Gay and Bisexuals do not account for 1/3 of the Population...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde™
CDC ? Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men ? Gender ? Risk ? HIV/AIDS

"Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV."

I would hope that this would put an end to the Absurdity that's been Regurgitated on this Forum lately regarding Homosexuals in the Population...

But it probably won't.

Oh yeah, from that same page by the CDC:

"Sexual risk behaviors account for most HIV infections in gay and bisexual men. Most gay and bisexual men acquire HIV through anal sex, which is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV."

How Homophobic of the CDC to Observe and then have the lack of Respect to Report on the Data that's available regarding why HIV is still an issue in the First World.


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They know all this...they just want more people to spread HIV to. Faggots are vindictive as hell, they're mad because most people really do not approve of their lifestyle.

I remember awhile back, that Dan Savage queer admitted to going into a republican campaign office while very sick & went around licking all the door knobs hoping to get the people there sick because he hates us damn normal people.

Take that as a perfect example of what is really in the hearts of the butt pirates.
I've posted this numerous times. Liberals will say it's due to conservatives (though the same HIV infection rates are all over the western world) or they will pretend it isn't happening while at the same time, demand that gay men be allowed to donate blood. Do a google search for gay men blood donation and you'll see some whiny, limp wristed liberal crying abotu bigotry but ignoring statistics.
Someone needs to sit these fags down & have a real talk with them; sit down fags let me tell you somethin'.. Your blood is too risky so the banks don't want it. Due to the fact that everyone knows you are a promiscuos lot, we just cannot take the risk of infecting others in the population. Stop the butt sex for atleast 7 years(no sucking cock either), get tested for STD's and if you turn up clean you can Donate until your frail wrist goes permanantley limp, okay?

That's all it should take, but we know the fag enablers will defy reality just to prove how cool & nice they are for fighting for "equality", morons that they are..
CDC ? Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men ? Gender ? Risk ? HIV/AIDS

"Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV."

I would hope that this would put an end to the Absurdity that's been Regurgitated on this Forum lately regarding Homosexuals in the Population...

But it probably won't.

Oh yeah, from that same page by the CDC:

"Sexual risk behaviors account for most HIV infections in gay and bisexual men. Most gay and bisexual men acquire HIV through anal sex, which is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV."

How Homophobic of the CDC to Observe and then have the lack of Respect to Report on the Data that's available regarding why HIV is still an issue in the First World.



It's not just HIV/AIDS, there are a multitude of STDs that are prevalent in the Gay Community, that are not nearly as common among normal heterosexuals.

The current media portrayal of gay and lesbian relationships is that they are as healthy, stable and loving as heterosexual marriages — or even more so. Medical associations are promoting somewhat similar messages. Nevertheless, there are at least five major areas of differences between gay and heterosexual relationships, each with specific medical consequences. Those differences include:

A. Levels of promiscuity
B. Physical health
C. Mental health
D. Life span
E. Definition of "monogamy"

Here's a sick aspect of Gay Health . Shigellosis

Comes from eating feces while engaging in homosexual activities

Gay Feces Eating Leads To Disease - Topix

Here is a great idea! Let them donate blood, only to other homers though.

When HIV spreads even more in their "community", they'll only have themselves to blame. Should be a reality check for them.

So I say let them donate to each other, sure. Now let's see if C Clayton will enter the thread claiming donating blood is a constitutional right and protected under the 14th amendment like he does with every gay issue.

C Clayton: Thats discrimination, that's seperate but equal...everyone should be exposed to the risk of contracting AiDS and HIV, not just gays. Equality, Equality, Equality".
CDC ? Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men ? Gender ? Risk ? HIV/AIDS

"Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV."

I would hope that this would put an end to the Absurdity that's been Regurgitated on this Forum lately regarding Homosexuals in the Population...

But it probably won't.

Oh yeah, from that same page by the CDC:

"Sexual risk behaviors account for most HIV infections in gay and bisexual men. Most gay and bisexual men acquire HIV through anal sex, which is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV."

How Homophobic of the CDC to Observe and then have the lack of Respect to Report on the Data that's available regarding why HIV is still an issue in the First World.



Maybe if we encouraged gays to marry, there would not be so much a risk of AIDS

Here is a great idea! Let them donate blood, only to other homers though.

When HIV spreads even more in their "community", they'll only have themselves to blame. Should be a reality check for them.

So I say let them donate to each other, sure. Now let's see if C Clayton will enter the thread claiming donating blood is a constitutional right and protected under the 14th amendment like he does with every gay issue.

C Clayton: Thats discrimination, that's seperate but equal...everyone should be exposed to the risk of contracting AiDS and HIV, not just gays. Equality, Equality, Equality".

C Clayton: Thats discrimination, that's seperate but equal...everyone should be exposed to the risk of contracting AiDS and HIV, not just gays. Equality, Equality, Equality"

Bug Chasers -

Bug chasing: Men deliberately trying to catch HIV for sexual thrill in astonishing craze

Bug chasing: Men deliberately trying to catch HIV for sexual thrill in astonishing craze - Mirror Online
CDC ? Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men ? Gender ? Risk ? HIV/AIDS

"Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV."

I would hope that this would put an end to the Absurdity that's been Regurgitated on this Forum lately regarding Homosexuals in the Population...

But it probably won't.

Oh yeah, from that same page by the CDC:

"Sexual risk behaviors account for most HIV infections in gay and bisexual men. Most gay and bisexual men acquire HIV through anal sex, which is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV."

