Gay Adult Wants vs Children's Needs: Mississippi Weighs Gay Adoption

What is more important?

  • Gay adults wanting to adopt kids.

  • Kids needing both a mother and father in marriage.

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Closeted Heteros!? I've just officially seen everything.

Don't worry all you 'closeted heteros' out there languishing in the gay gets better.

I chose to be straight.

The only ones obsessed with gay sex are you freaks that do it.

Which is hysterical b/c you seemed to have mentioned it often in this thread. Too funny.

Am I supposed to assume homo freaks have heterosexual sex with their homosexual partners?

Assume whatever you wish, I really don't care. I just think its intentionally funny that you're claiming gays are obsessed with sex when you haven't stopped gassing on about it. :lol:

Perhaps you would be better served if you spent this much effort on own sex life?

Seems you're obsessing with what I should do related to sex.
Closeted Heteros!? I've just officially seen everything.

Don't worry all you 'closeted heteros' out there languishing in the gay gets better.

Oh, the argument of is you oppose something it means you're really what you oppose? Retard.
I chose to be straight.

The only ones obsessed with gay sex are you freaks that do it.

Which is hysterical b/c you seemed to have mentioned it often in this thread. Too funny.

Am I supposed to assume homo freaks have heterosexual sex with their homosexual partners?

Assume whatever you wish, I really don't care. I just think its intentionally funny that you're claiming gays are obsessed with sex when you haven't stopped gassing on about it. :lol:

Perhaps you would be better served if you spent this much effort on own sex life?

Seems you're obsessing with what I should do related to sex.

I don't care what you do related to sex. :thup:
Am I supposed to assume homo freaks have heterosexual sex with their homosexual partners?
Well, actually that is what they're doing. At least approximately half their ranks. Whenever you see a femme woman with a butch woman, the femme is still acting on her closeted hetero leanings. Why else would she be sexually attracted to all the exterior trappings of a man? If the butch dyke wears a strapon penis, then an intervention is called for to bring the femme "lesbian" out of the closet.

Same goes with a butch gay guy attracted to a lisping, falsetto, hip-wiggling beta male. That he's using the beta's anus as an artificial vagina pretty much seals the deal. Intervention necessary once again.

Reverse the scenario. If a "hetero" guy liked it when his girlfriend dressed up like and talked like a dude when he had sex with "her", the gays would jump all over that and say he was closeted homo. And, they'd probably be right. But when you point out the closeted heteros in half their ranks, their hackles go up and the drama tantrums start to fly.

Which begs the question as to the title of this thread: what are people so deeply and openly embracing of a life of denial doing applying for adoption to deprive children (who will see through all this crap by adolescence) a real mother and father "as married"?
:lmao: :lmao: You will have to tell us all about it as good as your gaydar when you gave us the run down on the Oregon shooter being gay because of his picture..................and it ended up being the hero who rushed him?
Closeted Heteros!? I've just officially seen everything.

Don't worry all you 'closeted heteros' out there languishing in the gay gets better.

Oh, the argument of is you oppose something it means you're really what you oppose? Retard.

No, that is the argument you're lamely trying to assign to me. I literally have never read the words "closeted heterosexual' strung together before in my life. It is a knee-slappingly funny term.
We need to start a fundraiser or a support group for all those in the gay community presently being forced to live 'closeted heterosexual' lives.

Will Academia Waste the Michael LaCour Scandal?
Scientific Fraud: Gay Marriage Study Retracted
Researcher accused of fraud in gay marriage study responds to critics
Q&A: Professor describes discrepancies found in another Michael LaCour study | Daily Bruin
Princeton University Has Rescinded Its Employment Offer to Michael LaCour


Is that what you are referring too? The only mention of this study you cite I can find is from your thread on USMB. I assume it's like all the other "research" you post about gay people that usually ends up being called into question, and turns out to be fraudulent. Like the Mark Regnerus "study".
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Is that what you are referring too? The only mention of this study you cite I can find is from your thread on USMB. I assume it's like all the other "research" you post about gay people that usually ends up being called into question, and turns out to be fraudulent. Like the Mark Regnerus "study".
Yes, the link was deactivated quite recently,( around the time gay marriage Decision was pending and due to be released), to the Prince's Trust Youth Index Survey 2010, the largest of its kind. But thankfully I've got a link where you can read the entire study yourself again online: PRINCE'S TRUST 2010 YOUTH INDEX SURVEY

It's a real study, really done in Britain, by a real scientific establishment: The Prince's Trust which yearly surveys youth in GB to find what issues are making them happy or holding them back. Its emperical and objective, unlike today's Rainbow-American Psychological Association. Did you know that in the 80s the APA rejected the scientific method of emperical and objective fact finding and now relies instead on audited group think and reliance of words and consensus of a small clique over numbers in what it holds out to the American public "as science"? :eek-52:

It's true also. Really, actually true: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science".. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum They literally get together in a small group and determine what "normal" human psychology is and then sell that to the public "as science" without emperical fact-finding. It's just their "educated opinions on what feels right". And that is not even a sleight exaggeration of what's going on there. Read that link and try to not have your jaw fall open.

This is the "science" courts have been relying on to fast-track all things gay right into children's laps and to their detriment. God help us all when science is substituted for a cult-oligarchy..
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Closeted Heteros!? I've just officially seen everything.

Don't worry all you 'closeted heteros' out there languishing in the gay gets better.

Oh, the argument of is you oppose something it means you're really what you oppose? Retard.

