Gay and Bisexuals do not account for 1/3 of the Population...

I encourage everyone here to open your eyes and experience your true bisexual nature.

My "true nature" is me being a man who's attracted to good looking women. It's always been that way and it always will. The idea of "being" with a man is repulsive and totally contrary to my "nature." So you can get in touch with your skewed fantasies but I'm doing just fine, thank you.

Nope, they don't recruit.

And we have this being taught in schools

Sad, very sad
I encourage everyone here to open your eyes and experience your true bisexual nature.

My "true nature" is me being a man who's attracted to good looking women. It's always been that way and it always will. The idea of "being" with a man is repulsive and totally contrary to my "nature." So you can get in touch with your skewed fantasies but I'm doing just fine, thank you.

DriftingSand... You love disagreeing with me :)

Tell me. Can you tell the difference between an ugly man and a really good looking man?
cdc ? Fact sheet - gay and bisexual men ? Gender ? Risk ? Hiv/aids

"gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (msm)a represent approximately 2% of the united states population, yet are the population most severely affected by hiv."

i would hope that this would put an end to the absurdity that's been regurgitated on this forum lately regarding homosexuals in the population...

But it probably won't.

Oh yeah, from that same page by the cdc:

"sexual risk behaviors account for most hiv infections in gay and bisexual men. most gay and bisexual men acquire hiv through anal sex, which is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting hiv."

how homophobic of the cdc to observe and then have the lack of respect to report on the data that's available regarding why hiv is still an issue in the first world.



regardless, no matter how much you backwards, inbred homophobes wish, we're not going anywhere.

except to an early grave . homosexual life expectancy -

a new study which analyzed tens of thousands of gay obituaries and compared them with aids deaths data from the centers for disease control (cdc), has shown that the life expectancy for homosexuals is about twenty years shorter than that of the general public. The study, entitled “gay obituaries closely track officially reported deaths from aids”, has been published in psychological reports (2005;96:693-697).

So ... Howie the homo - how old are you ?

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The Atlantic ran an article on how many low information types believe the myth that there are vast numbers of homosexuals out there.

Americans Have No Idea How Few Gay People There Are - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic

In surveys conducted in 2002 and 2011, pollsters at Gallup found that members of the American public massively overestimated how many people are gay or lesbian. In 2002, a quarter of those surveyed guessed upwards of a quarter of Americans were gay or lesbian (or "homosexual," the third option given). By 2011, that misperception had only grown, with more than a third of those surveyed now guessing that more than 25 percent of Americans are gay or lesbian. Women and young adults were most likely to provide high estimates, approximating that 30 percent of the population is gay. Overall, "U.S. adults, on average, estimate that 25 percent of Americans are gay or lesbian," Gallup found. Only 4 percent of all those surveyed in 2011 and about 8 percent of those surveyed in 2002 correctly guessed that fewer than 5 percent of Americans identify as gay or lesbian.
I heard some caller on an NPR talk show not long ago regurgitate the '10% number; NPR likes to bill itself as the station for the 'educated and informed'. neither the host of the show nor her guests corrected the caller.


Incredibly, the author - a founder of Act Up - provided no proof of her assertion.

I can easily say the number of gays in our society is more than 10%, based upon a more concise sampling. Within the personnel office I served in in the military, there was 12 known gays out of a total of 80 military. From airmen to the Major leading us.

Quite honestly, to even try to give an accurate number of gays in our society is futile given the societal stigma that still exists.

So, according to your biased, inflated number the risk of HIV transmission among homo males is reduced to only 200 times more. Boy, that's a relief.
Your 'community' is responsible for the deaths of millions. Like terrorists. Al Gayda.
Gay and Bisexuals do not account for 1/3 of the Population...
They’re still entitled to 100 percent of their civil rights, regardless their percentage of the population.

They've always been entitled to their civil rights. Nobody has denied them their civil rights. Now rewriting the dictionary to suit their strange and depraved sexual fantasies is a whole, different issue.
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I encourage everyone here to open your eyes and experience your true bisexual nature.

My "true nature" is me being a man who's attracted to good looking women. It's always been that way and it always will. The idea of "being" with a man is repulsive and totally contrary to my "nature." So you can get in touch with your skewed fantasies but I'm doing just fine, thank you.

DriftingSand... You love disagreeing with me :)

Tell me. Can you tell the difference between an ugly man and a really good looking man?

Tell me, can you tell the difference between eating ice cream and a poke in the eye with a sharp stick?
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Gay and Bisexuals do not account for 1/3 of the Population...
They’re still entitled to 100 percent of their civil rights, regardless their percentage of the population.

