Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon; Thank You Mr. President

The price of gasoline has remained low due to Obama's Leadership. Thanks you Mr. President and Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family.

You embarrass yourself with posts like this, Candy.

The truth is that the price of gasoline has remained low DESPITE Obama's "leadership".

The biggest driver of the price reductions is Saudi Arabia slashing their price for oil in response to unprecedented production of oil and natural gas in North America. That production took place primarily on private and State controlled lands. Production on Federally controlled lands went down!

Can you wish the Obama's a happy new year?

I hope they have a wonderful year, Candy! I don't dislike Barack Obama or anybody in his family. I simply don't think he was in any way shape or form suited to be President of the United States. I didn't think so before he was elected back in 2008 and his "leadership" over the past seven years has only reinforced that opinion.


Winning re-election; managing the recovery of the economy, getting us out of unwinnable wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, passing bills that his preacessors couldn't...seems as though he has done well at the position. If there wasn't needless partisanship at every turn, Gitmo would be closed (there is no valid reason for keeping it open) as well.

TTBOMK, you are the first conservative who has wished the President of their nation a happy new year.

Why do you think it is so hard for Conservatives to be civil?

To this President? I would venture much of it has to do with what a prick he was to conservatives when Democrats controlled the House and Senate. Not to get all biblical on you but "you reap what you sow" would seem to be quite appropriate for your question.
As for the rest of that post?
He did win re-election but be honest, Candy...the Main Stream Media was pretty much in the tank for him that entire election cycle!
He oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression years. Somehow you think that's something to hang your hat on which I find amusing.
He's kind of gotten us out of wars...but now finds himself having to fix the mess his premature troop withdrawals has created...while at the same time he managed to create a world wide refugee crisis because he allowed ISIS to rape and pillage their way through much of the Middle East.
The price of gasoline has remained low due to Obama's Leadership. Thanks you Mr. President and Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family.

You embarrass yourself with posts like this, Candy.

The truth is that the price of gasoline has remained low DESPITE Obama's "leadership".

The biggest driver of the price reductions is Saudi Arabia slashing their price for oil in response to unprecedented production of oil and natural gas in North America. That production took place primarily on private and State controlled lands. Production on Federally controlled lands went down!

Can you wish the Obama's a happy new year?

I hope they have a wonderful year, Candy! I don't dislike Barack Obama or anybody in his family. I simply don't think he was in any way shape or form suited to be President of the United States. I didn't think so before he was elected back in 2008 and his "leadership" over the past seven years has only reinforced that opinion.


Winning re-election; managing the recovery of the economy, getting us out of unwinnable wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, passing bills that his preacessors couldn't...seems as though he has done well at the position. If there wasn't needless partisanship at every turn, Gitmo would be closed (there is no valid reason for keeping it open) as well.

TTBOMK, you are the first conservative who has wished the President of their nation a happy new year.

Why do you think it is so hard for Conservatives to be civil?

To this President? I would venture much of it has to do with what a prick he was to conservatives when Democrats controlled the House and Senate. Not to get all biblical on you but "you reap what you sow" would seem to be quite appropriate for your question.

So because he was mean to John Boehner (allegedly) John Q. Conservative in Pensacola won't extend him a common courtesy?

Makes you wonder if there is any hope for our civilization...
As for the rest of that post?
He did win re-election but be honest, Candy...the Main Stream Media was pretty much in the tank for him that entire election cycle!
Nonsense. He ran a masterful campaign against a man who actually visited Poland during the contest. He ran a campaign against a man who didn't have a concession speech ready despite every poll (except one) showing he would lose. He ran a campaign against a man who was probably most accurately described by a comedian who said of Governor Romney's posture, "He looks like a man who was stabbed but didn't want to show he was stabbed."

He oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression years. Somehow you think that's something to hang your hat on which I find amusing.
Yeah, he also followed the only President in history to cut taxes during a war then when the check came due, he took out a trillion dollar loan ($700B+ anyway) to cover the shortfalls and mismanagement that were not even part of the lunacy to cut taxes during a war. Name the other President that had that on his plate on day one please.

He's kind of gotten us out of wars...but now finds himself having to fix the mess his premature troop withdrawals has created...while at the same time he managed to create a world wide refugee crisis because he allowed ISIS to rape and pillage their way through much of the Middle East.

Yeah and?