No, that is the argument you're lamely trying to assign to me. I literally have never read the words "closeted heterosexual' strung together before in my life. It is a knee-slappingly funny term.

Closeted Heteros!? I've just officially seen everything.

Don't worry all you 'closeted heteros' out there languishing in the gay gets better.

Oh, the argument of is you oppose something it means you're really what you oppose? Retard.

No, that is the argument you're lamely trying to assign to me. I literally have never read the words "closeted heterosexual' strung together before in my life. It is a knee-slappingly funny term.

He's's a very funny term. :lmao:
Closeted Heteros!? I've just officially seen everything.

Don't worry all you 'closeted heteros' out there languishing in the gay gets better.

Oh, the argument of is you oppose something it means you're really what you oppose? Retard.

No, that is the argument you're lamely trying to assign to me. I literally have never read the words "closeted heterosexual' strung together before in my life. It is a knee-slappingly funny term.

He's's a very funny term. :lmao:

What's funny is you freaks thinking other freaks believing you're normal means anything.
Is that what you are referring too? The only mention of this study you cite I can find is from your thread on USMB. I assume it's like all the other "research" you post about gay people that usually ends up being called into question, and turns out to be fraudulent. Like the Mark Regnerus "study".
Yes, the link was deactivated quite recently,( around the time gay marriage Decision was pending and due to be released), to the Prince's Trust Youth Index Survey 2010, the largest of its kind. But thankfully I've got a link where you can read the entire study yourself again online: PRINCE'S TRUST 2010 YOUTH INDEX SURVEY

It's a real study, really done in Britain, by a real scientific establishment: The Prince's Trust which yearly surveys youth in GB to find what issues are making them happy or holding them back. Its emperical and objective, unlike today's Rainbow-American Psychological Association. Did you know that in the 80s the APA rejected the scientific method of emperical and objective fact finding and now relies instead on audited group think and reliance of words and consensus of a small clique over numbers in what it holds out to the American public "as science"? :eek-52:

It's true also. Really, actually true: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science".. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum They literally get together in a small group and determine what "normal" human psychology is and then sell that to the public "as science" without emperical fact-finding. It's just their "educated opinions on what feels right". And that is not even a sleight exaggeration of what's going on there. Read that link and try to not have your jaw fall open.

This is the "science" courts have been relying on to fast-track all things gay right into children's laps and to their detriment. God help us all when science is substituted for a cult-oligarchy..

No one is claiming that the study isn't real. The Prince's Trust Youth Index is quite real. What is fabricated is the findings you are assigning to the study in a lame attempt to smear gay families. When the study doesn't jive with your narrative you either ignore it or make up findings to soothe your impotent rage.
Closeted Heteros!? I've just officially seen everything.

Don't worry all you 'closeted heteros' out there languishing in the gay gets better.

Oh, the argument of is you oppose something it means you're really what you oppose? Retard.

No, that is the argument you're lamely trying to assign to me. I literally have never read the words "closeted heterosexual' strung together before in my life. It is a knee-slappingly funny term.

He's's a very funny term. :lmao:

What's funny is you freaks thinking other freaks believing you're normal means anything.

Oh, no! Some Internet random doesn't think I am normal. Gosh, I hope I don't lose any sleep tonight. :crybaby:
Never said you did. I acknowledged that you said gay people raise their biological kids. I then addressed whether or not you could show me where a gay couple could have a biological kid.
Exactly, gays don't have biological children; heteros do. .


I know lots of gays who have biological children.

Once again Silhouette displays her extreme ignorance.
Is that what you are referring too? The only mention of this study you cite I can find is from your thread on USMB. I assume it's like all the other "research" you post about gay people that usually ends up being called into question, and turns out to be fraudulent. Like the Mark Regnerus "study".
Yes, the link was deactivated quite recently,( around the time gay marriage Decision was pending and due to be released), to the Prince's Trust Youth Index Survey 2010, the largest of its kind. But thankfully I've got a link where you can read the entire study yourself again online: PRINCE'S TRUST 2010 YOUTH INDEX SURVEY

It's a real study, really done in Britain,..

It is a real study- you just lie about what the study said.

Doesn't mention gay parents or parents at all.
Better a circus than whatever hate-filled hovel you were raised in.

I was raised by a loving female mother and a loving male father not two males where one assumes the male role and the feminine one plays the mother or two females where the feminine one is the mother and the butch dyke is the father.
Maybe gay parents wouldn't have fucked up as badly raising you.

Mine didn't. That's the thing you don't get. That they taught me normal from abnormal proves they didn't. That yours taught you being a fag is normal proves they fucked you up.

Clearly your parents taught you to hate other Americans- if they are attracted to the same gender- while mine taught me to respect fellow Americans regardless of their religion, color or who they were attracted to.

Which is why you are so fucked up, and I am not.

My parents taught me what's normal and what's not normal. Apparently yours weren't smart enough to know the different.

Clearly your parents taught you to hate other Americans- if they are attracted to the same gender- while mine taught me to respect fellow Americans regardless of their religion, color or who they were attracted to.

Which is why you are so fucked up, and I am not
Never said you did. I acknowledged that you said gay people raise their biological kids. I then addressed whether or not you could show me where a gay couple could have a biological kid.
Exactly, gays don't have biological children; heteros do. .


I know lots of gays who have biological children.

Once again Silhouette displays her extreme ignorance.

Lots of gays do have biological children. However, NO gay couple has a biological child the two of them produced together. Study biology if you think otherwise.

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