Gay and Bisexuals do not account for 1/3 of the Population...

CDC ? Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men ? Gender ? Risk ? HIV/AIDS

"Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)a represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV."

I would hope that this would put an end to the Absurdity that's been Regurgitated on this Forum lately regarding Homosexuals in the Population...

But it probably won't.

Oh yeah, from that same page by the CDC:

"Sexual risk behaviors account for most HIV infections in gay and bisexual men. Most gay and bisexual men acquire HIV through anal sex, which is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV."

How Homophobic of the CDC to Observe and then have the lack of Respect to Report on the Data that's available regarding why HIV is still an issue in the First World.



Maybe if we encouraged gays to marry, there would not be so much a risk of AIDS

No ones stopping them

STFU: of course you are for no marriage equality.
If Gay Men stopped Buttfucking back in the 80's, HIV would all but be gone by now... In the First World.

That's a Fact... The CDC's numbers for 3 decades don't Lie.

The Responsibility for this Virus being around is on the 2% of the Population who have kept it going with the Wrecklessness...

And ALL Female Transmissions have an * next to them because they are related to MSM or MSM/IV drug users.

Had the APA not changed it's backed-up stand on Homosexuality back in the 70's maybe this wouldn't have turned out this way.



Beginning in 1968, homosexual activist groups began lobbying leading psychiatric organizations to lay the groundwork for the deletion of homosexuality as a mental disorder. From '68 till '72 while the APA Task Force [comprised entirely of homosexuals and homosexual activists] was actively preparing its report, any psychiatrist or psychoanalyst who dared to challenge them or present contradictory documentation anywhere in America was shouted down, heckled and in some cases even physically assaulted at meetings of mental health professionals.

The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker .

Dr. Evelyn Hooker

Hooker, a professor at the University of California at LA is credited in the medical and psychological community, and most especially amongst Gay activists, with establishing that there is no measurable psychological difference between heterosexual and homosexual men. Her work proposed that homosexuality is merely a normal minority variation of human sexuality. Her 1957 study served as a basis for most of the later hyperbole of the Gay movements ideology, including the notion that any objection to the Gay agenda is born from an irrational fear, that they have since labeled "homophobia."

Her tainted study "The adjustment of the male overt homosexual" has long since been refuted and discredited by more recent and scientifically objective research. In fact , even when it was initially presented Hooker herself conceded the possibility that homosexuals are indeed pathological, a point conveniently overlooked by the Gay Activists. That homosexuals are pathological has been proven out by later ,more reliable and objective studies.

Being Gay is Sick
When the HIV/AIDs virus is successfully conquered by modern medicine, what is going to be your basis for hating people who are different from you?
They'll still shave 20 years off their lifespan just continuing to take the meatpole up the poopshoot. Hurry up and have science make them some elastic replaceable assholes or something or your beloved homos will continue to suffer!
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They'll still shave 20 years off their lifespan just continuing to take the meatpole up the poopshoot. Hurry up and have science make them some elastic replaceable assholes or something or your beloved homos will continue to suffer!

Sodomy is certainly is stuck on your mind...
When the HIV/AIDs virus is successfully conquered by modern medicine, what is going to be your basis for hating people who are different from you?

Something much worse will come along that will kill gays much more quickly if you keep enabling them to not use condoms
So Lesbian sex is above board than :thup:

According to the CDC they have a higher risk of certain infections also... But you are not talking about Lesbians... Lesbians are Mentally Ill... You are talking about Hot Girls who can appreciate Sex with each other but who are also not Denying their Natural Existence either because they are Pissed @ Society or Brain Damaged. :thup:

Humans are Capable of just about anything, including Fucking the Dead and Animals...

"Homosexuals" are Sexually Cumpulsive and can't control themselves... Bad wiriing.


Maybe if we encouraged gays to marry, there would not be so much a risk of AIDS

No ones stopping them

STFU: of course you are for no marriage equality.

Nobody is stopping them from being Monogamous... Nobody. And "Marriage" hasn't made Heteros any more Faithful.

What Homosexuals want is Validation.

Man/Woman is Inherently Unqual to Man/Man and Woman/Woman so they are Insisting that Society pass Dishonest Law to make what Naturally IS other than that.

They are Sexually Centered, Selfish, Compuslive and Mentally Ill.

The APA used to Conclude this based on Studies but they stopped because they didn't like being called Homophobes and seeing Assless Chapped Homos protesting their Conventions.

They and Gays aren't Stupid so to avoid Vietnam/Draft they went into Psychology because it was an easy grade to keep up to keep out fo the Nam...

And they could make "Change" happen from there.


STFU: of course you are for no marriage equality.

STFU: they can marry in any church they want. No ones stopping them.

Come on...tell the nice people about how gays are allowed to marry people of the opposite sex.

You know you want to

They don't want Marriage... They want to be called Equal to something they are not in Law.

They Crave Validation and Approval for their Defiance.

They will never get it... They will always have higher Suicide/Drug Abuse and other rates regardless of if Law is Molested for them.

100 years from now Homosexuals will still Dominate HIV and all the other categories... Probably news to come down considering how Inherently Dangerous their Choice of Intercourse is... According to the CDC, that is. :thup:


So Lesbian sex is above board than :thup:

Lesbians are more prone to psychological problems rather than the physical maladies that infest their male counter parts - many suffer from an inflated sense of what Freud described as "Penis Envy " but the theory{ies} are extremely intricate and complex, too much so to delve into in any depth on this forum.
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Ahhh ... now we all know that Gays and Bi's are gentle, loving, compassionate, and caring people. Well, except for this one:

Michigan man may have intentionally infected hundreds with HIV

"... Smith told her that he had had sex with as many as 3,000 people, including men as well as women."
""He hits people who are young. He hits young women, and from what I understand, he hits men, too. Those are his targets."
Michigan man may have intentionally infected hundreds with HIV - U.S. News

My stepson and his "boyfriend" fought like cats and cats. They bickered and sounded like two old women complete with lisps and open hand hitting. In their calmer moments they would sit around with their legs crossed like good, ol' mom used to do. I was happy as hell when they finally moved out of state. I only tolerated them for my wife's sake and even she was happy to see them go.

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