Sorry but the middle east isn't our constituency and never should have been. What ISIS does or doesn't do is of little concern--do you find yourself losing any sleep over the widows in Basra or Khandahar? I don't.
As for the rest of that post?
He did win re-election but be honest, Candy...the Main Stream Media was pretty much in the tank for him that entire election cycle!
Nonsense. He ran a masterful campaign against a man who actually visited Poland during the contest. He ran a campaign against a man who didn't have a concession speech ready despite every poll (except one) showing he would lose. He ran a campaign against a man who was probably most accurately described by a comedian who said of Governor Romney's posture, "He looks like a man who was stabbed but didn't want to show he was stabbed."

He oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression years. Somehow you think that's something to hang your hat on which I find amusing.
Yeah, he also followed the only President in history to cut taxes during a war then when the check came due, he took out a trillion dollar loan ($700B+ anyway) to cover the shortfalls and mismanagement that were not even part of the lunacy to cut taxes during a war. Name the other President that had that on his plate on day one please.

He's kind of gotten us out of wars...but now finds himself having to fix the mess his premature troop withdrawals has created...while at the same time he managed to create a world wide refugee crisis because he allowed ISIS to rape and pillage their way through much of the Middle East.

Yeah and?

Sorry but the middle east isn't our constituency and never should have been. What ISIS does or doesn't do is of little concern--do you find yourself losing any sleep over the widows in Basra or Khandahar? I don't.

Wow, you don't care about innocent civilians raped and murdered because we left them defenseless against the "JV Team"? Really, Candy?

Not for nothing, Candy...but you sound more like someone from the John Birch Society than a progressive when you post things like that!

I'm deeply disturbed by what's happened to Christians and moderate Muslims throughout the Middle East because of the vacuum of power that ISIS filled once we pulled out. I'm also saddened by the plight of the millions who have been forced to flee from their homes because of our Middle Eastern policies. Neither of those things had to happen. That was a CHOICE that Barack Obama made.
And you didn't defend Obama's economic record...other than to say that he had a lot on his plate when he took office. Gee, if it was too much for him to handle, Candy...why didn't we elect Mitt Romney to handle that. He's actually rather proficient at economics, job creation and fixing broken things. Instead we reelected Barry for another three years of non-policy. I'll bet you can't even tell me who Obama's Chief Economist is. And as you're trying to Google that to answer me, Candy...think long and hard about how it could possibly be that with the American people listing the economy as their number one concern for the past ten years that the name of Barry's Chief Economist isn't as well known as Susan Rice?
And you didn't defend Obama's economic record...other than to say that he had a lot on his plate when he took office. Gee, if it was too much for him to handle, Candy...why didn't we elect Mitt Romney to handle that. He's actually rather proficient at economics, job creation and fixing broken things. Instead we reelected Barry for another three years of non-policy. I'll bet you can't even tell me who Obama's Chief Economist is. And as you're trying to Google that to answer me, Candy...think long and hard about how it could possibly be that with the American people listing the economy as their number one concern for the past ten years that the name of Barry's Chief Economist isn't as well known as Susan Rice?
We didn't elect Mitt Romney because he couldn't do as good of a job as Obama. Romney even said it would take him until 2017 to get the unemployment rate under 6%. Obama got that done in 2014.
When was the last time a new refinery or storage facility was built?
The Oil Monopoly is SHUTTING DOWN refineries to jack the prices now, so why would they build more refineries?????
That sounds exactly what lying pieces of shit say all the time.

Actually it is the truth, but truth is a lie to the worthless lying scum Right.

I noticed that you failed to provide a list of those refineries.

When was the last time a new refinery or storage facility was built?
The Oil Monopoly is SHUTTING DOWN refineries to jack the prices now, so why would they build more refineries?????
That sounds exactly what lying pieces of shit say all the time.

Actually it is the truth, but truth is a lie to the worthless lying scum Right.

I noticed that you failed to provide a list of those refineries.

actually its common for wells to be shut down when the price drops, but its mostly what they call stripper wells, they only produce a very small amount of oil per day, most of that oil has to be separated from salt water. the cost of running stripper wells is roughly $40.00 per barrel, so if the price of a barrel drops low enough those wells actually end up losing money for the oil companies.
They do shut them down, however it is not to keep prices high. The result is a drop in production and yes, they will shut down some refinery operations to reflect the drop.
When was the last time a new refinery or storage facility was built?
The Oil Monopoly is SHUTTING DOWN refineries to jack the prices now, so why would they build more refineries?????
That sounds exactly what lying pieces of shit say all the time.

Actually it is the truth, but truth is a lie to the worthless lying scum Right.