They've always been entitled to their civil rights. Nobody has denied them their civil rights. Now rewriting the dictionary to suit their strange and depraved sexual fantasies is a whole, different issue.

They can't get passed this Fact...

Man/Woman is NOT Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

^ALL of those 6 People I just listed are Designed by Nature and Equipped to be Man/Woman... Aside from RARE Defect.

They are Free to Choose to Deny what the Court said was "Fundamental to our Very Existence and Survival", but that Choice is NOT Society's Burden...

Well, it shouldn't be.


They’re still entitled to 100 percent of their civil rights, regardless their percentage of the population.

They've always been entitled to their civil rights. Nobody has denied them their civil rights. Now rewriting the dictionary to suit their strange and depraved sexual fantasies is a whole, different issue.

They can't get passed this Fact...

Man/Woman is NOT Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.

^ALL of those 6 People I just listed are Designed by Nature and Equipped to be Man/Woman... Aside from RARE Defect.

They are Free to Choose to Deny what the Court said was "Fundamental to our Very Existence and Survival", but that Choice is NOT Society's Burden...

Well, it shouldn't be.



The next step?: NAMBLA will demand that a new definition for the word "love" be included in the dictionary.

-- Love --

1) blah blah blah
2) blah blah blah
3) that special feeling that comes over a man when he's with his favorite 12 year old boy.

The states will vote against this new definition but a federal judge (and member of NAMBLA) will overturn the will of the people on the basis of some queer's Constitutional right to feel said version of "love." All dictionaries will have to be re-written to cater to the will of a select few sexual deviants.

And such is the direction America is headed. Down the friggin' tubes.
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Just so folks don't have to click on it...

Gay and Bisexuals do not account for 1/3 of the Population...
They’re still entitled to 100 percent of their civil rights, regardless their percentage of the population.

They've always been entitled to their civil rights. Nobody has denied them their civil rights. Now rewriting the dictionary to suit their strange and depraved sexual fantasies is a whole, different issue.

And yet, oddly, 19 judges have said that their civil rights are being denied. Guess how many have agreed with you?
They’re still entitled to 100 percent of their civil rights, regardless their percentage of the population.

They've always been entitled to their civil rights. Nobody has denied them their civil rights. Now rewriting the dictionary to suit their strange and depraved sexual fantasies is a whole, different issue.

And yet, oddly, 19 judges have said that their civil rights are being denied. Guess how many have agreed with you?

Federal Activists you mean. These judges have been appointed by far left loons who want to "change the fundamental foundation of America." Well you know what (and who) I'm talking about. The Constitution never gave special privileges to mentally challenged, sexual deviants. That's just a figment of their depraved imaginations.

Cute Image... Have you Lied regularly for your entire Life?...

From the Oxford Journal of International Journal of Epidemiology:

Modelling the impact of HIV disease on mortality in gay and bisexual men.

"CONCLUSION: In a major Canadian centre, life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men."


They've always been entitled to their civil rights. Nobody has denied them their civil rights. Now rewriting the dictionary to suit their strange and depraved sexual fantasies is a whole, different issue.

And yet, oddly, 19 judges have said that their civil rights are being denied. Guess how many have agreed with you?

Federal Activists you mean. These judges have been appointed by far left loons who want to "change the fundamental foundation of America." Well you know what (and who) I'm talking about. The Constitution never gave special privileges to mentally challenged, sexual deviants. That's just a figment of their depraved imaginations.

Really? 19 of them now and all you got is "activist"? Come on, man...19 judges, many of them in Federal courts and you pull out "activist judges"? How about 19 judges who have properly applied the 14th amendment. Again, how many have agreed with your position? None you say? Yeah, that's what I thought.
And yet, oddly, 19 judges have said that their civil rights are being denied. Guess how many have agreed with you?

Federal Activists you mean. These judges have been appointed by far left loons who want to "change the fundamental foundation of America." Well you know what (and who) I'm talking about. The Constitution never gave special privileges to mentally challenged, sexual deviants. That's just a figment of their depraved imaginations.

Really? 19 of them now and all you got is "activist"? Come on, man...19 judges, many of them in Federal courts and you pull out "activist judges"? How about 19 judges who have properly applied the 14th amendment. Again, how many have agreed with your position? None you say? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Every Judge was Targeted for the Agenda... Go ahead and give me the Credentials of the Individual Judges who are not Liberal in that 19.

There is a Reason that the Great Object of Jefferson's Fear was the Judicial. :thup:



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