Gay and Bisexuals do not account for 1/3 of the Population...

So Lesbian sex is above board than :thup:

Lesbians are more prone to psychological problems rather than the physical maladies that infest their male counter parts - many suffer from an inflated sense of what Freud described as "Penis Envy " but the theory{ies} are extremely intricate and complex, too much so delve into in any depth on this forum.

The younger Butches are VERY prone to Violence Against their "Femme" Partners...

True Story... Because they are Mentally Ill and instead of getting Treatment they are getting "Special Rights". ;)


So Lesbian sex is above board than :thup:

Lesbians are more prone to psychological problems rather than the physical maladies that infest their male counter parts - many suffer from an inflated sense of what Freud described as "Penis Envy " but the theory{ies} are extremely intricate and complex, too much so delve into in any depth on this forum.

The younger Butches are VERY prone to Violence Against their "Femme" Partners...

True Story... Because they are Mentally Ill and instead of getting Treatment they are getting "Special Rights". ;)



The sad part is that the socio-fascist liberal-progressive machine is filling their heads with the nonsense that there is nothing wrong them- when in fact Modern Science is capable of helping many of these pathetic excuses for Human Beings .
When the HIV/AIDs virus is successfully conquered by modern medicine, what is going to be your basis for hating people who are different from you?

Their icky.

Their Sick. Sickness is Icky Disease is Icky - Death is Icky . Instead of healing the patient - useful idiots like yourself are encouraging the patient to drop dead and die faster , and take as many innocent bystanders with them as possible. Do you have anything to add other than your parrotted liberal progressive drive by comments - I doubt it .
STFU: they can marry in any church they want. No ones stopping them.

Come on...tell the nice people about how gays are allowed to marry people of the opposite sex.

You know you want to

They have throughout history. You might want to check just how many have successfully beaten their obsessive compulsive behaviors.

I hear if they pray hard enough they can pray the ghey away
Come on...tell the nice people about how gays are allowed to marry people of the opposite sex.

You know you want to

They have throughout history. You might want to check just how many have successfully beaten their obsessive compulsive behaviors.

I hear if they pray hard enough they can pray the ghey away

Nope... It's a Mental Illness. You can't Pray the Homo out of someone. :thup:


When the HIV/AIDs virus is successfully conquered by modern medicine, what is going to be your basis for hating people who are different from you?

Who are you directing that at?...

And anal sex will never be "safe" regardless of HIV.

Hope you don't Believe their isn't another Shithole Disease on the horizon.


If Gay Men stopped Buttfucking back in the 80's, HIV would all but be gone by now... In the First World.

That's a Fact... The CDC's numbers for 3 decades don't Lie.

The Responsibility for this Virus being around is on the 2% of the Population who have kept it going with the Wrecklessness...

And ALL Female Transmissions have an * next to them because they are related to MSM or MSM/IV drug users.

Had the APA not changed it's backed-up stand on Homosexuality back in the 70's maybe this wouldn't have turned out this way.



Beginning in 1968, homosexual activist groups began lobbying leading psychiatric organizations to lay the groundwork for the deletion of homosexuality as a mental disorder. From '68 till '72 while the APA Task Force [comprised entirely of homosexuals and homosexual activists] was actively preparing its report, any psychiatrist or psychoanalyst who dared to challenge them or present contradictory documentation anywhere in America was shouted down, heckled and in some cases even physically assaulted at meetings of mental health professionals.

The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker .

Dr. Evelyn Hooker

Hooker, a professor at the University of California at LA is credited in the medical and psychological community, and most especially amongst Gay activists, with establishing that there is no measurable psychological difference between heterosexual and homosexual men. Her work proposed that homosexuality is merely a normal minority variation of human sexuality. Her 1957 study served as a basis for most of the later hyperbole of the Gay movements ideology, including the notion that any objection to the Gay agenda is born from an irrational fear, that they have since labeled "homophobia."

Her tainted study "The adjustment of the male overt homosexual" has long since been refuted and discredited by more recent and scientifically objective research. In fact , even when it was initially presented Hooker herself conceded the possibility that homosexuals are indeed pathological, a point conveniently overlooked by the Gay Activists. That homosexuals are pathological has been proven out by later ,more reliable and objective studies.

Being Gay is Sick

^They don't want that to be known any more than when the APA said that Gay was OK the Gay Leadership was putting Ending Age of Consent Laws in their National Charter and Marching regularly with NAMBLA.

Now they are trying to spot "Transgenderism" in Babies...

Sick, sick motherfuckers. :thup:


As I've pointed out previously, if you work the sheer numbers of HIV cases from the CDC stats and compute via the percentage of homos in the population you'll see that homo men are more than 500 times more likely to transmit HIV than hetero men. That is a public health crisis that goes totally obfuscated or unmentioned.
I will quote Andrew Dice Clay from 1988: "I don't understand how one man looks at another mans hairy ass and finds love."
Come on...tell the nice people about how gays are allowed to marry people of the opposite sex.

You know you want to

They have throughout history. You might want to check just how many have successfully beaten their obsessive compulsive behaviors.

I hear if they pray hard enough they can pray the ghey away

I've heard that too. You suppose it might have something to do with introspection and seeking strength from within?

Are you opposed to those that have beaten their obsessive compulsive behaviors? Why? Because it makes you look silly?
So you support incest then right?

You can already legally marry a cousin in much of the US.

Not 1st cousins. Too much risk of birth defects.

People always say that about Incest... But from what I understand there is very little evidence of that and that the Defects that had occured in those situations the same environmental and health issues had non-incestual children being born with about the same rate of Defects.

Do you have links to Studies that Illustrate a percentage of children born to Incest having a specific rate and type of Birth Defects as compared with non-Incest children?


You can already legally marry a cousin in much of the US.

Not 1st cousins. Too much risk of birth defects.

People always say that about Incest... But from what I understand there is very little evidence of that and that the Defects that had occured in those situations the same environmental and health issues had non-incestual children being born with about the same rate of Defects.

Do you have links to Studies that Illustrate a percentage of children born to Incest having a specific rate and type of Birth Defects as compared with non-Incest children?



Nope. Just mimicking what my mom and dad told me when I was a kid. You may be right about it not causing problems but it would still feel weird to me (personally) to mess with a cousin.

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