I noticed that you failed to provide a list of those refineries.

actually its common for wells to be shut down when the price drops, but its mostly what they call stripper wells, they only produce a very small amount of oil per day, most of that oil has to be separated from salt water. the cost of running stripper wells is roughly $40.00 per barrel, so if the price of a barrel drops low enough those wells actually end up losing money for the oil companies.
They do shut them down, however it is not to keep prices high. The result is a drop in production and yes, they will shut down some refinery operations to reflect the drop.
In other words you were lying your ass off.
The Oil Monopoly is SHUTTING DOWN refineries to jack the prices now, so why would they build more refineries?????
That sounds exactly what lying pieces of shit say all the time.

Actually it is the truth, but truth is a lie to the worthless lying scum Right.

I noticed that you failed to provide a list of those refineries.

actually its common for wells to be shut down when the price drops, but its mostly what they call stripper wells, they only produce a very small amount of oil per day, most of that oil has to be separated from salt water. the cost of running stripper wells is roughly $40.00 per barrel, so if the price of a barrel drops low enough those wells actually end up losing money for the oil companies.
They do shut them down, however it is not to keep prices high. The result is a drop in production and yes, they will shut down some refinery operations to reflect the drop.
In other words you were lying your ass off.
tell me again how I just lied my ass off?
That sounds exactly what lying pieces of shit say all the time.

Actually it is the truth, but truth is a lie to the worthless lying scum Right.

I noticed that you failed to provide a list of those refineries.

actually its common for wells to be shut down when the price drops, but its mostly what they call stripper wells, they only produce a very small amount of oil per day, most of that oil has to be separated from salt water. the cost of running stripper wells is roughly $40.00 per barrel, so if the price of a barrel drops low enough those wells actually end up losing money for the oil companies.
They do shut them down, however it is not to keep prices high. The result is a drop in production and yes, they will shut down some refinery operations to reflect the drop.
In other words you were lying your ass off.
tell me again how I just lied my ass off?
I sincerely apologize. I mistakenly presumed that you were someone else.

When was the last time a new refinery or storage facility was built?
The Oil Monopoly is SHUTTING DOWN refineries to jack the prices now, so why would they build more refineries?????
That sounds exactly what lying pieces of shit say all the time.

Actually it is the truth, but truth is a lie to the worthless lying scum Right.

I noticed that you failed to provide a list of those refineries.

Wing-nuts are lazy fucks!

List of refineries that have been shut down, saved or sold in past 5 years
The price of gasoline has remained low due to Obama's Leadership. Thanks you Mr. President and Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family.

You're living in

Where gas is cheaper thanks to Mr Obama
Gas is the same price now as when he came into office. He must be pissed off about that, since he's been pushing and funding green energy, small cars and such.

Despite the turmoil and agony of the Bush years and the purposeful inflation of the gasoline to benefit his big-oil benefactors; Obama has no friends in big-oil; hence the price of gasoline has come down and oil companies are no longer posting record revenues while collecting taxpayer subsidies.

Mr. Obama's leadership is something that all Americans can and should be proud of.

Real Americans understand this. Lesser beings such as yourself are mired in hatred and insanity. Get used to it. 8 more years of Hillary are on tap beeotch.
That's one of the dumbest post i've ever seen on this board which is why your'e a Sandra Fluke fan..Sheesh... Leftist love people like you :eusa_wall:
When was the last time a new refinery or storage facility was built?
The Oil Monopoly is SHUTTING DOWN refineries to jack the prices now, so why would they build more refineries?????
That sounds exactly what lying pieces of shit say all the time.

Actually it is the truth, but truth is a lie to the worthless lying scum Right.

I noticed that you failed to provide a list of those refineries.

Wing-nuts are lazy fucks!

List of refineries that have been shut down, saved or sold in past 5 years
Can you provide a logical argument to show causation?

Or are you just another wingnut?

Or what?
When was the last time a new refinery or storage facility was built?
The Oil Monopoly is SHUTTING DOWN refineries to jack the prices now, so why would they build more refineries?????
That sounds exactly what lying pieces of shit say all the time.

Actually it is the truth, but truth is a lie to the worthless lying scum Right.

I noticed that you failed to provide a list of those refineries.

Wing-nuts are lazy fucks!

List of refineries that have been shut down, saved or sold in past 5 years
Provide a list of new refineries that have started up in the past 5 years.
The Oil Monopoly is SHUTTING DOWN refineries to jack the prices now, so why would they build more refineries?????
That sounds exactly what lying pieces of shit say all the time.

Actually it is the truth, but truth is a lie to the worthless lying scum Right.

I noticed that you failed to provide a list of those refineries.

Wing-nuts are lazy fucks!

List of refineries that have been shut down, saved or sold in past 5 years
Provide a list of new refineries that have started up in the past 5 years.

If I thought it was possible to leap over the plethora of regulatory obstructions in the USA I probably would have already done it if someone didn't beat me to it.
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