How Homophobic of the CDC to Observe and then have the lack of Respect to Report on the Data that's available regarding why HIV is still an issue in the First World.



Maybe if we encouraged gays to marry, there would not be so much a risk of AIDS

Good Point Norton - what does Trixie think about that.

Have you ever contracted any diseases down in the sewer and spread them to her ??
What about Ralph and Alice, do they share your diseases too ??
And hopefully at some point, the catcher(or whatever you call the gay spouse)will evolve over time and start shitting out babies, right? Then they will live happily ever after, right?

CDC ? Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men ? Gender ? Risk ? HIV/AIDS

"Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV."

I would hope that this would put an end to the Absurdity that's been Regurgitated on this Forum lately regarding Homosexuals in the Population...

But it probably won't.

Oh yeah, from that same page by the CDC:

"Sexual risk behaviors account for most HIV infections in gay and bisexual men. Most gay and bisexual men acquire HIV through anal sex, which is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV."

How Homophobic of the CDC to Observe and then have the lack of Respect to Report on the Data that's available regarding why HIV is still an issue in the First World.



Maybe if we encouraged gays to marry, there would not be so much a risk of AIDS
CDC ? Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men ? Gender ? Risk ? HIV/AIDS

"Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV."

I would hope that this would put an end to the Absurdity that's been Regurgitated on this Forum lately regarding Homosexuals in the Population...

But it probably won't.

Oh yeah, from that same page by the CDC:

"Sexual risk behaviors account for most HIV infections in gay and bisexual men. Most gay and bisexual men acquire HIV through anal sex, which is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV."

How Homophobic of the CDC to Observe and then have the lack of Respect to Report on the Data that's available regarding why HIV is still an issue in the First World.



Maybe if we encouraged gays to marry, there would not be so much a risk of AIDS

Good Point Norton - what does Trixie think about that.

Have you ever contracted any diseases down in the sewer and spread them to her ??
What about Ralph and Alice, do they share your diseases too ??

Thats the best you got?
CDC ? Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men ? Gender ? Risk ? HIV/AIDS

"Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV."

I would hope that this would put an end to the Absurdity that's been Regurgitated on this Forum lately regarding Homosexuals in the Population...

But it probably won't.

Oh yeah, from that same page by the CDC:

"Sexual risk behaviors account for most HIV infections in gay and bisexual men. Most gay and bisexual men acquire HIV through anal sex, which is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV."

How Homophobic of the CDC to Observe and then have the lack of Respect to Report on the Data that's available regarding why HIV is still an issue in the First World.



Maybe if we encouraged gays to marry, there would not be so much a risk of AIDS
You can't be this stupid
CDC ? Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men ? Gender ? Risk ? HIV/AIDS

"Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV."

I would hope that this would put an end to the Absurdity that's been Regurgitated on this Forum lately regarding Homosexuals in the Population...

But it probably won't.

Oh yeah, from that same page by the CDC:

"Sexual risk behaviors account for most HIV infections in gay and bisexual men. Most gay and bisexual men acquire HIV through anal sex, which is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV."

How Homophobic of the CDC to Observe and then have the lack of Respect to Report on the Data that's available regarding why HIV is still an issue in the First World.



Maybe if we encouraged gays to marry, there would not be so much a risk of AIDS

It's not likely... :thup:

30+ years and they are as a "minority" the best educated and wealthiest of any group... Yet can't stop doing what spreads the HIV.

It's a mental issue... Sooner we get back to dealing with it that way the better off EVERYONE will be.

But that's not the Liberal's goal, is it Fauxlbert.


CDC ? Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men ? Gender ? Risk ? HIV/AIDS

"Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV."

I would hope that this would put an end to the Absurdity that's been Regurgitated on this Forum lately regarding Homosexuals in the Population...

But it probably won't.

Oh yeah, from that same page by the CDC:

"Sexual risk behaviors account for most HIV infections in gay and bisexual men. Most gay and bisexual men acquire HIV through anal sex, which is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV."

How Homophobic of the CDC to Observe and then have the lack of Respect to Report on the Data that's available regarding why HIV is still an issue in the First World.



Maybe if we encouraged gays to marry, there would not be so much a risk of AIDS
You can't be this stupid

He's not stupid at all... What he feels are clever one liners is his thing... He pops them off, gets a bunch of "atta-boys" from the regulars and goes about his day.

He rarely hangs to Debate his Idiocy. :thup:


If Gay Men stopped Buttfucking back in the 80's, HIV would all but be gone by now... In the First World.

That's a Fact... The CDC's numbers for 3 decades don't Lie.

The Responsibility for this Virus being around is on the 2% of the Population who have kept it going with the Wrecklessness...

And ALL Female Transmissions have an * next to them because they are related to MSM or MSM/IV drug users.

Had the APA not changed it's backed-up stand on Homosexuality back in the 70's maybe this wouldn't have turned out this way.


CDC ? Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men ? Gender ? Risk ? HIV/AIDS

"Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV."

I would hope that this would put an end to the Absurdity that's been Regurgitated on this Forum lately regarding Homosexuals in the Population...

But it probably won't.

Oh yeah, from that same page by the CDC:

"Sexual risk behaviors account for most HIV infections in gay and bisexual men. Most gay and bisexual men acquire HIV through anal sex, which is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV."

How Homophobic of the CDC to Observe and then have the lack of Respect to Report on the Data that's available regarding why HIV is still an issue in the First World.



Maybe if we encouraged gays to marry, there would not be so much a risk of AIDS

No ones stopping them

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