was supposed to make healthcare cheaper for the Middle Class but instead made it more expensive!
It's hard to have a discussion in the face of blatant falsehoods. Sorry.
$1.63 here. If repub gets in the WH, it will go back up because they will cut the US production Obama has initiated and that will drive up the price of crude.

It's all about putting money in the pockets of the 1%.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You just don't understand, Barry the dumbass has nothing to do with oil production...
Anyway, he's too busy crying over non issues.
$1.63 here. If repub gets in the WH, it will go back up because they will cut the US production Obama has initiated and that will drive up the price of crude.

It's all about putting money in the pockets of the 1%.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What US production has Obama initiated? do know that the reason the prices are falling is because of hydrolic fracking...the process that obama fights every chance he gets...and that oil drilling is only up on private he keeps preventing drilling on federal how exactly is it his policy that is lowering gas prices...

That's like giving him credit for killing bin just isn't true...

The oil prices falling all over the world.

And thats not because fracking, it is because Saudis and Iranians are in a deadly stalemate, trying to bankrupt each other by producing more and more oil.

And all thanks to Obama's policies bringing Iran back in the oil market which right wingers were opposing from the beginning.

You can thank Obama ever time you are filling up your gas tank ;)

You don't understand much about the oil you, Alpine? The Saudi price cut was in response to vast North American oil and natural gas fields being opened up due to fracking. The Saudis cut their prices in an attempt to make shale oil economically unattractive. It had nothing to do with their conflict with Iran going on now.
With that all that he managed was to spend a trillion dollars on a stimulus that didn't stimulate the economy and a health care bill that was supposed to make healthcare cheaper for the Middle Class but instead made it more expensive!
It's hard to have a discussion in the face of blatant falsehoods. Sorry.

You mean it's hard to have a discussion with those who don't drink the Obama Kool Aid? Divide the amount spent on the stimulus by the number of jobs actually created and tell me how much each one cost us taxpayers? Then explain how THAT was anything but a complete failure! Once you get done doing that, me how much Middle Class Americans are paying for their healthcare now...and explain why they haven't seen the $2,500 per family savings that they were promised by Barry!
Presidents have little effect on gas prices. However, I do remember the far right partisans claiming gas would go up massively if Obama were to be elected.. do know that the reason the prices are falling is because of hydrolic fracking...the process that obama fights every chance he gets...and that oil drilling is only up on private he keeps preventing drilling on federal how exactly is it his policy that is lowering gas prices...

That's like giving him credit for killing bin just isn't true...

The oil prices falling all over the world.

And thats not because fracking, it is because Saudis and Iranians are in a deadly stalemate, trying to bankrupt each other by producing more and more oil.

And all thanks to Obama's policies bringing Iran back in the oil market which right wingers were opposing from the beginning.

You can thank Obama ever time you are filling up your gas tank ;)

You don't understand much about the oil you, Alpine? The Saudi price cut was in response to vast North American oil and natural gas fields being opened up due to fracking. The Saudis cut their prices in an attempt to make shale oil economically unattractive. It had nothing to do with their conflict with Iran going on now.

What do you know about oil market?

This is a game between US-Saudis vs Russia-Iranians. US companies are profiting as much money as Saudi companies profit when the oil prices are up. You really think anybody want these prices falling this much?

Why US doubled the production, including fracking?
Why Saudis opened up a whole new oil field recently and upped production?

Your point doesn't refute, but empowers my point, and you aint even aware of it..... do know that the reason the prices are falling is because of hydrolic fracking...the process that obama fights every chance he gets...and that oil drilling is only up on private he keeps preventing drilling on federal how exactly is it his policy that is lowering gas prices...

That's like giving him credit for killing bin just isn't true...

The oil prices falling all over the world.

And thats not because fracking, it is because Saudis and Iranians are in a deadly stalemate, trying to bankrupt each other by producing more and more oil.

And all thanks to Obama's policies bringing Iran back in the oil market which right wingers were opposing from the beginning.

You can thank Obama ever time you are filling up your gas tank ;)

You don't understand much about the oil you, Alpine? The Saudi price cut was in response to vast North American oil and natural gas fields being opened up due to fracking. The Saudis cut their prices in an attempt to make shale oil economically unattractive. It had nothing to do with their conflict with Iran going on now.

What do you know about oil market?

This is a game between US-Saudis vs Russia-Iranians. US companies are profiting as much money as Saudi companies profit when the oil prices are up. You really think anybody want these prices falling this much?

Why US doubled the production, including fracking?
Why Saudis opened up a whole new oil field recently and upped production?

Your point doesn't refute, but empowers my point, and you aint even aware of it.....

You don't have a point! You appear to think US oil companies and the Saudis are joined at the hip and they're not. The Saudis responded to a competitor (US oil companies) coming in with a massive amounts of shale oil by dropping the price of their own oil to a level that makes the shale oil unprofitable. They didn't do that to make more profit. They did that to control the oil markets. It's what the Saudis DO and it's what they've been doing for quite some time.
Presidents have little effect on gas prices. However, I do remember the far right partisans claiming gas would go up massively if Obama were to be elected..

The person who claimed that gas prices needed to go up was Barack Obama himself. Obama believes (and rightly so I might add!) that so called "alternative" sources of energy will only become economically viable if the price of fossil fuels is increased substantially. It's why he nominated Steven Chu to be his Energy Secretary. do know that the reason the prices are falling is because of hydrolic fracking...the process that obama fights every chance he gets...and that oil drilling is only up on private he keeps preventing drilling on federal how exactly is it his policy that is lowering gas prices...

That's like giving him credit for killing bin just isn't true...

The oil prices falling all over the world.

And thats not because fracking, it is because Saudis and Iranians are in a deadly stalemate, trying to bankrupt each other by producing more and more oil.

And all thanks to Obama's policies bringing Iran back in the oil market which right wingers were opposing from the beginning.

You can thank Obama ever time you are filling up your gas tank ;)

You don't understand much about the oil you, Alpine? The Saudi price cut was in response to vast North American oil and natural gas fields being opened up due to fracking. The Saudis cut their prices in an attempt to make shale oil economically unattractive. It had nothing to do with their conflict with Iran going on now.

What do you know about oil market?

This is a game between US-Saudis vs Russia-Iranians. US companies are profiting as much money as Saudi companies profit when the oil prices are up. You really think anybody want these prices falling this much?

Why US doubled the production, including fracking?
Why Saudis opened up a whole new oil field recently and upped production?

Your point doesn't refute, but empowers my point, and you aint even aware of it.....

You don't have a point! You appear to think US oil companies and the Saudis are joined at the hip and they're not. The Saudis responded to a competitor (US oil companies) coming in with a massive amounts of shale oil by dropping the price of their own oil to a level that makes the shale oil unprofitable. They didn't do that to make more profit. They did that to control the oil markets. It's what the Saudis DO and it's what they've been doing for quite some time.

Yup, sure...

"We have long believed that the Saudis are driving oil prices lower to inflict pain on Iran. Any collateral damage to US shale producers is a secondary or tertiary benefit. Though low oil prices hurt Saudi Arabia, they negatively impact Iran in a much greater way and it crimps Iran's ability to fund sectarian uprisings in Saudi Arabia's backyard. Essentially, they are forcing Iran to choose between higher oil prices and the economic prosperity that comes with it, and the desire to foment Shia uprisings in the Middle East. In essence we believe Saudi Arabia and Iran are fighting a war without tanks and jets but one with oil prices."

Here's one reason why Saudi Arabia is happy to take the pain of low oil prices

Not to mention US is also is in the game; while Saudis are after Iranians, US is after Russians.
You have to know the game, things are rarely what they are seem on this planet...
First, Obama accuses republicans of stopping hime from from doing thing at all then he claims responsibility for something he has done
First, Obama accuses republicans of stopping hime from from doing thing at all then he claims responsibility for something he has done

You should accept the fact that Iranian deal, which was opposed aggressively by republicans, helped you and millions of Americans fill your gas tanks for much cheaper.

And you know who to thank for this...

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